It's a sausage fest here. Founder please bring back free VIP for dancers!

avatar for RonJax2
Sure, it's always been a sword fight on TUSCL. That's the way it's going to be with a customer oriented forum.

However, it seems to have gotten much worse of late. We used to have a small cadre of dancers who posted and commented regularly. I don't see any of these dancers at TUSCL anymore, not since the free dancer VIP went away.

I think there's a lot lost without stripper participation here. I'll point to a few examples of how strippers at TUSCL have added value to my own experience:

* KittyCreamyKat discussing her thresholds for when she'd consider OTC.
* Cruz_LV discussing what's customary for tipping in Vegas clubs.
* BubbleYum's discussions of how to be an ethical monger in an extras club.

I even miss BlahBlahBlah's mildly psychotic quips. And of course there's the prurient interest of seeing dancers post photos here. I could go on, my point is that the ladies here have always added a ton of value.

@Founder, I think, for now, you've cornered the market on the directory and review aspect of strip clubs. What you don't have a lock on is the social media side. Your site is one of many places PLs can go to discuss their mongering experiences. You're competing with a few other small sites, and increasingly bigger tech platforms like Reddit that are now home to these discussions.

And hosting a social media site is like hosting a party, if the ladies don't show up the party sucks. I think that you're missing out on a lot of social media traffic, which in turn, I would wager, would boost reviews and subscriptions.

So, bring back the free VIP for dancers!

Just putting in my 2 cents. And either way, I appreciate everything you do.


last comment
avatar for captainfun
9 months ago
Did dancer access to the site change recently? It appears as though it did. Maybe I missed a comment or discussion. I was seeing a spike in girls posting pics and few new female commenters emerged over the past several months as well.

Solid points you raise Ron!
avatar for ww
9 months ago
Free VIP already exist for dancers. They just have to put in some effort to receive it.

For each example the OP provided, each of those points would make a great article. IMHO, that adds way more value to the site than their periodic musings through discusstion topics.

The OP has also drawn the conclusion that the reason for dancer participation in the past was tied them having "lifetime" VIP access. IMHO, there isn't enough evidence to conclude that.

Also, IMHO, the few dancers that did participate would tend to make discussions more volatile. This site is for monger intel. I don't need dancer insight on how to monger or conduct myself. Even one of the recent topics had Honeydwemelons chime in that the topic was not a "front page" discussion. Notice that no mongers made that comment.

There are other places to interact with dancers - mongers should go there for that.

If there is that much of a interest, dancers can email founder.
avatar for 5footguy
9 months ago
I was just thinking the other day of how I hadn't noticed dancers posting, and how little I cared that they aren't. I mean, if they post, that's great. But if they don't, no sleep lost on it here. A nice side benefit is the reduced number of comments from the small contingent of simps who think the dancers give a fuck about their 'witty' replies.
avatar for ww
9 months ago
"A nice side benefit is the reduced number of comments from the small contingent of simps who think the dancers give a fuck about their 'witty' replies."

Amen! LOL!
avatar for mickey48066
9 months ago
Dancers don't need vip to start discussions, comment. As ww said, make them earn it. If they uploaded a picture, give them 30 days, or longer if it's a face Pic, maybe 60 days. Marilyn Belle is one example of a dancer who has uploaded some nice pics and could be given a period of free vip for her effort.
avatar for funonthaside
9 months ago
Asking dancers for advise on best way to monger is like asking a fox for the best way to secure the chicken house.
avatar for nicespice
9 months ago
Sadly, I think posting activity is down in general anyways. I’m not sure whether dancer participation has decreased more than the male posters.
avatar for Freesample
9 months ago
Seconding funonthaside.

A lot of women aren't too far from being nothing more than a lizard-brain limbic system. You don't ask those how to attain sweet kitty.

They're likely evolved to not be straight-up about it- it's against their own interest to tell bad DNA (graded based on their own genetically codified instincts) how to circumvent the girl's defenses and impregnate them anyways.

Sometimes you see it in public spaces. Saps follow the girls' spoken word, then whine endlessly about how it never works for years on end, yet somehow the years-long outcome in the making never rings any bells for these poor saps.

While it can be helpful to hear different perspectives, logic takes too much of a backseat in discussion spaces when too many ladies dominate the communication.

In terms of cost-benefit, quality of advice will likely remain higher if dancer participation remains lower in spaces like this.
avatar for nicespice
9 months ago
And the incel types, while they have always existed on this site, seem to have increased their posting activity as well. This thread is exhibit A. 👀
avatar for RonJax2
9 months ago
@nicespice, you're right the incel types, oof 🤦‍♂️

And you're right about posting activity being down in general here. Surely, having more ladies posting here would help with the second problem here at least, right? I don't know what you do about the first problem other than ignore it and not engage.

avatar for RonJax2
9 months ago

> Free VIP already exist for dancers. They just have to put in some effort to receive it.

You're absolutely right that the points I referenced WOULD make for great articles. But it takes serious effort to write an article or good review and it's unlikely any dancer is going to put the time into it just for 1 month's access to this site. My evidence on this point is exhibit A: other than @nicespice in this thread, there's been like zero other dancers participating here, since the free VIP expired.
avatar for twentyfive
9 months ago
^ I was going to say exactly what nice spice said about intel types increasing their posting, I believe it's due to less activity on this site lately, these losers seem to be getting a little bolder, when they get smacked and called out they self censor.
avatar for twentyfive
9 months ago
^mean't to include those types seem to chase the girls away, and my understanding is our dancers have been receiving intimidating PMs a bit more than usual lately.
avatar for ww
9 months ago

Free unlimited VIP is not going to bring a mass amount of dancers into the forums.

How many were participating when that was the case? 4-5???

Dancers are still posting pics and able to advertise where they dance. That what most of them use the site for. Don’t need VIP for that.
avatar for RonJax2
9 months ago
> How many were participating when that was the case? 4-5???

Point taken, but let me ask you this: would you rather be at a SC with zero dancers? Or 4-5 of them?
avatar for twentyfive
9 months ago
^ you need to remember it’s been a while since there were 30+~ unique posters, so 4-5 women had more of a voice now there’s maybe 8-10 regular posters and the few females are more of an outlier then they used to be.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
9 months ago
What tends to get lost on some users here is that this is primarily a fun-related site for the customers who are here, whereas it's a work-related site for the dancers.

The enticements that drive customers to use the site can't be counted on to create participation from dancers. They need work-related motivations, which TUSCL has recently shed.

I don't know if it created tons of work for founder, but the free VIP for dancers never impacted me negatively, and I did enjoy a few more dancers being here.

As always, though, it's not my sandbox.
avatar for ww
9 months ago
"Point taken, but let me ask you this: would you rather be at a SC with zero dancers? Or 4-5 of them?"

Bad analogy.

I go to the SC FOR the women. I don't come to or use this site to interact with women.

I don't have an issue with them being here, but see no reason to provide them unlimited VIP because we are "graced" with their presence. And that's if they even choose to participate.

We don't know the numbers but founder does and over the course of this site existing he's probably handed out thousands of free unlimited VIPs with maybe 40-50 dancers actively participating on the site beyond their advertisements.

That's a lot of giving and very little receiving. I consider that a bad investment. At least make them earn it. That way if they choose not to participate anymore, the access goes away - it's not some indefinite access where you can go away and resume where you left off next year.

And I'm unconvinced of the relationship between dancer participation and VIP access.
avatar for Freesample
9 months ago
Fish: "Don't listen to the bad man. BAD MAN BAD. Now, where were we? Ah, right. The ins and out of fishing. Listen up, children... tee-hee."
avatar for shailynn
9 months ago
Nicespice should start an OnlyFans of her eating at Olive Garden. You know that’s a fetish for someone out there. Strippers at the OG.
avatar for HoneyDewMelons
9 months ago
vp really dont exist except to see basic things...I am a vp but cant post a pic or read reviews
also I agree with whoever said like I said most dancers are not going to sit down and write a though provoking article every month to have access Im retired and I dont have time to do it...

@ww thats why the founder made different places for commenting on particular discussions
avatar for ww
9 months ago
^^^ There are 3 main places of discussions: The TJ thread, the Political thread and the Front Room. If you're not speaking on Tijuana or a political topic, by default, everything else is Front Room. MOST of the topics posted are front room topics.

Articles are not the only means for free access. One can do a review (a short one at that) or simply pay for access. IMHO, continuous VIP access isn't needed every single month.

If you are retired, do you really needed unlimited VIP? If so, for what purpose? You still have the ability to post in the discussion boards.
avatar for ww
9 months ago
Also, to further play devils advocate, the unlimited VIP for proven dancers was a flawed system.

Just like how mongers complain of the current system of writing articles and reviews has a degree of abuse, there are ways to abuse "proving" you are a dancer.

What's to stop a "cute" guy from playing dressup? What to stop a monger from getting their female cousin to "play" dancer? All for the purpose of receiving free, unlimited VIP. You only need to prove it once and you're set for life.

At least with a crap article or review, you only have 4 weeks access compared with indefinite.
avatar for georgmicrodong
9 months ago
I think dancers still get VIP. For instance, nicespice still shows as VIP, and her last review was three years ago, and it doesn't look like she's ever written an article. As I recall from what a dancer friend of mine said, the requirement to be a verified dancer was barely more onerous than that required for me.
avatar for RonJax2
9 months ago

> There are 3 main places of discussions

Just a nit on this. Every strip club has it's own discussion board too. E. g, this is the one for Playhouse Lounge in NJ:

There's also a discussion on every single review that gets posted. Without VIP you can't see or participate in those discussions.

To your other points, it sounds like you just don't want dancers posting here? Or at a minimum are indifferent to it and don't want them to get special treatment? I feel like fundamentally we can agree to disagree on this point. Count me firmly in the camp that wants to see more dancers posting here.

@founder should consider both perspectives here. But ultimately what's most important is, what would drive subscriptions more? My hypothesis is letting the ladies back in for free is more likely to improve founder's subscription rate more than keeping them out.
avatar for ww
9 months ago

I'm aware of the separate club boards - those are not the "main" discussion threads.

You can read ALL discussions by clicking the discussions link, which will include the smaller club discussions. Anyone can participate on the smaller board threads.

The "discussion" you are referencing on the reviews are actually comments. If anyone wants to view or add to that, they can just get VIP in the ways previously discussed.

"To your other points, it sounds like you just don't want dancers posting here?"

^^^You are misreading what I've stated. I've stated several times I have no issue with dancers posting. My issue is providing them unlimited VIP access for gracing us with their presence. Give it for free to everyone or give it to no one. Interesting how women want equality for everything, except for when they don't.

And very few are going to purchase a subscription for the potential chance they get to interact with a dancer on this site. There are other places across the internet to increase your chances of that.

Honestly, if you want to interact that much with dancers, meet them in-person, get their contact info and go from there.

avatar for 5footguy
9 months ago
"And the incel types, while they have always existed on this site, seem to have increased their posting activity as well. This thread is exhibit A. 👀"

What posts, from whom, on this thread are "exhibit A"?
What exactly is an "incel type"?
avatar for founder
9 months ago
Life is beautiful.

Can't we all just get along?
avatar for motorhead
9 months ago
Perhaps it’s time to roll out the best post ever on TUSCL for the new guys -…
avatar for HoneyDewMelons
9 months ago
@ww When have you ever heard of a dancer given another club a review? Surely they can give their own club a review. But of course, it has to be a good review cause of management or owners. Knew it was a bad review. I don't think she'd be there too long. And then of course, you really can't trust the dancers review of another club unless she really likes it there or she has a friend that works.Otherwise she would just give it a bad review to make her club look better
avatar for RonJax2
9 months ago
^ Thanks for the link. Interesting trip back in time.

We no longer have 10 stages though there, there's just two:

Stage 0: Stripper opens the door here, sees whats going on, sees it's no longer free, leaves.

Stage 10: Same as stage 10 before except I guess I'm the PL who is lionizing the strippers who no longer post here 😔


> What posts, from whom, on this thread are "exhibit A"?

C'mon my dude, you don't need like magic woke goggles to see what she's talking about. Literally one commenter calls women "nothing more than a lizard-brain limbic system".

avatar for HoneyDewMelons
9 months ago
Originally that's how girls got to come aboard We had to have a face picture and a birthdate and a date of.When the picture was taken written. Of course, this doesn't stop someone from just having female it Just so the male cousin can have free access
avatar for gammanu95
9 months ago
It may be as simple as the interests and internet habits of the newer generations of strippers having changed from those that used to post on this site. Just like how movies are earning less revenue because the youngest Millennials and Gen Z stream their movies instead of the event behavior of going to a theater. We (Gen X, older Millennials, younger Boomers) came to use the internet in a time of texted chat rooms and boards, facebook posts, etc. Gen Z and the youngest Millennials want an internet that is video and hashtag based with the algorithm feeding them a stream of trending topics and reinforcement of their psychological profile.
avatar for 5footguy
9 months ago
"C'mon my dude, you don't need like magic woke goggles to see what she's talking about. Literally one commenter calls women "nothing more than a lizard-brain limbic system". "

Ok, but her comment and 25's comment made it sound like there was an explosion of "incel" posts and honestly I don't even know what that means really. If it means "disrespectful to women" then ok. But I thought it was something a bit more nuanced.
avatar for gammanu95
9 months ago
incel is much more nuanced, but to the ad hominem attack fans on here it is just another despective name
avatar for ww
9 months ago

I dont know if they are dancers or just "regular" woman, but I have seen females do reviews.

Have no idea if they were a dancer reviewing their own club or a different club. Regardless, I would hope a dancer would recognize not to use the same name here as the stripper name they use at work.

The review itself does not have to be good or bad. It could just state the facts. And as far as trusting the review, that is up to the reader. There are a ton reviews that I don't trust. You gain what insight you can from a good cross-section of reading and you draw your own conclusions of a club.

Either way, the owner/manager should have no idea if a dancer that works there does a review unless the dancer drops clues that identify who she is.
avatar for gammanu95
9 months ago
When a man cannot get laid, he is an incel.

When a woman cannot get laid, she is a "Celibacy Advocate." I first saw that term in the X profile of some leftie who enjoyed attacking Princess Kate amidst her cancer battle. Says all you need to know about the profile holder.
avatar for Muddy
9 months ago
I don't know about dancers getting free VIP. I mean how easy would it be for a dude to just fake that? I said it another thread maybe link likes of dancer photos to some type of VIP reward. Hey I mean putting out naked photos should merit a contribution, hell in that case take that VIP.
avatar for Muddy
9 months ago
@gmd I believe IIRC Nicespice and Papi Chulo went out and got the lifetime VIP when that was offered. I think they said it was like a hundred bucks which sounds like sounds a good deal in hindsight.
avatar for blahblahblahs
9 months ago
The state of the discussion boards is currently poor. Finding a way for dancers to participate more might help, so something to encourage that might help. Also, keeping political crap out of the front room and a reduction in "smash or pass" wouldn't be helpful as well.
avatar for blahblahblahs
9 months ago
oops. "would be"
avatar for nicespice
9 months ago
Okay sure I’ll take the bait and explain the so-called “nuance” that some on here are incels.

Some comments on this thread are from some agreeing with each other that stripper participation is not worthwhile because strippers cannot give actionable advice of “how to monger.”

Except there have been, and still are, plenty of contributors who get all the mileage that they want. Some individuals are extras hounds, and some are more go-with-the flow-types. And whichever category applies to them, they are/were pretty cheery about their fun at the club.

Starving people are more likely to consider food extra important than others would. Sick people are more likely to consider breathing through their noses more important than others would. And incels are more likely to consider discussion board posts of how to ask for extras in extras clubs, or OTC at clubs—during a time period with a precarious economy and all-time-low amounts of shaming from dancers at each other for x rated activities with customers—as a more important topic over anything else. And from that perspective, a post from a stripper isn’t just something to scroll past, but something that is something worth getting grumpy about.

Never mind this discussion board could and previously has benefitted from a variety of other subjects. Some could write erotica recollections about filthy sex involving body fluids going all sorts of weird directions. Some could write goofy puns for this site. Some may post “scrotum” below other people’s posts for their own entertainment. Some like to think about deepthroating Olive Garden breadsticks. Some may just simply write about something random like food options in a city, tv shows, or other whatever other topics might be amusing.

And in reply to muddy-yep, I do have lifetime vip membership on this site.

avatar for Jascoi
9 months ago
i missed that boat.
avatar for gammanu95
9 months ago
Best $99.99 I ever spent
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
9 months ago
@muddy “I don't know about dancers getting free VIP. I mean how easy would it be for a dude to just fake that?”

You’re mixing two different issues, whether dancers should get free VIP and abuse by dudes. You didn’t say what objection you had to dancers getting free VIP, if you had one. If Founder agrees it’s being abused and since it’s his free VIP that is being spent, he can bolster the vetting process. Otherwise, it’s not really for us to worry about IMO.
avatar for ww
9 months ago
"You’re mixing two different issues, whether dancers should get free VIP and abuse by dudes pretending to be dancers for free indefinite VIP"

Fixed it for you.

The issues are related. And this whole thread is not for us to worry about.
avatar for Bbliya
9 months ago
I would love to review clubs-- but not under my dancer persona for many different reasons. So that incentive doesn't really work for me.

I'm paying for vip for now, but I don't intend to last long if I have to pay monthly from here on. Sad state for me
avatar for Jascoi
9 months ago
my missed boat comment was in regards the lifetime vip membership offered to pl's. think it was under $100. lifetime. no expire date. this was like a dozen years ago. i was a ocasional lurker then.
avatar for Jascoi
9 months ago
took me a while to get my shit together.
(and it still ain't together yet.)
avatar for founder
9 months ago
Working on an update for free dancer VIP

Look for it soon
avatar for RonJax2
9 months ago
Nice! Thanks @Founder!
avatar for Bria304
8 months ago
Im a dancer and i made an article hoping to get vip. I want to see what clubs i can go to that are outside of my local area and it would be helpful to see where men are enjoying their time out of state.
avatar for Bria304
8 months ago
Also I used to have VIP as a dancer lol I’m not sure what changed
avatar for RonJax2
8 months ago
^ Founder, as I understand it, has been slowly rebuilding the site over the past 1-2 years so some functionality has gone away and then later been re-implemented.

Dancer VIP was one such piece of functionality, but as you can see from the thread, founder has promised an update on this...
avatar for georgmicrodong
8 months ago
@Bria304, you might be better off writing a review of a club at which you've worked and are familiar.
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