
Comments by crizgolfer

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    my quote
    She is so damn cute...why would you want to "behave" around her...hehehe
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Be wary of stippers that post on here...
    As for Dudesters comments above regarding stripperweb. Yeah, some of the ladies over there can be bitchy. The bitchy ones may talk a lot, but they are the minority. Frankly, I have been there a year and a half and have had no problem with the moderators and no major issues with any of the ladies. In fact, my time there has been a pretty positive experience.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Be wary of stippers that post on here...
    Who is sending Wondergirl hate mail? Own up to it you little shit.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Detroit will soon have 3 clubs in the Top 40
    Detroit does have two in the top 11 though. No one matches that at this time.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is my favorite club doomed?
    The main point here is that the purpose of state and federal constitutions in this country were to define the POWERS (not Rights) of government. They were not to define the RIGHTS of the citizens. This guy that says there is no constitutional right to a lapdance is well...un-american to say the least...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    golfers and strip clubs.
    Hey BG...wow...that was a lot said. I will answer a little of it (all in fun). Well, I do not cheat when I play golf and I taught my son not to cheat. Cheating at golf is lying to yourself. Learn to take your lumps and deal with it. Golf is not the only activity that offers life lessons...I agree with you. As for hobbies and exercise. Well, as a youth I played football and basketball. I excelled at baseball and kickboxing. Of all those sports (and a few others that I dabbled in) I have found golf to be the most difficult to "master." That is my experience. I currently bicycle, run, play raquetball, and lift weights (6 times per week when my travel schedule allows me). I do not rent golf carts (as I carry my clubs) with the exception of two courses where the holes are far apart. It is not that I can't (or don't want to) walk it. Just that walking it will slow the pace of play too much and cause problems on the course. I never drink when I play as I do make a valid attempt to improve. Intellectually, I read a great deal. History, philosophy, and Zen have been often persused topics. Now days most of my reading pertains to work related things involving networks, SANs, and servers...so I get plenty of intellectual stimulation. I can understand others distaste for golf, because I thought the same thing...until I started playing it about 7 years ago. For me...It has been an exceptional way to bond with my son as we spend many hours trolling around golf courses. Enjoying each others company, goofing around, and talking about life in general. Aaaaahhh...the only thing I like more than golf...is golf chicks...soooo Wondergirl...what's your handicap? ;-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    golfers and strip clubs.
    BG...the attitude and skills required to do well in golf are the exact attitude and skills needed to succeed in life. It is a game that moves at the pace of life...it is a game that teaches you that you will never be perfect. If you can recognize these imperfections in yourself and yet maintain the patience and perseverence to succeed at it...well...I don't know of a greater lesson for life... That is my take on the game... Plus, hitting a great shot is an awesome feeling...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    golfers and strip clubs.
    I have the feeling that Tiger Woods doesn't "hang out" in public places very often in general...it probably has little to do with Strip Clubs... I am not offended in the least by statements about golf nuts...probably because most of what is said is true...we are all nuts...hehehe
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    golfers and strip clubs.
    Huh...light bulb goes on...I am going to open a Golf Course/Strip Club...oh yeah...the Golfer man will be living the high life soon!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    golfers and strip clubs.
    I am a golfer and SC Junkie...what can I say?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Google help needed (again)
    DONE with note below added... Tuscl is the best strip club resource out there. Why does it not come up in the search? Strip Club List comes up first? Have you read that site? It's value is very limited for anyone that enjoys strip clubs. The reviews are bogus and the message boards are uncontrolled flame wars that have little or no informational value. tuscl is second to none when it comes to finding legitimate and helpful information on strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What I have heard from some dancers is that Guam is tough work (as far as stripping goes), but themoney is pretty good.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    buying dancers drinks
    If wondergrl wants a drink..then wondergrl gets a drink...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    More proof women love cheaters
    What is the "prototypical" nice guy? What constitutes "nice" is very subjective.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Spring forward
    No big deal...I already called my boss and told him I will be an hour late everyday until this fall...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Missing early shots
    Interesting...never forget that you are the one spending the money. If you later wanted to spend on her and she ignored you for such a silly reason as you wanted to settle in, then it is her financial loss. Not yours. Also, if her "ego" is that fragile then she probably is not worth your cash. Good luck!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Big spender
    Definitely alcohol induced. The more I drink, the more I need to go to the bathroom and those $1 tips to the bathroom troll really add up. Damn...talk about flushing money down the toilet....*rimshot*...thank you...thank you...I will be here all week... Clubs are downtime for me. I pay if I am having fun. Fun can be many things depending on the night and my mood. I have spent over $1k on several occasions. I have also walked out of a few clubs having spent less than $40 (including drinks and cover). The dancers that have taken the most cash off me have been the ones that had fun personalities (along with good looks)...if her personality is not pleasing then I rarely spend enough time with her to pass the big bucks her way. Regardless of what she looks like or is offering.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Question, would you be more likely to get a dance if it was less expensive?
    If a dancer does not appeal to me then I will not buy dances from her, regardless of price. If she appeals to me I will buy dances regardless of her offering me a deal, or not. If I am interested in her and she offers a deal, then I will just buy more dances. I usually go into the club intending to spend all the money in my pocket (no in-club ATM trips here). Cheaper dances doesn't mean less spent (in my case) just more dances. Of course, I would never confess this information to any dancer (at least no while in the club).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    WTF is wrong with you guys that need foreign entertainment?
    Foreign dancers are not an exclusive thing to me. I like American dancers just fine. I guess I base things on a per dancer rating (regardless of where they are from). I have met some Russian Dancers (and one Hungarian in particular) that really made my evening. Though the English was a bit broken the content of the conversation was still really good. Personally, I find the East European accent sexy on a woman. Plus, they were eager to please (if you were willing to spend a little cash) and quite fun.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Loner or extrovert?
    I am usually a loner in the club. I find it easier to run my own agenda. Whenever I take another guy with me he cramps my "game" in the club. He is either cheap and trying to ride on my coattails, or he cannot contain himself and spends what money he has brought within the first half hour and then wants to leave. Most of the time I watch for a while and then pick a dancer for the evening. I zero in on her. I have found it easier to spend "quality" time with her when I am alone.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    WTF is wrong with you guys that need foreign entertainment?
    I have had good experiences with Russian dancers. Yeah, they can be kind of mercenary, but most of the ones I have come across were very sexy and delivered a good time. Also, a few Hungarian girls iI have met would fall in this category also. I have heard others have bad experiences with Eastern Euporean dancers, but so far I have had pretty good luck. Perhaps one day that will change.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Loner or extrovert?
    DougS...I would be up for a Flight Club trip this summer.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer choice: sit idle at the bar or discount dance prices
    MIDancer. I love the post. Your points were well articulated and probably right n the money. I have posted similar questions over on the pink site and the major response is that they would not accept reduced prices. One observation I have made over on the pink site is that may of them live pretty high. You are hearing discussions in the dressing room about cutting costs, but for many of those will they really be able to? I Hear about many nice cars, apartments, etc. These things are not easily sut once you are into them. Would this perhaps keep them from leaving dancing rather than taking the "Wal-Mart job"? Or perhaps taking a job and having to continue dancing?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Lots of new people here
    I am 42, so I think I am a bit of a young one here. I won't go into the boring details of exaclty why I started hitting clubs. I just walked into one 4 years ago (for the first time) and it was for me. I go to strip clubs because that is where the stippers are. I like strippers because they are naked and also because.....never mind...it is pretty much because they are naked... My one aspiration in life it to become Wondergirls future ex-husband. ;-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How to OTC
    In most nicer places you can pay cash for a room. Then put the credit card down for "incidentals." If there are no incidentals, then there is no charge to the card.