Brittney Griner

avatar for motorhead
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
She hates America and Trump is racist but you all know Trump still would have had her home in a week


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avatar for doctorevil
3 years ago
I have no doubt she did what she is accused of, so she’s getting what she deserves. If you smuggle drugs into a foreign country, and get caught, you face the consequences. She should feel lucky this didn’t happen in Malaysia. She could be facing the death penalty.
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
Why do people even care what happens to an ugly, mediocre-talent, nappy-haired ho in Russia? No one doubts she voted for Biden because Kamala looks like her.

Elections have consequences, lol.
avatar for uniquename
3 years ago
No, I don’t “know Trump would have had her home in a week.” How do you know it? Please prove it.
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
Putin would call THATX -"My butt bottom buddy". What a cunt you are X fag.
avatar for ropewalk
3 years ago
That's Bullsh--. Trump wouldn't do anything unless it was to his personal benefit. Putin is his bosum buddy, he admires (worships him). Putin played Donny like a fiddle.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
There’s a few Americans in foreign prisons, I don’t think they’re all innocent of wrongdoing but I do believe that foreign governments use these people as pawns, some I blame more than others, for putting themselves into situations where they can easily find themselves in over their heads using patriotism as a shield. Brittany Griner went over there to get paid she’s there for herself she needed to be careful and obviously she was not, let’s be honest about what motivates these people it’s mostly personal we can’t promise to protect everyone who wants to seek thrills or personal gain they need to be reminded that they have some responsibility
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
Trump didn’t retrieve any Americans from Russia despite his relationship with Putin, he did get a dead guy out of North Korea though
avatar for Muddy
3 years ago
10 years in prison is totally excessive for a vape pen but it really is poetic justice. she fucking hates this country thinks it’s all racist well, enjoy the rest of the world.
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
And those three UCLA players released from China... fucking dumb pricks stole sunglasses or something…
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
Any American who willfully travels to a hostile country, like Russia, China, DPRK, Iran, Venezuela, etc. accepts varying degrees of risk. The traveler and only the traveler has responsibility for educating themselves about the risks associated with visitong that country.
avatar for Studme53
3 years ago
NBA players smoke pot.after games. No one needs coke on a basketball court to “stay alert”. If you think that you never played an active sport in your life. The only possible exception is baseball because it has a lot of downtime.
avatar for Mate27
3 years ago
OP is probably right, Trump has always dealt with the Russians and knows how to play their stupid ass shifty and grifting ways. The current president is anti-Russian all the way so maybe in some sort of way this administration helped push them to war. I know as much as anybody else on this forum, so it’s speculative at best.
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
We recently learned that when Trump was President, he told Putin that an invasion of Ukraine would result in missiles hitting Moscow.

Was he bluffing ? I hope so. But, you’ll notice Putin didn’t act until Trump was out of office.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
3 years ago
No argument that she was stupid to travel to Russia as the invasion of Ukraine was about to begin and even more stupid to bring her vape with her. Also no argument that she’s being used as a pawn by Russia. But some of you root against an American who has won two Olympic golds and two world championships for the USA because you don’t like that she protested police violence? In Russia v. Griner you are rooting for Russia? The country that just attacked a shopping mall? Do you really feel good about trashing a fellow citizen over that? This country should be more than right v. left but very little is left out of politics. The troll campaign Russia accelerated during the 2016 election to pit Americans v. Americans has been very effective. I’m an American.
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago
'an American who has won two Olympic golds and two world championships for the USA '

Does the fact that she won medals excuse her true thoughts and behavior re: the USA?
First of all she was a member of the USA teams but did she really win for the USA or herself?
Her training and ticket was paid for by the USA but she owns her medals, she didn't present them to the USA. She's not the humble generous soul you seem to be making her out to be.

I'm not cheering for or against her but actions have consequences, nobody forced her to break the laws of a foreign country, she chose to do so by her own free will, she was caught, hence the consequences.
avatar for Studme53
3 years ago
I think confused people somehow equate some athlete playing for team USA with service people risking their lives serving their country. It’s stupid.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
I'm more concerned with American states imprisoning people for marijuana when its legal jn other states.
avatar for Studme53
3 years ago
nancy pelosi got new tits

When? Did she get a package deal with Mary Todd Lincoln?
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
3 years ago
@Ohio State - When given a choice of rooting for an American or Russia, you chose Russia. At least you own it. 👍🏼
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
No one can say for sure whether this was a total set-up by the Russian government, or if this girl was just so stupid as to disregard the laws of a foreign nation. Regardless, she should have been a little smarter about that letter she sent to the White House where she says several times, "I miss my wife."

I doubt there's anything she could do to garner sympathy from the Russians, but openly announcing that you're a lesbian definitely ain't gonna help your situation. She learned the hard way that Russia isn't like the US when it comes to weed, but apparently she thinks her American gay rights will somehow be respected over there? Would be interesting if she's acquitted on the drug charge, and then charged with public gayness, which is a real thing in Russia.
avatar for motorhead
3 years ago
“No, I don’t “know Trump would have had her home in a week.” How do you know it? Please prove it.”

I have no sympathy for her. If it was to me she would rot in some Russian gulag for the next 10 years. What the hell was she doing playing ball in Russia anyway. Their record on LGBT rights is almost as bad as China and the Middle East.

She’s a fucking hypocrite. She chose money over principles

And to answer the above question - Trump got those super woke UCLA players home in no time from China when a lot of the country said let ‘em stay there
avatar for Studme53
3 years ago
Kind of an interesting side issue here.
McNulty, do you root (not sure if that’s right word) for the American at the Olympics no matter what?

I love sports and America, but sometimes root for athletes and teams from other countries, usually an underdog but sometimes a great champion. It’s sports, not war.

I could give a shit about the medal count too. Its like backward Russian Cold War thinking to equate a lot of Olympic medals with anything. We spend billions of dollars and hours developing athletes for stupid sports. Does that make us great?
avatar for Studme53
3 years ago
Watch “Locked-Up Abroad”. Good show. Normal people spend time in foreign jails all the time for breaking their drug laws. They get harsh sentences but usually are released after a few years.
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago
jimmimcnut don't attribute things to me that i didn't say, now you're just lying trying to prove a point you don't have and you own that!
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
3 years ago
@stud - yeah I do root for the USA. It’s not a conscious thought, I just do. I’m a huge fan of Giannis, but I rooted for the US to beat Greece in the last Olympics. Didn’t give it a second thought. I suppose if there was a USA athlete I really hated like that douchey swimmer who faked getting mugged in Brazil I might be tested but pretty much I’ll root for the US universally.

I posted merely to point out that on our very aggressively pro-American message board, it’s somehow common agreement that rooting for Russia against an American is patriotic. That’s ironic. I’m starting to get preachy so I’ll stop here.

@OH State. You’re right. It wasn’t you. I apologize. I still disagree with your post. Was I lying? About something that is easily checked? I was just lazy and didn’t realize it was your first post in this thread as the others were all pro Russia anti Griner. My bad.
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago
mea culpa accepted, glad we don't have to argue.
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
I'm a conservative and a registered Republican, and can't stand whiny Megan Rapinoe, but still rooted for the USWNT in the World Cup and Olympics.

Hope Griner gets home safe.
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
If Ms. Griner were white the silence on this issue would be deafening.
avatar for Omega_Entertainment
3 years ago
Griner told the entire country to fuck off multiple times in both words and actions over the years. She is a perfect example of the entitled generation where they grew up without parents teaching personal responsibility that has now leaked into the next generation as well.

She was contracted to play ball in Europe and Russia and like the rest of her generation assumed she could do no wrong for any action she chose to make. She didnt carry a single vape pen worth of marijuana with her. She was carrying the equivalent of a pound of a drug that Russia and other eastern European countries have strong laws against with a decade as its minimum sentence for being caught with crossing borders.

She make the conscious choice to carry her stash, now she is facing the adult consequence for her choice. Her poor attempt at celebrity will get her no love in Russia, who throw their own athletes to the wolves when caught with the state provided PED in their possession and system.

She is learning that her words and actions have adult consequence as all adults here in the US know when they become members of Adult Society. Sure it sucks but its life.

She can now rot in Russian Jail for the next ten years minimum and maybe it will teach these woke idiots what reality is. Oh and I read someplace that Russia doesnt play the time served against sentence crap we have here, so her crybaby wife and friends should just kiss her goodbye for the next decade minimum in a video message.

IMHO any athlete, actress, or so called celebrity who is so unhappy with living in the United States that they open their mouths and complain, should just purchase a ticket and go live in China, N Korea, or Venezuela where they have zero rights to complain and then maybe realize how much better it is that they can badmouth our country without having a death squad wake them that same night to put an end to their bullshit.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Meanwhile people are serving life sentences for marijuana in shitholes like Texas and Mississippi
avatar for JamesSD
3 years ago
Trump would be proclaiming how lucky she is to be in Master Putin's loving care.
avatar for Tiburon
3 years ago
a whole lotta closeted racism and terrible miseducated politics talk going on. THis is why I stick to talking about fake boobs and botched asses. Easier than watching a bunch of arm chair politicians opening their closets.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
IDK too much about the details of the situation; nor that much about her background only that the few times I've heard her speak she sounded like a total dude and ghetto AF - not knowing much about what laws she broke I assume she's mostly being held as a political-pawn given the current political situation - given she's a high-profile person I assume under normal circumstances they maybe would have just thrown her out of the country - it's not as if she was smuggling drugs into the country to sell.
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
Thankfully the one who is always right, knows all and has been anointed to judge others, Tiburon, will tell us what subjects we are allowed comment. Add in the lie about people serving life sentences for weed and it's just another shit show day.
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
To say "you are either with Griner or you are with Russia" is possibly the dumbest argument made on this board. I expect absolute idiocy from the leftists here, but iditioc absolutes are too on the nose.
avatar for Iknowbetter
3 years ago
For those of us old enough to remember Jane Fonda in Vietnam… it doesn’t matter if she hates America, or what foreign laws she may have violated, or why she was in Russia when Putin decided to start a war. Britney Griner is an American citizen being held in a hostile foreign country. We need to bring her home. It’s what we do. It’s what a lot of Americans gave their lives to protect.
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
I see, and you believe that when foreign national breaks laws in America, we should return them to their home country on a private charter jet and apologize for the inconvenience?

She knew the law. She chose to break the law. She got caught. We would try her in America if she were Russian and broke our laws. How can we not expect other countries to do the same?
avatar for datinman
3 years ago
I wonder what would happen if I flew from Colorado to Kansas with multiple vape pens of hash oil? Say I get popped at Eisenhower in Wichita; Do you think Kansas would enforce their laws? Fairly certain the DA wouldn't go "oh, honest mistake, you're free to go." Pretty certain no politician would intercede on my behalf. Absolutely certain ESPN SportCenter wouldn't devote a minute of time about my detainment. But hey, maybe Biden would release a Russian spy or international drug dealer to make sure I didn't serve my time.
avatar for Jimmybigtits
3 years ago
If Brittney Griner was a stripper, knowing nothing about her, and if you had to take her out for OTC action, what do guys think it would be like?
avatar for rattdog
3 years ago
all the people that on griner's side just might think that some form of diplomatic immunity ought to apply to her. probably would shrug off the fact that she's not a USA government official.
avatar for rattdog
3 years ago
"If Brittney Griner was a stripper, knowing nothing about her, and if you had to take her out for OTC action, what do guys think it would be like?"

i wouldn't know, wonder or give a fuck. all the girls i've encountered with in the past ITC/OTC never said anything bad about the USA. and if asked any of them how they felt about america i'm 99% sure it wouldn't be as hateful as that ugly unpatriotic twat.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
I'm not against Brittany Grinner, I just think she's in this predicament because she wasn't very smart, I actually feel bad for her, but she needs to fix her own problems, if she hadn't been so entitled and such a coddled baby she probably would have been smarter. The real point of this shit is everyone needs to be able to be smart enough to realize if I do something stupid, the rest of us don't owe you a get out of jail free card.I mean damn it she's gotten all kinds of breaks in her short life, she needs to appreciate that and realize she's really not as special as she thinks .
avatar for Jimmybigtits
3 years ago
@ratdog I'm guessing you don't have the words "diplomatic immunity" tattooed on your Johnson you'd whip out in her hotel room. Of course it would be so impressive to get all those letters on there you'd get it for free!
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
Brittney Griner is an opportunist. She chose to play professional basketball in Russia, as it pays much more than the WNBA.

She also chose to bring a banned drug into a country with an already sketchy court/legal system.

She has the gift of height, and reasonable basketball talent. But, she doesn’t appear to have common sense, or great intellect.

She must have an agent, and an advisor as well. So, she was informed before she made the decision to go to Russia with an illegal substance.

Good luck playing the race card with Putin’s legal system! It’s going to be cold in a Gulag wearing prison clothing made for a 5’8” Russian dude!
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
While I’m at it - how dare she use the name Brittney!!!

This is an insult to one of the sexiest train wrecks of all time! I find it annoying to have to say Brittney Griner - when there is one true Britney!
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
I get the sense that pot-use in the NBA/WNBA is more common than Bengay - I assume she's likely addicted to the stuff and decided to still take the chance.

w.r.t. her playing in Russia - female basketball players haven been playing in Europe for years since they don't earn that much - Griner was a first-overall-pick and her previous NBA season her salary was $228K which is peanuts for a professional athlete these days (and the highest paid WNBA player doesn't earn much more):…
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
I agree with what Papi is saying. But, playing in Russia for $1,000,000 is different then playing in the UK or Canada.

She’s taking a chance, and ignoring the laws of a foreign country. That means she realizes the risk and is deciding to do it anyway.

During times when US-Russia relations were friendly, it might not be a cause for headlines and lengthy detainment. With Putin on a crazy train, this won’t end well. He could easily use her as an example of what is wrong with the freedoms of our way of life.
avatar for Mate27
3 years ago
Hey Datinman, Biden could at least pardon a local convicted drug dealer on your behalf for exchange of your freedom. That would be more in line comparatively.
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago
The more I see and hear about her the worse she looks, she chose the actions that led to the reaction.
avatar for NJBalla
3 years ago
If the WNBA would lower the rim, recruit more attractive women, and make the players take free throws while receiving oral ratings would take off and women wouldnt have to play overseas. Brittney of course would play in the minor leagues because noone wants to see her in that.

NJB for WNBA Commish 2023
avatar for Lockjaw
3 years ago
Gays and blacks get beaten in Russian prisons. Red guards don't call technical fouls on shim murders.
avatar for motorhead
3 years ago
Looking ahead when she’s released - whether it’s 2 weeks, 2 months, or 2 years - it will be interesting to see what happens

Will the WNBA suspend her? How can they possibly let a player who plead guilty to international drug charges go unpunished

Will she continue to kneel and hate the country who got her home? She will come home. Or will she be grateful they didn’t let her rot in jail for 10 years
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
NJB has a worthwhile idea to increase WNBA interest.

I’ve been to a few games - back when the NY Liberty played in Newark. The games were interesting - and they play decent ball. But, it doesn’t appear to have the draw like NCAA women’s basketball.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
LeBron James Says Brittney Griner Shouldn’t Even Want To Come Back To America:…

Yeah - America sucks - poor LeBron has barely been able to break the one-BILLION-dollar net-worth mark - poor-guy has really had it rough in shitty-America where he was already a multi multi millionaire as a teenager
avatar for motorhead
3 years ago
Lebron is kinda backtracking on his statement

When will he ever realize he’s not Jordan. Lebron just can’t say stupid woke shit and expect the public to side with him

Griner’s coach is whining that if she wasn’t black and wasn’t gay she’d be home by now. When will the liberals ever realize personal responsibility is a serious matter. Don’t go blaming others for all your troubles
avatar for Estafador
3 years ago
@Papi_Chulo "....where he was already a multi multi millionaire as a teenager". Stop reading the motley fool (and OAN). It's turning you
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
Remember back when LeBron played decent basketball and didn’t make racially inflammatory comments?

Back when his stupid comments were “I’m going to take myself and my talents to Miami” - those were good old days…

Here’s what I think Joe Biden might do. He arranges for this prisoner swap. An arms dealer for Griner. Then he puts Hunter on the jet with the arms dealer. This will solve two problems in one deal!

Is crack illegal in Russia too?
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago

No it's true, lebum was already in the nba for a couple years and had big advertising contracts before he turned 20.

avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
LeBron became a millionaire when he was drafted #1, signed contract worth millions and a Nike contract for 80 million. The stupid, arrogant left wing loser saying otherwise is just a faggot pussy. Only a left wing cocksucker from new York would be stupid enough to claim otherwise.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
About 15 years ago, LeBron was not acting like a fool.

Sure, he signed out of high school, and his Nike contract made him very rich. But, he didn’t make those stupid, and poorly informed comments about social justice and China.

If he played ball, made hundreds of millions, and avoided the comments, he would likely be viewed in a more positive light.

He’s all about social justice in the USA. But when it comes to China and human rights - he’s thinking we don’t understand! He’s become a tool!

He loves to drive the lane, and stare at the ref if the other team breathes on him! He’s become a prima Donna at 6’9” and 250 pounds!
avatar for motorhead
3 years ago
I don’t watch the WNBA but I actually do watch college women occasionally and quite a lot during the tournament

OMG, in college she looked like a dude. She still does but I thought even more so when she was younger
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
I get the sense LeBron has a Mohammed Ali complex and perhaps wants to go down in history like Ali did for what Ali did off the the playing field.

But his "social caring" only seems to cut one way - back in 2020 when 2 LA cops were ambushed in their patrol-car and both shot in the face; he was criticized for not saying a word given how outspoken he is when he wants to be and given it happened in his city and given cops have protected him as an NBA player throughout his career - he was also criticized for not saying anything when 3-black-guys stomped-to-death a 17 y/o white-kid in the school LeBron built; I don't think it would be a stretch to assume he would have had a lot to say if 3-white-guys stomped to death a 17 y/o black kid at his school.

I used to like LeBron as a player and a person; but he now comes across as a self-serving civil-rights-icon-wannabe and kinda a 2-faced-douche that only "cares" or speaks-out only when it helps his "civil rights brand".
avatar for motorhead
3 years ago
Appearing in court Briner told the judge

“But…but…..i have a legal medical prescription from an Arizona doctor for cannabis”

Dumbass. Someone never told her Arizona is not located is Russia

While some states recognize reciprocity all experts say never to travel internationally and expect the same
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
Just like an entitled American expecting our laws to apply in Russia!

Putin is going to make an example out of that national anthem kneeling fool. I’m not concerned about her and her stupidity. She’s made her bed, and she should lie in it.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^ She's being advised what to say, I think that there's already a deal in place, but it can't be executed until there is a court disposition, I get it you don't care for her politics, but she's still an American, and entitled to the protection of our government entities.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
I agree. She gets the same protections, even if I dislike her as a person.

That’s an important point - that many of these kneeling sports stars forget. You can act like an ingrate and still receive the same protections.
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago
I think he spells it B U T T J U D G E
avatar for motorhead
3 years ago
My cousin lives in South Bend where he was Mayor.

She adores him. He comes across as a good looking articulate guy but he’s just the man-version of a big titted dumb blonde (this is a strip club site, i thought I should make a SC reference)
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
My phone autocorrected "Buttigieg" to "buttfucking" once. Seriously. Biden put him there so he can get another credential for the presidency. He'll be best known for taking paternity leave while ships lined up outside LA harbor.

As an American, I hope Griner gets back safely and soon, but hope she realizes how good she truly has it in America.
avatar for motorhead
3 years ago
I get she’s an American but stupid actions have consequences

Remember about 10-12 years ago the hikers that were detained by Iran for wandering into the country. I had very little sympathy for those clowns either and it wasn’t political

WTF were they doing so close to the border in an area of the world where they knew if they got caught they’d be toast

Stupid people sometimes need a jolt of reality
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
I agree with desertscrub!

I also agree with motorhead. When stupid people go to unfriendly foreign countries, bad things can happen. In those foreign countries they can be much less forgiving (to American idiots).
avatar for motorhead
3 years ago
Who knows if the rumors you read are even remotely true - but Russia is wanting an arms dealer named “The Merchant of Death” and another dude that’s a jailed murderer.

You got to be kidding. For someone who openly hates America

Let her sit
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
When you travel, you are acknowledging and accepting an inherent level of risk. If you travel to a hostile country or dictatorship, you are accepting a potentially adverse outcome. But trading a no-talent commie dyke for one of the most dangerous terrorist arms dealer in the world? I believe Brandon will do it. Not because the democrat party cannot differentiate between a good deal and a bad deal, he will make the trade because he is Dark Brandon.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
What the Russians did here is took an American woman and symbolically fucked us
She’s been taken hostage as retaliation for our support of the Ukraine and like her or not every patriotic American should be outraged by her sentencing and treatment by the Russians at the express direction of Vladimir Putin
We should retaliate and send more advanced weapon systems to the Ukrainians maybe even reposition the American and NATO forces to a more forward facing posture
avatar for rattdog
3 years ago
has anyone here noticed the russian women cops that accompany greiner? they're hot and sexy as fuck!!!! greiner is just wishing one of them to be a dyke.
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago
IMO the last thing we need is possibly getting deeper involved and escalating a war over a fucking privileged self absorbed basketball player that hates most everything we stand for.
Her actions led her to this point, she didn't feel the need to obey some simple laws, I don't feel the need to come to her rescue.
avatar for motorhead
3 years ago
If the Russians are using her as a bargaining chip, the failed to consider NOBODY cares about her. Most people are fine with her doing her 9.5 years
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^ I’m not, I think what the Russians are trying to do is disgusting , I’m not trying to minimize her role in this, but she is an American citizen and we have never been a country that doesn’t take care of our own.
If we don’t stop him here , we might be his next victim
avatar for Mate27
3 years ago
Karma is biting Griner in the balls, but she still will be brought home with an exchange for prisoners. I hope we can also exchange some of our prisoners for more than just Griner, because Russia has some valued prisoners of ours who do stand during the National Anthem.
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
We should make the trade, but send that arms dealer home to Russia in the same condition we got Otto Warmbier from North Korea.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
Imagine if the first thing she does when she gets to America is take a knee at the airport - LOL
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
Maybe after what she's been thru she might appreciate America a bit more
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^ We can get him in Russia, let’s send him home and follow it up with that flying Ginsu knife thing we used to get that raghead in Afghanistan.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^ that was for mr orange
avatar for motorhead
3 years ago
Close to 10 years probably is excessive - just a random thought, if Russia agreed to release her to the custody of the USA but stipulate she needs some serve some jail time in the US? Don’t even know if it’s possible but it’s a compromise that could make everyone happy. Let her serve 1-2 years until she learns to appreciate the life she had here
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