What's Your Line?

Do you have a good “line†you use in the clubs?
Here's mine (which I stole from Johnny Depp's John Dillinger character in “Public Enemiesâ€):
Her: I don't know anything about you.
Me: I like football, movies, good clothes, fast cars and you. What else you need to know?"
last comment"Does this rag smell like chloroform to you?"
Seriously though, I've found "let's do shots" always gets them excited.
Jeff Bridges has a great line in his new movie:
"I want to talk about how bad you make this room look..."
When asked what I do, I reply "I'm with the vice squad"...always gets a laugh, after some startled looks....
This one always gets their attention:
"Hey, let's go do some dances"
Snake, I really like your line, I'd like to see the look on the dancers' faces when they hear that one. LOL
No line. I always start with a joke. I listen to a lot of comedy radio so I always have a new one.
Yup, Snake has a good one!
Really though, does anyone need to have a "line" at a strip club? A regular bar, yes. But when their motivator for being there is to get your money, I don't think one needs to have very much game. Heck, in Vegas there were several clubs with gals standing at the door ready to pounce on the fresh meat.
I agree with CTWERTY. You do not need a line. I just complement them on what I like about them. Of course I do have a trade mark. I always take a bag of candy with me.98% like dark chocolate. Dove and peppermint patties are the favorites. One likes gum. One likes lolipops.In Nov they got lolipops. In Dec they got candy canes. Next week it will be back to chocolates.Been doing this for 7 years.If you are ever in my favorite club during the day time, mentioning the candy man , may open doors for you.
You don't need a line to get a dance, but every little bit helps. I find that on the SC trips where I'm dressed nice and wearing cologne and am making the strippers laugh, the number of girls stopping by my table and the quality of the dances I get are both noticeably higher than when I look normal and am not very talkative. Strippers are still women, and even if they're mainly motivated by money they will merely go through the motions to get it unless you can do something to turn them on a little.
That said, I don't have a standard line. On my next trip, I may try out How's line about making the room look bad.
Thanks, Shadow. And I agree, compliments go a long ways! Well, most of the time. I got sneak attacked from an American Girl-Next-Door Dream Girl in Vegas. I showered her with compliments. She then tried to march me off to the highest priced room at the club... I wonder who the deadbeat boyfriend is that has her working at the strip club???
"SC trips where I'm dressed nice and wearing cologne". Why do so many club goers show up in their finest t-shirt?!? Really. In San Diego, said guy was flipping quarters on the stage as the hottest all-natural gal performed. She was lucky she didn't slide and hurt herself. And security never expelled the dude.
Foolproof line (though I've not tried it):
"I brought lost of money with me, and am feeling reckless, gullible and naive..."
If they look hot I will offer them a drink. If they look so so but with potential for mileage I will compliment them and some small talk about current events, weather, etc. Generally try to lead the conversation to sex topics.
If the girl is hot, i usually volunteer the following, "Well sweetie, you got da pussy and I got da money". Her response to that comment often determines whether we do a private dance or not.
arbeeguy, I am sure that works BUT at what price?
I don't know that I have "a line". Maybe offer her a seat and I just go with whatever she starts talking about.
Although I figure this might work:
Her: "I don't know anything about you"
Me: "I like to fuck" Probably helps to be holding a Benjamin in the other hand.
LOL - YMMV and don't blame me.
With a non-ATF, I've used the following. After a long obvious stare, I ask "I've been trying to figure out why we've never met and how come we're not friends yet?"
With an ATF, "How much fun are we planning on having tonight?"
"My cock is over here, you're stroking the wrong one"
Lines for whores? WTF?
"I've had a shitty day, and need to forget about all about it"
Some real cleverness there, gentlemen, but my guess is that lines of coke is your best chance.
I don't have an all-purpose line, but I usually can make something up on the fly.
money talk BS walks.
seriously guys...just a smile and maybe "your cute. how bout a dance" goes a looooong way. :)
@Major Boobage----you're right. While you don't really need a "line" @ a strip club, it never hurts to be personable. Funny is a big hit with strippers, and women in general. I think it's really big with strippers because they probably don't get it often. They get hit on all the time. They get creepy all the time. But they don't always get funny.
Don't really understand what the objective of these lines is. She either fucks for money or she doesn't. A line is not going to make any difference (other than a line of coke, as mentioned above, perhaps).
The one I most often use is simple, "No thanks!"
"What's a too old, too heavily made up, absurdly dressed, surgically enhanced girl like you doing in a place like this?" usually gets a response.
Love your response strupclubspy ------ I think it hits the nail right on the head! (and I am not talking about the little head - I leave that head for the dancers to get at!)
I don't drink tequila (have a very bad history with it), so whenever a stripper suggests we do shots of it, "I'm allergic to Tequila. Makes me break out in handcuffs"
Does anyone here like to play hard to get with strippers? lol
I like Dougsters idea of lines of coke instead of lines of words...sad but true. I prefer to stay away from the drug addict strippers though.
"Have you ever danced for a tranny? I'm pre-op."