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Comments by stag0069

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Need More Energy
4 years ago
Haha. That's funny. I've had a policy of my own of paying up-front for years. The strippers are typically surprised. But why do I do it? Because I don't want any BS like "oh, that was 5 dances" when it was only 3. I state the dollar amount and number of dances upfront. It doesn't mean that dances won't be extended further, again paid ahead. I just like to be clear and keep my cash budget at the top of my mind. Don't wanna be caught short.

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Potential maybe...
5 years ago
Sorry that the bad vibe ruined your night, but thru the years I've had fun both in the well-lit area to the right for regular dances as well as in the private booths on the left which are small VIP or champagne room areas. Not sure what the rules may be with the current owners. I did get one girl in trouble one time as a bouncer caught us doing something in the wrong area. She had also been making out with me on the floor. As always, your mileage may vary and discretion is important.

I used to enjoy going there just to hang out and have a drink, and some Tombstone pizza, followed by a few lap dances after window shopping to find the woman or two that I found most attractive. I like that it is a more down-to-earth place. It is still on my list of places to visit once things re-open. Haha, the strippers there used to call me "the dark knight".
Nice review. And I remember Holly Berry too. Heck, I remember when IS first opened and had what looked like trash bags to divide the lapdance areas. And the cash register was this little machine. And I remember a small stage and a stripper sliding off of the stage and into my lap to grind me a little right at the stage. Ahh, the good old days!
Thanks all. You've given me a nice list to explore: 390, Polekatz, Gold Club (on Thursday), and Louie's. Always good to set goals.

Reminder: Exxxotica is in town this coming week June 8 - 10th.
Well, I answered my own question with regards to Mya from Club O. I went out tonight to Fantasy in Hammond and heard that Mya may be working as a mechanic now. Got a few dances from Capri and left. Didn't see any hot Latinas at Fantasy tonight.
I've been out of the scene for a few years. But, the trifecta was always Atlantis - Club 390 - Club O, in my book.

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OT: Computer Programming
7 years ago
I just read thru a lot of your long posts above. This seems to be quite a hobby for you: the exploration of the history of computer programming languages? I applaud your zeal. And I agree with there being value in old programming books. I do feel a bit of empathy for you though in terms of your pursuit of something that may end up being a slippery slope or a never-ending story? I recognize the archetype of the 'seeker' and I have been that person myself many times in my life . . . as long as the obsessive-compulsive aspect doesn't reach an extreme, it may be quite enjoyable as a pastime? There's always that sense that a magical breakthru may be just within your grasp? You'll finally reach some magical epiphany about computer programming, a unification, a conceptual binding of all those different concepts into some unique, powerful frame or manner of thinking that may blow people away . . . and educate them . . . and raise them to a new level? I applaud you. Maybe it may happen? Who knows? Although, you'll really need to boil it down into a snappy book with practical brilliance somehow? Personally, I have been thinking a lot about VALUE lately and what that means. Value is so ephemeral in our human existence, so fleeting . . . and that is true of what we learn too, of computer programming skills and techniques (despite the common, core themes.) How to make the choice, the decision, of what to invest in next? What language or framework or cloud should I learn next? Which would provide the greatest value? For that, I am not up to the task. Thankfully, that's where strippers may come into the scene and the grand image of Aphrodite, the elemental reality of beauty which heals me, diverts my attention from the 'glass bead game' (re: Hermann Hesse) of computer programming and the systems world . . . back to my being, back to feeling, back to a different sort of pleasure, different from the life of the mind. Anyway, I don't have a point. How could I? I'm not too different from you at the end of the day :-) Enjoy the chase . . .

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OT: Computer Programming
7 years ago
I have used C# for twelve years. The sweet spot appears to be internal, sub-ledger accounting windows applications at banks or insurance or accounting firms and/or internal, intranet web applications at banks . . . and occasionally a small external web application? But, Java is a huge competitor to C#. They are basically equal in features and functionality. The religious programmers may argue back and forth, but just like SQL Server vs. Oracle, they have basic feature parity for most typical scenarios barring edge cases.

The older I get the more open-minded I get and the less hardcore on any given language or tool . . . like a musical instrument, the skill of the performer may be more important than the limits and/or features of the instrument itself?

I learned a bit of F# and Scala. I find these interesting. But, Microsoft tacked on so many of the features of F# onto C# recently that I find less of a need for F#. I think of it like C# without the curly braces. But, functional programming may also have a niche fit for heavily mathematical applications, I suppose? I could see using it here and there in small places . . .

What's funny to me is Powershell which could have been C# Script, if Microsoft had merely maintained the same syntax in this new language.
I used to really worry about not being married and longed to get married . . . up until my forties. Then, it flipped and I became very thankful to NOT be married. I realized that it was a blessing to be free from such burdens of parenting and pleasing a partner. That said, there are trade-offs to being single and hidden costs on both paths (married and unmarried.) A positive attitude and faith may go a long way regardless of choice.

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10 years ago
I just tried Saffron and it does work, generally speaking, as an official aphrodisiac. That said, I am on the very sensitive end of the spectrum when it comes to herbs and spices, etc. I think it depends on your upbringing/diet. I eat pretty bland so I am sensitive to spices. My Indian friends who already eat large doses of many different spices seem to be less sensitive, maybe built up a higher tolerance?

I've experimented with many different aphrodisiacs. Saffron seems to me most similar to Ginseng. Both seem to work by improving energy/vitality. The Saffron seems milder to me than the Ginseng but, of course, that depends on the dosage too. Always start with very tiny doses of any new herb. Large doses of Saffron can apparently be fatal. Please refer to other sites for guidance on dosage. To me, the Saffron ultimately seemed to help a bit with stamina in the bedroom and sensuality/pleasure. Yet it was very mild at the tiny dose I took.

Other herbs can work like Viagra or increase libido or give energy. Others can increase sensuality. One I know can make you so horny you feel like you have to pee. One I know makes you feel "happy and horny" and increases stamina but decreases intensity/pleasure of orgasm. That's another good point: almost all have side effects. It is the yin and yang of life. Flip this switch or lever in your body and it will be taking from one area to give to another. Just the way it is.

For this reason, I turn to aphrodisiacs only infrequently, such as on a Friday or Saturday evening for fun. I haven't found one that I could take daily safely. Every single one had an unwanted side effect. The key thing is that the positive effects are mild so the side effects are also typically mild. Pick your poison so to speak . . .

Yet, overall they can be fun to try. One that I may mention in the camp with Ginseng and Saffron is Guarana. You may find Guarana in energy drinks in the US. There are even two great brands in Brazil that I have tasted that are great with Guarana in their name. Guarana may be very high in caffeine. Warning: it may increase blood pressure apparently. Caffeine may also make your heart race. Obviously don't take if you drink lots of coffee or other soft drinks already. It also seems to increase alertness/energy. It may increase stamina possibly. The downside or side effect that I dislike is that it gave me a dry mouth (bad for oral hygiene. Saliva keeps your mouth clean, may prevent cavities?) The alertness was useful at work. Do NOT mix with alcohol apparently.

Check with your doctor before trying any aphrodisiacs. Ginseng may impact auto-immune diseases negatively. I believe it is poison for some people with Multiple Sclerosis (since it may increase gamma interferon.) Certain types of Ginseng may be stronger or weeker. I don't recommend Ginseng. To me it is too powerful to tame.

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ATF vs buddy fuck.
10 years ago
I know this is an old thread but I wanted to thank the posters here. I recently had an ATF relationship for a year and a half. It started sexual but quickly turned to platonic friendship. It built into deep trust between us. I cared for her. I also spoiled her and did my best to save her from some of her risky behaviors (but ultimately failed.) At times, I thought I was a fool or loser for not having sex with her . . . but I am encouraged to hear that this is common. The friendship was enough for me. It was based on chemistry and just enjoying being around her, spending time with her. That said, it did damage my pocketbook and left me sexually deprived for a while. Since then, I've been back playing the field on and off at the clubs. It's good to get back on the ball field.
10 years ago
Hmm, I guess I will have to seriously consider driving? If I got used to it, I could even do it a few times a year ;-)

The thought behind flying is more to get into a vacation mindset where I don't think or worry about anything. It's expensive but once I drop my car off at economy parking at Midway airport, I'd be on a red carpet ride to Detroit and then chauffeured around from hotel to strip clubs, etc. It strikes me that I did do this once before. I had a trip to Phoenix for a family event and once it was over, I cabbed it to Bourbon Street Circus I think it was. The cabs in Phoenix seemed pretty clean. I kept the cab driver's number and called him when I was done at the club. So, it's technically do-able. But, yea I need to man up and just drive it, I guess. Everyone has their preference!
10 years ago
Thanks to all.
This is exactly the great, solid info I was seeking. I've done one other strip club trip before just to The Hip Hugger just south of Indy. And I did a brief trip to Vegas (but unfortunately that one was ill planned.) Both times taught me to save a lot and to try to plan for a few other distractions as well, not just strip clubs.

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13 years ago
Yea, unfortunately it's real. Although, there are likely many variations. I ran into a prostitute who used her brother as her "protection". If a john hit her the brother came out of next room and broke down the door. I also ran into a girl working at a massage parlor who said she was gonna tell her man or pimp off and leave. The next day I went to the massage parlor I heard she had "accidentally fallen down a flight of stairs" and couldn't come into work. That sobered me up real quick. On the flip side, to give balanced color, women can be extremely dramatic and their perspective can often be only a twisted, emotional version of the truth rather than the whole truth. In other words, pimps are real and can be terrible and victimize women . . . but women can actually also be drawn to dominant bad men for direction (to tell them what to do) and protection (only they never consider that the fangs of their dog may turn to bite them!) Women can also be terrible liars and drama queens who exaggerate their situation and/or use people and bring drama on themselves, can goad or henpeck men into violence--and they can take advantage of men financially and are often ruthless and cunning. As always, the truth is likely somewhere in the middle. We're all flawed and evil is reprehensible regardless of gender or severity.
All we can do is be ladies and gentleman in our own activities to the best degree we can?
13 years ago
I believe the 80s had better talent due to the better economy. More strippers and more customers both. That said, I don't believe it was much cheaper, no. You get what you pay for: low end clubs are cheaper (I know a place with 15 dollar dances) but high-end clubs are nicer and typically have prettier girls. I do miss the 80s. I thought the scene was better then, but there are always tradeoffs . . .

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ATF, is sex mandatory?
13 years ago
My ATF, personally, has a lot to do with chemistry . . . and chemistry can range from friendship to sexuality.
14 years ago
If she wants you today, she'll want you tomorrow. You're the man! The big guy! She wants your rod. The best things come to those who wait. Bang her later :-)
14 years ago
I thought PL stood for Player. I think of myself as a strip club baller. No shame in that!
I know the science says that about oxytocin(sp?) but I don't buy it. I've known plenty of girls who fuck and then move on. I think it comes down more to the whole package: chemistry, how much money you have, how classy or bad boy or non-creepy you come off. Maybe you were the one real man she met that week? But is that an infatuation chemical or an all-brain thing, I think it's the latter. Western medicine tries to pinpoint but still primitive.

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Worst Lap Dance Area?
14 years ago
I remember Industrial Strip in NW Indiana started out with those stackable chairs and/or folding chairs and what looked like black garbage bags for dividers. But there was privacy. The thing is, that was the BEST place at that time. It had character. I like small or run-down strip clubs sometimes . . . often the strippers will give a little more than fancy places and there's often more of a man-cave feel or just a feel of someplace dirty. We're men. We like dirty which may occasionally in the right circumstances equate to raw, animal and nasty. Which can be a very good thing! Also, that place didn't have liquor but another dive nearby called Kenny May's (another strip bar) did, and was and is equally run-down and I still enjoy it as a place that is unpretentious, to down a beer and hang-out without putting on aires.
6 years ago
Mariah was my favorite at Kenny May's. We had a lot of fun together. But I remember Jenna too. Makes me think of Industrial Strip when it just opened. They had what looked like black garbage bags as dividers in the "dance area". It had such a small dive feel to it. One little cash register. And I remember one of the dancers sliding off the stage and into my lap, so sensual, grinding me right there. *sigh*. But yea, Kenny May's was cool. I remember they cleaned it up, walled off the dance booths and tried to make it as a regular bar? Well, I guess their disappearance shows how well that strategy worked. I remember the bathroom was awful. I also remember girls throwing used condoms away in the one dance area by sliding them thru a small vent in the wall.
6 years ago
Last I heard from a dancer at Fantasy was that she was working as an auto mechanic. Of course, with dancers, things may change. Ya never know.
7 years ago
I very much agree with your post. Ever since the economy went south, the strippers (at least in Chicago where I live) seem more willing to provide extras (despite the risks.) But, I too still want the fantasy. I used to like hanging out at strip clubs for a few hours, enjoying being social, having a few drinks, joking around with the beautiful women, watching the show, and window-shopping for a woman whom I find (fake) chemistry with. Once I find her, I would enjoy heading to the back where I would hope to elicit some sort of naughty breaking of the rules, if I were lucky. That "chase" was rather exciting. Heck, I started at Deja Vu with the six inch rule and air dances. I remember my first real grinding lapdance was like entering nirvana, the six inch barrier had been broken! But, I would always seek out a "favorite" and every good lapdance was like a very naughty "first date". My strip club was like a 2nd home, a place where I made many friends, both strippers and bouncers. Ahh, but those days have been gone for me for a while now. Hopefully, they may return once the economy picks up speed again sufficiently?

Hmmm, anyone else feel the same way?
Yes, strip clubs and girls have changed due to the poor economy. It's not just you. Let go of the fantasy game and build real Game instead with real women. Take a look at the pickup artists online for training.