
Climactic experience

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Have you ever brought a dancer thereto? By lingual, digital, or penile means?

My best experience was at a San Francisco club. Two days in a row, a cute and very friendly young girl got exhausted finally after seven. The second day I brought in a powerful little vibro for her; she loved it.


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Sure, via 2 of the 3 means noted in the original post (while having dined at the Y in clubs, I've yet to bring a dancer to O via that method in a club).

The most noteworthy was a "squirter." My shorts were soaked!

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Yes, a few times.

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yes, by sticking my finger up her asshole and wiggling it -- at her request -- while she massaged her clitoris like crazy. She really loved it, and then in a giggly way apologized for making such an outlandish request. Heck I enjoyed it too. But I didn't cum.

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Quite confident I have once; reasonably confident of one more.

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I am confident that that I have accomplished all 3 but have one more to add. I think that most of us would be embarrassed to admit that we had cum from just a lap dance(totally nude). I admit to having come extremely close at times on several occasions with one favorite dancer but it was rather strange when another favorite came on me. We were doing it wheel barrow style when she got this strange look on her face. I asked if she was alright. She said "I am sorry but it happens some time and pointed to the mess in my lap" By the time I finished my drink it was fairly dried up but had left a tell tale sign of white right down the center on my black pants. I left knowing what had happened but doubted that any one else really knew or cared.

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Dancer skidmarks.....hate those!

Did know a gal who was a profuse multiple squirter who was my fav. Luckily the club had a very private VIP area with curtained off booths.

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As always you are a great source of comedic material. Thank you!

“I am confident that that I have accomplished all 3 but have one more to add.” -- That’s because you have to one up everybody.

“I think that most of us would be embarrassed to admit that we had cum from just a lap dance(totally nude).” -- A partially clothed one would be OK?

“I admit to having come extremely close at times on several occasions with one favorite dancer but it was rather strange when another favorite came on me.” – Shrek couldn’t help it. He gets so excited when he gets to serve his master.

“We were doing it wheel barrow style when she got this strange look on her face.” – Did you try to go up her ass?

“I asked if she was alright.” -- You are a true humanitarian!

“She said "I am sorry but it happens some time and pointed to the mess in my lap" By the time I finished my drink it was fairly dried up but had left a tell tale sign of white right down the center on my black pants.” -- Where were the infamous silk pervert shorts?

“I left knowing what had happened but doubted that any one else really knew or cared.” – No one does care! So why mention it here?

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Parodyman's last two sentences apply to MOST (not all) of his zany posts. Namely, "No one does care. So why mention it here?"

Well, for the sake of EGO, I guess. That's why Shadowcat is repeatedly driven to outlandish boasts and Parodyman is repeatedly driven to outlandish attempts at ridicule. I've gotten the feeling, though, that by his constant, almost fawning, attention, Parodyman is merely burnishing Shadowcat's reputation -- "His Majesty", etc. I would not be surprised if Shadowcat now makes outlandish comments MAINLY to stimulate Parodyman's mocking satire. And, I have to admit the ongoing dialogue is often amusing. Not exactly Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, however.

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parodyman (or should I say chickenshitman?): Too chicken to answer a PM aren't you? You are a worthless piece of shit!

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Lord IV


not every time but it's almost a goal of mine to get the dancer so worked up that they want to 'finish'

the last girl this happened with was this super hot dancer that get's a lot of guys hitting on her.

being as nice as possible and doing things for her...she just became so relaxed and after a bit really got into it.

when she got off...she was so shocked with herself and apologized for letting her go like that.

I told her I was very happy to make her feel so good and she shouldn't apologize ever again.

The first girl this ever happened with was a while ago but we were having fun in a nude club... she was so hot, young and fun. She shocked me by looking out the door of the 'room' we were in and when she came back.. just put her puss right on my mouth.

We both had a lot of fun that night.

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Sheik: "parodyman (or should I say chickenshitman?)... You are a worthless piece of shit!"


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Shrek and his little private message:


PRIVATE MESSAGE: Do you have a PayPal account? If so, send me your info & I'll send a contribution toward passage for your sorry ass to go to some other country, especially one where a dictator is in power & see if you can still have the freedom to lamblast me, Shadowcat and all the others you love to on the TUCL discussion board. Fuck you!


Are you one of those morons fishing for financial information to steal? I doubt it. Rather you appear to be one of those Jerk-offs who think that freedom and rights only apply to likeminded dildos. Perhaps I’d take you more seriously if you were to get an education or at least learn that the correct word is lambast not “lamblast.”

As for why I hadn’t bothered to answer your private message; I prefer things were done in a public forum. Why should I waste my time replying to stupid messages like yours? It is much more fun to let everyone see what an asshole “love it or leave it” kind of a guy you are.

Fuck me? No thanks. That seems to be the province of that banjo playing old man’s club in SC; not my thing.

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