Sanjoselloydschoene is easily much crazier but alucard might have been more autistic. They would flail at each other like two neutered fairies, no real winner.
I see that you were so pumped for this that you had to post it twice or is that just a blue thing? :D And as a preemptive strike no you didn't have to post it twice for us OSU guys.
I didn't know him so i can't speak re: Alucard but putting the creep in the same subject as titans is doing a great injustice to titans everywhere! He might refuse to see anything other than his own warped views but he couldn't fight or debate his way out of a wet Chinese made paper bag. Being stupid, stubborn and oblivious doesn't equate to him being a titan.
Shadowcat, as you should know by now, at least in above ground clubs, we don't have the sorts of contact clubs which are so much loved in other places.
There is an on again and off again underground. And there have been some cases of clubs known to be getting closed via their building being torn down. And then there has been San Francisco, but for some of the time it was being run as Deja Vu branded, ie clip joints.
So things are different. But you Shadowcat would do better by making less presumptions about people.
+1 for Alucard, he actually shared some very useful information to prepare me for my first trip to Detroit years ago.
Then when I got back and thanked him in a PM, I think I pissed him off because I mentioned I had more fun at one club over the other and he got mad, and never spoke with me again.
Tie. Alucard wouldn't give up even if he made no sense at all.
It would be like trying to argue a single guy or two with a gun could have saved the lives of dozens of people in a gun free zone but the fact a gun man got into the gun free zone and killed a bunch of people without guns was his justification why the law should ban anyone from having a gun even though no one would have died at all if the criminal had obeyed the law. He would probably be in almost complete agreement with Hillary Clinton. Except he was ok with prostitution. Hillary didn't like Bill getting special treatment.
I thought it was amusing to hear complaints that Alucard said a few words to someone via private message but then he would put them on ignore so they could not respond but sometimes, they posted his messages as a discussion which only irked him more. He said there was a bunch of a..holes on here. Kept these secret lists but posted them for all to see with everyone's names abbreviated. He was paranoid and thought people were mocking him when no one even mentioned him. Hopefully he's in a better place.
That spaceship thread I thought was funny but he hated it. Then strangely enough after Dougster said he dropped him off on a backwoods planet called sh... Something, he was never heard from again. Strange. He did enjoy science fiction and vampires so not all that bad.
SIR, my namesake Alucard, may he rest in peace, may VERY WELL have liked SJG. All of us should dance to our own RHYTHM of their OWN music.
SJG does that. DO YOU? Or do you just follow idiotic and VILE attack dogs like Dougster and tittyfag. Some moron that has nothing better to do than spout off their TINY CREATURE BRAIN thoughts while they stew in their own FAILURES is hardly somebody to follow.
I don't think so, Spirit. They are both alpha autistics who both have to have the last word. It would be a fight to the death, or at least worn out fingers!
Wrong again, 1 there is no such thing as autism. Are you getting your ideas from your bother the medical doctor? Is he diagnosing people with autism online? If he is, I'll get his medical license lifted.
No, your brother would not be as stupid as his brother is.
Alucard and I would beat you to a pulp ATACdawg, and then leave you out on the ground as a calling card.
FIrst of all in an actual fight alucard was an unhealthy small sixty year old and your a fucking pussy Lloyd you would both get beat up by a 15 year old.
I don't need to have any last word. I'd be happier if you would just vanish. Or maybe if you were found having shot yourself with your 10mm pistol, still in your mouth and you still holding onto it.
For a supposedly liberal guy, you sure have some violent fantasies. I'm still praying for you, by the way, and there isn't anything you can do about that.
Keep your fucking prayers to yourself you piece of shit. You do this only because you are online. You would never get away with 1% of your shit face to face. Not with me, not with anyone else either.
Then you know that the only reason you are getting away with being such a piece of shit is that this is online rather than face to face. No one would put up with you, not me, not anyone else. You are the quintessential troll, the sort that destroys the usefulness of online venues. You are piece of garbage which can type.
You're wrong on that SJG, for ATACdawg can get by with his shit face to face with me, because his stuff doesn't bother me. Don't drag me or other patriotic TUSCL Americans into your little liberal 2 year old temper tantrum. All my kids are more mature than you and have outgrown that type of behavior long ago. It's time Founder puts you in the corner for a time out!
last commentSJG
And as a preemptive strike no you didn't have to post it twice for us OSU guys.
I didn't know him so i can't speak re: Alucard but putting the creep in the same subject as titans is doing a great injustice to titans everywhere! He might refuse to see anything other than his own warped views but he couldn't fight or debate his way out of a wet Chinese made paper bag. Being stupid, stubborn and oblivious doesn't equate to him being a titan.
There is an on again and off again underground. And there have been some cases of clubs known to be getting closed via their building being torn down. And then there has been San Francisco, but for some of the time it was being run as Deja Vu branded, ie clip joints.
So things are different. But you Shadowcat would do better by making less presumptions about people.
SJG is more boring and more long-winded.
Steely Dan live in Charlotte, NC 2006, very good!…
Alucard did indeed fuck a bunch of strippers where SJG just mastrbates in a basement and talks about what a waste of money strip clubs are.
Then when I got back and thanked him in a PM, I think I pissed him off because I mentioned I had more fun at one club over the other and he got mad, and never spoke with me again.
It would be like trying to argue a single guy or two with a gun could have saved the lives of dozens of people in a gun free zone but the fact a gun man got into the gun free zone and killed a bunch of people without guns was his justification why the law should ban anyone from having a gun even though no one would have died at all if the criminal had obeyed the law. He would probably be in almost complete agreement with Hillary Clinton. Except he was ok with prostitution. Hillary didn't like Bill getting special treatment.
He said there was a bunch of a..holes on here. Kept these secret lists but posted them for all to see with everyone's names abbreviated. He was paranoid and thought people were mocking him when no one even mentioned him. Hopefully he's in a better place.
That spaceship thread I thought was funny but he hated it. Then strangely enough after Dougster said he dropped him off on a backwoods planet called sh... Something, he was never heard from again. Strange. He did enjoy science fiction and vampires so not all that bad.
SJG does that. DO YOU? Or do you just follow idiotic and VILE attack dogs like Dougster and tittyfag. Some moron that has nothing better to do than spout off their TINY CREATURE BRAIN thoughts while they stew in their own FAILURES is hardly somebody to follow.
No, your brother would not be as stupid as his brother is.
Alucard and I would beat you to a pulp ATACdawg, and then leave you out on the ground as a calling card.
FIrst of all in an actual fight alucard was an unhealthy small sixty year old and your a fucking pussy Lloyd you would both get beat up by a 15 year old.
For a supposedly liberal guy, you sure have some violent fantasies. I'm still praying for you, by the way, and there isn't anything you can do about that.
You're wrong on that SJG, for ATACdawg can get by with his shit face to face with me, because his stuff doesn't bother me. Don't drag me or other patriotic TUSCL Americans into your little liberal 2 year old temper tantrum. All my kids are more mature than you and have outgrown that type of behavior long ago. It's time Founder puts you in the corner for a time out!
Shall we call SJG Lloyd Schoene, or Francis? Lol