
Comments by rattdog (page 31)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    I watched “Hustlers” last night
    russian girls generally use a russian agency to get bookings. agency is usually owned by one guy. he has to pay a club a fee for the girls to work at a club. the owner also collects a booking fee from each girl. in addition the girl still has to pay the club fee to work, which means they have to pay 2 fees before even the dressing room to change. the agency hires one or two drivers to drive these vans from nyc, usually brooklyn. then the driver goes from one club to another to drop off the dancers and later on picks them back up when shifts are over.
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    2 years ago
    I watched “Hustlers” last night
    summary: hustlers is a flick of an excuse to enable J-LO to show off her 50+ year old body and that she still has it. did not know that jlo was technically not the top billed actress. she probably didn't care as she still made way more than the asian one. without jlo this flick goes straight to cinemax and airs on 3:45 AM.
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    2 years ago
    New York
    CMI - default method - very well done. when a girl asks to chip in more often than not that's one of the ways of shit testing you. if she, god forbid right? should ask a 2nd time to chip in then hey, she's actually passes a guy's shit test. after that one could actually consider a keeper, at least for a while anyway.
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    2 years ago
    Blow me. 😙 Pronouns: hoe/heaux
    I Think I've Seen Everything in Detroit Now...
    "A few hours later when I had cooled down, I phoned the club and talked to the manager about it" holy fuck!!!! she really struck a chord there with you. i get it that why you got pissed off and all that, but to be pissed at that for a few hours? why? if that had happened to me my possible first reactions: "huh? wtf?" then backpedal a few steps, turn away and leave. or "no why? have you?" "yes" "oooohhh rrreeeaaaally? then why the fuck are you here in the club now?" only one time have i ever initiated any type of conversation regarding religion. while during a lapper i blabbered, "god is going to let you in heaven with the ass that you got" she just turned around and went quietly replied "shoosh." this too was at the columbia plat. or maybe heartbreakers.
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    2 years ago
    Montreal Girls
    cheap street sex - yess!!!!! there used to be a dunkin donuts on st catherine that had a crew of girls that worked from there. pick one and she would to a nearby quicky motel and you'd have about 10 minutes to get off. why 10 minutes? maybe has something to do with an arrangement made with the motel. all i know was that my and i along with our girls were all waiting for the elevator after all was done the same amount of time. i used google maps to try and locate that dunkin donuts but it's no longer there.
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    2 years ago
    Montreal Girls
    "Vancouver is not a hot girl city." i just checked - spot on. some but not many milling around 7-8 range at best. toronto by a landslide.
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    2 years ago
    T V Shows You Miss
    friday the 13th tales from the crypt beavis n butthead sopranos
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    2 years ago
    Montreal Girls
    food is always great in montreal. weather too, depending on the time of the year.
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    2 years ago
    Montreal Girls
    montreal and hot girls all in the same sentence? maybe at least 20 years ago, and even that's a stretch. i've been watching a lot of nightlife walk videos lately of cities outside of U.S. and i viewed a few on montreal. to give credit the girls are fit as they do walk a lot. the only city in canada that belongs in the same sentence as hot women is toronto. maybe vancouver but i'm not sure as i'll check at a later time.
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    2 years ago
    dam zaddy got all my lips smiling
    $100 Audition Fees. It's About Time.
    for a moment there i spaced and thought the $100 was the tip out for the shift. now that my mind is clear somewhat - $100 just to audition? i've never heard of this ever been done before. if this is true it's just real stupid. a hot rob bitch would react, "seriously? don't try and rip me off with that $100 bullshit!! if anyone is going to rip off anybody it's me."
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    2 years ago
    Forgetting I'm Old and Fugly
    "She began blowing on me, to cool me down. It was not a good visual, and my daughters still tell me how bad it looked." it's great in that you raised your daughters well. but there are some daughters out there that might have perceived it as, "well damn. my father is a badass and still has it."
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Owner busted for sexual assault on club dancer
    to balla and tatas, one of ya's says the girls are mainly 6's while the other says 8's. what would you rate the 2 girls below, who both sadly for me don't work at the post anymore? jessica b - butterfly tats valeria - short latina day shift
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Thank God Trump is FIRED!!! Lock him up!
    I am currently in Athens, Greece....
    my wife is with me! aww dude that fucking sucks!!!! maybe this might work. give her a $200 visa gift card or whichever one the stores over there accept. then tell her shop away for 2-3 hours and then you'll meet up someplace right after that. during those 2-3 hours you ..well you know. a guy i used to hang with at the clubs told me he would do the same over in nyc. once finished messing around he would have to run 10-15 blocks to meet his wife with splooge all over inside his pants.
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    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Owner busted for sexual assault on club dancer
    i'm sure he's already got someone to take over his place if ownership on the paperwork becomes some sort of an issue. jersey fellas here - correct me if i should be incorrect but i heard that years ago his drivers license was taken away from him. sort to get around he got a driver and limo instead to drive him around. i've seen him step out of that limo several times over the years to head into any one of his clubs to collect cash. the guy owns like 2 or 3 other clubs.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Blow me. 😙 Pronouns: hoe/heaux
    Definition of a spinner type
    some club managers have scales in the office to weigh the girls. if the girl exceeds a certain weight she's immediately sent home.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Ways girls used to dress/look like that you miss
    80's hair look: https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-vixen-photo-shoot-in-london-1990-featuring-jan-kuehnemundjanet-gardner-70202922.html
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Fuel for thought/Fodder for a bitter partisan flame war
    is being bipartisan out of the question?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    New York
    aww shut the fuck up!!!!
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    2 years ago
    How much is too much for OTC outside club
    ay grind, have some respect for the brits. twat charges by the kg
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    2 years ago
    How much is too much for OTC outside club
    iskra lawrence: british plus size model. https://www.google.com/search?q=iskra+lawrence&source=lmns&bih=823&biw=1548&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS948US948&hl=en-US&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi-mNG_sZb4AhUrqnIEHesxBb0Q_AUoAHoECAEQAA i'm into figuring out some girls come up with the self-inflated numbers that they charge. not sure how far i am with this theory but i'll lay it out there. his fave i'm 90% sure most likely has one of those onlyfans accounts. now to me this all makes sense regarding her prices and rules. those are her base minimums to OTC with average dudes. with onlyfans that girl will get lots of DM's. and some of those DM's are going to be sent by members of such organizations as NBA, MLB, and NFL. in addition there are also the rappers - once a few of them notice they too will be hitting send. so you still want to fuck around with that girl?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    How much is too much for OTC outside club
    whoa!! wait a minute. what the fuck? rules? in addition to 1 grand you have to fork out for some more extra shit? i'd also be very leery about that bringing her own condom - she could have that bag all riddled with holes ya know. what level of hottness is this girl at? could you name a celebrity that she resembles just to give us all here an idea to gauge? prime kate upton? 80's hair band groupie? one of the current queens of onlyfans?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    How much is too much for OTC outside club
    if you really feel the need to be with her for 2 hours then cut the price in half. not sure why you would need 2 hours but if that's how you feel then so be it. but anyway if it's an hour 300 max, but start at 200 to gauge her reaction. if she wants a regular and she's sorta into you she'll jump at that 200-300 tag.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    there even had been rare moments when DFKs were actually even a little more enjoyable than full fledged lappers.
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    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    New restaurant/bar opening next month
    just read that to apply for employment one has to submit a resume along with a head shot. what could the reason(s) be for such a request? maybe they'll provide a vip dining area. you may get lucky as your vip hostess and waitress just might display how they twerk after drinks have been served. ya know it's a modern southern kinda thing.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Let’s take a moment of silence to honor all the tragedy strippers go through
    a hustler wannabe i met on SA two years back i decided to reacquaint several months ago. after a so-so experience this followed: month after first meet: text that read want to meet up and help me out? my mother is in the hospital and i could use some help. my reply - no reply last month: sa:hey wyd? me: nothing. haven't heard from you in a while. how ya been? sa: could be doing better. my kid is in the hospital my reply - no reply whether it be a girlfriend, sugarbabe, or a stripper, usually it's best not to reply. trying to attempt to take advantage of my kindness and mistake that as a weakness will forever landed her upon the shit list.