
Big spender

Sunday, March 2, 2008 11:46 PM
Ok question guys. Ive heard alot of you talking about these huge amounts of money you spend at clubs. Now are those strictly for "extras" or do you just go wild with the cash. And is this spending alcohol induced? I guess Im just cheap cause I couldnt picture spendin that much at a club.


  • zorro
    16 years ago
    I usually spend about $75/hr when I visit a club. So if I spend 2-3 hours I'll drop $200. I never spend extra for extras. They just seem to happen during the normal course of a multi-dance set.
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    You're not a horny guy wondergrl. Girls don't need to spend a lot of money (or *any* money sometimes) to hook up with a hot guy. They can just come over to my house for free...LOL... Seriously, for myself, I have an amount of money in my mind that I'm willing to spend when I go to a club, and, sometimes, I'm willing to go over that amount (but I always regret it later). Spending big money and not getting any extras is just silly to me. BTW, I thought Zorro was the Gay Blade, or maybe that was just a bad Mel Brooks movie that I once saw. ;)
  • alexsa
    16 years ago
    Obviously I spend because I'm a horny guy, but definately overspending is alcohol induced, as the girls look better and better and it becomes easier to suspend disbelief. Personally I think those arseholes who won't allow full nudity and alcohol in the same club really DO know what the're doing. Since I go alone to clubs only about ten times a year I'll drop 500 to 1k and have a great time ( and am probably dubbed a PL by the dancers) until I wonder why I bothered in the morning. With friends I'll spend very little... it's just a bar with eye candy.
  • alexsa
    16 years ago
    And to fully answer Wondergrl's question 1k has never bought any extras but then again I've never actually asked.
  • DandyDan
    16 years ago
    It depends on which club I go to. The one club where extras are available of the three I go to most is mostly for the extras. The second one has a pricing structure I'm not fond of, and as such, I probably overpay, but that club also has the hottest girls by far of any of these three clubs. And at the third club, I don't spend all that much most of the time as I only go there for two or three dancers and extras will probably never happen there.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    So after you leave and you look in your wallet your like"DAMN". So its kinda like vegas when you gamble WAY beyond what you budgeted.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    It depends on the club. Last Friday I hooked up with trogangreg at Atlanta's newest club. It is by far the most beautiful club I have ever been in. FONDL would call it a glitzy gentlemens club. We stayed for 2 hours and I spent less than $15 on drinks and tips. See our reviews. I then went to the Crazy Horse Saloon which is pretty much of a dive. I stayed for 3 1/2 hours and spent around $250. Mostly because I found the right dancer and took her to the VIP room. I was not disappointed. See review for more details. When I go to my favorite club and stay 6 to 8 hours, I spend $300. to 400. Most other customers would have to pay twice that to receive the same treatment that I get and to get this treatment in any other club, I would also have to pay double. Now I could spend a lot less here. I know of 6 dancers that if I let them, will have me out the door, fully satisfied, in 30 minutes.
  • CarolinaWanderer
    16 years ago
    Clubbing is like a Vegas trip. I budget for both and set it aside. I seldom take more than $200 in my wallet (although I always have $100 tucked back for emergencies). I go clubbing about once a month. I may not make it back to Vegas this year, though.
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    See, when you're getting blown by or boning 2-4 dancers a nite, plus gettings LDs from at least that many dancers...it adds up...lol... And no, I don't have slight buyer's remorse until the next day when I actually total up what I've spent the previous nite. Although, most of the time I go up to Canada to have fun, so I just chaulk it up to be improving international relations. ;)
  • zorro
    16 years ago
    Money is not the factor that restricts my clubbing, it's finding the time. I haven't had buyer's remorse yet, but I definitely have had working-instead-of-clubbing remorse.
  • rootman
    16 years ago
    I spend big for the extras. I'd feel like a jerk if I didn't tip well for gettin it goin with a fine young lady. I'll match the fee for VIP or laps (multiples) for good service. If it's just a poor lap, no extra $$. If it's a fun girl and no extras, give her $20-$40 extra.
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    I never know what to tip in a club...I always try to when the service is good, but it varies a lot. In Canada, they really don't expect tips at all, and usually they'll give you this weird look like, "hey, you just gave me too much money..."
  • crizgolfer
    16 years ago
    Definitely alcohol induced. The more I drink, the more I need to go to the bathroom and those $1 tips to the bathroom troll really add up. Damn...talk about flushing money down the toilet....*rimshot*...thank you...thank you...I will be here all week... Clubs are downtime for me. I pay if I am having fun. Fun can be many things depending on the night and my mood. I have spent over $1k on several occasions. I have also walked out of a few clubs having spent less than $40 (including drinks and cover). The dancers that have taken the most cash off me have been the ones that had fun personalities (along with good looks)...if her personality is not pleasing then I rarely spend enough time with her to pass the big bucks her way. Regardless of what she looks like or is offering.
  • harrydave
    16 years ago
    I think I'm an average spender compard to the guys responding to this post. I either spen less than $50, which means I did not like the club and I was just sampling, or I spend $100 to $200, which means it was good. About 1 out of 10 trips to a club, I spend more. Why? You will have to ask the little brain, and he does not know how to operate this computer. When I spend more than $200, and all I got was LD's, I usually have "buyer's remorse". My all time max for a night is $1,800. I plead insanity.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    And I thought that I was dumb at $600 a night.
  • lopaw
    16 years ago
    I've never had to pay extra for "extras", but I've tipped nicely afterwards if they are provided. I am a horny girl & appreciate the ladies going above & beyond the call of duty. I prefer alcohol-free nude clubs, so my spending is not alcohol fueled, which of course can be very dangerous to the bank account.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    hooray for horny girls in a club!!!!!!!!!!
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    Horny girls in strip clubs unite for a big group hug...at my place!!!
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