
Comments by georgmicrodong (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    New York
    Trump Shot at Rally in Pennsylvania
    As much as I dislike *both* of these candidates, and the parties which control the election, if you think this nutjob's attempt is an appropriate action to take, then *you* are part of the problem.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    New York
    Weird how people who would object, in some cases violently, to someone else telling them how to groom have no problem telling *women* how to groom.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    What Are Your Numbers?
    70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, 10s, 20s NY, PA, OH, DC, MD, VA, NC, GA, KS, MO, KY, IN, TN, AL, ID, WY, UT, ON Canada.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Smash or Pass?
    Just a reminder that this poster is a bot being trained by its programmer. Do not engage.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Smash or Pass?
    Just a reminder that this poster is a bot being trained by its programmer. Do not engage.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    I feel like I dodged a bullet by not getting married
    It's been obvious for some time that poster is a bot.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    You can go back in time to any era...
    @nicespice: "I understand that grief sucks. I’d rather have paid better attention to a friend who wasn’t doing well, and done more to help prevent that death." I feel ya. I know there was no way to foresee what would happen to her that day, but gods don't I wish...
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    What do strippers wear that does NOT look hot
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    You can go back in time to any era...
    @nicespice: "I like how the OP specifically said that life circumstances (and age) is still the same, and only the time period is different. And only a couple responders took that part seriously" I took that part seriously. I wasn't a factor.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    You can go back in time to any era...
    That's an easy one. I'd go back to 5 years ago on Mother's Day and drive her home myself.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    I feel like I dodged a bullet by not getting married
    It looks like you might have fallen for the "monogamy is the only moral choice" nonsense. Monogamy works for many, and many aren't equipped by our society to handle anything else. But it doesn't work for everyone. Polyamory is not immoral, but it does bring with it a different set of problems. Knowing that neither my wife nor I will be alone in our grief should the other pass is a huge comfort. Like skibum, I don't know what I'd do without my wife and kids. I *also* had a loving relationship with my ATF (with my wife's full knowledge and support, for those who haven't been around long enough), and even though she's gone now, I wouldn't have traded it for anything.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Sloppy seconds
    Well, for one thing, I wouldn't have sucked her tits after seeing a condom on the floor and a PL with a bit smile. I would have taken the blow job, though. Oh, and she wouldn't be my ATF if I knew she was fucking every dick who took her back. A favorite, yes, but not my All Time Favorite.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Name One Movie…
    Bruce Dern. Man, I love his work. Superb actor.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Name One Movie…
    Spy Game, with Robert Redford and Brad Pitt. Excellent.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Hawk Tuah Girl
    Hopefully, she wins that wrongful termination suit she seems to be trying to put together.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    @skibum609: "Sex is the single stupidest reason to be in a relationship and the single stupidest reason to end one." I've said this very thing to people for years. In fact, I could have written most of what you did in your two posts. Except for the practicing law part. 🤣 Almost 40 years of marriage being as open about this stuff as it's possible to be. My wife doesn't usually ask, but when she does, she gets all the details she's asked for. She used to have an account on here, but she doesn't sign in anymore because she said it was all boring. I simply cannot imagine having to hide anything from her.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Taking a stripper on a trip - Dumb idea?
    @mickey48066: "Odd when a black woman doesn't have at least 4 kids by 22." I wish I could say it was odd seeing a racist fuck post on the internet, but here we are...
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Taking a stripper on a trip - Dumb idea?
    @WiseToo: "There's a reason a late 30's woman doesn't have any children. What is it?" She doesn't want kids? Only in romance novels and TV does every woman of childbearing age consider herself worthless without children.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Paging Dr. Muddy
    Pussycat, Thorobred, and Foxy's are good choices, though Foxy's can be hit or miss. Cover up. PT's, Pony, and Thee Gentlemen's club are so far a waste of time so far, though PT's at least has the hottest girls in town. Latin Sin Club is an unknown for me so far; haven't been there. Sugaland and Wild Horse seem to be closed more than they're open. The have historically been AA clubs if that's your thing. Pink Rose is another mostly Latin club; I was there once, but haven't been back. Haven't been in Godfather for quite some time. One of the old Thorobred clubs on Dixie headed towards Knox, from when Harry was alive, is alleged to be reopening. I forget whether it was Red Door or Hot Leggs though. The Frog in Indiana can be fun.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Tan lines. Like them or not?
    Tan lines? Yes please.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Taking a stripper on a trip - Dumb idea?
    If your only purpose in taking her along is to have a sex doll available 24/7, you're probably better off doing what you're doing now. It'll likely be cheaper, and less trouble. Remember that if she's determined to cheat you into buying her a free trip, there's not much you can do about that once you get there. You cannot force her to have sex with you, after all. I suppose you could make part of the arrangement be spending money for sex while you're there, or a bonus on return, but that's going to increase the cost, and you run the risk of her contacting police and accusing you of something. Remember, it's illegal many places in the U.S. to take a woman across state lines for the purpose of prostitution, and it's also illegal for American citizens to travel internationally to purchase sex. I've done this with three different girls, and they were all people I actually enjoyed spending time with even without having sex, and they are all people I'd known for literal years before even thinking about it. I gave each of them an "exit plan" if they decided to bail; either we'd cut the trip short and just come back, or I'd buy a bus ticket if it was somewhere I didn't want to leave. The hotel room was always one with two beds. There was always non-sex things to do, as well. As I say, these were people whose company I enjoyed even out of bed.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Smash or Pass?
    As with most of the stuff this bot posts, not the hottest I've ever seen, but hot enough for a fat old man to smash. Assuming she'd give me a second glance, anyway.
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Michelle Rodriguez
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Baby, Savvy & Rockin' Strippers Rule!
    A Dancer's Skin
    @Studme53, um, it's e e cummings...
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Baby, Savvy & Rockin' Strippers Rule!
    A Dancer's Skin
    What is your native language? English does not use capital letters on every word in a sentence. I suspect another bot.