
Worst Lap Dance Area?

Sunday, February 20, 2011 4:58 PM
I though that Showcase Theater was pretty bad - bunch of those stackable black vinyl banquet chairs haphazardly scattered in a room next to the stage. Then I read this in Samsung1's review of Sinbad's: "The lap dance area is just one pathetic fold out chair with no privacy being that it is right next to the DJ booth and in clear sight for the DJ. " Worst you've seen?


  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    My first lap dance ever! At Danny's in Memphis back in the early 90's. Wooden chairs out in the open. But who cared? This was sonething new.
  • stag0069
    13 years ago
    I remember Industrial Strip in NW Indiana started out with those stackable chairs and/or folding chairs and what looked like black garbage bags for dividers. But there was privacy. The thing is, that was the BEST place at that time. It had character. I like small or run-down strip clubs sometimes . . . often the strippers will give a little more than fancy places and there's often more of a man-cave feel or just a feel of someplace dirty. We're men. We like dirty which may occasionally in the right circumstances equate to raw, animal and nasty. Which can be a very good thing! Also, that place didn't have liquor but another dive nearby called Kenny May's (another strip bar) did, and was and is equally run-down and I still enjoy it as a place that is unpretentious, to down a beer and hang-out without putting on aires.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    haha OhioVoyeur also wrote a review on sinbads writing about their pathetic lap dance area. It seems like the money the strippers make is from customers making it rain at the stage tipping and from overpriced conversation drinks at the bar. "FYI, they did replace the fake plant with a portable wall/curtain to hide the VIP chair. Yes, I said chair. There is no VIP area, it is a single chair. So if more than one guy wants a dance from someone, they have to wait. And if you want to see what's going on, just go to the restroom. The hallway still provides a perfect view of what's happening on the chair. "
  • nj_pete
    13 years ago
    Heavenly Bodies in Elk Grove Village IL is pretty bad; metal folding chairs and concrete floors and sitting right next to another patron and watched over by the bouncer in the room. Prendebp (discussion above) mentions Industrial strip above in their early days as bad, now its one of the best I have seen, individual rooms completely private even though they have no doors.
  • troop
    13 years ago
    been in several small one room clubs where the lapdance area is anywhere that you can find a seat in the room and even the corners offer zero privacy from everyone else in the club.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    the lap dance area at amber's in cleveland is pretty small and cramped without much privacy but at least the dancers provide good contact and mileage.
    13 years ago
    Steve229: In your backyard: McDougall's. Stackable chairs out in the open, but next to the pool tables. Hot honey can grind away (you can't touch), and the guys playing pool get the free show while you pay the $30 per. So, when in McDougall's, play pool!
  • dudeanonymous
    13 years ago
    I once got an LD on a wooden board nailed to the wall in what could rightfully be called a closet. I have nothing against dive bars, but that was a bit much.
  • Prim0
    13 years ago
    I can't sit in those plastic chairs...I'm over the weight limit.
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    All Stars in Detroit has a LD area that's just a crowded open ring of chairs around the wall. No curtains, no booths. Just sit against the wall with all the other guys watching you and the dancer.
  • Prim0
    13 years ago
    I was suprised at Mons Venus when I went there. My first impression was a bunch of car bucket seats lined up around the outer wall. NO privacy...but noone seemed to care (including me)!
  • runnoft
    13 years ago
    Henry VIII South in the Detroit area has a nasty looking VIP area. In fact, the whole bar is a dump. But the dances are very high mileage and a lot of fun can be had. Compare that to Southern Cali where they do not even have VIP areas, but the dances are still $20, with no touching. I can't figure out why they get any business at all, being so close to Tijuana.
  • MisterGuy
    13 years ago
    "Worst you've seen?" The LD area at Club Alex's in MA is just a small, elevated seating area that's against the wall & in full view of everyone in the place. Same basic thing for Mac's Two Lounge & the Cabaret Lounge in MA and Club Wandas in downtown Montreal. Little to no contact at any of those places either.
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    The so-called VIP at Cannonball in Toronto and at H8S in Detroit are both rather nasty but I have never been interrupted by a janitor in the VIP at H8S.
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