Place to discuss the stupid Trump indictment podcast or whatev…
Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
As a rick and a lion Imma take the bull by the horns and try to get you weirdo apes talkin’ ‘bout Trump in the front room to start postin’ your stuff here. ROAR!!!
As far as the three indictments are concerned. Soros acolyte, Alvin in NY had to invent a way to use a federal charge that was never made against Trump (and is past statute of limitations) to pretend he has the authority to bump a misdemeanor state charge to a felony. No one with a working brain thinks that will get past the next honest judge.
Then the Soros fanatic Jack Smith is ordered by Garland to "get Trump." His first attempt, the raid and Presidential papers indictment, is rife with prosecutorial errors and lacks even a blush of legitimacy. Anyone notice that the prosecution "leaks" stories about the dangerous classified material than quietly says, "never mind.?" Now Smith has had to admit he withheld evidence in discovery - ooops! The new D.C. indictment smells like desperation.
Smith has charged Trump with a criminal offense for believing that the 2020 election was improperly decided due to vote fraud. Jack has also charged Trump for criminally listening to the wrong advisors, asserting in his indictment that Trump criminally conspired to not listen to different advisors. And worst of all, Jack Smith alleges that Trump feloniously incited an insurrection when he gave a speech (the speech where Smith left out the part where Trump asked supporters to "peacefully and patriotically" go protest outside the US Capitol).
I won't be surprised if the D.C. case gets to trial and the all democrat jury pool convicts Trump. All Smith needs to convict Trump before a D.C. jury is to say, "Orange Man bad" and a D.C. jury will vote for the death sentence! The D.C. case might even get support from the notoriously left leaning D.C. Appeals court, but once a real judge sees it, the entire thing blows up. My guess is the swamp hopes the three (soon to be four, Soros acolyte Fani of ATL is up next) indictments, all of the trial prep, political noise, and friendly press, keeps Trump from becoming the GOP candidate - because they certainly do not have a single legit charge against Trump.
There you go Rick. Think that's enough to get the action going?
Saul Alinsky wrote in "Rules for Radicals" about being a "Community Organizer". Barrack Obama ran as POTUS as being a "Community Organizer". In ~2000 during an NPR/PBS Chicago radio interview, Constitutional "Professor" Obama stated (paraphrasing) "The US Constitution limits what the Federal government can do. It should spell out what government can do." The US Constitution was purposely written as a negative/power limiting document - the Left has no desire for limitation on what they can do.
Alinsky wrote, "They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns then it will be through the bullet." "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)"
What we are seeing today and we have for 7 years of Trump destruction, he and those associated with him are being persecuted as a example of what will happen to MAGA supporters and 50% of voters. The Left demands compliance or the beating will continue until morale improves.
The Left rules by the sword and gun. They know the Judicial System takes a long time. Glaring examples where the Left doesn't give a rats ass about We The People:
1) Obamacare was passed without being allowed to read it - Pelsoi, "You can read it after you vote for it", and the Dems voted for it in lock-step, good little comrades.
2) The horrible bugout from AFG. The Left couldn't have done any worse including leaving Billions in military equipment to arm a terrorist regime, and then BLAMED THIS ON TRUMP as it was "his plan" Biden had to follow.
3) Climate Change rules and Executive Orders: this is about power and control, not a hoot about "The Warming Earth" - coral reefs, whales and dolphins be damned,
4) I don't need to spell out The Biden Crime Family and Don Brandon with Bagman Hunter and yet the Left turns their collective heads.
5) Soros' influence in Elections
6) "Mail in ballots" provide like the old Penny Saver delivered and harvested.
7) BLM is justified with their riots and strongly supported by the Left
8) Student Loan Forgiveness during an election cycle knowing Biden didn't have authority. They got the votes and after the SCOTUS said no to Forgiveness, Now we have Student Load Forgiveness V2.
9) Selling out NatGas and Strategic Oil Reserves to the CCP. The Dems denied Trump to expand the Strategic Oil Reserves when oil was at record lows and have actually gone to less than $0.00 in December 2000.
10) The Left owns Public Ed and refuses to give it up. Yeah, vouchers are taking hold in some states. Several generations have been Indoctrinated in Leftism and "free stuff".
11) Illegal Aliens flowing over a "Closed Border" that will never be deported aside maybe 5% of criminals, who will get back in. The Borders and immigration is a joke.
MAGA: "What we have here is a failure to communicate." Even if the GOP increases their majority in The House, takes the Senate (they need a Super Majority) and POTUS, no one is going to mass deport, overhaul Obamacare, deal with college tuition, ect. The fuse has been lit. To fix all this will take generations. China and The Left works 100 years steps, Americans expect changes in a few months.
The Left depends on Low-Info voters,
Be afraid, be very afraid.
This is a politically-motivated set of news/charges....on both sides.
I've said it before, and maintain my stance, that the charges against Trump wouldn't have been made if he weren't running again.
I think the elite in academia, media, tech, and government is widely corrupt and the only solution is to tear it all down and start over again.
If it was all politically motivated, you wouldn't see prominent Republicans joining the condemnation against Trump.
Implied threat against witnesses:
About Nancy Pelosi calling him a scared puppy:
"She is a Wicked Witch whose husbands journey from hell starts and finishes with her. She is a sick & demented psycho who will someday live in HELL!"
Truth is, the man is an unprincipled, spoiled grifter who can't run a successful business (witness, SIX corporate bankruptcies!). Despite this, he has apparently seduced a number of the folks on this site.
Jeez, would any of you people accept the kind of grifts that The Donald has employed from a dancer? No? Then why in the hell would anybody with a modicum of common sense knowingly put him in charge of a dog pound, let alone the whole country. SMH.
Personally, I hope to see the b______d in a well-earned orange jumpsuit in the near future, and I hope he's very clumsy with his soap in the prison shower.
By the way, I am still a registered Republican.
I won’t vote for Biden, but must say he hasn’t used the office of presidency for his own personal drama theatre like his predecessor. Voting for trump twice I do not regret, but since those two elections occurred the orange man showed his true colors when he becomes desperate. That’s the kind of leadership that sinks a ship quickly, if USA was ever in an urgent position to make level headed decisions, Trump would
Provide a knee jerk solution to improve his “brand”, like making false claims against his enemy. The voters said “you’re fired”, and won’t hire him again. Since the 2016 election, trump has been in the losing side of any election he was involved in; 2018 mid terms, 2020 SCOTUS, 2022 mid terms (poor showing in the down ballets). Tye silent majority won’t tell you their disdain for the guy, only left wing nut jobs will when sparring with right wing nut jobs. Most of the voting population will SMH…. And be ready to move in n. Enough is enough. Way to go Lion, nice thread! Too bad your claims of Rickness devalue your character, otherwise you might be considered a pretty good guy.
Biden? At this point I give him a 25% chance, and Newsome 75% chance of being on the ballot. It is just going to get worse for Biden over the next 6-9 months, and the Party will protect the brand. And sure, the GOP is carefully timing how information gets released about Biden, Inc. IT'S HOW POLITICS WORKS with so many voters that have the memory of a fruit fly. Look how Obama stepped over Clinton during the DNC Convention when she was expecting a coronation. I remember the next day when Hillary came out wearing purple - color of a martyr, and Bill a purple tie.
The Left doesn't want unity. While the Left doesn't use the term "Communism" it's the same failed experimental philosophy.
Trump is a fly in the ointment. He has plenty of flaws when he talks, I focus on what he accomplished especially with the Deep State's, including RINOs, attacks and blocking.
I know you have a deep belief that can't be changed. When people resort to names and silly shit with nothing to substantiate their stand, they've lost the debate.
Personally, I don't care about intra-party debates like is coming up with the GOP plus we are out over a year - this is about ratings. What I want to see are inter-party debates (GOP'ers and Dems). I'd also like to see an inter-4 panel debate between the best MSNBC/CNN and Fox people. Not that Fox is the best for the Right, they communicate better than others.
The one thing that I think you all should recognize in relation to why we're all here is that the left is overwhelmingly in favor of decriminalization of sex-work and sex-positivity and the right is overwhelmingly against it. All of these nonsensical strip club and sex-work laws are due to right-wing religious lobbying. All of the current initiatives to decriminalize sex work is initiated by the left.
Keep voting right and eventually, maybe not in your life time or mine, there will be no legal strip clubs left in the USA. This is just one social issue amongst many that the right is on the wrong side of, but one that I hope will resonate to some degree with this community.
The left wants central control by the anointed elite in federal government.
Florida, Texas, and Arizona are overflowing with strip clubs.
You might want to reflect on your assumption that the right would shut down clubs.
Republicans in my state have done nothing but hinder the individual's liberty, and they are going to really shoot for the moon tomorrow with issue 1 which will increase the requirement for the public to pass a constitutional amendment from 50% +1 to 60% and from 5% signatures from 44 counties to get on the ballot to all 88 counties - an impossible feat.
The outlandish strip club restrictions in my state are due to to the lobbying of a right-wing group, "Citizens for Community Values", and upheld by the republican controlled legislature, which was put in power by admitted and illegal gerrymandering. The gerrymandering will not be corrected despite an Ohio supreme court order because every branch of Ohio government is controlled by the republicans and the gerrymandering benefits them greatly. The only risk to them is the constitutional amendment law (see above).
Our former republican Speaker of the House went to prison last month for collaborating with First Energy to add a nuclear tax.
The party in power might be for individual freedom in your state, but it sure isn't in mine. And looking at the national news I doubt it is as awesome in the other Republican-controlled states.
You referred to the Right. I assumed you meant Conservatives.
The establishment Republicans are ( slowly, too slowly ) leaving office.
In my opinion, the future of the party is embodied by Vivek Ramaswamy.
Something has gone very wrong and history is being rewritten to hide that fact.
How else would someone like AOC go from bartender to multimillionaire in just a few years.
More stupidity
I too like what Vivek Ramaswamy proposes, especially for voting , only problem is States deal with voting not the Feds.
Right now Trump is consuming all the oxygen in the room. I was, and will be again, a Colorado GOP county and state delegate - getting to the RNC Convention is locked-up with the Old Guard, like it or not. Trump is Enemy Number 1 of the Dems and Deep State as you can see how he and his 75M voters are being treated. These indictments are about MAGA/his supporters - support Trump and this too will happen to you.
Kool aid in full effect
After due process, a jury decided there was a preponderance of the evidence that Trump committed sexual assault. But, he's still the best person the Republicans can find to be President?…
It’s a worthy act of self reflection.