Lowered Expectations

avatar for Dudester
So, I live in an upper middle class area. My home is about 200 yards from a high school. There is also a McDonald's close by. I went in the McDonald's about 1:30 to miss the lunch crowd.

As I sat near the TV (Fox News), there were four teens in front of the TV-two hispanic girls and two mexican thugs. The teens were done eating, they were now hanging out. The thugs were draped all over the girls like two PL's with twelve bucks between them, trying to get every penny of that twelve dollars worth.

After a couple of minutes, one of the thugs started giving me the hairy eyeball, like he was going to visit violence upon me. I was thinking, "Yeah...right. You have no idea who or what I am. In a couple of years, you're going to be in prison and she's going to be stripping to support your baby. I'll be having sex with her, but she'll be thinking of you the whole time."

Give me a break.

Anyway, his squeeze dragged him out of there before he ended up in intensive care.


last comment
avatar for txtittyfan
15 years ago
Never underestimate the punks need to get his gun after he feels you have dissed him.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
Interesting story dudester.

I was at a bank today standing in line waiting to make a withdrawal. The women in front being helped at the counter had really short shorts (booty shorts that I could not help but to stare at). Something about her debit card was stolen so the bank put a hold on her account and she could not withdraw any money. She was complaining how she needed money for gas, food, etc. The bank still refused so she left storming out pissed. We exchanged looks and I was really tempted to offer to loan her the money until the bank straighten things out...but I was next in line and the bank teller was waiting for me with a line behind me...so it will be a fantasy. I think I will be better prepared if this kind of situation ever happens again lol
avatar for Player11
15 years ago
Your absolutely correct Dudester. I have done a number of Strippers while their man was in prison. Unfortunately, their heart belongs to their loser BF's especially if the guy got her knocked up. Its like their programmed or something.
avatar for SuperDude
15 years ago
17 year old was shot and killed in Detroit by a guy, 36, who went and got his gun, came back and shot him,"because he looked at me wrong." Careful with thugs.
avatar for georgmicrodong
15 years ago
Not to put too fine a point on it, but if more people would defend themselves properly, the *thugs* would have to be careful with *us*.
avatar for wallanon
15 years ago
Not really. It just means the thugs would be quicker to escalate the level of tension and violence. People are much better blowing off steam online.
avatar for potheadpl
15 years ago
I like when punks eye me like I'm soft, just because I don't dress like a thug. They don't know that I'm carrying a Glock 30 and have practiced every week for the last 20 years. LOL
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago

Do you live in a "castle doctrine" state, other then your home?
avatar for georgmicrodong
15 years ago
wallanon, I won't disagree with your third sentence, as a general case, but I've watched far too many "thugs" back down when confronted with someone who *won't* back down to put much stock in your second. Maybe it's my violence prone military background, but I truly believe that the best defense is *still* a good offense.

Having a weapon, and knowing how to use it, shows, whether it's a gun, knife, or one's own hands and feet, even if the weapon itself is concealed.
avatar for harrisemerald
15 years ago
Maybe they felt a little defensive because some strange man was staring at them...
avatar for wallanon
15 years ago
georgm - It only takes one time to be wrong forever, but that's a lesson some people need to learn on their own. I hope that you and yours continue to be fortunate.
avatar for potheadpl
15 years ago
Clubber---I live in Florida, which was the first state to adopt the "shall issue" permit. It's a very pro self-defense state. I have no obligation to retreat here. Living in the south is a good thing sometimes.
avatar for georgmicrodong
15 years ago
Nice put down wall, nice and subtle. :)

Fortunately, the human brain is the most potent weapon of all, and equally fortunately, I know how to use mine.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
15 years ago
When you're talking to the cops and the coroner, it will go smoother if you can say, "I was just sitting there, I never said anything to him."
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago

Welcome to Florida! I was born and raised in South Florida and been here my entire life. I've had a carry permit since they were first allowed, and just carried before that. Only once have I pulled my gun, and even then, only held it to my side.
avatar for potheadpl
15 years ago
Clubber----I've had my permit since 1992.
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