
dancers who want to meet outside of the club

Avatar for Danton

Went on a business trip recently, had time to kill, went to several clubs. I was surprised at the number of dancers who wanted to meet later when it became apparent that I was single and on business. Not my thing, but was wondering at how prevalent this might be nowadays?


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Avatar for txtittyfan

It happens in some areas more than others. Consider yourself fortunate for the opportunity, and be careful you are not being set up. I had a business associate robbed on a OTC with a dancer he met on a trip. To this day he insists he was set up.

Avatar for skeets35

Be really careful about being set up, also, make sure they are not "working women" on the outside.

On the other hand, this has happened to me a few times and was nice, remember, these women are usually not girlfriend material, so keep it all in perspective.

Avatar for SuperDude

Many years ago I was returning from Rio and my seat mate wanted to unload his emotional turmoil. He went to a samba club, met a knock-out dancer and took her to his room. According to him, she was the most exciting and powerful sex partner he had ever had. BUT, when he woke up all of his money, watch, jewelry and passport were gone. He had to call his boss, explain what happened so he could get an advance, a new plane ticket, a replacement American Express Card and a new passport. Of course, when the boss called the wife to verify certain information,

things went downhill.

Avatar for wallanon

"when he woke up"

geez. there should be a book on how to keep out of trouble.

Avatar for clubscanner

Me and a couple of buddies stopped by Club o, near Chicago in May. While there we were talking to each other about going to Buddy Guys blues bar (Legends) after leaving the Club. A dancer that had been over to our table a couple of times and even sat with us for a while during the night overheard us talking and stated that she would not mind stopping in a blues bar after she got off. None of us said anything. Later on she mentioned stopping after work again. Once again we did not say anything. You should know that we are kind of new to stopping in the strip clubs. Later as we were driving to the bar we all said that we did not know if she was serious but should have invited her to come with us or meet us there. We were new and don't know what were doing yet, but we will catch on.

Avatar for Danton

I believe that the attraction was because I was traveling by myself and therefore could use some company and that these dancers were willing to provide company in return for payment for their "companionship". I was just surprised at how apparently prevalent this seemed to be during my trip. It seems to be more common in my experience than say 5 years ago- related to bad economic times??

Avatar for DandyDan

I don't speak for how prevalent it is nowadays, but being single and on business (or at least on vacation, away from home) has been the way I've had OTC encounters, at least for all but two.

Avatar for Drippy

A question: Do YOU ever ask a dancer if she does OTC work or have your experiences been when you were invited by the dancer? If you do ask about OTC, do dancers that don't do this get offended? Do they refer you to other girls who do? What are your thoughts.

Avatar for Danton

In the course of the chit chat preceeding the inevitable question (do you want a dance) invariably they will ask where you are from, what do you do, are you on business, single or married and often times I was asked about OTC or if I wanted company OTC. Or I asked what they liked to do in their spare time and they interpreted it as an overture to meeting OTC which was not my intention- they interpreted it as a hint.

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