I'll start: US Navy. 2005-2013. Did three deployments including one to Iraq during the war on terrorism in 2007. Got stationed in Yokosuka, Japan on two different ships from 2006-2009 and served aboard another ship in San Diego from 2009-2011. Finished out the rest of my time in the Reserves before my full discharge in 2013.
I was a Ship's serviceman and Flight Deck Rescueman/Firefighter.
I never served directly, but I spent over thirty years designing/reviewing/performing forensic studies for various systems and ship classes for the Navy and Coast Guard.
US Air Force 1982-94. Wheeler in Hawaii (OV-10)-England in Alexandria (A-10s Flying Tigers), Louisiana-Homestead in Florida (F-16C/D)-Barksdale in Louisiana ( Good Old B-52 BUFFs). And yeah the very short party that was a Desert Shield/Desert Storm. We just bombed the problem away, the good old days where everything past a set line we just turned into a hole in the sand. Aim High!
Thanks to each of you who answered the call and put yourself in harm's way.
Remember the sacrifices of those who served and died before us.
And thanks to you who recognize and honor the service of our veterans.
I was USN 1970 - 1975 but was never in harm's way, never on the ground in Nam, and will not claim to be a war veteran.
For those of you who have seen the elephant, God bless you and may every stripper you encounter be a ten who begs you to allow her to worship your package.
Yes, served in the Royal Air Force as an electrical engineer. I followed family tradition going back to pre WWII.
Had the pleasure of visiting USAF bases in England often, especially when the cruise missiles arrived there.
By the way, over here we wear poppies in the week or so up to 11/11 and have two minutes nationwide silence at 11:00 on the same day, do you guys do that over there? It's very emotional stuff as cameras go from city to city showing everyone still and in silence for two minutes.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.
Got drafted during Vietnam, 4F from of all things, a previous gunshot wound. Tried tio join the Navy, no dice. I always said they didn't want anyone pre-shot. Was interesting in college saying I shot myself to not go to Vietnam. Somehow the ladies thought that was super cool and "thanked" me. BTW, I did not shoot myself, a friend did and only because I started us horsing around.
i was a draft dodger. instead of taking my 1A draft chances... i joined the navy in 1969. was there in the san diego area until may 1973. did two west pac cruises and numerous training cruses from north island. across from downtown san diego. man. i should have stayed in 20 years. then started another career.
last commentI was a Ship's serviceman and Flight Deck Rescueman/Firefighter.
I did not join the services, I fought on the streets for justice back during Nam. It was an honorable service to my country.
*served (I hate autocorrect)
Connecticut, North Carolina, Florida
I never served in the military. At least not in this life.
Thanks for your service to our country.
Not sure if some deals are only in the local area or national. I suspect national deals.
At Hooters vets can eat free after buying a drink.
Remember the sacrifices of those who served and died before us.
And thanks to you who recognize and honor the service of our veterans.
I was USN 1970 - 1975 but was never in harm's way, never on the ground in Nam, and will not claim to be a war veteran.
For those of you who have seen the elephant, God bless you and may every stripper you encounter be a ten who begs you to allow her to worship your package.
Had the pleasure of visiting USAF bases in England often, especially when the cruise missiles arrived there.
By the way, over here we wear poppies in the week or so up to 11/11 and have two minutes nationwide silence at 11:00 on the same day, do you guys do that over there? It's very emotional stuff as cameras go from city to city showing everyone still and in silence for two minutes.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
Thank you for your service!
Actual veterans: Thank you for your service!