Comments by sharkhunter (page 54)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Make America Great Again
    If Dems or republicans ever gets this message, please fix the do not call list. All these robocalls, scam calls, other calls have caused lots of Americans to not ever answer the phone at all. I bet this screws up polling.
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    8 years ago
    Make America Great Again
    Stock futures are now betting trump winning. Dow futures down over 600, sp500 down 86 Or is that just a warmup if trump wins? We might. Get a tax cut instead of tax increases. Trump may get his chance to fix things. Hopefully he does instead of screwing things up. Keep employer health insurance for those who still have it. I know Hillary wanted everyone on the government plan. Would have likely quadrupled my insurance premiums. She would likely have attempted to fix social security by raising everyone's payroll taxes. Her goal not to raise taxes on those making less than 250k was a joke to her in my opinion. She was ok with gun taxes, ammo taxes, probably payroll taxes to fix social security, getting rid of the social security income cap. That would affect a lot of people making less than 250k but I was ok with that. I thought about betting on a trump win.
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    8 years ago
    Political signs
    Either there are no signs where I live or no one is wasting any money on signs because South Carolina has voted Republican for president for so long it seems pointless.
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    8 years ago
    Make America Great Again
    Hillary will try to make our taxes great again by raising all of our taxes up. It isn't socialism if you're not taxed to death. She wants to start off with the rich, then fix social security by raising taxes on everyone else. If she runs out of your money, then we will all be her subjects dependent on whatever rations the queen decides to share. To fix your health, she'll raise more taxes. One potential flaw to make your taxes great again, too many republicans in congress. We can only hope.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    ROB alert
    Haha The Ultimate Strip Club List Making America Great Again Couldn't resist. I really do not robs.
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    8 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    What do we call Bill Clinton if Hillary Clinton wins?
    I kind of like First Dude. However First Man sounds more presidential. Then he can compete with The Last Man. On Earth,, Haha.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Porn producers have finally lost it.
    Did she have a lip deformity or a special operation?
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    8 years ago
    Hooters/Sports bar/Restuarant
    At some large corporations, the fact that waitresses wear shorts is too edgy for them and you can't eat there if you're with other guys from the same company or show anything about where you work at. Now at a small company the engineering manager didn't want to go to a strip club alone so he talked me into going with him.
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    8 years ago
    What the hell is wrong with Chicago?
    I never heard a peep about this on the news. Must not fit someone's agenda to talk about it. I heard lots of talk about emails.
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    8 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Halloween Party?
    I had fun looking at lots of costumes Saturday night. The local team Clemson had a big game against Florida state that evening so I had a lot of dancers to myself for a while before it got packed. Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia won the customer costume contest. The dead clown costume didn't go over too well but looked interesting. Princess Leia was a lot hotter though.
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    8 years ago
    Hooters/Sports bar/Restuarant
    I actually like the Hooters hamburgers and some of the hooters girls look alright. Some aren't my type. In my area they stop serving beer at midnight on Saturday so that kinda kills the idea of stopping by to eat late at night. I think they close early too so not too edgy there. They could catch some of the late crowd looking for something to eat but they don't try. Twin Peaks has moved into the area with a restaurant several times bigger and a crowd several times bigger. I have yet to stop by to eat there. It always looks crowded. I would like it if Hooters made their fries thicker and less crunchy or less overcooked. I drink bottled beer most of the time and that tastes the same everywhere.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Have you tried Googles Halloween search engine game?
    Blue lines are harder for me to see. Fun game until your finger gets tired.
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    8 years ago
    Who would be the best president for the SC scene?
    For best strip club scene, maybe Gary Johnson. At 4% of the vote, he's not going to make it.
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    8 years ago
    Who would be the best president for the SC scene?
    Hillary did hire a female with a wiener problem. Her hire did not delete old emails either. Where I work at, they archive emails for one to three years at another site.
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    8 years ago
    Twin Peaks Tonite!
    Good job. :) Sounds like a job with perks.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Why Portland has so many strip clubs
    Glad to read Oregon strongly defends free speech in any manner. Over hear in South Carolina, that freedom has been squashed by requiring strippers to cover up.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    3 strippers arrested after Columbus nightclub compliance check
    Pasties glued on meant to include.
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    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    3 strippers arrested after Columbus nightclub compliance check
    Exposed nipples? That's a crime that really could hurt someone. I mean someone might get an eye poke if they examine those nipples really close. Sounds like a crime some cops would want to spend time investigating, as long as someone is breaking the law. If they visit club Lust, it would be boring because none of the dancers broke the law. I think they must glue those things on because I never even see them slip off a little.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    If You Could Have One TUSCL Member Band For Life?
    I out the tigol kid on ignore too. He's worse than the Indian packers and movers spamming.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Things I trust more than Hillary Clinton....
    Hillary and Obama support government intervention in the markets to determine winners just like they gave hundreds of millions to a solar company that went bankrupt mere months after the bailout. They aren't supporting clean coal. Our nation has enough coal to supply the world and they won't support it. The only thing I support about Hilkary is raising taxes on higher incomes to keep social security more sustainable. That won't fix it though. I read on market watch a mix of proposals could fix it like keeping the minimum age the same but raise the full retirement age by a month every 2 years starting in 2020 to finish with a two gear increase for full benefits and raising payroll taxes a tenth of a percent every year for ten years starting in 2022 or something like that. The bigger problem is the national debt and slow growth. If nothing is done with social security, even the imaginary trust fund will be out of money within 20 years and that would force an immediate 25% cut in all benefits paid to the poorest of people in retirement. That's not social security. That's a Ponzi scheme gone bad that we all were required to pay for.
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    8 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Things I trust more than Hillary Clinton....
    I trust that Hillary lies all the time. She did tell the truth when she says one thing in public and says something else in private and thinks that is ok. In public she says she supports the second amendment and that her goal is not to raise taxes on the middle class and poor. In private she says she is ok with banning all guns from the people and that she is ok with raising our taxes on several things like guns, ammo, sugar in your drinks, whatever she says is ok. She is ok with putting a lot of coal miners out of work and not supporting clean coal. She is ok with making Americans pay a lot higher electricity bills by requiring laws shutting down almost half our nations reliance on burning coal for electricity. Obama was ok with $8 a gallon gasoline so she is probably too. They didn't count on a fracking revolution driving down the cost of oil.
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    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    How often do you take mini strip club trips ?
    I believe I posted that message above in thousands of parallel Earths so I should be good in all of them. Lol. We all have thousands of body doubles in multiple similar universes. It's where they deviate you really get screwed with. I mean President Gore getting us in a war. Now going to strip clubs in other universes brings some fun changes on occasion. I go to the same club same time and some people don't see me for months at a time and they say they've been working there the whole time. I once met a platinum plus dancer who never saw me before and she had worked there for over 2 years. Nothing unusual there. She worked day shift mostly. I try to remember things in case I randomly switch again. Nope not a good witness unless you like tales from a parallel universe.
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    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    How often do you take mini strip club trips ?
    I had a somewhat bad dream this morning. I dreamed I was in a club and this guy who worked for LE wanted to see my id. Said I might be called upon as a witness. I woke up and thought, well he would drop that idea real quick if I swore under oath that I typically have at least one drink, sometimes more and that most of my strip club memories are from parallel Earths so my memories are not even from this planet in this universe. I believe I switched universes or Earths. I remember one time one of my favorite dancers suddenly went from blond to brunette. I asked her if she was blond and she said years ago while giving me a strange look. I knew another dancer who had breast implants and her personality changed after a year with them. Suddenly she didn't have them anymore and she acted like she never had them. One time when I switched Earths, there was a big electromagnetic disturbance all around my area since I happened to be in Greenville one night. It was the night the interstate got closed down and roads washed out. A local thunderstorm centered around me was causing major problems. If I said all that and I could under oath, they would drop me as a witness I believe. I don't know for sure what happened on this planet several years ago. I may remember what happened in a parallel universe Earth. I had a lot of fun in my parallel universe. After I switched, it has all gone downhill. I don't want to switch at random anymore though. I once had a dream I had a boss I didn't like even worse than one of my prior bosses. I actually saw him one day leaving work. He had interviewed for my bosses vacant job. He wasn't hired. Thank goodness. I dream sometimes of things in parallel universes. Might be because I'm not from around here.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    How often do you take mini strip club trips ?
    All my visits are mini visits when it comes to that much cash. I never spend 500 in a strip club. Last weekend I spent only $30 on dances. This weekend, well I enjoyed my visit a lot better and stayed a lit longer. I enjoyed seeing all the Halloween costumes. I even got dances from a girl dressed up that had green paint on her face and some kind of troll or evil bad looking witch. I saw waitresses dressed up like angel and one looked like she was wearing some kind of Indian war feathers outfit from the top of her head down below her waist.
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    8 years ago
    Hypothetical, especially for Juice
    Wendy's makes a good chocolate frosty. Vanilla at Wendy's sucks. They don't do it right. This thread is making me hungry. Local fast food doesn't stay open late enough and they turn off all their shake machines. Can't leave a strip club at 2 or 3 am and get any shake. You're lucky if you get food.