3 in a row is ideal

avatar for ThereAndBackAgain
How many dances in a row would you think maximizes your pleasure. I have gone from 1 to 10 in a row and finally came up with 3. 2 is good as well. After 3 the girl may be tired doing the same moves and the sensation plateaus. If I go beyond 4, I may have to slap and remind myself she's not in love with me. How many do you think is ideal?


last comment
avatar for RandomMember
8 years ago
Ask LDK -- he's made this type a question an exact science.
avatar for ThereAndBackAgain
8 years ago
@Random I doubt LDK can go beyond 2 and half keeping his pants clean. I am sure every other dance he sees the bathroom troll to calm his erection !:/
avatar for MrDeuce
8 years ago
I like 3 in a row . . . but if 1 or 2 get the job done, all the better! In my 40s I often came by the end of the first dance. Now, in my 60s, I tend to get 2-3 dances each from a few favorites before I reach my happy place. Another factor, besides age, is that most of my SCOREs (Stripper-Caused Orgasmic Release Events) these days come from BJs, not LDs. BBBJCIM > CBJ > LD in orgasmic efficiency :)
avatar for ThereAndBackAgain
8 years ago
I have never SCOREd in public even after 10 heavy grinding songs. Probably I watch too much porn to practice. One dancer tried very hard for 7-8 songs. She started at 3rd by saying I want to make you cum and after 8 when I asked to stop said maybe it's alcohol that's preventing it ...lol
avatar for ArtCollege
8 years ago
At a place where I was confident I'd SCORE, I would often do one song, suggest that we take a one-song break, then go for the 2nd and 3rd and be happpppppy. No dancer ever objected to the break, and usually kept a hand in place so that I wouldn't lose interest. Almost a 4 for 3.
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
As far as just enjoying my dances, after four I start to get bored.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Front room friendliness. Don't let her sell you dances as that is a chumps game. Get friendly with her, feed her money, let a makeout session develop. Save booths and back room until actually needed.

avatar for Ch3ll
8 years ago
I usually get 2 - 3 in a row if she's a good lap dancer or she's a favorite for whatever reason. If I really want to spend a couple hundred or so, I'll take them to VIP which may be up to 4. I also test drive, but now those who fail miserably get cut off after 1.
avatar for VeryBigDawg
8 years ago
Three is good number for a dancer that knows what she is doing. If not, stop them at one.
avatar for Cowboy12
8 years ago
Usually 2 to 4, with 3 being ideal.
Sometimes 5, if I want to spend some extra time with the CF, especially if its right before I am leaving the club.
avatar for shanny72
8 years ago
7 is the magic number
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
If a dancer could make me cumulative in one song, that would be ideal. Unfortunately that's almost like finding a unicorn.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
Dance cost generally dictates how many dances in a row I get since I also like getting w/ other dancers thus I don't want to spend too much w/ any one dancer.

In the South FL $25/LD mixed-clubs I'll usually get 2 and stop and sometimes 3 if into it - in the $10/dance spots I'll usually get 4 - in the $5/dance South FL black clubs I'll usually get b/w 4 & 6 and tip $10 but at times have had an ebony working me over for 30-minutes straight and on a few occasions an hour straight w/o them complaining nor slowing down the intensity much
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
I usually buy the two for one. I rarely get 3 dances in a row. When I could buy two for ones as much as I wanted, sometimes would get 4 dances or two of the two for ones if I liked the girls and dances. Tonight I'm buying zero. Staying away from the club due to country western song night. I can't stand country music. Sounds like scratching a chalkboard to me. Country rock I can tolerate a lot better.
avatar for K
8 years ago
Two 5 minute dances are all I do at a time. I can switch to a different dancer or just take a break and go back to the same girl if I want more. With a new girl it gives me the opportunity to tip her and tell her I tip for good service
avatar for shadowcat
8 years ago
Unless she is absolutely horrible, I do two. Most of the time they get better after the first one. 4 is my maximum. Anything more than that has to be in VIP.
avatar for chessmaster
8 years ago
Depends. 3 is a good number. If I am really into her and she has a variety of moves I'll get 5 or 6.
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
i usually do a 2fer1 now. and sometimes a 3fer1 special. butt i have cut it off at one a few times. sometimes the experience is such a waste. and then sometimes the chemistry with the dancer is so good i stopped at one lap dance and hurried to vip.
avatar for Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
8 years ago
Generally, in the $10 clubs in Atlanta, 3 is my maximum before I get bored. If it is a favorite then sometimes I'll get at least 5 or more if she is willing to do on-the-floor extras.

In the $5 black clubs in Atlanta I typically get no more than 4 songs but I have gone up to as many 10 songs with the right girl.
avatar for lopaw
8 years ago
Depends greatly on each dancer. If I find myself wanting more than 2 or 3 dances I'll take her to VIP.
avatar for jestrite50
8 years ago
I think it all depends on the girl and her dance experience and her skills developed. I've seen times where one is too many and 2 was not enough. Other times if I'm really into a girl like an ATF I will let her keep going until she wants to take a break.
That being said I DO Not go to the back room with a girl who has not shown me ample attention in the front room. Before I go to the back room they have to have convinced me of their skills in the front room first before I go to the back room with them. This includes DFK , lots of stick shifting, maybe in some clubs HJ under the table etc. This is what and only what gets my attention to go to the back room. I don't waste there time either. They are taken care of front room and back room. The guys that expect the freebies front room usually never get anywhere in the back room either. You have to take care of the girl front room and back room for the ultimate experience
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
^^^^^^^^ Jestrite50 is the our undisputed Master Womanizer!

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