
Pick one hottie

Book Guy
I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
Saturday, March 3, 2007 8:11 AM
Pick one, or three or so. From this page. I'm interested in people's preferences. I select this page because it's a reliable, plain website, with fairly straightforward presentation. Try to make your selection on the basis of the GIRL rather than the PHOTO (if you know what I mean, and although, of course, that is not always possible). [view link] Have fun!


  • chandler
    17 years ago
    I pick Eleni. Cute face, full lips, sensational body. And I did pick the girl, not the shot, cuz I don't care for wet models. Honorable mention: Ania Barbara Ekaterina Ekattrina Ganna Nasiya Olina Victorielle Rather homely: Annalee Nadya Vina Yulika Zuzana ARF!!!: Angela Jessica Julia Sascha
  • bigdawg_1
    17 years ago
    Ania and alyona...both natural beauties
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Yeah, I thought Ania had a sexy face and nice tits, but I couldn't make her my #1 without seeing her from the waist down.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Funny, Alyona is to me quite plain. Not "ugly" as much as just, umm, "ho hum." (And not in the "whore who humms" type.) I do concur on most of the less preferable listed, but not on the more preferable. I did a 1-to-10 on all of them, below, and find that Aleka, Ellen, and Elen, plus Maria (whom I've drooled over in other pics) are my top choices. It's strange how into Maria I am, I'm not usually a tit man at all. adel 8 aleka 9 alene 4 alyona 6 angela 5 ania 8 annalee 9 and 1 (amazing body fitness, but not sexy) annalina 5 barbara 4 carrie 7 ekaterina 6 ekattrina 7 elen 9 eleni 8 ellen 9 evalee 7 ganna 6 irah 6 irissa 5 jenya 6 jessica 7 julia 7 juliet 8 kabira 5 kateryna 8 liliya 7 lilu 8? lola 6 lubasha 8 maria 9 nadya 5 nasiya 6 nastya 7 natala 6 natalana 6 natalia 5 nely 8 nicola 8 olia 8 olina 8 olive 7 oxana 7 polyna 7 sascha 6 sasha 7 sophia 7 svanna 5 tanila 6 tusia 5 victorielle 8 victorlyn 5 vina 7 vladislava 5 yulika 6 zuzana 5
  • nj_pete
    17 years ago
    OK, #1 in my opinion: ekattrina, then evalinee, Jenya, Irah (but could use a little "trim" down there, then Naslya, the rest are OK (actually would not kick any of them out of bed should I be so lucky!) But those first few mentioned are the ones that stand out to me.
  • lopaw
    17 years ago
    ellen ganna kateryna = yummo.
  • AbbieNormal
    17 years ago
    Most of these girls look a little too young for my taste, not that I have anything against young girls, I just prefer a more mature looking face. That said; ania carrie ellen ganna kateryna lilu (assuming her face lives up to her body.) ekaterina (The picture is awful, she, I think, would look better) Of those I think Carrie would be my favorite, although Ellen has great eyes and was actually the first to catch my attention.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    The face is too important for me to assume anything, so I had to pass on Lilu. I thought Ellen's was among the more attractive faces, but it was impossible to judge her body from that angle. Likewise for Ekaterina. I nearly included Maria as a bowser for what appeared to be post-op "lazy eye" nipples, but I suspect that beneath that hair her face would look better in a less awkward pose. Overall, although this "simple" style of photography is good for evaluating the models' looks, I don't find it very sexy or expressive of personality. I prefer shots with more props and play acting, and less of a natural "nude art" pretense with wistful gazes.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Interesting, Chandler. I prefer the opposite, as far as photography goes -- I find the props distracting, and want more of a "vanilla" presentation of nothing BUT the girl's body and face, such that I can "more accurately assess" what she "really" looks like (all terms used advisedly!). In a while, I'll tabulate some of the responses and compare which girls have wide deviation and which ones have narrow, in order to further the discussion. Not that this can entirely be done mathematically, but it'll be interesting. To me, at least. :)
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Book Guy: I agree that these shots are better for assessing physical appearance. However, accuracy is not what turns me on. A hot looking girl with a sexy attitude is. These unadorned, nonsexual presentations don't show me that. I find all the unreal outdoor settings distracting. I've been outdoors on several occasions, and I've yet to observe any nude wood nymphs gazing longingly at the sky. Maybe it's different in the Ukraine. Based on all these porn sites, I get the feeling there isn't a meadow or lake anywhere in that country without a nude "teen" model being photographed.
  • happylap
    17 years ago
    There were six that jumped out at me (or I wish they did), listed below with the features I liked: Oxana – spunky, seemed like she'd be fun Olia – great long legs Nicola – great butt Lola – great lips and nipples (maybe the photo enhanced the nipples) Kateryna – lovely face, sensous mouth Ellen – sensouls face and beautiful blue eyes
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Chandler: Yah, I think if you go camping in the Ukraine you have to bring your ID to prove you're over 21, because of the photo-shoots and other adult sights you're likely to see. :P
  • AbbieNormal
    17 years ago
    Chandler, I keep waiting to find the antique claw foot bathtub filled with bubblebath, surrounded by candles and billowing curtains in the middle of a huge room with a vaulted ceiling with sensuous looking naked woman in the tub who is on the verge of orgasm, apparently just from holding her own breast, but I never seem to find that one either. Hell I'd settle for women actually wearing the kind of lingere they do in the pictures.
  • AbbieNormal
    17 years ago
    ...and damnit why don't nurses wear stockings and those hats anymore... scrubs just don't do it for me. [view link]
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    Well, none of them for me. Some lovely women, to be sure, but if not an Asian with beautiful long straight jet black hair, then could never be #1.
  • nj_pete
    17 years ago
    I must "tip my hat" to Book Guy, he puts a lot of effort into his research.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Kateryna is rising up to a 9 in my esteem. Just because I did further research. :)
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    AN: You know, I heard there's been a move by some nurses back to trad white outfits, because scrubs diminish their authority. I'd be glad to submit to Nurse Xtina anytime. Ironically though, I recall some flap over that ad coming from nurses - or maybe it was the Red Cross. Killjoys.
  • parodyman-->
    17 years ago
    Polyna is one of the few out of this group that I'd spend any of my SC dollars on. She looks like a little work could change her into a fun chic.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    They would be killjoys if there were any joy in it. I don't find Christina Aguilera attractive at all -- dressed like a tramp, giant nose, fat ass, nothing to recommend her except the fact that music executives seem quite busy recommending her.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Killjoy. Yeah, she tries too hard, but at least she has some fun with it. Maybe you'd like her better if she posed near a babbling brook affecting a doe-like expression. I happen to think her giant nose is very sensual and her fat ass looks mighty inviting to me. And I swear I'm not a music executive.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    My favorite is easily Kateryna. Pretty face, nice long hair, nice body, neatly groomed... she is the type that I'd most definitely want to hookup with at a club. Picking the runners up, is more difficult. However, I think my top five order would be something like this; 1. Kateryna 2. Ekattrina 3. Ellen 4. Carrie 5. Ania 6. Nastya (ok, I said 5, but the more I looked at her, I had to include her... besides, with a name like Nastya, I'm interested...) Others of note that would "do" in alphabetical order are Aleka (weird smile, hair too kinky), Alena (maybe hotter if she were dry), Aloyna (very cute, but the haircut is too boyish), Elen (too young/innocent lookng), Ganna (face is too round), Lilu (hell of a body, but I have to see the face), Maria (a bit too chunky), Oxana (hair too kinky, a bit too pale), Sascha (a bit too chunky, seems to be a bit too bottom heavy), Victorelle (face is a bit chunky), Yulika (hair is a bit too thick) Most of the rest would be put into the "nuh uh, no way" category...
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    BOOK GUY, I CURSE YOU!!!!! ... for starting these goddamn picture threads that make me go rooting around the internet looking for more views. And I don't even like the style of photo. Anyway, I had to find out what some of these girls really looked like. It's impossible to tell from just one shot, especially when it's from an odd angle or half her body is cropped out. I found that all of the Domai galleries can be seen here: [view link] They begin about 2/3 down the page and continue in reverse alphabetical order through the next six pages. Beware, the site is slow, cluttered with ads, and awkward to navigate. I guess I could sign up to Domai, but that wouldn't be any fun. It violates the spirit of this thread, however I've revised my ratings for several girls: Big upgrades: Ania, Ekattrina. Seeing their faces in more shots, and seeing more of their bodies exceeds my expectations. Big big big upgrade: Maria. Great voluptuous body. More curves than I usually care for, but what curves! Very sexy face, too, with that hair out of the way. Her single, original pic is the worst shot in her gallery. Big downgrades: Ellen, Ekaterina. Now I see why their bodies were semi-obscured. Sorry to report, their faces are a lot less attractive than in their original shots, too. Everybody's fave Kateryna does have a nice body, but she still looks stiff to me and low on sexual energy. Eleni has as hot a body as I thought, but her face, um, looks like she belongs in a babushka. Lilu, the mystery face, turns out to be rather plain looking with sort of Asian features. Maybe Clubber would go for her. Now please just cut it out, Book Guy.
  • chitownlawyer
    17 years ago
    I have to confess to a bias against Eastern European girls. I suppose that I watched that old commercial from the 1980s too many times...."Swimwear....Evening Wear..." I would like to be the depilitory salesman to this crew. I can't believe the number of moustaches and unibrows that you can see have been removed from these girls. Despite all of the above, with a couple of exceptions (they managed to find some brunettes so homely that even I think they are ugly... THAT is an accomplishment!), I would welcome any of them in my bed My #1 is Zuzanna, contrary to Chandler's opinion. "The last shall be first, and the first last." Other promising picks: Ania Ekatterina Elen (looks like a Kate Moss who eats) Ellen (lovely blue eyes) Irah Irisa (needs a brace on her upper jaw, though) jamina (looks dirty. I'm thinking anal on the first date. Maybe in the driveway before you leave) katernya Lilu (quite an ass, but who knows about the face?) maria (I think those are natural. I can't believe they'd be able to get such good implants in the former Eastern bloc.) Polyna (biggest tits of the bunch, and I'm assuming they are natural)
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Chitown: I went to school with a lot of cute Polish Catholic girls, so my bias definitely favors that neck of the woods. So many different races converged there, from Mongols to Nordics to Slavs, it's hard to characterize a single Eastern European look. They don't all turn into babushka peasants. I find the slightly exotic features you see in someone like Ania or Ekattrina incredibly sexy. I also thought Polyna had the most seductive look of all. She's just too big for me.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Eeek! Access to MORE pictures of all those girls ... golly I gotta take time off work ...
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Thanks for the [view link] website. More pics, more pics! Upon further inspection, I have chosen to retain Ania, Elen, Juliet, Kateryna, Maria, Nicola, Olia, Olina, and Victorielle as among my favorites. I have evidently lost interest in Eleni, Ellen, Lilu, Lubasha, and Nely, despite or because of greater opportunity for perusal. Adel and Aleka, formerly members of my preferred set, are not available on the ImageFap site, as far as I can tell, and therefore remain as among the elect, but only by default. I have not yet checked all other girls, to see if some become MORE interesting to me upon greater opportunity for inspection. I don't have ALL the free time in the world, you know, geez!
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    OK yeah, and Sabrina. So I do have a little more free time ... :) ...
    17 years ago
    #1 - Ellen - that sweet innocent look gets me every time. #2 - Nastya - looks a lot like my most recent fave, especially the body.
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