
Comments by potheadpl (page 10)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Jesse Jane is coming to a nearby club
    This is what's posted on Bare Assets' Facebook. I am selling 20 VIP badges each night that include A bottle of champagne, meet and greet with pictures & autographs, private bottle service area roped off next to her dressing room, free DVD starring Jessie Jane, VIP card To Bare Assets, Personal Cameras Allowed In VIP Area, And By The Way The SUSHI will Be served On 3 Beautiful Entertainers in the nude of course on a bed of green leaf lettuce LOL Where the soy Sauce Goes Is up to You ;-) $500 A Badge LOL! $500 per.
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    14 years ago
    Police raid downtown St. Petersburg bikini bar
    Looks like a rough club. Bet there was some spillover crime.
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    14 years ago
    Lowered Expectations
    Clubber----I've had my permit since 1992.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Jesse Jane is coming to a nearby club
    CNBC ran a show called "The Business of Porn" or something, and Jesse was interviewed in it. She actually seemed like a fairly well-adjusted woman. She has a husband and a child, and lives in some town in Oklahoma or Arkansas. Evidently she's happily married and is known and liked in her small town. She probably doesn't HAVE to escort, as she claims to make a large income from her XXX work and the feature dancing. What would I pay to fuck Jesse Jane? Well, she's really attractive and she's a wild woman in the sack, but I've seen escorts advertised who are just as attractive for $500/hour. If money was no object and the opportunity presented itself, I think I'd pay $1000 to fuck her.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Jesse Jane is coming to a nearby club
    @Dougster---I'm sure she will, but I certainly couldn't afford it. LOL
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    No shorts policy?
    There is probably a "no shorts" rule to keep the guys in gym shorts out. I think dressy shorts(Bermuda, cargo, etc) should be allowed. How about a "no gym shorts" rule instead? I live in Florida, and I've worn shorts to the club before. My favorite club's dress code only excludes cutoff shorts, tank tops, and bare midriffs on guys. Pretty lenient.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OTC Stripper vs, Professional Escort
    I would much rather go the massage parlor/jack shack route. Very little chance of LE bust, and FS is guaranteed. Luckily those places abound in the Tampa Bay area.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    looking to hook both us up with a lapdance posssibly more
    Um, why not GO TO A CLUB AND ASK?
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Lowered Expectations
    Clubber---I live in Florida, which was the first state to adopt the "shall issue" permit. It's a very pro self-defense state. I have no obligation to retreat here. Living in the south is a good thing sometimes.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Bikers and Strip Clubs
    PT---actual outlaw biker gangs are WAY tougher and more dangerous than some Latino gang. They're always armed, usually amped up on meth or coke, and aren't afraid to bring some violence. Worse, lots of them are veterans who actually know how to shoot. Don't underestimate them. They're bad, bad guys.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Lowered Expectations
    I like when punks eye me like I'm soft, just because I don't dress like a thug. They don't know that I'm carrying a Glock 30 and have practiced every week for the last 20 years. LOL
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    First Attempt at OTC - Unsuccessful
    Strippers are flaky.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    It's dead today
    I'd much rather go when there are more dancers than customers. It makes the dancers friendlier and more competitive.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Are You a Day Guy or a Night Guy?
    I don't go to clubs with "mileage" in mind. I like to see the best looking women, and it's always night shift.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    There's not really any set age for retirement. It's, as others have stated, about the appearance of the dancer. Would I turn down a dance from Demi Moore? Of course not. That being said, I don't see many dancers who've taken care of themselves obsessively enough to still look HOT after 40. Most dancers I see get fat and sloppy around 30. Too much drinking, drugs, and smoking take their toll.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    The dark lives of strippers
    I know ONE dancer who doesn't seem screwed up. She's attractive and intelligent, and claims to have a Master's degree but says she can't get her foot in the door in her field. Not a rookie stripper, but fits the "stripped her way through college" myth. Most of the others? The most common thread is coming from a broken home. They are ALL the children of divorce. Girls with good nuclear families don't end up on the pole, in my experience. A surprising number of strippers have parents who've died. Drugs are not real big in the club I visit most, but that's only because they run a tight ship. Other clubs in the area are FILLED with girls on Oxys and Roxies. Loser boyfriends and ex-husbands are very common. Funny that I don't meet strippers who are actually married. I'm sure they exist, but I don't meet them. I witnessed a phone conversation between an absolutely gorgeous 18 year old stripper and her boyfriend. The subject? Whether she'd made enough money to come home yet. She ended up getting pregnant by the dirtbag. Last time I saw her she was pregnant and sitting with him in the smoky strip club. Really. I know one stripper whose father is dating a stripper she works with, an ex-porn star. That's gotta be a mindfuck. Girls have told me stories of physical abuse at the hands of boyfriends and husbands. I've not seen any black eyes or anything on the girls, but...
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    South Carolina
    Polite way to tell a dancer 'No'
    I tell them I'm out of money. Then when they see me getting a dance with someone else, they never bother me again.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    South Carolina
    New term?
    Yeah. Whores.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Feature Dancers ?
    I'm more likely to see a feature if she's extremely attractive. Whether she did porn doesn't affect my decision either way. Sometimes it's nice to see the tan, fit, fake-boobed Fembots.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    What would you do if you owned a club?
    @Slothrop----are you kidding? I don't know where you live, but the hip-hop heavy SCs here attract drug dealers and thugs. I've had to abandon two clubs because the became gangsta central.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Newbie dancer was a pleasant surprise
    I didn't call you a Marxist. As a matter of fact, I didn't address you in this thread at all. Rickdugan called you a Marxist. You might want to pay attention....
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    What would you do if you owned a club?
    @samsung1--- 1)The area in which I live is pretty strict about where clubs can locate. I'd be more likely to buy an existing club. 2)I wouldn't charge any house fee, but I'd take a higher percentage of the dance income. House fees are BS and punish dancers for slow nights. 3)Seven dollars is the sweet spot for cover, I think. This ares is saturated with clubs, so the dance fee is pretty much gonna have to stay in the $25-$40 range. Money's gonna get made on drinks, anyway.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Newbie dancer was a pleasant surprise
    MG----who are you addressing there?
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    I was averaging one visit a week, but I've had to scale it back recently. Still averaging at least once a month.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Strip Club Recruits Recent Grads
    Where else can an 18 year old make that much money and still have her days free for school? GMD makes an excellent point. Most dancers will end up fucked up after stripping, but they were likely going to be fucked up anyway.