
Comments by Shekitout (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    anybody wanna buy a monkey?
    p-man: Do you think Steve Martin made a trip to S.C. just to buy the banjo he plays? What on earth is your basis for thinking that banjo music is prevalent in S.C.? How much banjo music do you hear on Hootie & the Blowfish's material? I don't hear any. I don't hear any banjo music on the Marshall Tucker Band's material either. Stop sterotyping a place you know nothing about, you dolt. Try getting out of IL sometime and broaden your horizon as well as your material. Your shit is really getting old. If it were not for Shadowcat's posts you would absolutely have no life.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Climactic experience
    parodyman (or should I say chickenshitman?): Too chicken to answer a PM aren't you? You are a worthless piece of shit!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many times has excessive alcohol fucked up a fuck?
    P-man: Sorry about the misspelling of "brother". Guess that makes up for your most recent post's misspelling/ What holidays do you celebrate? What do you do on the religious holidays? By all rights you should not take the day off if you're working as it's not really a holiday in your mind so keep working! What does IL offer as your incentive for living there?-more Muslims, illegals and minorities, more cold weather, snow & ice, more traffic, higher living costs, more crowded living conditions? It's unbelievable that obviously someone with your liberal bent would be in favor of arming teachers in the classroom. I'm flabergasted at your stance. Seeing that you have a CCW I can understand that living conditions in IL must be what wonderful!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    trolls and trolling
    Hey, parodyman: I guess you were dead on when you you posted you were "nether". Let's for today pick "Spelling" as an issue, you nimrod!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many times has excessive alcohol fucked up a fuck?
    jablake-You can join your sick fucking borther parodyman in some gulag-you both do not belong in the United States of America. parodyman-you don't have the nerve to come south so we dumb hicks could kick your ass back to IL! As for being an aethist, p-man, don't you miss all the holidays?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many times has excessive alcohol fucked up a fuck?
    Again, fuck you, parodyman. Shadowcat is NOT my leader. He must be yours because everytimes he posts to the discussion board your posts LEAD right to him! I guess you don't find a problem with burning the American flag you fucking piece of anti patriotic human debris as it's only a piece of cloth. That "piece of cloth" is what makes it possible for your sorry ass to live in this country. If this country is so fucking bad, get the hell out of it! I'm sure many posters, counting myself among them, will be glad to donate to a one-way plane ticket or better yet steerage passage on a freighter to Iraq, Iran, China or some other dictator-run country as it seems you don't like democracy but sure take advantage of it whenever you can by lamblasting Shadowcat & anyone who knows him. You are a piece of garbage of the worst kind. Why don't you volunteer to go to Guantanamo so you can help your Al quada brothers down there? BTW I bet you've "Jewed" people down, haven't you? Every time you drive a bragain that's exactly what you are doing whether you want to call it that or not. If you've heard the expression in your racist community, what did you do about it? Did you lead a protest or just keep your cowardly mouth shut about it? I'm betting on the latter! Since you're so smart why don't you explain to me & others exactly what the problem was beween Shadowcat & wondergrl5. I'm dying to know, not literally-I'll reserve that for you, you sorry bastard! Why do you think your posts have credibility? Do you know Shadowcat or me? Why don't you come to South Carolina & let's meet. If you do not know what "gonna" means, look it the fuck up in a dictionary, you stupid idiot!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many times has excessive alcohol fucked up a fuck?
    parodyman-You gonna bring up "Jewing dancers down" as evidence of an Archie Bunker attitude? Obviously where you live in IL you don't hear the expression very much. It's widely used by older people in the South & there's no racial slur meant by it. Get over it! I used the expression around Jewish friends when in grammar school but would not use it today in this age of political correctness around them. As for the comment about his flag waving-if you're referring to the American flag what is wrong with that? Are you not proud of the American flag? What about his attitude toward women? When he feels he's been mistreated by a dancer he lets you know about it-what's wrong with that? Have you never been mistreated by a dancer? I know I have. Been shorted on the # of dances, giving shitty dances, etc. Even had one dancer spit in my face because I caught her short changing me. I call them out in my posts like Shadowcat as a warning to other customers so they can avoid the ROB's. As far as the dustup with wondergrl5 I still haven't figured out what that's about but as far as her saying she started receving hateful emails, I highly doubt if they were sent as Shadowcat's urging. I know I got no such request from him.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    63, 63 plus 3
    Don't know why this topic is on a site devoted to strip clubs but after reading some of the posts I can only come to the conclusion that the USA would be in deep shit if another World War II came along as many of the posters to the topic lead me to believe they are bunch of chicken shit bastards who have not thought for their country, their freedom or the freedom of others but their own selfish asses! I'm sure that somewhere in the bunch is someone who ducked the draft during the 60's which caused my ass to be sent to Viet Nam in their place. Fuck you & those that think like you. It sounds like some of the sick fucks actually wanted Hitler & Tojo to win WWII and most probably were pulling for Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein! Makes me sick!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many times has excessive alcohol fucked up a fuck?
    parodyman: What evidence do you offer that Shadowcat has an Archie Bunker attitude? I do agree with you on one thing-his spelling is pathetic most of the time but have you ever typed something in a hurry? I know I have and when I go back & read it, it looks like a 6th grader wrote it. Jethro Bodine was flattered by such a comment but I'm not. Shadowcat's responses to my pointing out his errors have usually been "'Grammar' was his mother's mother." Most of the time you stray from the thread to blast Shadowcat so you're just as responsibl for fucking up a thread as he may be.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    OK I'll give you one: sonaofbitch should have been sonofabitch but the long spelling of Fuck & You was to emphasize how petty your posts are you son of a bitch!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Number one reason that strippers get kicked out of clubs?
    parodyman: What "numbers" are you referring to re Shadowcat's post? He posted a topic from his observation of what has happened to the dancer he referred to in his post. She was doing BBBJ's & whatever else in the dance areas with no problems with club management but doing drugs in the club got her booted out the door. I was in the club he refers to one nite when the local lawmen came in looking for drug use only. Now if they had observed some unseemly activities in the dance areas I'm sure that would have presented problems for club management as well but it was a drig sweep of not only strip clubs but other nightclubs as well.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    parodyman: Point out one misspelling in my last post.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    As I've said before, parodyman, fuck you & the horse you rode in on! Eat shit & die, you sorry piece of human debris. Take your shit & go to another site & quit wasting space & time. FUUUUCCCCKKK YOOOOUUUUU!!! Take Mr Munchie's & my advice to heart, you heartless sonaofbitch, and do not under any circumstances get a helmet if you get a bike, cycle, hog or whatever tho' I'm sure a moped would be more your speed.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    If you do get a motorcycle, make damn sure you don't use a helmet!!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper: I must have been drunk.
    parodyman: It would be interesting to see how you & shadowcat would fare in a spelling contest although shadowcat's spelling seems to have gotten better lately while yours is rapidly going downhill based on some of your recent posts. BTW save your venom for a blog and stay the hell off a site designed for discussing strip clubs and strippers!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    an experiment
    Take a swing thru the south: PP in Columbia, SC, MonsVenus in Tampa, FL, Bare Assets in Holiday, FL.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    why the continued personal attacks?
    I committed a cardinal sin-a misspelling: 'strippers', not 'stippers'.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How Many Strippers Have You Fucked?
    One. She was dancing at my favorite club. I fucked her several times after she quit dancing altogether and then several more times after she began dancing again at other clubs.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Question for guys who have sex with sex workers
    Rube: Anyone that prefers to drive a truck no matter how frugal it might be on gas.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    TUSCL names..
    My name came from a comic, Angel Salazar, I saw once locally. Obviously he was Hispanic and when he would say 'Check it out' it sounded like 'Shek it out'. If you ever get a chance to see him, he is a funny guy.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    why the continued personal attacks?
    Hey, parodyman and all other posters who love to engage in personal attacks, why don't you use the PM feature for those & leave the Discussion Board for what it was designed for-a discussion of strip clubs, stippers, dances, etc?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    For the best time, Trust you're reviewer.
    Shadowcat: For God's sake use a spell checker or something! "...Trust you're reviewer." I assume you mean "trust your reviewer". If you didn't, WTF do you mean?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    South Carolina
    parodyman: Double fuck you! Why don't you get a real life & stay off this board? arbeeguy: My topic dealt with mileage but in this case, the mileage was related to the cost so that's why cost was entered into the topic.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Whats in a name?
    parodyman: Since you ripped Shadowcat for leaving off an apostrophe, you should have inserted a comma in front of mother fucker in your response. BTW, I always thought it was "motherfucker", not "mother fucker", fucker.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    strangest thing seen in clubs?
    I've posted this one before: At a club in FL a new mommy dancer squirted a stream of milk from her breasts into the crowd. In the same city but a different club, a good-looking dancer came out on stage buck naked as they say & her pussy was dripping wet. Another dancer came out with a towel and led her off stage. Don't know how many are familiar with 'hoochie koochie shows' but in my younger days, small town carnivals would have them. Not to be confused with burlesque shows of the larger carnivals which usually had classier dancers & women were allowed in the audience. Hoochie koochie shows were for men only. They would be held in a tent & you would stand behind a rope. The dancers/performers would come right up to the rope & allow fingering of their pussy & feeling of their boobs. Sometimes there would be a stage. Sometimes you would see pregnant dancers who looked as if they were going to give birth at any moment. The dancers would love to grab a guy's glasses & rub it all over their pussy. Some would have a powder puff on a stick & would invite someone to powder their pussy & then when they were finished, shove the puff in their face. I've seen dancers smoke cigarettes or cigars in their pussy, stick eggs or ping pong balls in their pussy & pop them out one at a time & one time I saw a dancer insert a neon or fluorescent tube in her pussy & you could see the glow in her lower belly!