why the continued personal attacks?

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i agree with you David...too many attacks here about ones intelligence, etc...I decided to leave it alone unless of course somebody has something stupid to say about me. or the country. otherwise its all kinda silly.
avatar for jablake
17 years ago

Did any of your posts refer to being able to last more than 5 minutes with a hot woman? And, you did post about being an attorney.

If so, then you've lost a potential client who wouldn't hire you as his attorney or his dog's attorney. Key points: If you can last 5 minutes and 1 second with a hot dancer, then that information needs to be downplayed. If you're an attorney, then that information needs to be kept camouflaged at the least. For example, if you had merely stated that you believe at some point in time you might have lasted over 5 minutes with a hot dancer, then that would take some of the sting out. And, instead of declaring yourself to be an attorney you might say that you've wrangled with legal issues. :)
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
At this point Dick, in terms of these small but vocal group of posters I honestly think its about them. I'm not sure what in their lives produces this level of viciousness against one poster on a board like this. Look back at my posts over the past year, and you will see (except in very recent weeks) I have not responded in kind and then only on a limited basis (as I just did with Chandler) - because I think its very unproductive and adds nothing of subtance to the board.

As I've explained in detail in a recent post I think this forum offers a certain comraderie unavailabe in real life for those of us who (for a number of reasons) cannnot discuss issues pertaining to strip clubs with friends, relatives, or colleagues and so forth. So yes, the "reality" is there at least for me and obviously they certain posters understanding that will continue to exploit it.

In terms of what I've posted (apart from any "theories" which obviously are opinions not facts) its been pretty much down the middle except in what I posted despite what certain posts decided to jack up (stud bullshit or whatever which I've never claimed) (or basic issues of professional identity since by my responding I'm further and further reaching a point of personally identifying myself and an charge by charge detailed explanations on my part would require me to release even more of this information) and attempted to incorporate that into something I was supposedly saying. Anyone can go back and look at the posts and they will note its not me making these wild claims the way certain parties have now construed them.

Even when I posted a clear (and 100% true) explanation why I had to make the (2nd note) to founder on this board the other night its obviously ignored.

I've tried to add substance to the board because I'm reporting on matters in regard to the strip club world exactly as they've taken place for me, and I believe most other poster do the same thing - so I take what they say in good faith.

avatar for David9999
17 years ago
Jablake - go back and look at my posts from last fall and you will see I put into relatively high (too much in fact) detail about my professional background, and the issue of clients etc is completely irrelevant, but I am tired of trying to respond on a charge by charge basis when each time further info I am adding is then impacting the the identity problem.

I said I was a member of the bar (in multiple jurisdictions in fact) and that's all I need to say and (since Founde will not assist me) if "Chi-townlawyer" is reading this I could figure a way for him to do the same cross-check.

That would at least satisfy a rational person which I believe are most people posting on this board, excepting two or 2 posters.

The attorney issue came up as a colleteral matter, obviously its a now a lighting rod, and people apparently often hate lawyers of any kind.

avatar for jablake
17 years ago

Also: Genetics--no matter how innocent--can really get some people upset. And, then there is the old "too good to be true" that can get under some people's skin real quick----a double edged sword of envy or braggadocio.

Finally, some people just LOVE to tease and may not empathize. It's probably isn't personal, but either way just IGNORE the posts or poster who you consider to be malicious.

Oops, just remembered: One man's pleasure is another's poison. :)
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
Jablake, I never claimed (as I realize you know) to be "too good to be true" or anything close - that's just more of the bullshit
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
Jablake, by the way, my ignore button for example doesn't eliminate quotes (by 3rd parties) of ignored posters. They are hell bent on trashing anything I say and if Chi-town will do this very very simple cross check and post the results, at least I've gotten beyond that threshold, which yes does matter to me, because I view this board as important for a number of reasons cited earlier.
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
Q: "why the continued personal attacks?"

A: Because you are crying like a little bitch and your detractors can smell blood in the water.
avatar for jablake
17 years ago
"Jablake, by the way, my ignore button for example doesn't eliminate quotes (by 3rd parties) of ignored posters."

Yes, but you can ignore them anyway---you don't need the crutch of an ignore button! Hopefully, not. I don't have anyone on ignore and yet many times I simply ignore posts, which are too insulting or otherwise aren't worth responding to.

Sometimes, it is better to let the other person have the last word anyway . . . you know the old saw about arguing with a fool? Well, as an attorney that should be like platinum plus to you.

avatar for jablake
17 years ago
"Jablake, I never claimed (as I realize you know) to be 'too good to be true' or anything close - that's just more of the bullshit"

That isn't really the point. The point is if I described you just by you own words here are TUSCL to the dancers at Angels----well, let's just hope they don't get your real name and address because there would damn sure be a hunting party and you'd be the main course! :)

Heck, if I knew and related your real name along with your self-description, then the dancers might say that's JAMES BOND'S real name! YESSAAA!!! :)

avatar for David9999
17 years ago

BookGuy's question triggered that answer and he was making a good faith effort to try figure that issue (e.g whether height) was a factor (apart from the other issues) so I mentioned height, weight, and said I was in in-shape and presentable, all done so to fairly and objetively judge what I was saying - the rest was noise by several posters
avatar for jablake
17 years ago

Height, weight, occupation, the amount you spend on dancers, and other tid bits--that I don't believe came from other posters. You did a fair amount of posting. :)

Just the 4 you mentioned may be seen as JAMES BOND quality e.g. a gold standard, ruby red AMEX, . . .

avatar for David9999
17 years ago
The spending amounts (100% accurate) were sort a like a kid in a candy store since until June of 2007 I had not been to strip clubs in approx 20 years - so on a 20 year basis I can rationilize it as justified spending.

Several other factors: I didn't expect this what I label the "10%quality" group of dancers, my subjective estimate, and then you end with a 1% group that you think are really something special. Also I tend to try to help random dancers out now and then by buying dances from them - even when sometimes when I have near zero interest in them, plus I don't usually buy 1 or 2, its like 4 or 5 dances with these random types, and there are a very large number of those in the past year

Look 15 to 20 years back probably a patron here or there dumped similar levels of money, but its not going to put on web site like this.

Affordability vs justification are two different issues, and I have freely admitted to doing some foolish spending over the past year
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
"Also I tend to try to help random dancers out now and then by buying dances from them - even when sometimes when I have near zero interest in them, plus I don't usually buy 1 or 2, its like 4 or 5 dances with these random types, and there are a very large number of those in the past year "

Not only is he James Bond...

He's Albert Fucking Schwitzer <sp>
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
Forget the Bond bullshit but in regards to the other issue even though I know many of these strippers are actually too lazy to work real jobs, I tend to want to help them. Its definitely part of a strip club spending sddiction problem, and that's why I'm admitting it in here.
Hey, parodyman and all other posters who love to engage in personal attacks, why don't you use the PM feature for those & leave the Discussion Board for what it was designed for-a discussion of strip clubs, stippers, dances, etc?
I committed a cardinal sin-a misspelling: 'strippers', not 'stippers'.
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