an experiment

avatar for wondergrl5
So business sucks by me I was thinking of traveling this summer and testing out clubs and basically educating my self. An east coasters have some suggestions


last comment
avatar for JerseyJack
17 years ago
Define "testing out clubs." Do you mean to visit as a patron, or to work as a dancer for a brief period?
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
Try out some Top 40 clubs that are near the east coast I
-Mario's Showplace 2 in MA & the Electric Blue Cafe in CT (I've heard lots of good things about both of them)
-Desire, the Cadillac Lounge, & the Satin Doll in RI
-Club Risque on the Delaware, the Show n Tel Showbar, & Daydreams in Philly
-Flashdancers in NYC
-one of the Foxy Lady's (either RI or MA)
-Blush in Pittsburgh
-Paradise Found in NY
-Baltimore's the "Block" (…)

Good luck paying for gas...
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago
Well, South Florida, of course! You could start your tour here. Trust me, there are MANY people from NJ already! I would suggest Key West, first, then work north. If you need a tour guide, let me know.
avatar for clubman2
17 years ago
Just wondering, since the economy is bad everywhere is it logical to think 1 top 40 club is going to be that much better than another. Especially when you you figure the cost of traveling?
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
Cross Show-n-Tell Showbar in Philly and the Baltimore Block off your list - you wouldn't want to work there. Philly does have a lot of decent places - check he reviews. The only places I'd recommend you try in Baltimore are Gentlemen's Gold Club (super fancy high end), McDoogal's (more of a neighborhood type place), or Players Club aka Wagon Wheel (a small but very popular LD factory and probably the best money in town), none are extras places. If you go the the Pittsburg area you must try Philly Corral - great club but I seem to be the only person herre who has ever been there. I also recommend Nepal's in Greenville, SC. And I second the motion on Key West and maybe some Tampa clubs. There's not much in the way of decent clubs between Baltimore and Florida.
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
Correction - it's Filly Corral Showbar south of Pittsburg, not Philly Corral (guess I had Philly on the brain.) It's right on I-70 in an area of inexpensive motels and little else, in a building that looks like it started life as a chain restaurant. One of my all-time favorite places. Check their web-site, I think they're only open at night on Wednesday - Saturdays. Anyone else ever been there?
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
If you're serious about traveling, I'd also highly recommend a trip to Indianapolis. Brad's Brass Flamingo is a very special place and there are a lot of other clubs in the area. And there are inexpensive motels around, it's not an expensive area.
avatar for clubman2
17 years ago
You may find hitting the convention cities in late fall and winter more worthwhile. As to Tampa, there are or were an number of good clubs on the Clearwater/St. Pete end of the causeway but they tend to be kinda quiet in the summer and busy when the snowbirds arrive. Don't really know the ones in Tampa
avatar for Shekitout
17 years ago
Take a swing thru the south: PP in Columbia, SC, MonsVenus in Tampa, FL, Bare Assets in Holiday, FL.
avatar for beantown
17 years ago
There's a huge difference in clubs between MA and RI, so the benefit of visiting would depend on your style. MA is full nude, no/little contact. RI is anywhere from lots of contact to anything goes. Good luck on the road trip.
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
"since the economy is bad everywhere is it logical to think 1 top 40 club is going to be that much better than another."

I would be surprised if ALL of the clubs that I listed were slow these days.

"There's a huge difference in clubs between MA and RI, so the benefit of visiting would depend on your style. MA is full nude, no/little contact. RI is anywhere from lots of contact to anything goes."

I agree, but I think part of the point of this is to be "exposed" (sorry for the pun) to different ways of doing things and/or running a club to see which she likes...
avatar for clubman2
17 years ago
You may well be right, however, I question whether the cost of trying to find the ones that are doing well and then the cost of being there will be offset plus a gain with what she can earn. She said she was considering this because business was slow in her area, hence low $$$

As to being "exposed" to different ways of doing things, my sense is that she is not into FS types of environments. Could be wrong but that's my guess.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
im used to full contact type clubs. Nudity isnt an issue
avatar for jablake
17 years ago
Hi wondergrl5,

I pretty much only go to cheap dives, but from what I've heard from dancers from up North this is the pits for dancers here in Miami.

Maybe Tootsies is different.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
Ill probably skip Florida the parential units reside there. lol
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
oh no gown clubs though Im short and IMO I look silly dressed like that LOL
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago
SKIP FLORIDA? I am hurt!
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
:* sorry
avatar for clubman2
17 years ago
If you mean by full contact that full service isn't an issue there are alot of possibilities evenin your area.
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
"As to being 'exposed' to different ways of doing things, my sense is that she is not into FS types of environments."

There's a LOT more to clubs than just FS vs. non-FS.
avatar for clubman2
17 years ago
True, but the gray areas in between seem to be becoming less and less with the trend being to the more "service" oriented. I think this is because of an influx of dancers willing to provide more and more for free so additional service becomes a way of staying ahead. I dont know but it seems that way. Not saying that I think that's the way it should be but just what I've observed.
avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
I would typically suggest one of the busier nearby clubs near me. However I think business has been slowing down a whole lot lately. I know how that feels. I expect to see an extra 800 to $1,000 extra in charges for car repairs and insurance this coming month on top of all the higher expenses we all have. I won't be spending too much money for a while in the strip clubs. That doesn't mean I can't afford a few one dollar tips. I noticed a lot of people were even getting pretty stingy with one dollar tips last weekend.
avatar for clubman2
17 years ago

In re-reading an earlier post of mine questioning full service I realized that that may be worded badly. This was in no way intended as a suggestion as to the proclivity of wondergrl5 past, present or future or a suggestion as to the direction she should go. In fact I think it would be a mistake for any quality dancer which I percieve she is to mnove in that direction. It was intended to address the reputation and atmosphere of the club. It seemed to me that she was, and justly so, concerned over that type of atmosphere being potentially detrimental to her well being. Wondergrl5, if I offened you in any way I do apologize and to her friends in this forum as well.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago

Never got offended at all no worries.
i knew what you meant
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
How could a "dengenerate" like her be offended? ;)
avatar for carteblanche
17 years ago
wondergrl5, are you open to hour massage at your place or mine?
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
avatar for clubman2
17 years ago
Thanks Wondergrl2!! Sometimes my mouth, or this case my fingers, are in gear and I forget to engage my brain. Then some people are just...
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
avatar for mr.munchie
17 years ago
So who's the as*hole that thinks he's a dead credit card?
avatar for clubman2
17 years ago
wow..just thinking, when you try to use one of them nothing happens. Could there be some symbolism there?
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
My interpretation of what Wondergirl has been telling us is that she doesn't care if some girls in a club are discretely doing extras either ITC or OTC. She doesn't mind full nudity nor does she object to high contact as long as she is allowed to set some limits. What she doesn't want is a club where customers expect and pressure all the girls to do extras, that the girls pretty much have to comply to make any money, and that the availability of extras is specifically why most customers go to that particular club. Hope I got that right.
avatar for jablake
17 years ago

More importantly and more succinctly wondergrl5 has ruled out Florida clubs. :(

avatar for clubman2
17 years ago
That was my impression as well. You just expressed it better. A class lady doesn't need and shouldn't be put in a situation with those expectations and pressues.
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago

Maybe we could figure a way to get her down here, but not at Angels, Rollexx, The Trap, or other black club.
avatar for carteblanche
17 years ago
wondergrl5, do you do private parties?

Who's the asshole who tries to stiff dancers in the lap dance room at Diamond Dolls in Pompono Beach, FL?
avatar for jablake
17 years ago
Hi clubber,

I don't know. She is a stripper. She is a woman. That is sort of a iron-clad case of insanity and those clubs can't hurt one too bad. ;)

Oops . . . I think she is bisexual, which means the iron-clad case of insanity is defenestrated.

avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
hardey har har

Im also a chef (or was) thats a huge sign of insanity LOL

avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
FONDL your right thats what Im lookin for.
avatar for clubman2
17 years ago
Wondergrl2, I'm not sure where you are in Jersey but if outside Philly, North side I think, isn't too far I know a couple of club owners/GMS that I can talk too. They will give me the straiht story on their clubs and if they fit I'll let you know and you can check them out. I'll check on the money too. Let me know about distance. May not be able to get to them for a couple of days though.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
didstance isnt an issue cause I live a good 2 hrs from my old club which was outside of philly
avatar for clubman2
17 years ago
I'll check them out for you. The one, if you read the reviews would not excite you but they are a little old. New GM. Was a dancer for twenty years so she understands the business. Totally remodling and she has some great ideas to put in place but is looking for the right girls. I suspect she would find you about perfect. Like downplaying the bouncers and using a womwn like a hostess for the couch and VIP areas. More to it but you get the idea.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
I do miss the partying in florida
There are no awsome dance clubs here it blows
avatar for clubman2
17 years ago
btw I'll PM any info I get and thus allow you to put that info out at your discretion if you end up at one of them If that's ok
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
thats cool

fyi carteblanche umm dude sorry no massages are parties
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
Do you like to *get* massages?
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
ha ha
avatar for carteblanche
17 years ago
no problem no shortage of those who do

mr muchi is a dick
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
well the questions your asking are weird. (I.e describe yourself, massage at your place or mine e.t.c ) more appropriate for a networking site like
avatar for clubman2
17 years ago
Satire??? Oh, no, sorry, wrong thread.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
oh jeeze
avatar for clubman2
17 years ago

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