
More Pics of Hot Girls...

Sorry, these aren't nude, but there are some hot girls here... am still going through the pics so that I can post my favorites. (work has a way of getting in the way of the fun 'net activities)

Here's the link... who do YOU like?!


  • DougS
    18 years ago
    When I first posted the above, the Week 2 girls were shown in the gallery... now, it's Week 3, and to be honest, they aren't nearly as hot. For Week 3, I only see three that I thought were hot... of those, Nikki (Beverly Hills, CA) is my pick, but she appears to have way too much junk in the trunk, for me... (I can't find a way to get to Week 2's gallery... believe me, they were MUCH better!!)
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Most of 'em are merely above average, in my estimation. I kinda got sick of the gallery ...
  • Clubber
    18 years ago
    Way to much work and time wasted to see what might be a lovely woman, IMHO.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Doug, I don't know if it's Week 3 or if it's Maxim. Too many attractive but forgettable girls for me check out all of them. There's something about a page of that many thumbnails, all in similar views showing the same amount of skin, all smiling in a way that seems to plead "Click on me!" Gives me thumbnail fatigue. I wind up being most drawn to the models who aren't smiling so much.

    Two who caught my eye were Jamie in row two for the way her little tits and hot ass look underneath that outfit and for her come hither look. I'm not too crazy about her secondary photos. And Lauren in row six has great eyes and mouth and an interesting mix of innocence and sultriness. Sorry, Beverly ain't for me. I see a slight horse look in her face, and her boob job looks overdone to me. (WAY too many boob jobs in Maxim for my taste.) BTW, I bet she's Iranian, not that there's anything wrong with that.

    If you click on 'Weekly Winners', you see the Top 10 from Weeks 1 & 2. In Week 2, I like Tasha, who looks like she might be black. Her face looks really cute and sexy in the secondary photos. I like something about Crystal's vulnerability and, although her boob job and overall Barbi-ness isn't my usual thing. But most of all, I like Juda, for her frank look at the camera and her voluptuous lips. Again, it's that unbeatable combination of innocence and sensual mystery.
  • Clubber
    18 years ago

    Find me a page with hot Asian women, then we will talk! :)
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Doug, I meant Nikki from Beverly Hills ain't for me. Looking at her third picture, I see what you mean now about junk in the trunk (or "the boot", as Brits call it). That's a lotta woman.
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