i went to tip a dancer today and my hand touched her outer thigh as a put a dollar in her garter. She barked at me not to touch her. She said to put the dollar in her garter but to never touch her. She was visibly pissed off the rest of her set. Guess what? No one else went up and tipped her.
Oh, she was also wearing pasties in a fully nude club.
I guess the pasties in the fully nude club didn't serve as sufficient warning that she was uptight. I don't really run into these situations so much as I tend to pick up on those obvious warning signs. 😉
I can't top OP's moment. I at a club with three stages in rotation. I was alone at the smallest side one with a beautiful stripper going for the lingerie model look. She was definitely aloof looking and the stone face type - no smile whatsoever. But she could dance well.
Anyway I simply lay down a couple of ones and when she came over for them she simply sat in front of me and slowly folded one into a perfect A frame and then slowly did the second one and set both down where they were. She didn't dance or anything. It was clearly her sending me a message that I should have properly folded those ones as a tribute to her being a goddess and all.
I got up and went to another stage and enjoyed better attitudes from other strippers for the rest of the visit.
LOL but to this day I always fold my stage tips into that A frame. She trained me! 🤦
I once got a dance from a beautiful girl at Flight Club in Detroit. Flight Club was/is notorious for extras, I’d say in my experience that at least 90% of the girls working there during this time period did extras.
I decided to go get some lapdances just to test her out and she immediately started complaining how every guy there asked about extras. Boy that was a mood killer. She did give a good lapdance though although during the entire time she was talking about how she’s never coming back to this club and going back to her home club which was (at the time) also notorious for extras. Go figure.
This girl was so hot she was featured in alan markowitzs Cinemax TV series. For years I saw her at Alan’s clubs all the time and avoided her like the plague.
Haha the Gaul. I got a dance from a girl one night which was pretty high mileage the song finished and she said let’s go upstairs then got mad when I said I’m not paying $600 for the possibility of sex in Champagne room. She was pissed and made it seem like I was “broke” it though I paid for two lap dances at 40 a pop.
It's certainly seems to be a strong tradition, that dancers graciously accept/acknowledge even just a $1 tip. She's just giving herself heartburn being torqued about it. But I can see how dancers might see it as a backdoor additional house fee. You'd probably be lucky to make $10 a song if everyone just tips a dollar. Many dancers put a lot of effort into honing their pole work. An effort they don't get to utilize when they're faux-fawning over $1 tips. I generally tip at least $2, and just put it one the stage, preferably near her purse.
I think the electrical tape on the nipples is a bit of a niche fetish.
Idk. If this girl was visibly shaken over a simple hand on her thigh and feels the need to cover her nipples with electrical tape in a fully nude club, then IMO this is about more than just being uptight. Obviously she's struggling to cope with something and feels a powerful need to protect herself.
To me it's kinda' sad to see a girl in that condition. It wouldn't change the ultimate outcome for me - I'd avoid her because she's obviously not going to be fun to deal with. But I'd be less inclined to look upon her negatively than I would one who just seems to be wound up too tight.
I encountered a bit of shock when I visited a non-extras NJ club. I had attempted to lower my expectations regarding the offers of outright sex, so I would lessen my disappointment.
I decided to take a dirty looking blonde milf for some lap dances. Before we moved to the dance area, she seemed like she could be fun just for a few dances and a decent grind.
When we got to the dance area it was like there was a perimeter that she wouldn’t encroach on. I told my buddy after that I couldn’t even get close enough to catch a whiff of her perfume!
As the dances ended (I got two), she leaned in close (broaching the perimeter) and asked if I wanted to take her to VIP. I couldn’t resist making a comment. I leaned in close, and I asked her if she had lube and rubber gloves in her bag, as I would love to fist her asshole in VIP and then have her piss on my chest after. She got that grumpy look and told me I was a filthy pervert - and that would never happen!
Not in a strip club but one weird experience was with a girl at a rub and tug place. This place was not an AMP, they usually had some fairly attractive Americans girls. I had a regular that I usually saw and she knew what I liked and I knew what she liked so it was always a great visit.
One time my regular was not there but there was this smoking blonde with a great body whom I had seen before but never tried. We go back and get undressed and she tells me to leave my socks on. She tells me a story about her brother would jerk off on into a sock and just throw it in the corner and it disgusted her.
I thought she was only joking so I began taking off my socks and she gets really angry. “I told you not to take off your socks!”
that was Clarissa/Clarice. I stopped by said club about 2 hours after you had. noticed the pasties. she hates going to work. maybe she can't figure out how to make money otherwise.
@Joe yes it was Clarice. I watched her for a while and she would sit down next to a guy to talk and walk away with a scowl a couple of minutes later. Maybe his elbow touched her arm? Not sure what she is looking for in the club.
There used to be a girl who worked at one of the <em>very</em> extras clubs who was like that. She's push your hand away pretty much no matter where you put it, even on shoulders or legs below the knew.
She's a literal escort now. Sucks a mean dick, too. With no trace of shyness about being touched. 🙃🙃
This evening I asked a girl to pause for a second in the middle of a dance because I needed to “straighten” myself. I put my hands down my pants for .5 seconds to accomplish the task. Out of nowhere she pulls a bottle of purel from what seemed to be the air and insisted that I use it liberally on my hand. Admittedly I have many open sores down there but she didn’t know that … Just kidding, but that is obviously what she thought.
@Cashman, really dude, do you FIV your mamma with the fingers you used to type that?
Such a mix of apples and oranges. If a stripper can't handle it that customers will WANT to exceed her boundaries, yes, she's in the wrong business. But like any human being, she has the right to be disgusted with anyone who doesn't ask for things as politely as possible.
Yes, it's greasy that you generally won't get honesty beforehand about what the boundaries are. But, if you can't get over being torqued about this, you are the one who's somewhere you don't belong. And really, you feel deeply victimized because you didn't like the second dance, that you got AFTER not liking the first one? Man up dude, that's why it's called a long shot.
I frequently prefer dancers with stricter boundaries over ones with looser boundaries. So, maybe PLs like me are to blame that clubs don't fire dancers with stricter boundaries. But, sorry, you're not fisting me for it unless you can hold me down. However, I can't see a good reason to decline to piss on someone, as long as they'll buy me a diet coke with free refills.
One of my local clubs is a starter club for a lot of dancers so I’ve had more than a few encounters with baby strippers who didn’t last long because they couldn’t handle it. It’s not only there though. Two occasions that stand out, more for my own reluctance/idiocy to observe warning signals and bail when I had the chance.
I was sitting with a girl who was new to the club and was just beautiful. If the club averaged 6’s she was a 9. Absolutely stunning. We were having a good conversation. It was her 4th shift at the club and she hadn’t done a room yet. First warning sign. We kept vibing and I was blinded by her beauty and our connection. Lol. Then she calmly dropped into the conversation that she was a witch. I laughed like anyone would. Oops. She then explained for 15 minutes how witchcraft is a real thing. Or is it a religion? I don’t remember. At this point the rose colored glasses were lifting from my eyes but she was still an 8. We go to a room and I did something well within the non-extras zone and she bit me on my wrist. And held on. And on. She didn’t break the skin but it left a mark for a week or so. She lasted another few weeks and I saw her a few more times and waved as kept moving. I never saw her as a 9 after that.
Another time I was in a different club and having a great conversation with a girl who was beautiful and we shared the same taste in sci fi and booze. She’d been dancing 8 months and was at a city club where she’d definitely had some experiences. While explaining to me the episode of Star Trek with the tribbles, when she got to the part where the tribbles died en masse, she started crying. She was all choked up and tears were streaming down her face. I was smitten before this happened and blew straight through this glaring warning sign. We did a room and she was very uncomfortable sitting on a fully pants covered hard on. She spent the rest of the half hour dancing on the far side of the room. She kept dancing for a few months and then covid hit and I haven’t seen her since, she took down her stripper IG page and I assume she’s done.
The lesson to me is not that they shouldn’t be dancing. That’s always gonna happen. The better lesson is I’m a moron for not following the signals and pulling the rip cord. Oh well. Maybe next time.
I know my sense of humor is not normal. I accept the fact that many civilians - and possibly a higher percentage of strippers - will not find my comments amusing.
In terms of my interaction with that stripper, I knew she was very full of herself and enamored with her own beauty. My comment was a last ditch effort to see if she would crack a smile - or lose the stuck up act that lasted through both dances.
I don't know if Wicca is significantly more silly than other religions. IDK, a bite that doesn't break the skin doesn't seem like such an overreaction to an ambush extra.
It's callous of me that I didn't feel more grief at the mass death of the tribbles. They just didn't have very much personality. But people cry about Bambi, and Bambi pooped. The tribbles seemed to never poop, that's a very endearing quality in an animal friend.
@Cash it's important to get very apologetic if someone feels threatened rather than amused by an edgy joke. Strippers have a realistic fear of a violent attack while they're at work, so it's especially scary to them when they feel threatened.
worst encounter involved some customer hating australian cunt. i thought she might have a decent sense of humor and said, "you're lucky i'm a nice guy because if i wasn't i would tie you up to a tree and tickle your whole body all day with leaves."
"oh really?" was her reply.
5 minutes later jerkoff bouncer comes up to me and said, "you know some women don't appreciate to be spoken a certain way."
fuck that bitch. btw, i managed somehow to brush my hand on her outer thigh. skin like sandpaper - she fucking sucks!!!!!
2nd worst encounter: new girl i met a week before gave me her tel#. buy a dance from her and i figured cool. nope. she rats me out to a manager and has me thrown out for whipping out my cock. i threw out her number.
Sometimes some strippas create their own problems. Start off snippy then complain all night nobody tipped. THEN complain your angry that all night i looked angry yet nobody tipped. A self fulfilling prophecy.
COuld possibly be she hates being that and can't keep her feelings in check at most points but knows that its good money since she's attractive. She's probably better off being a bartender at a night club....if she can keep her attitutde in check and learn a skill.
At the conclusion of a lapdance, the dancer noticed a used condom on the floor and freaked out. At first I thought she was upset that whoever used that room prior to us hadn't cleaned up. But, it soon became apparent that she was upset that people had sex in that room. I guess she didn't know that some dancers offer extras.
last commentAnyway I simply lay down a couple of ones and when she came over for them she simply sat in front of me and slowly folded one into a perfect A frame and then slowly did the second one and set both down where they were. She didn't dance or anything. It was clearly her sending me a message that I should have properly folded those ones as a tribute to her being a goddess and all.
I got up and went to another stage and enjoyed better attitudes from other strippers for the rest of the visit.
LOL but to this day I always fold my stage tips into that A frame. She trained me! 🤦
I decided to go get some lapdances just to test her out and she immediately started complaining how every guy there asked about extras. Boy that was a mood killer. She did give a good lapdance though although during the entire time she was talking about how she’s never coming back to this club and going back to her home club which was (at the time) also notorious for extras. Go figure.
This girl was so hot she was featured in alan markowitzs Cinemax TV series. For years I saw her at Alan’s clubs all the time and avoided her like the plague.
Instead of her it was an at a club too uptight for Portland moment.
Later I saw her at a different club and it was all good. 🤗🦄
I think the electrical tape on the nipples is a bit of a niche fetish.
To me it's kinda' sad to see a girl in that condition. It wouldn't change the ultimate outcome for me - I'd avoid her because she's obviously not going to be fun to deal with. But I'd be less inclined to look upon her negatively than I would one who just seems to be wound up too tight.
I decided to take a dirty looking blonde milf for some lap dances. Before we moved to the dance area, she seemed like she could be fun just for a few dances and a decent grind.
When we got to the dance area it was like there was a perimeter that she wouldn’t encroach on. I told my buddy after that I couldn’t even get close enough to catch a whiff of her perfume!
As the dances ended (I got two), she leaned in close (broaching the perimeter) and asked if I wanted to take her to VIP. I couldn’t resist making a comment. I leaned in close, and I asked her if she had lube and rubber gloves in her bag, as I would love to fist her asshole in VIP and then have her piss on my chest after. She got that grumpy look and told me I was a filthy pervert - and that would never happen!
One time my regular was not there but there was this smoking blonde with a great body whom I had seen before but never tried. We go back and get undressed and she tells me to leave my socks on. She tells me a story about her brother would jerk off on into a sock and just throw it in the corner and it disgusted her.
I thought she was only joking so I began taking off my socks and she gets really angry. “I told you not to take off your socks!”
The rest did not go well
She's a literal escort now. Sucks a mean dick, too. With no trace of shyness about being touched. 🙃🙃
thanks gmd.
good to hear a success story now and then.
Such a mix of apples and oranges. If a stripper can't handle it that customers will WANT to exceed her boundaries, yes, she's in the wrong business. But like any human being, she has the right to be disgusted with anyone who doesn't ask for things as politely as possible.
Yes, it's greasy that you generally won't get honesty beforehand about what the boundaries are. But, if you can't get over being torqued about this, you are the one who's somewhere you don't belong. And really, you feel deeply victimized because you didn't like the second dance, that you got AFTER not liking the first one? Man up dude, that's why it's called a long shot.
I frequently prefer dancers with stricter boundaries over ones with looser boundaries. So, maybe PLs like me are to blame that clubs don't fire dancers with stricter boundaries. But, sorry, you're not fisting me for it unless you can hold me down. However, I can't see a good reason to decline to piss on someone, as long as they'll buy me a diet coke with free refills.
I was sitting with a girl who was new to the club and was just beautiful. If the club averaged 6’s she was a 9. Absolutely stunning. We were having a good conversation. It was her 4th shift at the club and she hadn’t done a room yet. First warning sign. We kept vibing and I was blinded by her beauty and our connection. Lol. Then she calmly dropped into the conversation that she was a witch. I laughed like anyone would. Oops. She then explained for 15 minutes how witchcraft is a real thing. Or is it a religion? I don’t remember. At this point the rose colored glasses were lifting from my eyes but she was still an 8. We go to a room and I did something well within the non-extras zone and she bit me on my wrist. And held on. And on. She didn’t break the skin but it left a mark for a week or so. She lasted another few weeks and I saw her a few more times and waved as kept moving. I never saw her as a 9 after that.
Another time I was in a different club and having a great conversation with a girl who was beautiful and we shared the same taste in sci fi and booze. She’d been dancing 8 months and was at a city club where she’d definitely had some experiences. While explaining to me the episode of Star Trek with the tribbles, when she got to the part where the tribbles died en masse, she started crying. She was all choked up and tears were streaming down her face. I was smitten before this happened and blew straight through this glaring warning sign. We did a room and she was very uncomfortable sitting on a fully pants covered hard on. She spent the rest of the half hour dancing on the far side of the room. She kept dancing for a few months and then covid hit and I haven’t seen her since, she took down her stripper IG page and I assume she’s done.
The lesson to me is not that they shouldn’t be dancing. That’s always gonna happen. The better lesson is I’m a moron for not following the signals and pulling the rip cord. Oh well. Maybe next time.
In terms of my interaction with that stripper, I knew she was very full of herself and enamored with her own beauty. My comment was a last ditch effort to see if she would crack a smile - or lose the stuck up act that lasted through both dances.
It's callous of me that I didn't feel more grief at the mass death of the tribbles. They just didn't have very much personality. But people cry about Bambi, and Bambi pooped. The tribbles seemed to never poop, that's a very endearing quality in an animal friend.
"oh really?" was her reply.
5 minutes later jerkoff bouncer comes up to me and said, "you know some women don't appreciate to be spoken a certain way."
fuck that bitch. btw, i managed somehow to brush my hand on her outer thigh. skin like sandpaper - she fucking sucks!!!!!
2nd worst encounter: new girl i met a week before gave me her tel#. buy a dance from her and i figured cool. nope. she rats me out to a manager and has me thrown out for whipping out my cock. i threw out her number.