
Comments by Professor906090 (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Mind Your F***ing Manners
    MiDancer, just wanted to make sure you understand that I say the above as a compliment and as a sign of my admiration of your educational accomplishments and commitment to learn and grow.
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    17 years ago
    Mind Your F***ing Manners
    MIDancer, as always, I am going to speak my mind here. I am sure you are an awesome dancer, but you need to get the hell out of the biz ASAP. Too bad I would never be able to buy LD from you :(
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    shadowcat fucks up again. I got jealous.
    Shadowcat, have you met the fellow TUSCLer who wrote you the email? It sounds like that the part of your jealousy comes from you not approving the dancer's choice of who she should be giving the FS. I do not know what Bones told you, but imo, if she is not so choosy, it could be to your benefit, unless the guy she gave FS had other "competitive advantages" besides money, which put you outside of her circle of candidates for FS.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Is dancer quality declining?
    Fondl, much like you I have high standard when it comes to physical attributes of the dancer. After the incredible experience that I recently had (just 4-6 months ago), I do not think I can find a dancer like my first ATF (she quit dancing too). I feel your disappointment: 6 years is a long time. But do not get discourage. Keep positive, that's the key! You may find her, or she may find you your very next trip to the club. Life is full of surprises.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Top 10 Things That You Overheard Bones Saying In a Strip Club:
    No.5: honey, when you say that a sure shot to the man's heart is though his stomach, you are aiming too high...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Is dancer quality declining?
    As much as we try to commoditize dancers, the nature of business is still highly subjective, especially for well rounded customers that have certain standards. Fondl, it may be the case that your values have changed a bit during the time you took off from clubbing, or may be the simple case of being "at the right place, at the right time". If anything, the economy should increase the supply of the dancers (both new and those that came back dancing) while pushing the prices down. Dancers' pay still relatively high compared to other careers the girls can pursue give the background of many. I think now is the time to get the best deals out there, just like with Real Estate. The economic laws are almost as reliable as the law of gravity, LOL! Fondl, hope you find your next ATF soon.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The WAR between dancers will soon begin
    There are just too many variables to suggest that one approach is better than the other. Not only dancers' personalities and looks are different, but the personalities and preferences of the customers are different too. Additionally, different club attract different clientele and some dancers are just ill suited for a particular club. Common sense and willingness to go extra mile when needed is a good starting point, imo.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Another Special Dancer from Decades Ago . . .
    Doug, I wish we can meet some day to compare notes...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Another Special Dancer from Decades Ago . . .
    Jab, I go to SC for several reasons. First reason is to harvest sexual energy which I bring back home. That happens 95% of the time. Falling in love of experiencing romantic feeling toward a dancer, if channeled properly, produces unexpectedly good results in other areas of my life (professional, personal, creative endeavors, etc). I recognize that the second reason is a dangerous route given my personality, but you know what they say in Wall Street Journal: higher risks, higher returns. And I do not really care what kind of cutomer I am, I have my own agenda.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Another Special Dancer from Decades Ago . . .
    Thanks, Dr. Phil for suggesting that I am an "incompetent customer" or "when it comes to relationships they [me} seem beyond dumb". I do respect the fact that you are about 30 years older than I am and I will not take your wisdoms apart. I'll just say: "May you never run out of turkey!" :) Seriously, Jab, lighten up and learn to respect and tolerate others' points of view and not try to win EVERY argument, its impossible.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Another Special Dancer from Decades Ago . . .
    Jablake, sounds like a story of both of my ATF. One that I fell in love with found another job and stopped dancing, and the second one I left myself because I felt we were starting to connect on too many levels. The difference between our stories is that in both cases I stopped buying dances from them, it just felt wrong.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Wives in the club
    I agree with Jablake. When my friends and I take our wives to SC they form a group of 4 to 5 hot ladies that are 28-35 yo. They get close to the stage and the dancers love them and they usually do an impromptu show together. Us, the husbands get complements from the DJ and the crowd. If we get drunk enough, we do order LD for our wives, and some really get into it :) Sorry, could not resist to brag - its been a long day at work... I suggest to keep on trying different clubs. I have seen couples like yours getting the deserved attention here, in Detroit.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    10 Customer Truths
    MIDancer, interesting approach, learned something new today. You being different from the what we perceive to be a generalized image of a dancer wins our admiration. Though some may still think your replies are just some twisted SS, just kidding :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    10 Customer Truths
    MIDancer, I get your point that most of the guys are idiots to start with and would not know the truth from a lie. I can even see that at some point it would discourage a dancer from telling the truth because it may hurt the business. But how does your policy of telling the truth works if you need to create a sexual fantasy and the guy, for instance, a bold, overweight shrimp with bad breath etc, so it is almost impossible to find anything attractive about him? I remember your average is 20-25 LD per shift plus 1/2 - 1 hour in VIP so your policy works, but how is it applied?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Question for the strippers here: Do you ever find some customers very attractive
    Book Guy, it is quite possible that the dancer you describe comes from the similar background as her boyfriend. Oftentimes, the dancers come from low-middle-class dysfunctional family where their fathers left their mothers and oftentimes, there is a history of sexual abuse my a family member (father, uncle etc).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    10 Customer Truths
    MIDancer, you are an exceptions that only proves the rule. My proposal of "10 Customer Truths" is a mere summary of the most common things that us, the customers, find annoying in dealing with dancers. This is an attempt to honestly come out and say: we want this and do not want that. What dancers will do with that truth is entirely up to them. I suspect that nothing would change, but it feels good to try...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    10 Customer Truths
    MIDancer, you know what one good looking and an experience dancer answered me once to "How is it going tonight?" "Oh, don't worry about me, I always make out like a bandit" and she laughed. What a fresh approach! That really differentiated her from the rest of the dancers. And we as customers do look for something different in our dancers and the answers to the routine questions could by one of those things.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    This makes me reconsider my favorite club.
    SCs to tend to attract some bad characters. Since these bad MFs cannot get a date OTC, they come in for a fantasy one. I do not go to SC during the night 95% of the time because of what you have just described and because the best dancers in my area that work in smaller clubs (I like them better) do not work night shifts for that same reason.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "The Secret" theory meets "Running into your ATF unintentionally"
    Just do not think that you never going to see her again, think the opposite. In fact imagine that you have already met her once and you are about to meet her again. As unlikely as your meeting may sound, just keep her "alive" in your thoughts. "Make" her your neighbor, or someone that you have more odds of running into. Believe in it as you do with other things you hold dear. I am sure with time and your positive thinking something like what happen to me will happen to you. It just has to, its the law that has worked for centuries...Hang in there, Jab!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "The Secret" theory meets "Running into your ATF unintentionally"
    Jablake, have you tried searching for her videos on YouTube?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Did you remember to set your locks back?
    Will be doing mine this morning. Thanks for the reminder.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Serious Subject: High Heat Grilled Chicken or Turkey Acts Like Viagra?
    Turkey is the best known natural antidepressant and contains the highest amount of serotonin. This may be what works for some in addition to other factors. Additional info below may be of some interest: http://www.squidoo.com/libido-increasing-food/ http://www.menshealth.co.uk/index.php/v3/Foods_for_harder_erections/9312
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    The Pink Site: 10 Dancer Truths
    David, I think we need to do our own "10 Customer Truths" and make it a permanent part of this site, placing it right above Stripping 101.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Am I Too Big? Yes.
    Different folks like different strokes (pun was intended :) Looks are important for me, sorry to disappoint some.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Am I Too Big? Yes.
    David, haha, I am with you there! I am very discriminative when it comes to who I will buy dances from. They really have to sell me on... I do not even know what it is half the time... things just have to click and the looks is just the first step in the selection process.