
Pool tables in strip clubs.

Avatar for shadowcat
shadowcatAtlanta suburb

Good idea or bad? Do you/would you play pool in a strip club? Are they a hang out for low lifers?

I think it is alright for clubs to have them if they have enough room. Follies had one but had to remove it to make room for more customers. I personally have never played in a club. I used to have one in my home. But it seems to me that there are cheaper places to play pool than a strip club. I have seen customers playing with dancers in slow clubs. Even naked dancers.


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Avatar for misterorange

It should always be 2 guys vs 2 girls. If the girls lose they have to blow the guys. And if the guys lose they have to fuck the girls.

Avatar for Muddy

I think it’s cool. Although I used to have a fav that was awesome at pool. She would usually whoop my ass. Not a good look for me that’s why I stopped playing her but I give her credit she was legit.

Avatar for sweetjamesjones

I have never played pool in a strip club. I agree that pool tables should only be present in a strip club if there is enough room. I recently visited club wax and club blaze in Atlanta both of which have pool tables. They work better in club wax because it is more spacious and spread out. The pool tables in club blaze(especially the one on the lower level) takes away from the already limited seating. I could do without them.

Avatar for skibum609

Love shooting pool in a strip club. Way back in the day at Club Fantasies' old location, the level of play at their table (no champagne rooms or private dances back then) the quality of play was Atlantic City level.

Avatar for EastCoaster

Shadowcat, I agree that it's alright for clubs to have them if they have enough room. Even though I'm not much of a pool player, I enjoyed playing a few times at the old Mardi Gras in Atlanta with some of the girls -- who were topless while they played. I never really tried very hard to make good shots, which made the games last longer. Watching a pretty girl in just her g-string and heels, bending over to take her shots and letting her boobs hang free, was certainly a sight I won't forget.

I remember the pool table at Follies all too well, which in that small club was a tremendous waste of space, so it was good when they took it out and put in more benches for lap dances. That said, it was not uncommon there to see girls playing pool completely nude. I never played pool at Follies, but one of my fondest memories was watching a tall naked black girl who, as she waited for her turn, was leaning against a post with her pool cue in one hand and with the other was gently rubbing her clit to pass the time. Yes, Follies was certainly one of a kind.

So yeah, if the girls play in some stage of undress, I don't mind pool tables in strip clubs.

Avatar for rattdog

playing pool at the strip club is an awesome way to kill the time until the girl of your choice is ready to go. also not a bad way to make a couple of bucks.

a fave of mine i bumped into at beamers in stamford, ct told me she used to hang with a couple of pros from nyc. we played a game and she wasn't lying. she knew how to grip the cue with her bridge hand (too bad she wouldn't grip my cock in the lapper room).

one shot she actually drew back the cue ball 5-6 inches. that's fucking impressive, especially if it's a real good stripper executing that type of shot. the only time you're going to see that happen is most likely at some pool tournament.

Avatar for twentyfive

It really depends on the club I haven’t ever played pool in a strip club , but there were one or two where they were fine, for all of you who’ve been to Tootsies, they actually have a billiard parlor set up on the ground floor in one area.

Avatar for Subraman

I've been in divier clubs that have pool tables. I understand why strippers complain about pool tables, but I don't know why any customer would complain about pool tables. Play if you want, don't play if you don't. Most of the guys playing pool are no longer competing for any stripper's attention with you, which means you have a more wide open field. There's no real downside to having pool tables in a dive club (provided, as you said, they have the room) for a customer, whether or not you play yourself.

Years ago, I used to play pool all the time. My buddy and I wanted to get a beer and shoot some pool... if I have the choice of shooting pool where there's nekkid girls around, and shooting pool with no nekkid girls around (and few girls in general), why wouldn't we pick the "pool and nekkid girls" option???. We'd shoot a couple of games, go tip at the stage, shoot another game, go tip, etc. Somewhere along the line we figured out that we could invite a stripper or two over, and they'd play with us. Back to my previous question: if I could shoot pool with my ugly buddy, or I could shoot pool with my ugly buddy plus two hot chicks in lingerie, why would I ever choose just my ugly buddy? We'd get a girl or two, shoot some pool, tip them for their time, etc. The whole thing was pretty fun. Haven't done this in years as we've shifted over to higher end clubs many years ago.

Avatar for gammanu95

I am against it. IME there are always fights and bad blood at pool halls because of bets, welchers, hustlers, dealers, and other shit. Pool handles swinging back, balls flying off the table, all makes for a hazardous environment. You can pass time waiting for your girl by looking a tother girls. It's just a bad, unnecessary idea.

Avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)

It depends. I like pool but when you get drunks sending the balls flying off the table .... its like a few clubs I know with darts.

Avatar for Subraman

gamma, in all the time I spent in clubs with pool tables, I've never seen any of this. A pool table in a strip club isn't really like a pool hall, typically it seems to be two buddies just playing pool together, rather than pool hall dynamics where strangers are playing/hustling and making bets, etc. You'd think if the pool tables did cause problems, the club would remove them

Avatar for Tiburon

i could see it probably getting used as something for those who are a member or who pay for VIP (like $400+) just to keep the cheapos out the club. Generally something in a high end gentlemen's club (strip club is too low brow for some lol). a bunch of upper class snobs with a cigar in the mouth and a glass of scotch on their table.

Last time I seen a pool table in the club it was in a dingy titty bar and not a lot of top tier ladies there. But pool is cheap enough to entertain and long enough to stay without paying for much else. Cheap gazing between ball strikes (that sounds dirty)

Avatar for Tiburon

THen there's also the worry that so many customers want their favorite stripper to come play with them which could take away from the girls being on stage. Lot to consider when having stuff like this there.

Avatar for Estafador

@Eastcoaster That's kind of gross. She touch her clit then touch a pool stick? Getting her sweaty juices everywhere.

Avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)

I've never seen pool hustlers. I've seen drug dealers use games to make deals but that's about it. I've had strangers just want friendly games before. My only problem is when drunks play and balls go flying everywhere.

Avatar for Jimmybigtits

Pool tables in the VIP to bend them over is best

Avatar for psycho_trick

more guys shooting pool means more liars in lingerie for me.

Avatar for motorhead

My take is that if the club needs pool tables to entertain the customers then the dancers must be fugly and not very good

Avatar for twentyfive

^ But then you can make the dancers play dodgeball with billiard balls

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Brass Rail had them, and I don't think there was any problem. But the Brass Rail was real big.

Sporty's Bar ( Candid Club ) had one, but that place was too small so I think it was a problem. Too small.

Hip Hugger, so so.

But these are zero mileage places. So it is okay for guys spending very little money.

In a mileage place, serious money flowing, I don't think the pool tables are constructive. Brings in guys who don't spend and the dancers are then just donating their time. And lots of guys try for free groping.


Seattle, also looking pretty good, much better than San Jose. The key is to get them in stripper shoes, strapped on, painted up, and in skirts or dresses. They they are the equal of strip club, Viet Coffee, or AMP girls. The rest of what they wear does not matter is it won't be staying on very long.





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Avatar for Jimmybigtits

Honestly if I see pool tables I definitely stay. I find it's an OTC paradise because so many cheap guys come in to shoot pool. But this only applies to dive bars. But unfortunately this often means dancer quality is low. But not always.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

^ Good Points!

Many of our dive bar women got most of their money from OTC.


Avatar for Subraman

Jimmyb, yeah my pool table experiences are all dive bars, which by definition don't have the absolute hottest girls -- but some of the local bikini bars sometimes have some pretty decent looking girls. yes, OTC is available for sure.

I think what we're seeing in this thread is imagination on what it might be like (e.g., there will be lots of fights; the pool table guys will take all the girls) versus what it's actually like (no fights, you can invite a girl to play pool with you but most guys don't, etc). Really, as a customer who doesn't play pool, there's nothing about the pool tables that impacts you in any way except maybe positively... except the fact that you're in a dive bar in the first place

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Per the comments; it seems to mostly come down to whether one likes to shoot pool or not – I guess if one likes to shoot pool, then it’s an added-benefit or at worst no-harm-no-foul – for those that don’t care about pool then it’s likely more of a nuisance they can do w/o.

I mostly hit dives and mostly black-dives where pool-tables are very-common – these dives also have the issue that most are small to very-small in size yet they insist on putting a pool-table(s) in – so overall it may be more of a negative than a positive since, at least IME, most places w/ pool-tables are dives and most dives tend to be on the small-side.

I’m not a pool-player so for me they are a negative especially given that I mostly hit dives and most of these dives are either small or very-small – additionally; perhaps b/c of their small-size; many of these dives focus mainly on floor-dances; thus a pool-table(s) in the clubs I hit almost-always takes away from the dancing-aspect since good-spots/seats to get dances are already not-many to begin with (translation – less pool-table(s) more spots/seats to get dances or better dances).

w.r.t. guys playing pool being a positive as they pose less competition for the girls per se; I don’t necessarily think that is 100% accurate and IMO is at best somewhat accurate – bottom line is that many of the vets on here know that less custies often means better ROI/dancer-treatment (and why many of us avoid Fr/Sat nights at many SCs) – at the end of the day the pool-players are taking up space and club resources and at times taking dancers out of circulation just to play pool w/ them etc - so at best I see the pool-players as a wash in terms of being in the way; but IMO they take away more than what they add at least w.r.t. my personal clubbing experience.

Given the clubs I hit and for my style of SCing, the pool-tables only take away from the experience and from it being the best strip club it can be – in general I’m not a fan of mixing things together – IMO when one mixes things together they are hardly ever as good as if they are kept apart with each thing focusing on what they do – for example the hybrid nightclub/strip-clubs; IME they are hardly ever a good thing; they are neither great nightclubs nor great strip-clubs and I feel the strip-club part of these clubs would be better if they just focused on being a strip-club vs a hybrid – I go to a strip-club to do strip-clubbing stuff; if I wanna hit a nightclub I rather go to a nightclub; if I want to eat good food then I go to a restaurant; etc etc – all-in-all; the more things they try to be the less they are focusing on the strip-club basics and the more their resources (including space; etc) are (IMO) being misused; the ole “jack of all trades master of none”.

In the end pool-tables in the club doesn’t make the club not worth visiting; but IMO/IME it takes away from the club more than it adds to it (again this is mainly b/c I’m not a pool-player and if I go to a strip-club it’s purely to get w/ the girls vs hang-out doing other things) – the only club that I’ve seen pull this off well is Tootsies b/c that club is huge (it was a former BJ's Wholesale club which is the equivalent of a Costco) – so Tootsies not only has a huge footprint but they actually have a separate sports-bar area where the pool-tables are – the Tootsies sportsbar, called Knockers; is out of view of the main-room and it’s a room all of its own all the way on one side of the club which is the side furthest away from the entrance and main-stage – it’s an enclosed room with a sliding glass-door although the sliding-door is usually kept open – it would not be uncommon for most first-time Tootsies custies to not even know about the pool-tables or sportsbar unless they decided to step-away from the main-room action and walk the whole club.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

A lot of dives are just too small. And I do think they bring in non-spenders and that that makes it hard for the girls. Dancers have told me about it brining in guys who just want free groping.


Los Angeles, real hottie


Avatar for BubbleYum

Strip clubs are supposed to be about the titties. Not pool. I think having a pool table deflects attention that should be on dancers if a customer doesn't see anyone they like working that shift. On the flip side, I think playing pool could be a good ice breaker between a dancer and a customer.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

Coincidentally was just tonight discussing the club pool table with a fav. She basically said that customers who only get a few dances are an important $ source for her. But that means they are spending under 15 minutes getting dances, which doesn't make for much of a night out. So, good that, in addition to the stage show, there is the pool table and the slot machines to help round out a customer's night out. There's also at least one dancer who likes to join in the pool playing.

Avatar for DandyDan

I never much went for playing pool in a strip club, but I have played with dancers, and by the end of the game, she was topless, or even nude at the one club I went to long ago, and we were eventually going to the private room.

Avatar for joewebber

bad idea. pool tables don't make any money for the club or the dancers. they mostly attract the pimps and drug dealers and distract from the dancers. fights almost always break out. again, this is a losing situation for the club.

they take up valuable floor space that could be used for more tables, chairs, and possibly stages.

Avatar for Cashman1234

In my view, it’s entirely dependent on the club. If there is enough space, and I mean a lot of extra unused space, then it might be ok. If the VIP rooms are already spacious and the lap dance area is spacious - and the club still has empty space, then a pool table might work well.

I have experience with only one strip club that had a pool table, and it was a bad idea. The club already attracted guys who were rough. The club was small and the tough guys liked to hang out at the pool table and wait for a guy to pass by and accidentally bump into one of them, and then pick a fight. It seemed like a bad idea. But, that club also had two old video games - like PAC Man and Galaga - still taking up space.

I think clubs should be focused on dancers and selling dances. A guy who is too involved in shooting pool may not even care about the titties on stage. Also, once guys start playing for cash - the losers won’t have as much to spend on dances. Sure the winners will have more - but I don’t know if that translates into more spending on dancers?

I also think it’s a bad look - if a guy brings his own pool stick into a strip club full of women. It’s like he’s there to play pool - and not for dances.

Avatar for GoVikings

I’ve played pool in a club a couple times. I like pool tables in clubs but it’s not something I come across often

Avatar for docsavage

I like to play pool, but I find pool tables in a club distracting. For me, the focus in a strip club should be on the girls on stage. The clubs with the best girls tend not to have pool tables. It's the clubs with lower quality girls who more often try to distract the customers from noticing that by offering pool tables, drink specials, contests and various other gimmicks.

Avatar for Jimmybigtits

Two of the four clubs near me have pool tables. In both of those the girls don't dance in stage they sit and talk and discuss VIP with you. I like it because like I said earlier in these dive bars the cheap dudes are shooting pool while I'm finding a diamond in the rough for OTC. I've usually been into white women in their 30s but lately in these clubs now it's younger fit black girls unsullied as yet by too many Pl Peckers I'm working on as they complain about the cheapos shooting pool

Avatar for Liwet

I don't think it's a good idea. It uses up too much space and doesn't occupy enough people. Compare how much space you need for a pool table compared to an arcade cabinet.

Avatar for datinman

Going to a strip club to look at balls. Yeah, I don't get it.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

In the clubs I hit where there are pool-tables; I rarely if ever see those dudes spending anything on the dancers, nor even interacting w/ them much – I get the sense they are there to hang-out/kill-some-time and don’t have much interest in spending anything in the club except maybe buy a drink or two; I also get the sense the dancers know this and why they don’t interact w/ the pool-players much; which kinda makes sense; one would assume the dancers assume the guys on the main-floor are the ones that may be interested in spending.

Avatar for Subraman

"In the clubs I hit where there are pool-tables; I rarely if ever see those dudes spending anything on the dancers, nor even interacting w/ them much"

Exactly what makes the pool tables awesome. 100% win for PLs -- you'll stand out immediately as someone spending.

I have to admit I didn't think of the "club is already too small, and now there's a pool table taking up half the room", the dive clubs I"ve been to always had room for the table. I can see how that becomes annoying

Avatar for WiseToo

You know you're in a dive club when the pool table has gray duct tape covering the rips in the green cloth. More upscale dive clubs will use green duct tape.

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