
So Let Me Get This Straight On Corruption

Evil Lair
Everything that the Democrats and the mainstream media accused Trump of doing, which was proven to be totally baseless by Robert Mueller (despite his best efforts), is exactly what Biden has been proven to have been doing as Vice-President in Ukraine and China.



  • TheeOSU
    a year ago
    You're right doc but no doubt you're also aware of the double standard that has existed for years where the dems mostly get a pass and even protection from the major media.
    This country is so corrupt it's sickening to watch it crumble.
  • gammanu95
    a year ago
    Don't you get it? The democrat party cannot be corrupt. They cannot be criminals. They cannot be fact-checked. Those are the special rules they get that the rest of us do not. Now shut up and learn your 99 genders.
  • TheeOSU
    a year ago

    Sad but true.
  • mark94
    a year ago
    This has been going on for decades. The corruption is deeply embedded throughout the government. It took Trump derangement to smoke them all out.

    I’m beginning to think we’ll never clean this mess up.
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    I think that one thing that would go a long way towards letting the majority of people in this country see what is really happening with federal trials and would go a long way to push back on these claims of one side or another getting away with lying and cheating would be to have the proceedings televised. We need to put some pressure on Chief Justice John Roberts to reverse his decision and allow the federal courts including the Supreme Court to broadcast the proceedings. That would open up the door and allow folks to decide who is getting favorable treatment. My own opinion is more visibility is always better.
  • mogul1985
    a year ago
    Lavrentiy Beria was Stalin's BFF secret police chief. He was famous (infamous?) for saying, "Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime”. He was known for targeting people Stalin wanted detroyed and THEN find the charges. Sounds a lot like we are seeing done to Donald Trump, his family and associates. By the time all this is said and done, it'll cost Trump $100M. And if he survives all the indictments, the cost will never be repaid by the gov't. Lavrentiy Beria modus operandi has been adopted by The Left. Hate or love Trump, what is happening is very dangerous for our Republic. If it can happen to Trump, it can happen to anyone.

    Like Mark94 said, I too am beginning to think we'll never clean this mess up.
  • wld4tatas
    a year ago
    Biden supposedly had dinner with a company exec - is that it ? Nice try.

    Keep trying to pin something on Biden, meanwhile the evidence against Trump is becoming overwhelming.
  • mark94
    a year ago
    “Biden supposedly had dinner with a company exec - is that it ?”

    Well, there is also the little matter of the $40 Million paid to the Biden crime family.
  • mark94
    a year ago
    The judge in the latest Trump indictment has warned him that if he attempts to influence the jury ( by speaking about the indictment ? ), he will be held without bail.
  • Ian1968
    a year ago
    Bless. You’ve got to admire anyone who still thinks Trump is a decent guy and Biden isn’t 😂
  • docsavage
    a year ago
    In order to have bribes you need both a briber and a bribee. In the case of businessmen bribing government officials, you need to do two things. You need to shrink government and reduce its power to pass out special favors. You also need to expose to the public the businessmen involved. There's a lot of confusion that the current corrupt crony capitalism that exists now is the same thing as free market capitalism where the way to get rich is providing goods or services people want.
  • mark94
    a year ago
    For 6 years, the media has repeated lie after lie about Trump ( starting with the Hillary paid-for Steele Dossier ) and downplayed the web of crimes revealed by Hunter’s laptop ( Russian disinformation ).

    One third of the population has bought into this media fantasy. They view themselves as the smart people. They reject any fact that threatens their view of the world.

    As a result, these smart people have brought us war in Ukraine, invasion at our southern border, inflation, and urban crime. Somehow, the media portrays all this calamity as having nothing to do with Biden.
  • skibum609
    a year ago
    When due to the incompetence of the democrats the Wagner group attacks Poland we're now involved in another European war.
  • etsutwigg222
    a year ago
    I am always reminded that it isn't about Democrat vs Republican or even white vs black/brown/red/yellow/etc. It is about rich vs middle class/poor. Rich people make politicians rich, so they have control over the poor & can eliminate the middle class. First they control the message the common person hears (Media Control & Censor) & then they divide the common people (Using race & gender). It is only about one color......GREEN (Control of Money) !!!!!!
  • wld4tatas
    a year ago
    We'll have to wait and see what charges stick with alleged influence peddling in the Biden family and Trump's alleged crimes. But documented facts around the latter are abundant. The former will have a harder time getting traction in part due to the right wing cesspool of conspiracy theories and lies, such as blaming Biden for the war, inflation and crime, and the Republican top agenda item of revenge.
  • mark94
    a year ago
    One of the under reported bumbles on Biden’s part was a couple weeks ago when he said the US military is low on ammunition because of Ukraine. That one comment made it much more likely that Russia and China will become more aggressive.
  • mark94
    a year ago
    “You need to shrink government and reduce its power to pass out special favors. “

    That’s why Vivek intrigues me. He would issue an order that all regulations issued by the federal bureaucracy must be approved by the Whitehouse. He would also eliminate departments and cut headcount by 75%.
  • rattdog
    a year ago
    doesn't matter who is in charge. that guy is just a puppet who has to answer to a few handlers. government for many decades is a legalized mafia. i do wonder of those with the highest political aspirations that they had to go through a ritual akin to getting one of your fingers pricked in a basement.

    it's all smooth sailing once in the club. of course if you deviate and constantly disobey your orders you or someone within your circle of close ones will fucking die. case in point: the daughter of a certain governor just years ago lost her boyfriend when his car was in a real nasty fire.
  • gammanu95
    a year ago
    Salient point made by Mark94. I could not believe it when Biden said the US was low on ammunition. What the actual hell was he thinking? You never show your cards and he is not smart enough to pull that off as some sort of misdirection. Having said that, I do not think China is more likely to attack Taiwan since the ammunition we are supplying Ukraine with for a land war would be different from the maritime repulsion fight that would occur in Taiwan. Russia is spent fighting Ukraine. They do not have enough army left to menace another part of Europe or NATO.
  • mark94
    a year ago
    The problem with China is Xi. He is an absolute dictator who has killed or imprisoned anyone who could be a threat to him. There is no one left who can provide any sort of wise counsel.

    Invading Taiwan would result in a blockade of mainland China. Without imported oil or food, their society would collapse in 6 months. But, no one is going to tell him that.
  • gammanu95
    a year ago
    I'm not sure a naval blockade of China is possible. The weaponization of the South China Sea has turned it into a real hornet's nest of defensive capabilities. They also have many times the number of ships that we do. I understand that our naval capabilities should vastly outpace theirs, but any war with China would inevitably be a war of attrition. Finally, China's land-based systems are advanced enough that, to have a serious opportunity of surviving them, our ships would have to be too far away enough and spread out enough to be unable to form an effective picket against blockade running.

    Then we have to consider China's massive land border with friendly nations like Russia, Mongolia, and the 'Stans. They should be able to import whatever food and fuel they need, not to mention the agricultural secrets they have stolen from the US to grow their own.

    Finally, would the US even blockade China? A blockade is an act of war. Providing defensive aid to Taiwan may be able to escape the strictest definition of war, even of Americans and Chinese are shooting at each other (think North Korea and the Korean War). As an act of war, a naval blockade of China would require a Declaration of War from Congress.

    (I hope intelligent people respond seriously, this is an interesting concept. I realize that statement is invitation for trolls.)
  • mark94
    a year ago
    The blockade would take place in the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean. All of China’s oil and most of its food imports come through there.

    Most of China’s Navy is really a coast guard with smaller ships and limited range. They can patrol the South China Sea but are useless in deep water far from their base.

    We could impose a blockade with a relatively small naval presence far from China’s reach.
  • mark94
    a year ago
    None of the millions of soldiers and sailors in the Chinese military have ever been in combat, except for some skirmishes with India and Vietnam. Much of the military is an internal security force.

    China has never executed an amphibious assault like what would be required for Taiwan. Additionally, the most competent military leaders have been purged under Xi.

    Taiwan has been preparing for decades for a Chinese assault. They have billions of dollars of weaponry specifically for fending off an amphibious attack.

    Conquering Taiwan would be orders of magnitude more difficult than conquering Ukraine was for the Russians.
  • mark94
    a year ago
    Eight obvious signs that Joe Biden is innocent

  • mark94
    a year ago
    Hypocrisy alert:

    “The United States strongly condemns Russia’s conviction of opposition leader Aleksey Navalny on politically motivated charges. The Kremlin cannot silence the truth. Navalny should be released.”

    Secretary Anthony Blinken
  • dallas702
    a year ago
    Anyone who isn't worried about the dangerously farcical indictments of Trump, needs to read - pr reread - Orwell's "1984."
  • mogul1985
    a year ago
    "“The United States strongly condemns Russia’s conviction of opposition leader Aleksey Navalny on politically motivated charges. "
    Secretary Anthony Blinken

    This is just the height of hypocrisy and this Administration does same to Trump.
  • mark94
    a year ago
    Quick addendum about a blockade. Ukraine has begun using drones to attack Russian merchant ships traveling through the Black Sea. This will affect oil being supplied to China from Russia. Just an example about how vulnerable China is because of its dependence on imports.
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