Lettin It FLY in the VIP.

avatar for terrymac77
I am sort of uncomfortable about arriving in the VIP(and I don't mean getting to the place) and having it go all over the floor. I mean, I wouldn't want to walk on some other guys spew, why should I do it?

Besides recently a stripper disappeared at a club I went to a few times, didn't know her she was a night time girl and I do days but the police asked questions and went through the place. What about DNA???

On the other hand, I had an ATF who was alergic to Latex and would let me let it fly on her 34E's and then wipe it off when I was done.
Any one else have this stuff and experiences?


last comment
1. Stripper allergic to latex = girl I don't want in VIP.

2. "Lettin' it fly" takes place in any of a number of locales for me. Depends on the moment, the particular act the girl is engaging in, the level of protection administered, etc. No one specific rule about where.
avatar for JC2003
18 years ago
Man, they aren't going to pull out the swabs and do DNA tests unless a serious crime took place, and even if they did, there are likely going to be multiple samples all over the place.
The way I see it, there's no excuse for lettin' it fly anywhere. That's what girls have holes for.
avatar for parodyman-->
18 years ago
Let it fly ----> Into her EYE!
avatar for parodyman-->
18 years ago
Or better yet, Keep your jizz to yourself.
avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
18 years ago
Shoot the juice Bruce! LOL

First off, I ain't lettin' it fly in her pubic area at all, if I don't know the dancer well. I don't care to be another death statistic. Now, if she wants me to let if fly anywhere else in her or on her, so be it, but it has to be her choice.

I do carry an extra handkerchief in clubs, for that very purpose. I'd rather clean up after myself before exiting any VIP area.

Most the times, I refrain from lettin' anything fly in a club because I just don't feel comfortable there in doing that.
avatar for parodyman-->
18 years ago
Sit next to Clifbar. He is the "HUMAN, loosely used in this case, CATCHER'S MITT OF CUMM." When you are ready just signal him like you would a waiter in any upscale resturaunt and he will walk over; kneel down and take your whole load right in his face. To top it off he will even thank you for it!

Cliffbar must have learned that behavior from all of those lonely nights of peeking out from the back of the trailer, watching his mother work.
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18 years ago
I forgot to mention that since Funseeker rides on Clifbar's jock any jizz he dosen't swallow will be greedily lapped up by SPOOGESEEKER.
avatar for DougS
18 years ago
Sorry, a bit off-topic, but after hearing about this, I wanted to share... This is more like "Lettin it fly, Mile High"....
avatar for parodyman-->
18 years ago
I am IMPRESSED with the IMPRESSIVE amount of jizz that Clifbar can swallow while shoveing his hand up Funseeker's ass and making him talk. This puppetry made quite an IMPRESSION on my IMPRESSIONABLE mind.
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