
What Are Your Numbers?

Thursday, July 4, 2024 1:00 AM
1. I have patronized SCs in six different decades. If you calculate your own (See 3 below) many of you may note that this weird statistic makes you sound older, or more experienced, than you really are.

2. I have patronized SCs in 23 of These United States.

3. What are your numbers?

They can be 1 or 2 above or anything else that you think succinctly encapsulates your SC journey so far.

If you do the State thing, Canadian provinces and Mexican states count. All other countries count as a single entity, and going to clubs in multiple provinces or cantons or whatever in those countries doesn't add to the count. (Unless you want to report that as a new number.)


  • nj_pete
    2 months ago
    3 different decades, About 18 different states / Canadian Providences, About 70 different clubs. Muddy’s stats would be interesting!
  • ggofv
    2 months ago
    2 decades. Across 3 states. I'm probably going to hit my fourth state at some point.
  • Puddy Tat
    2 months ago
    3 decades
    14 states, 1 Canadian province, UK, Germany, Thailand
    Rough guess 50 clubs
  • whodey
    2 months ago
    Started clubbing in 1998 so I'm in my 4th different decade and I've clubbed in 27 states plus one Canadian province.
  • 59
    2 months ago
    5 decades, started in early 80's. 10 states and 1 Canadian province.
  • Book Guy
    2 months ago
    5 decades
    9 US States, 1 Cd Province, 4 European countries (IIRC?)

    How many of you can truthfully claim you have bargained a girl down from 40 Dutch florin?
  • gSteph
    2 months ago
    Just started decade 6 ? Wow

    But very little till 7 years ago when I discovered LDs. Just visual before then.

    3 states, 12 clubs
  • minnow
    2 months ago
    6 decades, 23 CONUS plus DC, 2 OCONUS plus 1 territory (PR), 1 Canada, over 150 clubs total.
  • ggofv
    2 months ago
    I have been to at least 14 clubs. If only I could get a flight deal to Texas from North Alabama.
  • Ferdinx
    2 months ago
    4 decades, 25+ clubs in six states.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 months ago
    6 decades. 11 US states, 2 Mexican state, 2 Canadian provinces.
  • Nobodygtyu
    2 months ago
    We all know who is gonna win the title of most states.

    For me 1 decade, basically just started. But have been able to travel a lot and hit different clubs. 9 US states, two Canadian provinces, 1 Mexican state. Should be able to add my 10th US state soon.
  • shailynn
    2 months ago
    If my math is right - 26 states / 3 Canadian provinces / 4 other counties

    Have no idea how many clubs

    2 decades
  • Willy215
    2 months ago
    4 decades, started in 1997.
    7 states, 3 countries
    103 clubs
  • Nobodygtyu
    2 months ago
    Decided to count all clubs visited (ignore massage parlors / bikini barista bars). 94 and counting, not bad for my first decade (but very bad for my wallet)
  • caseyx
    2 months ago
    4 decades, 14 states plus 3 Canadian provinces. Plus a bunch of countries in Europe that have listings on this site, though a lot of those aren't really strip clubs (e.g. FKKs).
  • motorhead
    2 months ago
    5 decades
    I think only 9 states
  • snowtime
    2 months ago
    5 decades. Maybe 10 states.
  • DandyDan
    2 months ago
    I have 4 decades. 10 states. I have gone to about 70 different clubs, although many of them have since bit the dust.
  • elmer
    2 months ago
    Four decades

    A handful of states as I didn't travel for work

    Became an official/obsessive PL immediately after September 11th when I said fuck it
  • EastCoaster
    2 months ago
    Six different decades

    Strip clubs in 34 U.S. states plus Washington DC; one state in Mexico, and two Canadian provinces

    More than 350 strip clubs, many of which no longer exist
  • Hank Moody
    2 months ago
    4 decades.

    14 states plus DC.
  • shadowcat
    2 months ago
    7 decades
    11 US states 10 Mexican states
    I have no idea how many clubs. A lot!
  • Heellover
    2 months ago
    3 decades, 3 states (az, CA , nevada). I'm way behind I get it, but I've spent enough in AZ clubs to make up for it! I guess not traveling much allows me more money to spend (at clubs) in my home state. Funny to think about for me anyway, but I don't really spend much (entertainment) money on anything else except clubs. I don't like to buy a lot of stuff so the majority of my money other than bills (and a bit in savings) goes to dancers/strippers. I did take a break mostly due to being busy with only one club visit from January (actually early December) until June, but I'm making up for lost time recently!
  • skibum609
    2 months ago
    6 Decades, 2 countries, 14 States, probably 125+ clubs. I haven't been since yesterday though.
  • clubdude
    2 months ago
    A paltry 3 states and two countries (Germany and Thailand) over 6 decades. Tons of clubs in Michigan and Austin in the 80s.
  • Context21
    2 months ago
    I’ve had sex with 13 dancers and cum in 6 of them. I know it’s a terrible idea, but so is voting for democrats.
  • mike710
    2 months ago
    6 decades and 19 States.
  • Lurker-X
    2 months ago
    Started in the 90s so 4 decades. But not too much activity in the 2000s until recently when I’ve gotten back into the hobby. 3 states and over a dozen clubs but several of them were one or two visits. But in my heyday in the early mid 90s I was probably hitting my main home clubs 2-3 times a week. But this was before LDs were really a thing in my area so it was less expensive.
  • Nobodygtyu
    2 months ago
    @Lurker (and any other old farts in here) what did you guys do in strip clubs before lapdances. Just drink and watch the stage, sounds boring.
  • motorhead
    2 months ago
    In the early 80’s when I first went to clubs, in my area the action was at the tip rail. For a dollar, you got a 20-30 second DFK from a stunning dancer. Not the same as lap dance but pretty cheap fun for a buck.

    Then Rock Hudson died of AIDS and everyone got scared.
  • Puddy Tat
    2 months ago
    Another metric, I'd estimate I've gotten extras from 50 different women.
  • Studme53
    2 months ago
    5 decades
    About 40 clubs - I’m sure there are some I’m forgetting
  • Lurker-X
    2 months ago
    @nobodygtyu - My main clubs were central NJ bikini bars and yeah drinking and stage watching were the main activities. But pretty much every dancer took tips between her breasts and many allowed some nipple contact. Tame compared to today’s LDs but back then I was going with buddies so it was entertaining enough.

    I hear now that more fun was available back then, OTC I guess, but I was young and naive at the time and had no idea.
  • Manuellabore
    2 months ago
    My “six decades” of SC experience was comprised mostly of brief periods of activity interspersed with periods of 10 years or more of inactivity. Never had a lap dance until a run I had in 2006-2007 when I had a lot in a lot of different places. Never a hint about extras though
    After 2007, I next began hitting SCs again in early January 2020 and, for two months, I was doing VIPs with dancers who were pulling my dick out, giving me BJs, and offering to come to my hotel after the club closed, or offering to leave early if I paid the “fine”
    Picked up where I left off in June ‘21 and never looked back. But, yeah, it is a fuckton more expensive than sitting stateside doling out dollar bills, or even just doing conventional lap dances. One good/bad thing about getting older is the money isn’t as much of a constraint as it was when I was younger
  • Muddy
    2 months ago
    You know what Dan was nice enough to give me a shoutout and broke down whatever strip club states I still needed to do a couple days back. Alaska/Hawaii (no plans to do that) the Dakotas maybe one day I’ll hit Sioux Falls/Fargo. And Nevada I haven’t done plan to do that soon. Nobody can do Vermont today but possibly in the past. Mississipi doesn’t have a lot of clubs, Babes in Jackson. I was there but balked on the cover. Btw I don’t really think of strip clubs in states, more in metro areas.

    As far decades. I did visit a handful in the 2000’s but I didn’t know how to use them at all the time. It was more whooo party stupid shit. I got into TUSCL and strip clubbing in the 2010’s decade and really haven’t stopped since. So 3 decades i guess
  • Manuellabore
    2 months ago
    Looking at some of the other numbers others provided, I put pen to paper (later destroying the paper), and calculated that, over the past three years, I have experienced FS with 55 different dancers in 24 TUSCL-listed clubs (or with dancers I met in the club and saw later at my hotel) in 12 states. PA in the lead at 12 dancers, followed by NJ and RI with 11 apiece. Had repeat FS encounters with 16 of those dancers, in some cases extensive repeat encounters, sometimes at different clubs.
  • RonJax2
    2 months ago
    I just added some of my numbers up.

    1. Two decades for me. Maybe 2.5 but it was a slow start. I definitely couldn't afford this shit in my twenties.

    2. I've clubbed in 17 states, and 6 countries.

    3. 26 is currently the number I am most concerned with. It's the total number of arribas I've done in Tijuana. And that number is too damn low.
  • Book Guy
    2 months ago
    Aw Puddy-Tat you brought up how many extras? I gotta say I'm in the high-hundreds, maybe 200 different women have been some level of service providers to me over the years. Seldom were they at strip clubs, though some of them were. Like in the range of 15% of my extras experiences were strip-club extras experiences.
  • Puddy Tat
    2 months ago
    @book guy, I think you've been in the game much longer than I have. I'm just guessing, I'm not keeping track like manuellabore is.
  • wld4tatas
    2 months ago
    4 decades spanned by 26 years
    13 states / provinces
    21 countries
    190 clubs
    2 months ago
    Started in 1991, so 4 decades.
    9 states, California, Nevada, Arizona, Idaho, Colorado, Texas, Louisiana, Florida and Georgia
    2 in Mexico, Cabo and TJ
    70-80 different clubs approximately
  • crosscheck
    2 months ago
    3 decades, approximately 25 or so clubs in 4 states and 2 Canadian provinces.
  • goldmongerATL
    2 months ago
    Six decades.
    21 states. 2 Canadian Provinces. 4 other countries.

    My first club just raised their lap dance price for the first time in 40+ years. Fucking inflation.
  • DrStab
    2 months ago
    5 decades, started late in the 80s. Heavily the last two.
    US and Canada.
    6 states, probably 30 clubs total.
  • georgmicrodong
    2 months ago
    70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, 10s, 20s

    NY, PA, OH, DC, MD, VA, NC, GA, KS, MO, KY, IN, TN, AL, ID, WY, UT, ON Canada.
  • OldWhiteGuy
    2 months ago
    Six decades, 10 states, 2 Provinces
  • rockie
    2 months ago
    4 decades, 13 states, 2 countries
  • Jascoi
    2 months ago
    i think my number is 2.
    possibly 3.
    i'm such a newbie...
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