Archie Bunker Like Flag Wavers Butt Raped Young parody!

Oh the terrible injustice of it all!
Now, according to parody, he seeks revenge by stalking and posting flames against shadowcat here.
Now, according to parody, he seeks revenge by stalking and posting flames against shadowcat here.
parody needs therapy to deal with that. Maybe we can set up a PayPal donation fund to help?
If you flame him: a) you make yourselves look foolish by flaming; b) he out flames you so you feel dumb; c) the board grinds to a stand still if he decides to fully escalate.
but will we ever learn????
This board, for a few brief moments can be about exchanging useful information and ideas about strip clubs and the culture.
However, for most of the guys here it is just a power struggle:
You see they are losers in real life, and are trying to compensate for it her by showing they are "top dog". Hence you'll see them picking this, of all the places on the internet to have their silly little debates over politics, history, economics or some other bullshit totally unrelated to strip clubs.
I'm not sure who they are trying to impress? wondergirl, perhaps?
Others like parody are filled with hatred from people in their childhood, and are trying to make a point of how different they are from them, so will try and attack caricatures without looking at the complexities of the real person.
Others (like you) will think you stay above the flames, when in reality you too will flame whenever you feel like it, but kid yourself you are different.
Nope. This board may have its lulz, but will never change fundamental. I mean just look at the stock of "men" it fills its ranks from: strip club junkie.
Basically as far as I know it goes like this:
Ya parks ya car and hand over some money.
Ya walks through the door and hand over some money.
Ya go to the bathroom and ya hands some money to the towel monkey.
Ya gets a drink and ya hands some more money for watered down soda or over priced beer.
Then ya hands over more money to the "waitress" who ignores ya more than the dancers.
Ya hands ya money to a chick (aka dancer) who takes her cloths off for ya. Maybe. In the right joint.
Then yas leave hoping not to hand over the rest of ya money to a goon waiting in the parking lot.
Not much mystery to strip clubbin.
What kind of information are ya looking for?