
Comments by dallas702

  • review comment
    a year ago
    Good for the price
    Sorry you had a less than perfect experience. Sins is certainly not on a par with Hong Kong or Tootsies, but it is an OK Juice Bar. Jax is not a club town and the options are limited. I haven't seen much of the "cons" you mentioned. Specifically, I have seldom seen any of your "C" level dancers. And while I have seen, in every club I have ever been in, dancers who ignore customers - I haven't seen dancers in Sins obviously ignore one customer and then latch onto a "regular." Like most strip clubs, Sins has a cover and a minimum. I thought the soft drink price was $6 and that included refills. I guess it might have changed, I always just put a $10 on the bar and ignored the change. And the dances are $25 but I have never had a dancer try to charge me $30. It might be just that they have pity on my antique body, or it might be that they know there are signs up saying dances are $25. (At least there were a few years ago, I honestly don't remember noticing whether they were still up when I was there a few weeks ago. Don't give up on the tired old joint. It does have it's brighter moments.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    How important is a club's orientation
    I have also laughed at the pedantic detail of some reviews, and the OCD comments to those who neglected that detail. But there is a bit of comfort, when walking into a club for the first time, knowing where the main stage is, where the bathroom is - and whether there is a troll waiting to spritz you with some godawful rosewater, in knowing which stage is actually used, and even where to look for a seat. Certainly, the review we counted on might be a fake and everything different but most of us have read more than one review of that club and are smart enough to accept the consensus description as reasonably accurate. And having the manager come up and say, "Uh dude are you OK?" sure beats the manager saying, "Dude, you are no longer welcome here, you gotta leave right now."
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Evil Lair
    So Let Me Get This Straight On Corruption
    Anyone who isn't worried about the dangerously farcical indictments of Trump, needs to read - pr reread - Orwell's "1984."
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
    Place to discuss the stupid Trump indictment podcast or whatev…
    The swamp is out to knock Trump out of running for the 47th President. So far it appears that they are willing to do and say anything to accomplish that overriding goal. My guess is the DNC is incapable of figuring out how to dump Biden and Giggles, so their only hope for rescuing 2024 is to destroy Trump and use their "special ballot" process to keep the White House. As far as the three indictments are concerned. Soros acolyte, Alvin in NY had to invent a way to use a federal charge that was never made against Trump (and is past statute of limitations) to pretend he has the authority to bump a misdemeanor state charge to a felony. No one with a working brain thinks that will get past the next honest judge. Then the Soros fanatic Jack Smith is ordered by Garland to "get Trump." His first attempt, the raid and Presidential papers indictment, is rife with prosecutorial errors and lacks even a blush of legitimacy. Anyone notice that the prosecution "leaks" stories about the dangerous classified material than quietly says, "never mind.?" Now Smith has had to admit he withheld evidence in discovery - ooops! The new D.C. indictment smells like desperation. Smith has charged Trump with a criminal offense for believing that the 2020 election was improperly decided due to vote fraud. Jack has also charged Trump for criminally listening to the wrong advisors, asserting in his indictment that Trump criminally conspired to not listen to different advisors. And worst of all, Jack Smith alleges that Trump feloniously incited an insurrection when he gave a speech (the speech where Smith left out the part where Trump asked supporters to "peacefully and patriotically" go protest outside the US Capitol). I won't be surprised if the D.C. case gets to trial and the all democrat jury pool convicts Trump. All Smith needs to convict Trump before a D.C. jury is to say, "Orange Man bad" and a D.C. jury will vote for the death sentence! The D.C. case might even get support from the notoriously left leaning D.C. Appeals court, but once a real judge sees it, the entire thing blows up. My guess is the swamp hopes the three (soon to be four, Soros acolyte Fani of ATL is up next) indictments, all of the trial prep, political noise, and friendly press, keeps Trump from becoming the GOP candidate - because they certainly do not have a single legit charge against Trump. There you go Rick. Think that's enough to get the action going?
  • review comment
    a year ago
    A good way to relax before attempting busy interstate traffic!
    Deep, I am terrible with names. Since I get to Jax about every three months, I don't even try to keep up with who is who. All I can say is many of the day shift dancers at Sins are up for special fun. Almost all will take a few minutes to talk with you (if you ask) and most will tell you their limits. It ain't rocket science. I don't even bother, most of the time, asking - If a young woman looks good, and we seem to hit it off talking to each other, I am willing to invest some money in a dance or two. If you are willing to "waste" $25 per girl to have a naked woman grind on your tool while you grope her, I expect that after two or three different girls you will find one that meets most of your expectations.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    City of Jacksonville pays strip clubs $60,000
    I wonder whether this settlement will allow Wackos and other Jax clubs to "undo" the restrictions the clubs put on VIP rooms. Wackos, for instance, blocked off two cubicles that were in corners where it was difficult to see into them and required the guy at the VIP entrance to actually walk into the area when dancers has customers in VIP. My guess is that the post raid club rules did hurt business (not as bad as the covid plandemic) and several club operators will want to encourage mongers to return.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Whoopi Goldberg is right
    Just to be clear, the murder of over 6,000,000 JEWS by the National Socialist regime under Adolph Hitler was entirely and specifically racist. Hitler himself repeatedly and directly defined European Jews as a race. NAZI scientists devised multiple tests to identify Jews by their race. Hitler and Himmler worked together to devise a system to isolate and concentrate everyone with "Jewish blood" so that the "subhuman" Jews could be eliminated. Between 1933 and the spring of 1945 German national radio broadcasts described the RACE of Jews as subhuman and declared them to be the cause of Germany's problems - every day - every single day. To imply, suggest, claim, assert, or even hint that the Murder of more than 6,000,000 European Jews by the National Socialists led by Adolph Hitler was anything less than the most overt and horrific act of Racist genocide in modern history - is to demonstrate an extreme level of ignorance or stupidity (perhaps both).
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Worth another trip, and another.
    Papi, the city of Jax is always trying to "improve" its' image, mostly to distract from the rather steady drumbeat of black on black murders and drug related crimes. Nearly every election season, some politician (that includes the Sheriff who (in Duval/Jax is the chief law enforcement officer) is trying to shut down the immoral strip clubs. That usually includes raids on Wackos and maybe a few other clubs, plus arrests for drugs or lewd behavior. Every time a club tries to create more private VIP spaces, either the police or codes enforcement shows up and threatens to close the clubs. As a result, there are no truly private VIP spots in the entire county. Sinsations comes as close to private as any of them. (Note - I don't live in Jax - or even Florida - but I do get their TV and radio stations and I am in Jax often. If someone who lives there has better info, I would like to hear it too!)
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    It appears Sins is back to what Sins is good at.
    I'm not a featherweight myself, but I don't visit strip clubs to awkwardly avoid weight loss discussions.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Not back in action, yet ! ? !
    Sorry for missing the date. It was Halloween, 10/31. And yes, that might have been part of the dismal atmosphere. And Eve, since none of the original four got within 15 feet of me, and the two I attempted to tip at the main stage didn't bother to come close, I really don't know how attractive they are. I certainly was the total lack of energy that made this visit a fail for me.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    In the wind
    RI Police Go Door-To-Door In Hunt For New Yorkers Seeking Safety From Covid19
    Is it too late to build a wall around NYC and LA?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Urn deliveries in Wuhan raise questions about China's actual death toll
    Don't hate on the good people who beneficently rule China. The urns were sent to Wuhan as part of a long planned urban improvement project and it is pure coincidence that these decorative urns are in all respects identical to funeral urns. The evil hater who are spreading viscous lies about the number of deaths in China from the Trump virus are the same ones who are trying to connect the actual Trump flu deaths to the fact that our gracious leaders cancelled mobile phone service for 21 millions phones that are no longer in use. ((too bad there isn't a sarcasm button .))
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should we still fear Coronavirus ?
    Jackslash is right about the news reporting that Fauci is contradicting President Trump. But that ain't what is really happening. If you can find the unedited versions of the press conferences the major news outlets are using to produce their Trump v. Fauci misinformation, you will find that reporters we trying to bait Fauci with very leading questions. Most of the time, Fauci's responses were overtly and intentionally supportive of what Trump has said. Occasionally, Fauci tried to clarify misstatements BY REPORTERS - and that is where the headlines came from. Fauci actually did say that there is anecdotal evidence that chloroquine helps, and evidence that using it with a common antibiotic is beneficial. He also said that testing is underway. Where the media is having a field day is when Fauci qualifies his endorsement with a "we won't know for sure until test prove the results" statement. Right or wrong, most media outlets really, really, hate Trump. They won't even let a global apocalypse get in the way of saying bed things about Trump!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    A long slow goodbye?
    My question is valid (IMHO) because it is more complicated than a rent check. Even if they are only closed for a month, they lose 1/12th of anticipated revenue, The club will have to justify reopening - often in cities that want them shut down forever, Then they will have to pay salaries, payroll taxes, and benefits for a few employees maybe even through the shutdown - or face hiring everyone from scratch (and that may not be as easy as a phone call to some of the key employees). Then how long will it take to get experienced, customer pleasing, dancers back? Many will have started posting on escort sites and won't want to return. Some dancers will have moved on to other towns where clubs didn't close (or reopened sooner). And I am not sure it will be an automatic, "open the door and they will come." Customers may NOT choose to immediately rush to a club that has been closed fr a month or two. It will take time (and more money) to stay open, pay bartenders, managers and bouncers, and keep dancers in slow clubs. My guess is this will not be easy for some clubs. I am sure many clubs will reopen. I am not forecasting the end of strip clubbing. I am wondering how many small clubs, and clubs facing official opposition from local government (look up what's happening in Jacksonville, FL) will either fail to reopen and stay open or will simply throw in the towel, Papi, I agree that the overhead drops significantly. And I appreciate that many clubs will be able to reopen soon after bans are lifted. But how many will manage to successfully reopen and stay open? mark, good points. I too, think getting the right dancers back will be key.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Republican Senator asking if reaction to Corona goes to far
    If COVID19 kills 50,000 people in the US this spring, the government - and the media - will proclaim PROOF that the disease was the worst pandemic in history. At the same time those kind and "non-political" folks over at CDC and NIH (who were hired by Obama appointees and hate the current president) will crow about how their recommendations saved millions of lives, while downplaying the economic, civic, and social destruction. (YES, that is sarcasm) The government bureaucrats will loudly end the "emergency" within the next 45 days, but they will quietly fail to undo any of their emergency powers (in case another crisis occurs). If COVID19 kills 50,000 people in the US this spring, it will still NOT be as deadly as this year's seasonal flu. If COVID19 kills 50,000 people in the US this spring, it will not even be in the top five deadliest diseases: for real comparison, the complete 2018 totals (from the CDC) show 655,381 killed by heart disease, 599,274 killed by cancer, 159,486 killed by chronic lower respiratory disease, 147,810 killed by cerebro vascular disease, and 122,019 killed by Altzheimer's disease. Even ordinary accidents killed 167,127 people that year. The flu killed 59,120 people in 2018, and it wasn't a "bad" year! At least our government is clearly taking action and all the politicians can clearly be seen "doing something." (more sarcasm!) Even Trump is in the game. This election year, he too, is trying to be seen, "doing something." The UN, EU and the Fed bureaucrats are getting exactly what they want, autocratic powers across international borders and a chokehold on the global economy. I am not claiming that this is something they planned. I am saying they will use it!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Retired from internet message boards. Good luck all.
    Trump is fucked
    I noted that this thread started in Feb last year with the oft repeated refrain, "Trump is fucked." Notably, people here, and everywhere else there are urban wannabe's who can type, have been predicting the inglorious fall of President Donald John Trump since the fall of 2015. The hits keep on coming - - - and Trump keeps on being President. I guess it is true that Trump is living - rent free - in every liberal's head! What is truly remarkable is the fact that the democrats don't have any candidate that people can believe in for 2020. A failed gay mayor, a billionaire midget, an avowed socialist, a really creepy old guy with ethical problems, a "say anything to get a vote" midwest woman, or an exposed truthless non squaw, don't offer much choice for democrat voters. Sure whatever gets nominated as their candidate will get most of the real democrat voters - all of the welfare votes, all of the urban elites all of the never Trumpers, and all of the TDS sufferers. A lot of traditional democrat voters will be sitting this one out. It seems unlikely that any more voters will go left this year! Not only is it likely that Trump will be reelected, it appears that the GOP will retake the House on his coattails. Looks like The Donald will get 4 more years of free rent in liberal heads!
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Unusually good, for the usual experience.
    Papi, as I said in the review, it's been a while since I was last in the Doll House. I wasn't surprised by the price increase, but I thought it was worth mentioning. Which is why I specifically mentioned that negotiations were still possible. I should have said that I reached an agreement with the young lady - my mistake, and a good catch on your part!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Favorite TV Shows
    Rawhide, I Love Lucy, Red Skelton.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    OT: Harlan Ellison, Provocative Sci-Fi Writer of ‘Star Trek,’ ‘A Boy and His Do
    Ellison's writings were too often very dark and dystopian. He angrily agreed to back off writing his far left, anti-government political views into TV scripts, but continued to, less than subtly, create stories where the government is the "bad guy." A brilliant man who never got over being opposed to the VietNam war, and never trusted anyone with power. Though he made few contributions recently, I still occasionally reread some of his stuff. It is startling how much his writings - even from the 1960s - reflect the politics of the radical left today.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    [OT] true story: iPhone X gift from idk who
    It may not be a "scam" but instead an identity theft scheme. Perhaps the order was made by someone who stole a credit card and was trying to get a "free" I-phone that they thought couldn't be traced to them. They could have sent it to your address expecting to be able to pick it up before you got home! Did you get home earlier than usual? Or perhaps it was your credit card number! Did you check your credit to see if there was an unfamiliar charge?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Texas Clubs
    Austin - run by extreme liberals and local government has done everything they can to shut down strip clubs. Last I heard, the closest thing to an extra available in Austin is a smile as she dances in her clothes six feet away! Dallas - hit or miss. Chica Locas is likely to offer what you are looking for, if you are into second and third rate Hispanic dancers. Baby Dolls is full of stunning beauties and is a must visit club. Do not expect FS, and sometimes extras are kinda limited at BDs, but do spend at least a couple of hours there. On the North East side is PT's. FS is also unlikely here, but sometimes the chicks are hot, the nude dances have plenty of 2 way contact, and the vibe is good! Check the reviews! Houston - has had it's up and downs. Clubs that used to be sure things are not so much anymore. You can still have fun in Treasures and St James. There are other clubs with "opportunities" but the extras in Houston seem to be more "take out" than ITC over the past year or two. San Antonio - might as well watch porn in a hotel room. Most of the strip clubs are bikini or pastie and the talent - isn't any better that 5s. I am not sure exactly how the rules there work, but one of the rules seems to be "No extras." Occasionally a dancer will get a little frisky, but don't count on it.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    OT: Are Traditional Compters (Laptop and Desktop) Going to Become Obsolete?
    I laughed when I read the OP's "traditional." Computers - of any kind - and cellular telephones are both very new phenomena. I grew up in a world where "computers" were electro-mechanical constructions that usually required an entire multi-story building to house. Telephones, in my youth, were mechanically dialed devices wired to fixed locations and "party lines" were still common. To proclaim any type of cellular device, wireless communication, or portable computer, as traditional, simply ignores the last 40 years of constant and dramatic change. My first "cell phone" came with a bag to hold the battery (good for about ONE hour of use) and a cord between the hand held portion and the bag. The first portable computer I used came in a travel case on wheels, about 4 feet square, and operated off of a 51/4" floppy disc with enough memory for several letters or a single spreadsheet. The current rage of smaller and smaller portable computers AND larger and more capable combination cell phones, will certainly "meet" with a "merger." But that will NOT be the end of innovation. Already, flexible screens threaten the "big" screen phones and the lightweight computers with a significant change in format. I am guessing that even the flex screen will soon be surpassed by functional projection 3D (holographic) tech. Even that is NOT the "future" for communication and computing. Several of the "big" companies in phones and computing attempted computer "glasses" and tiny phones just over a decade ago. Both failed - then - but the concept is not "wrong." I am predicting that, within the next 7 to 10 years, some form of "over the eye" (adjustable lens sunglasses or contacts) viewer will be combined with "shirt pocket" sized wireless/cellular device and virtual "keyboard" to create the "ultimate" combo communication computer. (which will, of course, be surpassed in a decade or less by something none of us can predict!)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Red light district
    Just returned from EU, spent three days in Amsterdam. The "main" red light district is in the oldest part of town near the main train station and Nieumarket. The immediate area is full of coffeeshops (both beer sellers and pot sellers), eateries, tourist stuff, and 1,000s of tourists. Also watch out for the damn bikes! (you'll figure that out or learn about EU medicine) The district is packed with tourists from late afternoon until after 3 or 4am. Even tiny narrow "red light" alleys (they claim they are just narrow streets) will be packed with gawker tourists. Most of the working women sit in red light trimmed "windows" that are actually glass doors and they will open the door to negotiate or just for light conversation. Some want you to come in before they talk prices, but not all. They will pull a curtain across the glass as soon as they think you are serious. The women run the gambit from grossly obese African immigrants, to petite Asians, to Nordic goddesses, to several kinds of sissy boys (I didn't even ask "Kinds?" - gross), to locals, but the most common working girls (at least it appeared to me) were Eastern European hotties. Prices were surprisingly low. The "normal" transaction is for about 20 minutes covered BJ and sex and will usually cost about 60EU - prices vary and negotiations can also be fun. Other "services" are available but I am not sure about prices. Note that I all happens right there - red light girls do not offer take out! There are also several "sex clubs" in Amsterdam, most are high end brothels and those ladies do not take on 20 or more customers a night! They cost more, but still reasonable, and the atmosphere is more relaxed - I tried that the last evening there - fun! You can also find escorts for outcall very easily (but I didn't try it, don't know prices). Note that - except for the damn bikes - Amsterdam is pretty safe but there are gangs (and gang taggers) and lots of pickpockets. Keep your money out of sight. Most locals speak Dutch, German and English. Almost all of the red light girls I spoke to spoke at least "broken" English, some of the Eastern European girls clearly spoke English better than most US teachers! Have fun!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    It's not just for teachers anymore
    It doesn't count unless there are pictures. Where is the mug shot?