Worst Lap Dance Area?
I though that Showcase Theater was pretty bad - bunch of those stackable black vinyl banquet chairs haphazardly scattered in a room next to the stage.
Then I read this in Samsung1's review of Sinbad's:
"The lap dance area is just one pathetic fold out chair with no privacy being that it is right next to the DJ booth and in clear sight for the DJ. "
Worst you've seen?
Then I read this in Samsung1's review of Sinbad's:
"The lap dance area is just one pathetic fold out chair with no privacy being that it is right next to the DJ booth and in clear sight for the DJ. "
Worst you've seen?
"FYI, they did replace the fake plant with a portable wall/curtain to hide the VIP chair. Yes, I said chair. There is no VIP area, it is a single chair. So if more than one guy wants a dance from someone, they have to wait. And if you want to see what's going on, just go to the restroom. The hallway still provides a perfect view of what's happening on the chair. "
Prendebp (discussion above) mentions Industrial strip above in their early days as bad, now its one of the best I have seen, individual rooms completely private even though they have no doors.
Compare that to Southern Cali where they do not even have VIP areas, but the dances are still $20, with no touching. I can't figure out why they get any business at all, being so close to Tijuana.
The LD area at Club Alex's in MA is just a small, elevated seating area that's against the wall & in full view of everyone in the place. Same basic thing for Mac's Two Lounge & the Cabaret Lounge in MA and Club Wandas in downtown Montreal. Little to no contact at any of those places either.