
Comments by deogol (page 97)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Stripper Marries Rich Husband; Husband Goes to Jail for Ponzi Scheme
    She may not know it, but she got lucky.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Strip clubs and the handicapped - was I treated differantly because of disabilit
    They don't know ya. They probably don't know what to do with ya. It will take some communication. Plus, not everyone clicks with everyone, so don't take it as an affront without it being really really obvious. I remember a football hero being left standing by some chick while she completely ignored him. I don't know the whole story, but I found it interesting.
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    13 years ago
    Daytona bank robbery suspect nabbed in strip club
    One of the reasons cops go through parking lots checking license plates.
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    13 years ago
    Nudity & Sports: Is It What the Fans Want?
    Wait, sex and sports go together? Huh.
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    13 years ago
    Forty Texas Cops Rob a Strip Club
    Robbery is robbery. America, she is a changin.
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    13 years ago
    A Strip Club App
    I'm sorry George, there is a freedom of expression problem. Apple doesn't have any business saying what *I* can put on *my* phone. Plus, the problem is larger than porn - there is the infamous "I Am Rich" app (http://news.cnet.com/8301-13579_3-10011338-37.html) that was kicked off AppStore. Oh, well, you don't need AppStore some say - except one is limited to 100 devices for adhoc programs. If you want more, you need an Enterprise license (http://developer.apple.com/programs/ios/enterprise/) although that is for "in-house" distribution - not to go around AppStore. I am not saying AppStore has to accept anything and everything, but they do inhibit freedom of expression apps for other people's devices. In so doing, they prohibit it except for 100 external devices!
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    13 years ago
    A Strip Club App
    Agree with George. Apple has a tendency to dump stuff that might stir up uncomfortable positions regarding freedom of expression. One of the reasons I have an Android phone. Not really in the mood for someone else to tell me what I can have on my phone.
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    13 years ago
    Sheesh, can't cops have a little fun on the job?? LOL
    The majority of the poll on the web site (as of this writing) is in favor of the cops. I think it is stupid to make a fuss out of this, but whenever did the public's opinion matter to politicians?
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    13 years ago
    Coffe, Tea Or ???
    They are trying to run an adult business without being an adult business. On this one, I say, don't blame the cops. Blame the legislative branch of the city government. They are the ones making the rules regarding this. It seems the cops catch all the shit for stupid rules created by the legislative branch of a government entity. Stop it where it begins.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Making it rain. A black thing?
    Gotta marry her ... make it rain on the bed ... and then put that shit back in your pocket!
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    13 years ago
    Economics/Political Ideologies
    One of the reasons cited often for not revolting in the US, is the idea of individualism. If I make it individually, there you are. If I fail, I have myself to blame. The Civil War/War of Northern Aggression came at a governmental level. All those "national guard" troops are actually state armies [1] (though not called so at the time.) The revolt was organized not at the citizen level, but at the state government level with money, resources, troops - and most importantly organization - available. An interesting demarcation of this mindset is amongst sub-groups in a population usually treated unfairly (black riots in the 60s, etc.) It is a well established meme in that sub-group the local/state/federal government is not looking out for you. So when shit hits the fan... These "flash mobs" (and I mean the black ones pillaging compared to the white ones dancing) are an interesting thing. The internet allows people to share beliefs and organize around those beliefs quite quickly. Already mobs organized by the internet have taken down more than a few middle eastern countries. [1] http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/agency/army/arng-mi.htm
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    13 years ago
    Economics/Political Ideologies
    Revolution during the great depression: might want to look up the Bonus Army. There was some shooting during the first march (or camp in) with some people dying. There was a second march, but the congress at the time decided to pay them off - probably saw what was coming since the first one ended in gun fire. Criminal Revolution: there is no secret that at this time period (the golden age of crime) prohibition and criminal activities were at a high. Why shoot a government official, unless he was (usually a police officer) getting in the way of making money? With the lawlessness taking place as well public acceptance of rebuffing even a constitutional amendment against alcohol, this certainly was a revolution of sorts. That said, many people during the depression had access to farms/hunting grounds (whom their neighbors often would buy at auction for $1.00 and give back to the original owner) and were quite independent of the government. These days, a lot of farm fields are owned/operated by corporations. Hell, some seed is genetically modified not to grow more than one season. Not to mention with tax credits and welfare, more than 50% of the population gets money directly from the government. As states slowly go bankrupt, they are cutting back on welfare and cash distributions to the poor/under-employed. Michigan for example, is cutting over 40,000 people from welfare 1 oct 2011. As winter comes in then, it will be interesting to see what happens. Do they move to warmer climates? Does crime increase? Do they move in and share resources?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Off Topic- I'm doomed, would really appreciate some advice.
    I would try your insurance, but if you didn't bother with an accident report, you can write that off the list. If you did, often the insurance will bill the other guys insurance company for the damage (that is what insurance is about.) I would also look for an auto mechanics class - see if they have an auto body program. You might not get it back very quickly, but something like that can be pretty inexpensive and give them good experience. (Be sure to empty out your car first.)
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    13 years ago
    New York City
    Suggestions Sought Again
    Sunnyvale has the Cheetahs (was The Kit Kat Club). Haven't been there in years so will need to look at the review. I know local law is air dances only and no touch. Pretty pricy (it is Silicon Valley).
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    13 years ago
    There was really only one that I ever talk to. She had a college parking sticker on her car.
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    13 years ago
    In the wind
    Show Me State Showdown: Nudity or Not?
    Alright, some churches do do well, like feeding and clothing the poor. However, there are many holding their heads a little to high dressed in a little to fine of clothes to really report to the world who they are. At least, as it goes for Christianity.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    NO, It's not Detroit again.
    In general, it will probably get worse. Something like 41,000 people are going to be thrown off welfare rolls in the end of October. No jobs, no money, and winter rolling in. I don't think it is going to be good.
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    13 years ago
    In the wind
    Show Me State Showdown: Nudity or Not?
    Yea, these congregations in super churches are a bunch of PLs. Good point.
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    13 years ago
    In the wind
    Show Me State Showdown: Nudity or Not?
    Truth is, cities, counties, and states have less and less money to enforce this kind of thing. All they are going to do is create a shit load of "pigs."
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    I don't know about best in the world. We got the most people in prison per capita. They write little kids tickets for having lemonade stands. Maybe in the past, but things have changed a bit. I was watching a commercial for Straw Dogs and thinking, in some states those people would be hero's of the town. In other states (or cities), they would be mass murderers for life imprisonment.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    strip clubs for sale?
    Fee required? I can see why they only have six properties if potential buyers have to pay just to see. Where have I heard that before?
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    13 years ago
    One can be detained while an investigation is going on. When they find something to employ the sheriff/jail guards, then it is an arrest. It is not a good idea to leave while being detained. Then it is hindrance of an investigation amongst other things they can tack on you. I mean, it is the government you know, not like you are free in the US.
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    13 years ago
    New Mexico State Police Officer Fired After Caught Having Sex on Car
    He should have gotten some time off to cool his heels. Technically there wasn't anyone around either other than that camera. Before they put cameras on everything, it would have simply been a fun rollick.
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    13 years ago
    I'll sleep when I'm Dead...😈
    Found a wad......
    What rh48hr said. I fucking hate ROBS and I certainly wouldn't want to be the yang of their ying.
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    13 years ago
    Dancers Out of "Uniform"
    Wake up next to a woman and they look bad, smell bad, and want to leave a shit. Ah man, they are human after all... at least they usually clean up nice.