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Comments by slickpeter

15 years ago
They sure all look like losers to me! I bet they don't make much attehri job of soliciting!
15 years ago
Was at H8S today and got into a discussion with more than one dancer there and all were extremely happy with the news out of the city - they can;t wait for the enforcement to begin because they all look forward to added business and hopefully higher prices -----that is right higher prices what they won't due because of the market ----they all are hoping for a true market economy to return downriver. Of course I participated in a couple of dances today and none of the dancers had yet raised their prices
Hell here in Detroit area high mileage begins before you even leave the bar area - before you even committ to going VIP ---- inside VIP is where the real ultra high mileage exists ----- many times guys will even get off before they leave the bar area ---just letting the girl know that they are short on cash and a good throught the pants HJ will take place for a couple of bucks.

Mileage definitely varies by geography and "Thank God, I am a Detroit area guy!"
15 years ago
What a bogus survey --totally unscientific ---I wonder what the sample distribution was - how many samples did they really have from Wyoming and Utah? How skewed was the sample in NO? A totally worthless piece of reporting

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Fav Club
15 years ago
Flight Club, Penthouse, and my all time 3rd string fav - Henry 8 South
Has anyone ever used a computer at the local library to check a site like this? I haven't and am just wondering! I met a ATF at the library about a year ago and taught her how to use a computer that she would be using there ---still can't figure out why she won't just buy one herself for home ---I guess she does not want her S/O surfing at home

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What's Your Line?
15 years ago
Love your response strupclubspy ------ I think it hits the nail right on the head! (and I am not talking about the little head - I leave that head for the dancers to get at!)
Serious cash is not the word ----you will have dropped hald of a Cnote before you even get your first beer ---which will set you back $18.00 additional for the mandatory two beer minimum

You can count me out -------give me the good old places in town and I will always have a smile on my face!!!

I was talking with a friend of mine in LE and he told me that they are already really following up on the place ---would not be surprised if the first bust might even come during Larry's visit!
Ah the good old days in Newport and Covington ---I used to travel that area as a sales rep - would be in the area two nights per month and always made my way across the bridge to Kentucky ----brings back memories ---but there were no police there then - they were on the take and the clubs always adeqately paid them off! How times have changed and have bqack around!
15 years ago
I guess the universityor whoever is supplying the grant ---I bet there is a line a couple of miles long applying for this job
The BBB is a scam - they do nothing for the merchant other than take their dues ---in most cites they are an arm of a local credit bureau. I have been in legitimate business for over 25 years and they never did any good for me and I was never questioned once by them ---even when I had complaints - they did nothing for either me or my clients
15 years ago
I am also a landlord and the only thing I can say is that I always rent by the week ---- payable monthly ---that arrangement allows me to get them out quicker ---- in my state the usual eviction is for the length of the rental period --- so by renting by the week i can get rid of them in one week ---versus most of the rentals are month to month --- and that gives them a whole month to destroy the place.

Sorry to say Sam I have never had the opportunity you are in the middle of ---- I wouldn't touch one of my renters with your ten foot pole!

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What do bouncers know?
15 years ago
Who cares about the bouncers ---I am so well known at my favorite club that i just walk in the back door like the delivery men and pay the bouncer nothing ---no admission or anything. I do however pay the back room wristband seller his money and say hi!

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Strip Club Song You Hate
15 years ago
Who pays attention to the music ---I watch the dancers and negotiate for back room service!
15 years ago
VM there is no need to even go to the Hot Spot ----- the club is an absolute joke ------ you got it rights about what went on downstairs ----- there was no attempt to cover up any activities ------ that is why Van Buren Township gave them the real hassle when they tried to re-open
15 years ago
It is a simple thing ti di ---just drop my pants and boxers to my ankles while getting a lap dance ---no need to worry about what I am wearing and not big wet spots if I drop a load

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New boobies in da house
15 years ago
Is her mind even clear enough to remember to go to the doctor? She probably has it in her cell phone calendar -if she is smart enough to read and remember what day of the week it is!
15 years ago
Thank God I live in Michigan and not a town like Belleville that requires pasties!

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New boobies in da house
15 years ago
I would love to do some research into what goes through a stripper's head ------ not only when she is gringing on you --what she is thinking about as she is giving her eight blow job of the day?
There recently was a story in The Detroit News where one of the guys on the exit ramp from the freeway was making over $500 per day just holding up a sign that he was homeless ------- when breaqk time would come he would go to his nice new car and have lunch ----- what a scam ---- tax free on top of it!

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New boobies in da house
15 years ago
I rememb er when you did not even need a driver's license - just your word got you through.

I will always remember when the system changed to metric in Canada and the dumb asses from detroit thought that the speed limit was now 100 mph on the 401 up to Toronto ------ it got so bad that the OPP (Ontaario Provincal Police did not bother issuing tickets until you broke the centruy mark ----- now they leave you alone on the 401 until you are over 150kph or about 94 mph.

You used a word and idea that is foreign in the strip club business ---- it would be interesting to ask strippers what the terms polycentric, geocentric, and multicentric mean. I bet you could win some free dances from a lot of the dancers with their 11th grade education

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New boobies in da house
15 years ago
Living right on the border (my house physically faces into Canada) I have spoken with dancers where they get their plastic surgery and not one of them will go to Canada - I had my lasik eye surgery done in Canada before it became common in this country.

The reasons they do not want to go to Canada is that they want to be able to sue in US courts if anything goes wrong and secondly now a days the majority of them do not have a US passport to return back to this country.

With the dollar falling now the US/Canadian dollar are almost at par ---- when I got my lasik the US dollar was worth 1.50 Canadia dollar so it also affected the price.

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New boobies in da house
15 years ago
Why do chicks get a boob job ---is it to satisfy the men in the world (their customers), or is it a reason to prove to themselves that they are women? I am not talking about the chicks that are in the business strictly for entertainment - i.e. Maxi Mounds, or even Morganna from the olden days, I am talking about our favorites - the 36 C or D lap dancer

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Dancers with bad teeth
15 years ago
Not to defend the dancer --- but not all states include dental coverage in medicaid coverage.

Medicaid and dancing is something that really bothers me ---- dancers as a whole generally do not pay the taxes that others pay ---- how many receive W-2 or 1099s?

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My Baby Got a Jag
15 years ago
Lets give txtitty a hand of applause ---he sure told Mister Guy the facts of financial life in his own way! I love your comment about liberalismmaking one an idiot and idiots are liberals