
Comments by sharkhunter (page 26)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Evaluate my approach to the club
    FYI, I decided it would be easier to become a millionaire by working a regular job while doing some stock trades on the side. I did make about 16k in retirement accounts in 3 weeks though. I'm kicking myself for now writing down target prices and sticking to a plan. I sold too early costing me at least 2 to 4K in lost profits yesterday. Of course if a dancer reads this and has identified me, it should all be considered a work of fiction. Plus if I take money out early out of my biggest account, I estimate I will owe 43% taxes and penalties on whatever I take out. Ouch. In other news I heard an asteroid came close to hitting the planet and killing us all. Glad I went to the strip club last week. That would have really sucked to work all my life and not get to enjoy anything. I do plan to be an Ira millionaire by the time I'm ready to retire in another decade or two. I can dream about retiring early. I believe most people can become millionaires if they keep saving every year and start early enough and live beneath their means and work at increasing their income or even developing multiple streams of legal income. I do not recommend selling blue pills in the parking lot.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Evaluate my approach to the club
    Dancers definitely talk. I plan to never mention the word millionaire in a club again. I'm not one but talking about a plan to become one could easily be overheard and get all the wrong attention. I told the new dancer not that I had no money but that I was unemployed. She left right away. I actually have a higher net worth right now than I've ever had in my life. It increased a bit this month as well. Was I willing to just give her a hundred dollars for nothing? No way. I could have told her I was a successful Doctor, lawyer, engineer, to keep her attention or even a ditch digger to get rid of her. Actually that would be funny. I'm a ditch digger but I have a plan to sell blue pills for $20 each at the clubs and eventually become a millionaire. I know it will work. I already scammed a bunch of people at one place. Of course I wouldn't want her calling the police so maybe not tell that story. Some strippers will believe whatever you tell them. Act like you are rich, they believe it. Throw money around at the stage but don't buy lap dances, you seem to be acting. Dancers have seen how people with money act. They don't waste it making a big show and then not want to buy dances unless she's not his type. Now someone with money might quietly tip a 20 or a hundred dollar bill. Rich people do that. They don't make a show throwing dollars making it rain in clubs I've visited unless they want to appear like rap stars. I remember at one club, one guy had a stack of twenties instead of ones to tip dancers on stage. Everyone thought he was loaded.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Tall vs short dancers - have a pref ?
    Height doesn't matter that much to me for dances but weight does. If she's heavier than me, I don't want her sitting on top of me. In fact in that case, I don't want dances either.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Tall vs short dancers - have a pref ?
    Doesn't matter to me a whole lot just for lap dances. I think the biggest difference was when a midget dancer approached me. It seemed a bit weird that her head was right near my crotch to start with. I can't remember if a midget dancer did lap dances for me or what. I just vaguely remember one working in a club.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Man caught having sex with donkey told, "It's your ass now"
    I'm surprised they think the punishment should be for the man to marry the donkey. Seems like cruel punishment for the donkey. On the other hand in some countries they could require the donkey to be covered from head to toe in black garments so that no one can see them in public. In the Middle East, the guys wife might just seem a little short with a really big ass.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Likes large natural tits
    You LDK'ed. What next?
    180 degrees is too hot I walked past a thermometer that showed it as above 180 on the way to the break room. They said my face was still red 10 minutes later. Hopefully I will never again work somewhere where I go to cool off in the 105 outside cool sir again
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Likes large natural tits
    You LDK'ed. What next?
    It was a dry heat. Mandatory water or gatoraid breaks every 20 to 40 minutes.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Likes large natural tits
    You LDK'ed. What next?
    At the old pp club it was possible to have an ldk experience but why bother when you have girls trying to hook up with you? I had one dancer tell me anytime just call and she would be there. She was almost like a stalker. She did stalk me in the club especially after she talked me into meeting up with her. She told me I don't know why you bother getting dances in the club. I enjoyed all the tits. This one dancer was crazy though. Said she knew me. I heard enough. She was crazy. It's possible she knew more about me since it seems like. crazy people find me I still wonder about one crazy guy I once worked with. He said domestic cat tasted different than a stray or wild cat. He joined the Vietnam war to improve his working conditions Then years later i'm working with him in a glass factory under a furnace that is hot as hell. Well 120 to 130 in the not as hot places. 140 to 184 in very hot places
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    TV news anchors
    Nadie entiende SJG
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I think it's time that we enact legislation requiring all female teachers be tes
    I think I lacked the proper special education students get nowadays.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Where Do TUSCL Members Live?
    This universe. Unless I suddenly switch into a parallel one. I may live in several parallel universes and that would explain all the weird stuff I see especially when going out to visit strip clubs and a number of times, the people inside seem to be from another Earth. If I had sex with a stripper in a parallel universe or my doppelgänger did, then that might explain some dancers saying they know me. I think my iPad might have switched too with all the weird autocorrections.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Likes large natural tits
    You LDK'ed. What next?
    I'm never going to have an LDK experience in a strip club. I need a girl to be completely naked to even get excited and that isn't happening with bikini bottoms on and pasties, and while drinking beer. I do imagine 3D holographic projections floating in mid air of star systems while I'm sitting and drinking beer in a strip club. I was thinking, wouldn't it be cool if everyone else saw what I was imagining and could move my hand between the sun and the Earth and it made the news that sudden darkness fell upon the whole planet and scientists didn't know why? Then I thought no it would not because it would be traced back to me. Doesn't sound like I'm getting excited by the stage performance if that's what I remember.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    FYI: Glitter
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New York
    Strip Club Decline
    I once supported an air dance club by visiting. Most of the girls were 9's and 10's. Hottest group of dancers in one place I could remember. I preferred just to drink beer, do a few one dollar stage tips and watch other people's table air dances. They had no lap dances.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New York
    Strip Club Decline
    I occasionally enjoy seeing the girls for free on web cams. I don't see the point with spending money on them unless you have no other way to interact with a girl. I do understand thy are doing it for money so in a sense, they are finding that 2% of guys willing to spend money on web cam girls out of the thousand guys that don't see the value of it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New York
    Strip Club Decline
    When Amazon sets up home strippers on demand at a cheap price, strip clubs might be in trouble. I doubt they will go there unless they control all other aspects of your life so the main population can't complain. Now that is an idea, for a 100 dollars, 3 strippers come over to my house, set up a dancer pole in the living room, bring a twenty pack of beer for everyone, do laps, pole dancing, for two or 3 hours, that might beat the strip club. It would definitely beat the club if anything more than dances happened. Could be extra tips involved which would be more expensive though.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    How do you explain the disconnect between what you believe and what you practice
    Oh forgot to add, it makes business sense to keep a business partner happy by making the deal be a win win. A stripper can be a business partner if you agree to do a deal with her. You want happy business partners to get repeat business otherwise you will have to keep looking for new partners. Not sure what beliefs the op was referring to.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    How do you explain the disconnect between what you believe and what you practice
    If the op is talking about getting as much sexual satisfaction out of a stripper, I believe, err I'm not sure what I believe. I believe what two adults do is none of the governments business but in a club, there are bouncers, a business owner, police, undercover agents, and some religious fanatics thinking no one should be able to do anything they don't approve of so we have a major disagreement between what the less prude believe and what the prudes believe. If the Greenville solicitor has sex with a female and no one gets hurt, I don't think that is any of my business even if they did it in a public place if they tried to be discreet about it. However the solicitor probably would disagree. As long as you are not hurting other people, I see nothing wrong. If you hurt others, you are doing wrong. I read that was the simple definition of a sin. You are hurting other people. Shutting a club down because you have beef with someone there causing others to lose jobs, others to lose out on a place to have fun, was just plain wrong in my opinion. Whoever did that or assisted in that hurt thousands of people and there will be a price to pay when they die. I have no problem if agents want to stop people from transmitting sexual diseases but hurting others because you have a beef with someone else, that is just revenge. Sounds like the guy on the motorcycle who kicked a car while going down a highway causing the car to run into a truck, injuring the truck driver. It was wrong to kick the car and he hurt others. If the guy is evil, he probably enjoyed it all. Evil enjoys hurting others. Good people do not enjoy hurting others. It's that simple. Sometimes many of us may have a little bit of devil inside us all because many of us can remember enjoying doing something bad. Overall I have chosen to be good instead of joining up with the evil side. Evil people enjoy hurting others and you could easily be targeted if you are in their company.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    How do you explain the disconnect between what you believe and what you practice
    Groceries not Gracie's. Must be some comedian that downloaded a weird spell corrector to my iPad.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    How do you explain the disconnect between what you believe and what you practice
    Thanks for getting me to think about it. I might be able to do one dollar trades instead of $5 dollar trades. I believe the most value for your money is the best practice to follow but still believe in a win win scenario so tipping a dancer shows her I'm not as cheap as someone only tipping a dollar but two dollars is like one before Obama and the Clintons decreased the value of a dollar so much. I just hope when the democrats get elected again after the Republicans screw up again, that they keep our paper currency so I can still spend it in strip clubs or family members can borrow some to buy Gracie's or whatever without the government knowing all or getting a cut of it all. If paper currency got wiped out, fake strip club money would probably cost a fee to get it and another fee to convert it back. That would suck especially if the club charged 10% each time.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    How do you explain the disconnect between what you believe and what you practice
    I practice what I believe. I don't understand the difference unless you are trying to pull a scam or rip off people or bribe people. Most people are trying to get the most value for their money unless they have money to burn or don't care or are just plain stupid with money. I do set aside some tip money to tip at least 2 dollars if I want to tip a dancer on stage. I tip waitresses one or two dollars depending upon how much I bought. If I was rich and had money to burn, I might tip more. I believe I spent a lot more in commissions than I did in stage tips this month. I should add those up. That's telling me something right there.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Taco Tuesday !!!!
    If I lived next door to the club and didn't have anything to do, maybe.