
Comments by sharkhunter (page 24)

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    7 years ago
    From Breastaurant Waitress to Stripper?
    All this talk about Hooters and Twin Peaks etc, is making me hungry. I knew of a stripper or two who got temporary jobs at Hooters. I saw them there. One was in between stripping jobs. One was leaving the business working on her degree. She succeeded. In a strange turn of events a year or two ago, I saw her on tv. A dog got dragged and taken to the vet for treatment. She treated the dog, I recognized her. I rarely get to find out that dancers successfully transitioned to other jobs while still young and pretty but I have seen it happen. Almost seems like a shame that they quit so early but I guess they wanted to quit the business. They thought of stripping as a temporary job.
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    7 years ago
    Most common dancer deficiency?
    I see two questions. Most common deficiency? I will group B, C, and D together as looks. Since I'm usually only interested in a small handful of dancers based on looks alone, maybe only one or two in some clubs, I will say most clubs are not full of 9's and 10's that guys are dying to get dances from. I will list E as attitude or personality. It takes a while to discover this one. What am I most tolerant about? Since age is rarely a factor and I'm not at all tolerant with a dancer with a bad attitude, I must be most tolerant when it comes to a dancers looks. That doesn't mean I'm willing to spend my money getting dances from the ugliest girl in a club. If she looks repulsive to me though or not my type that is almost just as repulsive as a bad attitude. Example, hot dancer approached me a couple weeks ago. First thing she does is ask for money like I'm an atm machine. Extremely repulsive attitude.
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    7 years ago
    Why you Kisses Niggas for Free Hoe ?
    How come that hoe want talk to me but talks to every ither nigga
    Maybe if you make it rain, she'll change her attitude about bakers.
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    7 years ago
    Pick Pocketed at Strip Club
    The 90% of dancers that are honest and that will actually give you change back from overpaying for a dance probably don't like a bad apple making their lives more difficult. I say 90% but probably less than half will give you money back if you overpay. At least 50% will think it's a tip. I'd say 1 in a 1000 dancers may resort to outright stealing or theft. Some clubs with the wrong dancers could have more than one. Could be only 1 in 10,000 if business is ok. Probably 10% or more of dancers in general probably have the skills. I myself have been able to hear the clicking in a combination lock and was able to unlock it many years ago during a college summer job. They were surprised and I heard all kinds of jokes about what other hobbies I might have on the side. I could hear the tumblers clicking. I didn't think it was that difficult. I wasn't an expert and it was the first or second lock I cracked open. I think it took me 15 or 20 minutes as well. An expert probably could do it in seconds. Sliding money out of drinking customers pockets while distracted by a pretty girl should be easy for many dancers. Easy but with the risk of paying thousands in court fines and possible jail time, plus getting fired, possibly arrested.
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    7 years ago
    Pick Pocketed at Strip Club
    Some dancers get desperate for money and think they won't get caught or take chances. They think they are experts at taking money so this is just a faster way probably in their minds. Illegal as well but they must think they are so good, they won't get caught. I've heard about various methods used to steal money. Many guys don't expect it and aren't thinking a dancer would resort to stealing. They probably figure even if they get caught, they won't go to jail. I had it happen to me one time and always got suspicious if a dancer tried to put her hands anywhere near my pockets again. It pisses off strip club customers and they stop visiting the club. I know of one club that a dancer killed the business. I remember a manager telling me one dancer must have been doing it for a whole year or two and his crowd sucked at that point. He had ignored red flags too long. The other dancers didn't want to say anything. The manager didn't let dancers hang around in the lap dance room by themselves after that. Bouncer watched or she left the room with the customer so that she couldn't retrieve a wallet from the sofa she slid out during the dance. Never heard of sliding money out of a wallet while keeping it in the pants.
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    7 years ago
    Larryfisherman is actually talking to a girl: help needed
    No no, you must send her a dick pic. I saw a YouTube video and the girl said she really liked those. Haha Just kidding. Maybe 1% of females likes them. The straight female brain is wired different than the straight male brain. Lesbian and bi female brains are actually more like the straight male brain except they are in different bodies than a straight male. A gay male probably has a female like brain. If too much of the wrong hormone is released before birth for whatever reason, the brain wiring gets messed up. Just an FYI.
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    7 years ago
    Go to strip club with my man?
    A club in my area lets females in for free on one night. Couples often get charged double getting lap dances from one dancer I guess the argument goes she is dancing for two instead of one. If I ran a club, I might change that to one dance, one price unless you got two dancers. Strip clubs can cut songs short on announced specials and anyone could rip you off. On the other hand a bi dancer or lesbian dancer might really enjoy your company if the chemistry is right.
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    7 years ago
    Go to strip club with my man?
    I'm not familiar with Las Vegas clubs and prces even though I've met some dancers and one model form there. I did hookup with the model but she flew back to Vegas next day.
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    7 years ago
    Go to strip club with my man?
    Before my first visit to a strip club, I thought it might b some place with guys getting bj's or something but the club I went to had nothing of the sort. I was told to bring plenty of cash and ones to tip. I thought $50 was a lot of cash. Now I bring a lot more. Lap dances can cost 20 or 30 for just one single dance lasting only a few minutes. I always tip the girls at least two dollars at a time if I tip at all. You are expected to tip if you sit a the stage. You don't have to tip everyone. Ask the dancers what the rules are about touching etc. it shouldn't be a problem unless you are upset about going then it will be a problem for your spouse. Dancers will pick up on that and avoid you like the plague if that's the case. Tip some dancers yourself or with your husband if you both like someone. That lets a dancer know you are friendly and willing to spend. Some dancers will avoid couples anyway. Every dancer is after money. Some are nicer about it.
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    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    More SS?
    Generic stupid autocorrect.
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    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    More SS?
    I rarely ever visited Waffle House but a few years ago one of my seldom seen visiting relatives wanted us to go eat at one. I ordered waffles. I thought they were awful. Reminded me of eating cardboard. I buy the genetic buttermilk waffles from Walmart and those taste like real waffles, not cardboard. Of course I never went back again to the awful house. I think if someone talked me into a return visit, I would hope their hamburgers are better.
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    7 years ago
    Exercise--Lifting and running
    I had an accident with the wheel coming loose and woke up in the hospital with a doctor saying good news, we don't need to operate.my helmet was dented a lot. I hit the side walk. My stupid insurance denied paying the full amount for the ambulance and the full amount they should have paid claiming a hospital about 80 miles away charged less and denied my full claim and I ended up paying over $2000 out of pocket even though I had no surgery and was released the next day after getting a Tylenol or something. That probably cost me 30 or 40 by itself. I didn't trust any of the bicycles anymore with a quick release for the wheels. I want a nut and bolt and threads showing past the bolt before I ride again. No quick wheel releases.
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    7 years ago
    Exercise--Lifting and running
    I no longer do any bicycling but once did 15 to 30 miles at a time at speeds up to 50 mph. I hated when I accidentally broke the steel pedals off or warped them. Put too much pressure on the pedals, and steel will bend or break. I remember roughly 15 years ago I told a stripper I thought I was starting to get out of shape but then bicycled a record 48 miles the next day. I would feel that so called runners high after 45 to 60 minutes and it would last for hours. Exercise can get addictive. I had to be lighter doing all that. I don't remember what my weight was.
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    7 years ago
    Exercise--Lifting and running
    Oh I also read a little cheat day once week is ok. I like eating pizza once a week , maybe a few leftovers. I noticed I get hot revving up my metabolism eating all the extra calories and do temporally gain weight for a day but my weight drops faster after that. Of course everyone may be different. I did read from others that cheating once a week from a low fat or low calorie diet will increase something in you that helps burn calories. If I ate pasta every day, I would get bigger than Juice.
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    7 years ago
    Exercise--Lifting and running
    In my opinion, after you reach 40 or even earlier, avoid extra sugar, avoid high fructose corn syrup, do some walking or something just about every day, throw in some dumbbell lifting or weight resistance training evry other day two or 3 times a week and you will get fit without a lot of running, jumping, and all the highly active exercises I see advertised on tv. Eat too much or get too little sleep and you will gain weight. Little changes add up. Over 15 years I made little changes in my diet without really adding in much exercise. I got in a bad habit of staying up late working long hours and that didn't help. I gained over 30 pounds from when I started a job over 20 years ago. 3 years ago I decided to make changes. I got more sleep and lost weight just by sleeping more. Only 4 or 5 hours will kill you over time and it does something to make you hungrier and you eat more. Then I counted calories roughly over 2 days, well actually just a few minutes since I eat mostly the same. A little bit of extra bread or buns every day, a littl extra this or that every day, adds up. I didn't use to eat all that 15 years ago. I cut back on the sodas. Soon I was losing weight without even trying. Oh I also read the obesity epidemic in the US started when they started adding high fructose corn syrup as a cheap substitute for sugar in many foods.i read our bodies have trouble processing the food. Coincidence? The food industry that adds it will deny it. Reminds me of the tobacco industry denying cigarettes are bad for you like they did decades ago before being proved wrong. Anyway start making little changes. Get a pedometer and add some walking, add some weight resistance training during the week, not much, just a little. After 3 years, I've lost over 25 pounds without much effort. My weight hasn't dropped in the last few weeks but I haven't been doing any exercise except working around my house. That can be enough if you are busy. I do have a lot of muscles already from when I used to bicycle in my 20's and had a PE class involving weight lifting. My muscles grew fast in college. They don't now but losing muscle mass as you age causes weight gain along with a drop in testerone levels. I read extra fat will make things worse. Little things can add up. My younger brother used to be lighter than me, now he's at least 30 pounds heavier and it's not muscle even though I'm older than him. He only gets 5 hours of sleep a night. Sounds like a slow death I'm afraid. I hope he succeeds in his efforts. His family won't let him sleep in on the weekend and his wife always has some project for him to work on.
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    7 years ago
    Larryfisherman is actually talking to a girl: help needed
    Ok one more idea if you have 3D tech. Broadcast live stripper shows on pay per view live or recorded into people's home 3D displays into their living room. If all you ant to do is watch, then you see it all. I'm thinking solid looking holograms in your living room from any strip club you want that has the tech set up. Of course we don't have this tech yet, that I know of. I know of one guy that said he figured out how to do it but one problem. The lasers would have to be so powerful that they could slice your head off. This same guy seemed extremely gifted but a bit weird. He told me someone in a flying saucer was hovering over his location at one time. He claimed he read my entire thermodynamics book in a day or two and saw some mistakes in it. I didn't know aliens looked human and were big time practical jokers but if they were, he fit the bill. He claimed he coinvented the first VR visor. Weird guy. Ok I will stop rambling.
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    7 years ago
    Larryfisherman is actually talking to a girl: help needed
    I'm still waiting for the plastic unfolding or tablets you can scroll out in front of you or even holographic displays. Now if they get solid looking 3D holograms for tv's and mobile devices, that will be nice. As far as looking at realistic looking hot girls. Just imagine ordering a stripper party and you see hot strippers in your living room with a stripper pole and you don't need to wear 3D glasses. With advanced tech, some of the images for the strippers could be from real strippers like you see web cam girls now except these girls would project as a solid looking 3D hologram into your living room. Now we're talking money making opportunity. I'm rambling on. Going off topic again.
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    7 years ago
    Larryfisherman is actually talking to a girl: help needed
    In one alternate reality parallel Earth, I bet Apple devices have sex games or dating games with real looking hot girls. Then Larry could figure out how to date civvies without getting bored by the cartoon girls in bikinis.
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    7 years ago
    Larryfisherman is actually talking to a girl: help needed
    I read jailbreaking devices opens your device to downloading malware or viruses. If someone doesn't develop something within a few years and I become a multi millionaire via other means, I might think about developing some software companies to become a mega multi millionaire since no one thought of a way around the Apple restrictions. I know how to get around it all. I think. I picture things I believe possibly like Steve jobs might have pictured things. I imagine different ways of doing things. I get frustrated that no one has developed the tech or products yet. I don't understand all the details. Someone might figure this out now that I'm making the idea public but I left out a piece of information to make it work. Ahh what the heck. You need a third party app download site like an Apple Store but also have a company verify apps are safe for download without viruses or malware. I'm not sure why Apple doesn't want to make several hundred million more but I guess either they may fight this via lawsuits or plant viruses on such sites to stop it. Not sure. Using computer devices for nothing sexual, that is like opposite to the way personal computers and the Internet started up. I suspect Steve Jobs was getting product ideas from the ether in his dreams even if he didn't know it.
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    7 years ago
    Larryfisherman is actually talking to a girl: help needed
    If you know nothing about dating civvies, try playing this virtual app for Apple devices, it may run on other devices. It costs a dollar. You can even add the face of your favorite girl on the app girl. I was bored one day and read something about it. I thought everything in it was kind of boring but it relates to real life dating. I thought it was too simple with not enough realistic hot girls. I selected a hot easy girl, probably close to many strippers. I believe a female was involved in the app development. I think most guys here would be bored with it and the fact the girls are cartoonish, more so. I did some searching and apple restricts sex apps in their App Store so there are not any photo realistic apps with sexy girls for Apple devices. I thought this was a major oversight with millions of Apple products and a major market opportunity except that Apple controls their App Store so anyone wanting something different would have to make their device vulnerable by jail breaking it and downloading a third party app that probably doesn't exist at the moment. I could probably become a millionaire if I thought of a way to have people trust an app outside the Apple App Store and then add games with photo realistic sexy girls for Apple devices. I'm really surprised Apple managed to shut out this whole market or no one created a market yet. I could think of all kinds of games. One would be a realistic dating game with real looking girls. Guys would probably pay an extra dollar to add hot realistic girls instead of cartoon girls. Add some extra options for 18 and over and you could get more money. That is just one app. Maybe I should be in a tech consulting business. Problem is Apple is blocking anything remotely sexual. If they allow sports illustrated, even this existing virtual app could get more money by adding eel looking bikini girls. Here is the name. my-virtual-girlfriend-deluxe-dating-sim It's in the App Store but the girls are basically cartoons. They claim it's the number one rated dating app or something like that. Android devices may be less restricted. If you know anything about dating and what the opposite sex likes, it will seem a bit lame. I guess I am thinking about the business aspect of the app. I don't know anything about programming apps. I once thought about learning how to develop and program games many years ago but others started to create good ones for computers at the time. Computer games sucked when I first learned dos and Windows. Hasbro was good with their bug fixes for one version of axis and allies that I sent them. I sent them a list of common annoying bugs and they developed a patch addressing those issues. I knew of a few minor ones as well. I once played their first online game a lot. So much so that I thought about writing code to develop my own fixed version of their game. I never got around to studying all the code.
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    7 years ago
    Holly Peers Topless Menagerie of Mammaries
    Pic #6 looks good.
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    7 years ago
    5 different types of butts.
    Ok I reloaded. Nice.
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    7 years ago
    5 different types of butts.
    I like the A shape. Is bj99 showing her rear Nissan? Haha autocorrect on my iPad is getting funny.
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    7 years ago
    Brevity is the soul of wit -Shakespeare
    SJG would have killed Shakespeare with his words or put him to sleep. I did fall asleep one night attempting to read one of his posts.
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    7 years ago
    Minimal makeup
    I like girls to look good but not look like a clown or get that stupid brown gunk all over me from a lap dance. I've seen snippets of videos and realize some women do wear a lot of makeup and it does make them look a lot better. Note: what I call a lot might not seem like much. I'm not an expert in this subject. If the video was 10 minutes or longer, I call that putting on a lot of makeup on YouTube. I accidentally clicked on a video before fast forwarding. I do like to see sexy red lips as long as the lipstick doesn't come off on me.