Was the 80's really better

So last night I was watching the 80's movie "Tight Rope" with Clint Eastwood. So in one scene, Clint is in a strip bar in Burbon street, New Orleans, some of you may know it. It is the one which had the legs coming through the wall onto Burbon street. Well the camera takes you into the bar and past the gay side to the traditional girl side and there is a sign on the wall advertising table dances for $3.00. WTF, now I did not spend much time in strip clubs in the 80's but went to a few in Detroit in the 70's and I don't ever remember a $3.00 table dance. But maybe I have selective memory loss.
It was strictly air, and nothing but air. NO touching at ALL. NONE
The strippers, for the most part were prettier and classier than today, but there was no back room. If a club had a back room, she was five feet from you at ALL times.
Then Rick's bought Big Daddy's and turned it into Rick's Sporting Saloon which is like the minor leagues for the main Rick's establishment across the street. The swinging legs were kept despite everything else being remodeled since they were kind of famous.
The Big Daddy's name moved next door to what used to be called Unisex World Famous Sex Acts. It is now Big Daddy's World Famous Sex Acts. Actually I think both places were owned by the same people but just merged.
I then left the club, with her protesting dearly, she badly wanted (and most likely needed)that single.
Anyway, the post I gave above about the distance was from California clubs in the 80's. I did get a hands off, but stripper touch, contact LD at the original Rick's in 1989 from an absolute blonde Goddess. It was only one (I was a poor college student at the time).
I just don't have any explanation, other than perhaps area, for why my experiences differ so drastically from those of many others here.
It would be interesting undertake a study to ascertain the validity of either position. Perhaps I'll write a proposal to submit to a government agency for funding, with me as the principal investigator, of course... :)
From the standpoint of enjoyment, now is better. At least for me.