Evaluate my approach to the club

avatar for Kenjamin
I go into the club and pretend money is no issue and try to see the girl outside of the club. I ask the bartender to change $200 into dollar bills so that word gets out to the strippers I am there to spend. I see one I like and ask her to hit the pole. When she's on stage I keep throwing a dollar continuously, at a nice pace, as if I don't care about money. Tonight, I was at spearmint rhino and they had a separate small stage and she brought two friends and I continued to throw a dollar at a steady pace. At the end of that, she asked me to do lap dances, but I said I wanted them to just keep dancing while I sat and I continued to give them dollars at a steady pace. So we sat and did that and the three of them danced on me while I continuously gave dollars. I asked if they see people outside of the club, what their instagram/snapchats were, but to no avail. They said they see people outside of the club, but not after the first meeting, and to come back tomorrow so that we can have drinks and what not. What am I doing wrong? What do I need to do to get the bang?


last comment
avatar for ATACdawg
8 years ago
You need to throw 20's at them to prove that you're a RICH STUD! Ones are just chump change to them......

Seriously, your strategy is just feeding them without them having to work for it.
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
Is this a fishsticks alias?
avatar for houjack
8 years ago
Shirley you can't be serious.
avatar for a21985
8 years ago
You see a guy who goes to the vending machine everday. He always gets a honey bun, a candy bar and coke. 4 bucks every day of the work week, which would be 80 dollars wortg at the end of month. Then there's another guy. He brings his own inconspicuous lunch every day, except one day each month, he goes all out and gets a fancy as fuck $80 lunch: Big porterhouse steak with a sherry mushroom sauce, a caesar salad, sparkling water and a bottle of wine, with some tiramisu to finish it off. Those two guys spent the same on buying food in the month, but the latter guy looks like the total baller and will attract the most impactful attention and be the one everyone wants to eat lunch with.

You, you're the vending machine guy with you're current style. Your dollar amount spent maybe impressive, been since your spending it solely at the rail, it looks like you got enough for ding dongs and snickers. If you want to look like the "baller" in order to get the girls, you're gonna have to put your money to better use and stop visiting the vending machine and start buying some lap dances and vip sessions during your visits, even if that means doing it less infrequently.
avatar for JuiceBox69
8 years ago
So for the ultimate system you need to be the vending machine guy plus the steak house guy

avatar for Kenjamin
8 years ago
Oh ok. So if you're gonna go and try to see one outside of the club, focus on buying the lap dances and chatting them up? That was my first strategy I tried earlier in the year, did the same deal, but it was a Monday night and the only girl working there I happened to like so I told her to hit the pole and then afterwards we did lapdances. She gave me her Snapchat name but told me to go back the next night if I wanted her number because she said they were watching her. I figured I was being played and if she liked me she would've given me her number.
avatar for JuiceBox69
8 years ago
What about the daily fast food guy ?

What about the once a month Apple Bee's guy ?
avatar for JuiceBox69
8 years ago
Kenjamin you need to keep doing what your doing but for a longer period of time on one girl only.

According to Ricky Boy and his "System" 6 months is the most optimal time to invest in before the sex happens
avatar for JuiceBox69
8 years ago
What if your the guy that owns the vending machine ?
avatar for Kenjamin
8 years ago
Last night looked like I got caught being the only guy who was really spending any money, everyone else was in chairs just being a looky Lou. They invited me to do VIP with the three of them but they wanted $340 for the last 15 minutes before the club closed, I thought that was ridiculous.
avatar for s275ironman
8 years ago
^ "Making it rain" does very little to make an impression on the dancers. One thing to keep in mind is dancers talk to each other about customers all the time. If you visit a particular club regularly, find a favorite, and spend generously on her with dances/VIPs, word will get out to the other dancers and you will be getting a lot of attention on your future visits. Even if you don't have a disposable income, you can create that illusion if your approach is to spend big on one particular dancer in the club. Getting attention can boost your ego and put you in a position where you get to call the shots. If a particular dancer approaches you and she isn't your type, you can politely turn her away knowing you will probably get approached by one that is your type. This is something that myself and several others on this forum have experienced.
avatar for Kenjamin
8 years ago
Oh ok. So basically, pick a club, pick a girl, stick with her, and just keep showing up and establish that rapport where eventually she sees you out of the club? How do you play it when a stripper invites a friend or two over? That's what happened last night and threw my focus off.
avatar for Rickberge
8 years ago
Whoever you trying to get. Give her $200 up front and tell her to do whatever she wants to. And act like you giving her money aint shit... Do this on a slow night and watch what happens.
avatar for Kenjamin
8 years ago
Just say fuck it and give her $200 no lapdances nothing? How has that worked for you?
avatar for Rickberge
8 years ago
She will give you lap dances but the strategy is for her to remember you in a positive way. You have to "shock" her.

This has worked great for me. You want her to "want" to do shit for you. Most customers dont pay up front first so you'll be different. Its kind of risky but for me it has worked. But the key is to dress nice and come on a slow night.
avatar for Kenjamin
8 years ago
Ok, so you do that on the first visit. How do you proceed on the second visit?
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
Dancers definitely talk. I plan to never mention the word millionaire in a club again. I'm not one but talking about a plan to become one could easily be overheard and get all the wrong attention. I told the new dancer not that I had no money but that I was unemployed. She left right away. I actually have a higher net worth right now than I've ever had in my life. It increased a bit this month as well. Was I willing to just give her a hundred dollars for nothing? No way. I could have told her I was a successful Doctor, lawyer, engineer, to keep her attention or even a ditch digger to get rid of her. Actually that would be funny. I'm a ditch digger but I have a plan to sell blue pills for $20 each at the clubs and eventually become a millionaire. I know it will work. I already scammed a bunch of people at one place. Of course I wouldn't want her calling the police so maybe not tell that story. Some strippers will believe whatever you tell them. Act like you are rich, they believe it. Throw money around at the stage but don't buy lap dances, you seem to be acting. Dancers have seen how people with money act. They don't waste it making a big show and then not want to buy dances unless she's not his type. Now someone with money might quietly tip a 20 or a hundred dollar bill. Rich people do that. They don't make a show throwing dollars making it rain in clubs I've visited unless they want to appear like rap stars. I remember at one club, one guy had a stack of twenties instead of ones to tip dancers on stage. Everyone thought he was loaded.
avatar for Kenjamin
8 years ago
I dunno, a part of me enjoys standing at the stage and throwing 1s on women.
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
Some other things to consider...

Do you come across as creepy?
Are you a slob that smells bad?
Is your act completely transparent?
Does your voice crack?
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
FYI, I decided it would be easier to become a millionaire by working a regular job while doing some stock trades on the side. I did make about 16k in retirement accounts in 3 weeks though. I'm kicking myself for now writing down target prices and sticking to a plan. I sold too early costing me at least 2 to 4K in lost profits yesterday.
Of course if a dancer reads this and has identified me, it should all be considered a work of fiction. Plus if I take money out early out of my biggest account, I estimate I will owe 43% taxes and penalties on whatever I take out. Ouch.

In other news I heard an asteroid came close to hitting the planet and killing us all. Glad I went to the strip club last week. That would have really sucked to work all my life and not get to enjoy anything. I do plan to be an Ira millionaire by the time I'm ready to retire in another decade or two. I can dream about retiring early. I believe most people can become millionaires if they keep saving every year and start early enough and live beneath their means and work at increasing their income or even developing multiple streams of legal income. I do not recommend selling blue pills in the parking lot.
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
Throw money at the stage if you enjoy it. It's your money.
avatar for Kenjamin
8 years ago
@flagooner, I think I am good in those departments, but what do you mean by is your act transparent?
avatar for Rickberge
8 years ago
@Ken I kind of take it back. I dont know your full financial situation but I will say on each visit do the same thing. Strippers like consistent customers. Consistency with money and how you treat them.

So for me $150-200 each time is within my budget that I would spend on one stripper. But I only go like 2x a month on slow nights.

You dont want to come off as desperate so in my opinion dont go more than 2x a week. The key is you have to act like spending money and going to the SC isn't shit to you. That it doesn't impress you.

Strippers like that shit. It gives the illusion that you have more money. Also find one bartender and only get drinks from her and tip her very well. She will spread the word. Its like word of mouth advertising for you.
avatar for mark94
8 years ago
Go to the club on a regular basis. Get lap dances from a few dancers each visit. Eventually, settle on who your favorites are. Say no to other dancers but always say yes to your favorites. They will approach you for dances within minutes of arriving every time. Talk to them like a regular person, remember what they tell you about their lives and ask them about this, figure out what rules they have about dances and comply. Do not play any mind games like making it rain, bragging about your income, or trying pick up artist techniques. They know, and are repelled by, every game that PLs use.
You will become their favorite customer and they will give you the best dances they offer anyone.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
1) how old are you? Many young guys seem addicted to the throwing $1s thing - strippers are at the club to make $$$, not hook-up and they will often dismiss the young guys or easily play them

2) $200 is not that much $$$, sure you'll get some attention while throwing $1s, but that's all it is, just $1s - there are dudes that easily spend $500 and more, throwing $1s is not gonna make you look like a big spender nor a whale and perhaps the opposite (you may be seen as someone trying to get attention on the cheap $1 at a time and girls figure you are not one to spend big $$$ which is what they want and look for)

3) you say you wanna meet them outside, are you talking about for free or paying them - these chicks were doing the classic string-a-along when they tell you to come back the next day b/c they need to get to know you better, they're playing you like a yoyo

4) which Spearmint Rhino are you referring to
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
Mark94 has it right.
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
^ transparent act = Is it easy to see through that you are trying to pretend to have $$$$$?

Did you go through the Fishsticks School of TUSCL Discussion Writing?
avatar for grand1511
8 years ago
This whole thread feels like Major League all-stars trying to explain to a Class A rookie how to hit a curve ball. Part of the process is just getting up at the plate, taking your hacks and figuring it out. You gotta put in your time and master the fundamentals to become an all-star.
avatar for JackAstor
8 years ago
200 - Dollar Bills ? It means the bartender is laughing at you in his head .
avatar for ppwh
8 years ago
Making it rain in the club is generally understood to be a strategy to seek male attention. It would be reasonable to expect everyone to treat you the same using your current strategy as if you had tipped the DJ $100 to announce to the club that you have daddy issues and would make it rain on any older gent willing to tell you that you're a great kid and that he wishes he had a son like you.

In other words, the other guys with daddy issues will try to compete by making it rain more, and the strippers with daddy issues might see you as competition, too. I had one tell me "Wow, that must have been at least twelve bucks" when a guy made it rain on-stage.
avatar for mark94
8 years ago
Watch the faces of the dancers as they crawl on stage to recover a handful of ones. It is not the look of happiness and appreciation. It's more like the face of someone scrubbing a toilet.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
If you ain't getting your dick wet you are doing it rong!
avatar for Rickberge
8 years ago
Yea making it rain is a real big in the more urban stripclubs especially on the weekends in Atlanta. Its usually young dudes, dope boys, or professional athletes.

Strippers only frown on it if they're the ones not getting "rained" on.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
IME most of the guys I see tipping $1s are usually *just* into that; i.e. they often don't get dances nor VIP - I have often seen dudes walk in, change ALL their $$$ into $1s whether it'd be $100 or $200; or w/e, and once they run out of $1s they stop spending altogether or just leave the club - I assume dancers see $1 tippers as not the types to spend the big-$$$ on anything else (dances, VIP) - thus IMO tipping $1s is only a way to get short-term attention but that type of custy is probably not gonna be taken as a serious SCer by most dancers particularly the experienced ones.

This is not to say one should not tip $1s - one should do w/e it is one likes to do and enjoys in the club - I'm just saying one should not think they are some kinda of whale or major-league baller b/c they are tripping $1 at a time - in some clubs this is the only thing going on (tipping $1s) but still you will probably just be seen as a partier/attention-getter and not interested in anything beyond that.
avatar for rogertex
8 years ago

kenjamin - looks like you are on a budget. that's fine.

Don't waste your money on stage tipping or lap dances, when ultimately you want OTC sex. (I personally like it all and budget accordingly)

a21985 is right on. OTC sex with a young hottie is $300 for the girl and $100 for the room. In middletown USA - not vegas, NYC, Miami.

Skip two useless trips to the strip club and use the saved money to select the OTC girl.
Use these lines (examples only):

"Hi I'm a regular Joe - but nice guy.
I like your beautiful smile and mmmmm that sexy ass - shakin and rockin - makes me go wald (& sway when you say this - with a clumsy smile)."
"Please. Please fuck me tonight. Fuck me hard. So hard, I miss my Soccer practice tomorrow morning. I'll pay for your company. (keep smiling and have the look of a hopeful puppy)"

Whether the dancer says Yes, No or Maybe - she won't mind the approach at all and good chance she will be LOL'ing.

If she says yes - you are done. Discuss details and off to OTC fun.
If she says maybe or no - respect that - and leave her alone with this
"Aaaw ... ok - can I get a hug from you?"

Repeat the above with anyone else you like. Word will get around in the locker room. Law of economic balance - if one girl is banking that night - there is one still broke. If it is your lucky day - the broke girl is also likeable by you. You "will" find one girl to walk out for OTC fun with you. After this one - you will never, ever have problem getting OTC action with lotsa girls. You will have been "OTC approved" by the dancer's inner secret gossip channel.

Don't forget to take a shower before heading to strip club.

Lastly TUSCL god Subraman wrote the bible on picking up dancers for OTC.
Read this: https://www.tuscl.net/?page=po…
avatar for Kenjamin
8 years ago
@rogertex thanks for that. $300 to bang is steeper then I thought it would be because in LA I went and banged in a massage parlor for $120. I guess that's the diff between massage parlors and strip clubs? What if you approach them different like ask them what drugs do they fuck with and say you'll get it for them or try and show them a good time?

@papi I'm a youthful 32 yr old. So they tell everyone to come back the next day just to drain them of cash? Got it. I was talking about meeting them outside for pay or for free if I could pull that off. I just wasn't really sure how to get it done, I've only had sex with one stripper and it was because she lived next to me in the apartment I was in in LA. I'm talking about spearmint Mpls.

Thanks everyone for the responses. I'm surprised how looked down upon stage tipping is. I like seeing girls dance on stage and throw some 1s on em but I'll make sure to buy lap dances too and focus on one in particular. Last night was weird because I was stage tipping and then she invited her two friends to another stage so I just kept tipping all night. They didn't show pussy at the club tho, toplesss only, so that was kinda dumb.
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
I'm a dancer, and stage tipping is not looked down on by me lol. The smart way to use it is to tip a girl 10 all at once. If she's reasonable and smart, she will come thank you. Then, only tip the girls who sit w you and talk to you, while on stage. 5 each time makes a good impression at my club, but I work days, and stage tipping is minimal; It's mostly a way to come see closer and introduce yourself at my club.
avatar for Kenjamin
8 years ago
Nice to have a dancer's perspective. When I went I prolly tipped 20-30 to the first couple stage girls who danced in front of me as I tipped more. They didn't shun me afterwards lol.
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