Curious as to what everyone here thought about pimps. I've only ran into a couple *alleged* pimps in clubs, never actually met one. Now that I'm jacking around with hookers, I hear stories all the time! some sound out right outlandish! Like two pimps battling out turf here in my home town and one supposedly runs a club I once thought I knew everyone in (no, not it's not The Clubhouse, it's one notorious for pepperonis and cheese). So, then I woke up and thought, maybe it's all bullshit! Like pimps are boogymen for Johns. 'Don't you go smack a ho! The pimp will come and blackmail, ya!' But at the same time, how can I call a hooker a liar when she tells me she was pimped, kidnapped, and held in a shitty apartment brothel for days until another pimp took her and she was later able to leave that one? I've also heard my 21yr old cousin studying to be a social worker laugh off a fem professor that claimed pimps go to Hooters to recruit girls, then take them to nude clubs before fully servicing them. She thought it was nonsense, but I heard a girl tell me THAT EXACT SAME STORY happen to her. Either, this shit is all bologna or one day I'm going to get in over my head in a knife fight with Sweet Jimmy or Fast Mac*!
*to my knowledge, Sweet Jimmy and Fast Mac are not real pimps
No they are real. That stuff does happen. Pm me if you'd like to have any questions answered. I still don't feel comfortable posting things on the discussion board.
Yea, unfortunately it's real. Although, there are likely many variations. I ran into a prostitute who used her brother as her "protection". If a john hit her the brother came out of next room and broke down the door. I also ran into a girl working at a massage parlor who said she was gonna tell her man or pimp off and leave. The next day I went to the massage parlor I heard she had "accidentally fallen down a flight of stairs" and couldn't come into work. That sobered me up real quick. On the flip side, to give balanced color, women can be extremely dramatic and their perspective can often be only a twisted, emotional version of the truth rather than the whole truth. In other words, pimps are real and can be terrible and victimize women . . . but women can actually also be drawn to dominant bad men for direction (to tell them what to do) and protection (only they never consider that the fangs of their dog may turn to bite them!) Women can also be terrible liars and drama queens who exaggerate their situation and/or use people and bring drama on themselves, can goad or henpeck men into violence--and they can take advantage of men financially and are often ruthless and cunning. As always, the truth is likely somewhere in the middle. We're all flawed and evil is reprehensible regardless of gender or severity. All we can do is be ladies and gentleman in our own activities to the best degree we can?
I spent a lot of time in Newark, NJ in the 60s and 70s. They were certainly real then and I suspect they still are. They, with rare exception, were seen as the lowest kind of creature and the word "pimp" meant many things, none of them pleasant.
They usually stepped in and debased the least experienced and unworldly.
They are probably the best reason for legalizing prostitution as that would put most of them out of business.
Yes, they are real. Its a business. But aside from the thug pimps, the classier ones are nurturing and supportive of the girls. The girls have boyfriends, go to school and can raise their kids in a decent way. Even so, the girls are still brainwashed thinking what they are doing is great. Still have to give a dude half their money or so.
They are real. They typically do not match the glorified image of a pimp wearing a colored suit with a cane. They do come to strip clubs to recruit girls. I was leaving Deja Vu on Bourbon Street a few years back at about 6am. On the sidewalk, a pimp was harrassing a dancer I had chatted with a few times, not letting her walk home. In fact, she had mentioned to me in our limited conversations that a pimp kept stalking her. I was fairly drunk and went ninto white knight mode. I shoved the guy back then landed a punch in his monkey mouth. He went down to the filthy street. I ran with the dancer until she was almost back to her place about three blocks away. By that point I was worried I would catch a disease from just touching the pimp. I washed my hand for about an hour straight.
There used to be a WWE wrestller called The Godfather (real name Charles Wright). His character was a pimp, finishing move called the Hoe Train. He since retired from wrestling and became a strip club manager in Las Vegas.
The pimps who are victimizers are slavers, and as such deserve what every slaver deserves, to be used as the type of slave he peddled.
If a pimp is actually a manager, i.e. with a reasonable, rational, non-abusive, non-extortionist business relationship with the prostitute, I wouldn't have a problem with that. I haven't seen very many of those.
I had a pimp try to recruit me for his "team." He offered money and "protection," and I laughed in his face and had the bouncer toss him out. Fucking skeeze.
The cynic in me says that aren't the boyfriends and babydaddys of many dancers essentially pimps. They get used to the money and the drugs and make it very difficult for the dancer to leave the biz. I would say it's common. guy used to talk about some serious shit. I know I've seen pimps in smaller clubs, but u don't think I've seen them in bigger main stream clubs
Lots of dancers seem to have SOs who mooch of them. Maybe they are in some sort of grey area between victims and sugar mamas, but I think generally it's closer to the later. Not heard of a case of a stripper being part of "stable" (multiple dancers all being mooched off of by the same person).
In my experience, the vast majority of sex workers have a pimp in one form or another. No matter how much they say they're independent, there is almost always one or more guys behind the scenes running at least some of their life of not every aspect of it, and she pays him/them in one form or another. This is a cold hard reality.
Some pimps (the smarter ones) are good to the girls and foster a good business relationship and tend to keep things business, and some pimps are despicable human beings that are worse than slave owners.
Suppose you were young and had money, and some wild sexy chick wanted to live with you, sponge off of you, and fuck your brains out. You would just laugh if tight ass bitches thought she was a leech and a skank and not sexy. You would laugh till you busted a gut if tight ass bitches thought she was your pimp.
Don't let the often false stereotype of women being submissive keep you from seeing the reality of situations. Strippers often become as bad or worse PLs for their SOs as we are for strippers. But that in itself is still a long way from being pimped.
In the real world, it's not at all rare for strippers to have pimps. Real pimps. Brutal motherfuckers with stables, not managers and not just some moocher boyfriend or babydaddy who may belong in a gray area. At any club I've been to enough to learn a bit about what's going on, there've been at least one or two pimped girls. Upscale clubs as well as dives.
At my regular club, a lot of the strippers work for pimps. I try to avoid them, but I keep getting surprised to learn about girls I would never suspect. Cute, young girl-next-door types. Every stripper in the club regularly gets approached by pimps trying to con them into working for him, and by his stripper/hos trying to recruit them. It's worse than most clubs in that regard, I'm sure, but it's hardly at the extreme.
last commentAll we can do is be ladies and gentleman in our own activities to the best degree we can?
They usually stepped in and debased the least experienced and unworldly.
They are probably the best reason for legalizing prostitution as that would put most of them out of business.
There used to be a WWE wrestller called The Godfather (real name Charles Wright). His character was a pimp, finishing move called the Hoe Train. He since retired from wrestling and became a strip club manager in Las Vegas.
If a pimp is actually a manager, i.e. with a reasonable, rational, non-abusive, non-extortionist business relationship with the prostitute, I wouldn't have a problem with that. I haven't seen very many of those.
Rlionheart Â
"I spent a lot of time in Newark, NJ in the 60s and 70s."
And you lived to tell about it…
I know I've seen pimps in smaller clubs, but u don't think I've seen them in bigger main stream clubs
The saddest thing is the Hip-Hop culture came to glorify them. As you say, amongst the worse people on earth.
It does happen. That is not made up/hype. Guess you haven't been around the block much.
Some pimps (the smarter ones) are good to the girls and foster a good business relationship and tend to keep things business, and some pimps are despicable human beings that are worse than slave owners.
Don't let the often false stereotype of women being submissive keep you from seeing the reality of situations. Strippers often become as bad or worse PLs for their SOs as we are for strippers. But that in itself is still a long way from being pimped.
It does happen. That is not made up/hype. Guess you haven't been around the block much.”
ilbbaicnl is a fucking idiot who thinks “denial” is a river in egypt…
At my regular club, a lot of the strippers work for pimps. I try to avoid them, but I keep getting surprised to learn about girls I would never suspect. Cute, young girl-next-door types. Every stripper in the club regularly gets approached by pimps trying to con them into working for him, and by his stripper/hos trying to recruit them. It's worse than most clubs in that regard, I'm sure, but it's hardly at the extreme.