"The Secret" theory meets "Running into your ATF unintentionally"

avatar for Professor906090
Besides Jablake, have any of your read The Secret? It talks about the law of attraction and that we attract things in life based on our predominant thoughts. Lately, I have been thinking about running into my first AFT that I felt in love with (see my "Falling in love with your ATF" post dated 10/16) Why? Probably just to see if I have still any feelings left...

Here are the chain of unlikely events that has led to me running into her yesterday at 8:10 PM on the corner of Madison and Brush in downtown Detroit:
1) My friend and his wife bought two tickets for a sold out show to see Russell Peters, a comedian.
2) Three hours before the show, my friend call me telling me he can't make it and asked me if I would go
3) I called around to see if someone would go with me (my wife had to stay with kinds, no help was available) and the person that was available was my friend that was supposed to be in Mexico already, but his departure was delayed by a week
4) My friend was running late for the 8:00 PM show, and as I was standing on the corner of the Music Hall building, dialing my cell to see where he was, crossing the street, there she was walking with a guy towards me. She must have seen me first: she broke her eye contact as I looked at her. She wore long wavy hair, a light sweater and jeans that at the bottom were hiding high heeled shoes. I caught myself having mixed emotions for a few minutes but there were no thoughts of trying to contact her even though I have her cell and email. I guess I am over the whole thing...Eventually, they walked towards and inside the Gem theatre across the street from Music Hall. With over a million people living in the area what were the odds of me meeting her I ask you?..

Geographic details are added for SuperDude and others who I assume know the downtown area.
DougS, look forward to your reply :)
Jablake, have you heard from your Goofball? If not, don't give up, see this stuff works!..


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avatar for jablake
17 years ago
No, unfortunately no Goofball. I could see her trying to swim to safety forgetting that she doesn't know how to swim. She is amazing.

avatar for jablake
17 years ago

Boy, I wish I'd gone with her to buy those rap videos she was in. I'm sure she would have looked adorable with all types of crazy moves. The few she showed me were too much. :)

avatar for Professor906090
17 years ago
Jablake, have you tried searching for her videos on YouTube?
avatar for jablake
17 years ago
I'd imagine there must be THOUSANDS. Not only that, but she wasn't the star. Just one of the supporting hos on video. And, video was as close as she could get because the star rappers wanted BIG mommies for their fun. The hot supporting hos like her had NO chance for more unless they could put on the blubber. Funny, I would think if the rappers wanted BIG mommies then why not market whaling as the in thing . . .

Who knows maybe the rappers see the hot hos as eye candy and when the lights go out more is better even if it ain't pleasing to the eyes. I wonder if the rappers do their hunting at Walmart. Large selection of larger sizes and rollback prices----get a lot for a little @ Walmart the place for whale hunting. :)

avatar for Professor906090
17 years ago
Just do not think that you never going to see her again, think the opposite. In fact imagine that you have already met her once and you are about to meet her again. As unlikely as your meeting may sound, just keep her "alive" in your thoughts. "Make" her your neighbor, or someone that you have more odds of running into. Believe in it as you do with other things you hold dear. I am sure with time and your positive thinking something like what happen to me will happen to you. It just has to, its the law that has worked for centuries...Hang in there, Jab!
avatar for jablake
17 years ago

I think things are fairly set and just repeat over and over again with minor changes. Have you ever seen the future about 5 to 10 minutes early?

I saw the death of a friend about an hour before it happened a few times in a vision. It seemed totally insane and I thought I was out of it. I wanted to make some phone calls, but how do you do that when nothing bad has happened at that moment? I wanted to do a lot of things to change what I had seen. I was frozen to do anything pretty much. I wanted to get up. I wanted to say something. I still feel guilty about it. If it replays again, then I'd probably still freeze. That is the way it works for me at least.

The only change that I made due to my vision was I didn't go to Angels. Because in the original vision I discovered the friend after returning from Angels. Simple solution don't go to Angels and that changes the future. Well, I think the future was changed . . . but, not in a meaningful way because the friend still died with an arm reaching skyward. That was the vision--the skyward arm, the eyes, the pose. If I could have called earlier, then I still think the main future was set in stone. :(

I'm depressed not only due to the death and my freezing on so many levels, but because the future seems to replay with just slight differences. Die and you go thru this life again and again and again with some slight changes.

avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
Lay off the shrooms dude!
avatar for jablake
17 years ago

That is exactly how I felt parodyman. Unfortunately, neither drugs nor alcohol were involved. I think it just dementia or genetic or worse it was real. :(

Talk about scary. It was scary. About a month later I had what I would describe as a near death experience. If that is how I am going to die, then it was bad at all. There was no pain. It was like I separated from my body. The person with me was screaming for me to wake up. Their fear was depressing. :( It was some type of heart seizure---at least my heart stopped beating. I'm not a doctor so perhaps there was some other problem such as mini stroke. Anyway, definitely not a bad way to die if that is it and it doesn't get worse.

avatar for jablake
17 years ago
correction: it wasn't bad at all
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