
Comments by georgmicrodong (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Smash or Pass?
    @CJKent_banned: "Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen." Whoever is behind this CJKent bot has no creativity, or is a lousy programmer. It's been spouting this same, lame, creeper shit the whole time it's been here.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Porn Hub Fantasy
    LOL, what rick said. Maybe not drop dead gorgeous, but quite attractive, house cleaner comes once a month to do a thorough cleaning. My wife and I pick up, but she does the whole place to the gnat's ass. My wife asked me one time if I'd ever asked her for more, and my response was "Are you kidding? After how long it took to find one who'd do this for that price? I ain't fucking up a good thing by trying to fuck and maybe pissing her off." To be fair, she's never even hinted at anything more, even when I've been here alone.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Strip Club Connoisseur
    It's a sausage fest here. Founder please bring back free VIP for dancers!
    I think dancers still get VIP. For instance, nicespice still shows as VIP, and her last review was three years ago, and it doesn't look like she's ever written an article. As I recall from what a dancer friend of mine said, the requirement to be a verified dancer was barely more onerous than that required for me.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Strip clubs for introverts
    I forced myself to learn some extrovert behaviours years ago. It took a fair bit of work, and I will never actually *be* an extrovert, nor would I *want* to be, but it's been helpful. The Marine Corps actually helped me quite a bit.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Pregnant Strippers
    I've seen more than a few pregnant strippers. Only one stands out. Her water broke on stage. Poor girl. She was two or three weeks early, if I recall.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Order of the Day
    There is a town in Virginia that had, as a percentage of total population, the most D-Day casualties of any town in America. It is an "honor" they take seriously, with a huge memorial.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    What would be the most times you had OTC with one stripper, approximately.
    Shit. Way too many to count precisely. I knew my ATF for a almost 15 years before she was killed, and the first 5-7 of that was almost weekly. My current SB has been 3 or 4 times a month for almost five years now.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    South Carolina
    Dancer descriptions
    What @JamesSD said. A clubs lineup can, and likely will, change from night to night, week to week, etc. A customer reading about a specific dancer might go in every night for the following year and never see that dancer again. And then she might show up as soon as he stops. General descriptions, like "slim with racial variety", "thick AA", "mostly Latina with a sprinkling of others" and such like are far more useful than descriptions of dancers that a police forensics lab could use to produce a realistic depiction. Because the former is usually how a club trends, whereas the latter could be an anomaly.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    (D)MV-based explorer
    How much do you give out on tip walks?
    Depends on whether or not I enjoyed her on stage. If so, a buck or two. If not, nothing. If I'm interested in dancers or whatever else the club offers, I'll tip her more. Despite what any dancer or club says, tipping is *never* required. It might be a good idea, but they cannot compel you to do it. So if they want to kick me out and lose *all* of my business rather than just a buck or two here and there, no problem.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Donald J(Jesus) Trump is the first FORMER POTUS to be CONVICTED of FELONY CRIMES
    So what? It will either have no effect on the election, or it will galvanize his supporters. It will likely even swing some on the fencers to his side because of the shadiness of the whole trial process. It will also have no effect on his qualification to be president, the Constitution only has three requirements to hold that office, and none of them is "not be a convicted felon." So congratulations to the state of NY for electing our next president.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Smash or Pass
    Silly question. Smash, at least once.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Mark this day
    This is probably the best thing that could have happened to him with regards to the election. Even being a convicted felon doesn't prohibit him from running, taking office, or being President. The Constitution rules in this regard, and there's not restriction listed there. No state, as per a recent SCOTUS ruling, can interfere with a federal election, and taking him off the ballot if he otherwise qualifies to run. All this does is convince his cultists that he's being persecuted, and support him even more. Combine that with a crap economy and a corpse for an opponent, and he's a virtual shoe-in for the race. Stupid fucking Democrats thinking it'll have any negative effect on him.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Mark this day
    @Puddy_Tat: "'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion' isn't a great grounds for codifying abortion." SCOTUS and other courts have made lots of rulings concerning the establishment clause. Just as it doesn't permit "respecting" a religion, it also forbids *restricting* one, except as regards the violations of others' rights, e.g. human sacrifice and the other straw men you raised. Judaism explicitly places the mother's health and safety over the unborn, and abortion is definitely an option.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Mark this day
    @Puddy_Tat: "Was the SCOTUS bought and paid for when they pulled rights to abortion and gay marriage out of thin air? Or only when they rule in a way you don't like?" SCOTUS did not pull the right to abortion out of thin air. What they did was determine that Roe V Wade was based on the wrong interpretation of law. I read the decision and, as much as it pains me to say, they had a point. A much better defense of the right to abortion would be a religious freedom one. Unless you're not fond of Jews, that is.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Are the majority of your strip club visits involving extras or not?
    Not so much now, but at one point, yeah. When my sugar baby kicks me to the curb, probably again.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Mark this day
    Why be upset? His bought and paid for SCOTUS will overturn it anyway.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Likes large natural tits
    ugly piercings
    @C.M.I: "You're premise that guys who buy dances from dancers with tattoos / piercings are all "settling" presumes that ongoing changes to what is considered attractive is only happening on the female side of the equation. Fun fact... time changes everything, including what guys find attractive (regardless of whether or not you like it)." Spot on. @motorhead: "So by that logic if you go to Starbucks and the barista gives you coffee with 20 packs of sugar because that’s what she likes, you just leave it on the table and walk out?" False Equivalence. A better comparison would be if the Starbucks menu has nothing but various coffees with 20 packs of sugar, would you order one anyway even though you don't like them?
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Feo, Fuerte y Formal
    In the Light of Day
    Club lighting and makeup. My ATF used to put her make up on in the hotel after we were done, before she'd go to work. When she was done, I once mentioned that the makeup definitely didn't do anything for her. She said, "wait till we're at the club." And man, was she right. She looked much better in club lighting than in normal lightning.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    2024, or 1974?
    I'm a big fan of the looks of a bush. Much better than the plucked chicken look, in my opinion. That said, it's not my pussy, so I'll be happy with pretty much anyone who wants to share theirs with me.
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    4 months ago
    Feo, Fuerte y Formal
    Yes, I’ve become a cranky old man.
    I hope I never get old enough to feel like I have to decline the amorous attentions of women like you describe here. 😉
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Likes large natural tits
    ugly piercings
    OP: "Anyone feeling the same or have tips on how to subtly convey that this face jewelry is fucking ugly as shit? " Even though my taste in the matter is almost diametrically opposed to the OP's (I tend to like most piercings and tattoos,) why the fuck would I waste my time and breath expressing a negative opinion of them? Because I'm somehow better than them because they didn't make the same choices I would have? Because I need to feel better about myself by denigrating others? As a guy who really likes tattoos and piercings, do you think I go around to all those ugly girls with none and tell them how much better they'd look with a nice tattoo or nipple rings? Of course not, and doing the opposite is just as stupid. There are plenty of girls in the club. If the ones there don't suit you, move on instead of flapping your gums about something that's none of your business.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Women in the club?
    My wife used to go with me to clubs all the time. She enjoyed the attention she got from the dancers. Sicne I try not to be a hypocrite, I have no problem with other women customers.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Indian Dancer in North Boston
    Favorite type of music in the club
    There's music? Huh.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Are Strip Clubs and Strip Culture Dying Out
    I'll play along and answer your question. No.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    What's your Rhythm
    Depends in large part how much I'm getting outside the club. Like now, with my SB, not very often. Once a month, maybe twice, and not all night. Same was true with my ATF. When there's no regular OTC, quite often. Once a week or more, and hitting multiple clubs.