
Comments by sharkhunter (page 25)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    TUSCL vs Stripperweb
    Let's all take this to street walker site and let's all get band.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    How Many Guys Here Like Prostitutes?
    . By the time it is legalized , I doubt anyone will care anymore.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Taking condoms with you to the clubs.
    Bad planning? Is that like working on the outside of my house a few hours in the sun today and noticing I have a sunburn? If I visit clubs this weekend, I bet someone will ask what beach I went to. I did not plan on doing all that work today. It was only in the low 80's or upper 70's but I was soaked from sweat. The weatherman is one of those cold blooded natives I think for even suggesting some people might want to turn on their heat with temps in the 50's in the morning. It finally got comfortable in the morning.
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    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    TUSCL news letter
    There's a newsletter? Maybe I should update my email.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OTC with dancers
    I could have met up with several other dancers and some female customers if I met up with everyone who asked or suggested it. Some asked for money. Others never said anything about money being involved. The female customers who tried to get me to leave with them didn't say anything about money. Who just goes to a strip club and asks a guy to leave the club and go back to their place first words out of her mouth? Maybe I have a doppelgänger in a parallel universe that had sex with them. One girl one night asked if I had been somewhere because she knew someone who looked like me. I've seen some weird stuff and I'm not making it up. I even speculated that I could have died driving home one night and woke up in a parallel body in a parallel universe. Another night the huge electrical storm in Greenville seemed to be centered around me for about 2 or 3 hours. Interstate flooded. When I traveled between clubs, suddenly people changed at Platinum. One of my favorites used to be blond. Suddenly she was brunette and when I said something. She looked puzzled and said she's been brunette for ages. I can't remember when one dancer changed back to before she had breast implants. I remember she had implants for a whole year. She worked in two different clubs that year. Suddenly she appeared to never have gotten implants and her personality was like it was before she changed working back at the club she was two years prior. When I mentioned something about her history she told me, she seemed surprised she told me and blew it off saying she must have really been wasted. She wasn't. I'm experiencing glitches in these virtual reality worlds.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OTC with dancers
    i only asked one to meet up with me that I ended up routinely seeing outside the club. I was new to strip clubs and we never had sex. She didn't tell me she had a boyfriend. The few others talked me into meeting up with them. I had mixed experiences. A couple just wanted to skip dating and just go straight to sex. Others acted like we were dating or friends with benefits in one case. One girl I did meet at a bar but I thought it was an accidental meetup even though I had asked her what clubs were good in the area. She came over and talked to me for a few minutes before going to work and asking if she would see me there. She might have been a better choice to date but I had promised myself to stop going out with dancers. Too much drama I think,
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Thank God Trump is FIRED!!! Lock him up!
    SJG vs. Alucard - who would win?
    I thought it was amusing to hear complaints that Alucard said a few words to someone via private message but then he would put them on ignore so they could not respond but sometimes, they posted his messages as a discussion which only irked him more. He said there was a bunch of a..holes on here. Kept these secret lists but posted them for all to see with everyone's names abbreviated. He was paranoid and thought people were mocking him when no one even mentioned him. Hopefully he's in a better place. That spaceship thread I thought was funny but he hated it. Then strangely enough after Dougster said he dropped him off on a backwoods planet called sh... Something, he was never heard from again. Strange. He did enjoy science fiction and vampires so not all that bad.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Thank God Trump is FIRED!!! Lock him up!
    SJG vs. Alucard - who would win?
    Tie. Alucard wouldn't give up even if he made no sense at all. It would be like trying to argue a single guy or two with a gun could have saved the lives of dozens of people in a gun free zone but the fact a gun man got into the gun free zone and killed a bunch of people without guns was his justification why the law should ban anyone from having a gun even though no one would have died at all if the criminal had obeyed the law. He would probably be in almost complete agreement with Hillary Clinton. Except he was ok with prostitution. Hillary didn't like Bill getting special treatment.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Going to the club just to look?
    I go mainly to look now because I'm certainly not going to get off from lap dances. I do limit lap dances to dancers I like. There was one all nude club where I rarely bought lap dances. They were $40 each and had a strict hands off policy. Not worth it unless the girl looked super hot and you felt like wasting extra money or wondered if she was going to break some rules.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Biker Gangs In The Strip Club
    The old club called Nepals was a stop during a poker run apparently more than once. I thought about going to Hooters one evening but drove right by when I saw the parking lot full of motorcycles. I have been in Myrtle Beach during some bike weeks. A lot of bikers show up everywhere you go during those weeks. Plus I don't like driving in traffic around a lot of bikers. I've seen them slow down, speed up fast, dart around, and act like they own the road so I end up having to drive extra careful.
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    7 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Biker Gangs In The Strip Club
    Not every group of bikers are gangs. Some are just clubs or groups of regular people doing charity work. Of course no one wants their vehicles or bikes damaged.
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    7 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Biker Gangs In The Strip Club
    I've been in clubs that had a biker group show up during an annual thing. Some of the guys recognized me as a regular in the club. No problem. However if I know ahead of time, I will try to avoid large groups of bikers. If I ever travel to Myrtle beach, I check to make sure it's not one of the two bike weeks. I don't care to be alone with possible gangs even though they've never caused me any trouble. I worked with some guys who would travel to different bike events but they were not a gang. One of them showed me some pics. Looked like they had some fun moments. I want to avoid gangs in general.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Taking condoms with you to the clubs.
    I drink beer and use listermint.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You know you've entered a crappy strip club when ...
    When you walk in and see customers flee the stage seats and out comes a dancer twice as big as anyone in your family including you. When you can't stand to look at the dancer on stage because she is so ugly, you'd rather look at the wall or anything else. When you think you've found the dancer whom you give a 1 out of 10. When looking at the dancer on stage reminds you of looking at road kill and see blood and guts oozing everywhere except that seemed less repulsive.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You know you've entered a crappy strip club when ...
    when you see the dancers and finish your beer quick and walk right back out never to visit again for over 15 years even though you drive by the club hundreds of times.
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    7 years ago
    You know you've entered a crappy strip club when ...
    When there is no girl on stage and when asked, you hear someone usually comes out every 30 to 45 minutes.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I'm a PL with pretty much no metaphoric balls...
    I remember some hot favorites that seemed to stick around for like forever but after they leave, you miss them but they moved or left the business so things change. Even worse is when a hot favorite leaves for a while but comes back super fat and no longer pretty but she wants to pick back up like nothing changed.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Clothing Options in Detriot clubs
    Someone once posted no one was allowed in wearing shorts at one club. That's too strict for me unless it's freezing outside.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Clothing Options in Detriot clubs
    You can call a club and the door girl will probably tell you rather than get rejected by her at the door.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How a dancer can make more $$$$$
    If you don't perform as expected during lap dances, you may hear no more often. I said yes to one hot dancer who told me a year or two ago she doesn't take off her top on the first of a two for one. Said no to her every time afterwards until a couple weeks ago. She surprised me by taking off her top on the first song of a two for one. I was hoping she changed. I spend more money on dancers who spend time with me. Unavailable is like forget about them. I don't go to a strip club to date girls. I guess I could look for a different club to visit.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    They're out there
    I don't think any of the well known posters on this board are killers. Well maybe some of the lesser known quieter people you just don't know. They definitely have potential. Especially those who are careful not to reveal any information lurking in the shadows. If you have something to hide, you keep quiet or get convicted.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    They're out there
    I missed the show except for a minute but have heard all the stories in the local news including the murders at the motorcycle shop. I live in South Carolina. He is a stone cold killer. I wouldn't be surprised if they would have sought the death penalty if sc still had the drugs for lethal injection but at least this way, the family members of victims don't have to go to any parole hearings or deal with this guy anymore from what I heard. He is evil.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Evaluate my approach to the club
    Throw money at the stage if you enjoy it. It's your money.