
Comments by motorhead (page 99)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    What celebrity you get told you look like by stripper hoes?
    “John Stamos, Matt Damon, Eric Bana, Ryan Reynolds, Drake, Lorenzo Lamas” WTF you guys doing in strip clubs? SC’s are for old, fat, bald guys. Jesus, give us a fighting chance. Go out to a regular dance club.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    “I've noticed it's usually one or the other. They'll suck and fuck and not kiss or kiss but not take it any further” Yep, that’s been my experience too. I’d engage in marathon make out sessions with two of past favorites. Both took a few visits to develop some trust Lots of DFK with one encouraging FIV and a little DATY but absolutely no further. The flipside is the Detroit airport clubs where you get anything on a first visit
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    Post your perfect 10s.
    https://images.app.goo.gl/eidHxRfCSFqg3brQ9 Intelligent women are hot. Just hope there are no tats under the suit
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    The (near) future of geriatric tricking?
    Why is it so fuckin’ big?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Degenerate gambler and virgin
    May we have a edit button for our reviews?
    Howe aboot n edt buttten for us old guys whoo cant typt
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Biden SUCKS, Kamala BLOWS
    Thanks Founder!
    It might have been easier to program a counter that once a thread hits 200 posts it automatically generates a new thread rather create an new site. I think founder has too much time on his hands. Needs to hit a few more nudie bars and poker rooms
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    If you date one girl in a club. They all want to date you
    “One thing I found about dating strippers is that when girls know you're dating a coworker they all start to want you” Wasn’t that a Seinfeld episode? George had the picture of a model in his wallet and when models found out he dated models they wanted him.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Ed Asner on Infowars in 2013
    I’m probably the only American on the planet who never watched a single episode of “Lou Grant” My older sister controlled the TV so I was forced to watch The Mary Tyler Moore Show and Asner could be pretty funny on that but never watched the serious Lou Grant.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Ron Jeremy
    Most of here probably are aware top female performers earn a lot more than male performers and it’s probably been since the 80’s since he was an A-list performer. At least 10 years ago he was a feature act at a club of a dancer I knew pretty well. She said his act was actually pretty funny. But her impression of him was he isn’t making a ton of dough. He arrived at the club in an old car - something along the lines of a 20 year Chevy Vega. She got a peek at it in the parking lot and it was a mess - littered with fast food bags. She got the impression he could have been living out of his car as toured the club circuit. She said the dancers for the most part steered clear of him but the young waitresses were all over him and he took at least one of them to a back storage room for some fun. So none of this surprises me.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Rate this Girl.
    Not my type what so ever. Honestly i would say 5 or 6 in my book but that’s just me.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Poker Nights with Tuscl ?
    Will Cardi B be there?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Anyone in favoring of nuking the left coast?
    How times have changed in a little over 50 years In 1968 Nixon carried California, Vermont, Oregon, Illinois while Humphrey won Texas. Those states have flipped
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Anyone in favoring of nuking the left coast?
    I wouldn’t be opposed to dropping a few more and getting rid of Oregon and Washington too. Other than scenic beauty they offer little. Portland has a lot of clubs but it seems they aren’t very good. And I don’t like apples
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Is TUSCL Porn?
    I like big butts too - that’s why I’ve never truly understood the apparent love for “spinners” by many SC goers
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Anyone in favoring of nuking the left coast?
    One can’t look at past events in a vacuum. One of the reasons Nixon won in ‘68 was because RFK was murdered. That was the third major figure to be killed in 5 years. And then came the demonstrations at the 68 Democratic convention in Chicago. Nixon ran a campaign to restore law and order to the country. I’m certainly not a fan of the liberal Kennedy clan either but there aren’t many days in your life that you can point to and say “the events of today changed history”.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Disturbing New Fashion Trends
    Remember when Mayo-naise covered up his tattoo when he entered Navy OCS? When did pride in personal appearance get screwed up
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Disturbing New Fashion Trends
    Remember when Mayo-naise covered up his tattoo when he entered Navy OCS? When did pride in personal appearance get screwed up
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    How Intuitive is the board software?
    Yeah it did. I guess the original question was answered - the software does scan words and delete a post if does not contains the phrase “stripper hoes”
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Anyone in favoring of nuking the left coast?
    “Fuck the Kennedys. They were all pinkos and crooks.” As an adult, I might agree with that. But as I kid I didn’t know better. One really needs to consider how RFK’s murder continues to affect us today. There’s a good chance he would have been elected President in 1968. That would have meant no Nixon. Without Nixon there never would have been Watergate. Without Watergate, Jimmy Carter would never have been elected. And Carter’s weakness dealing with Iran contributed to where we are today in the Middle East.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    The eviction moratorium ended yesterday!
    “What we need is Universal Basic Income and a strong Public Housing Offering.“ The government can manage to do some things well. Providing public housing is not one of them. Perhaps you’re living a sheltered existence in California. Did you ever witness the failed housing projects in the Midwest? Cabrini-Green, Pruitt-Igoe, The Robert Taylor Homes? If you’ve seen them, even from a distance as I have - you would be singing a different tune.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Dancera trying to talk like Cardi B
    I had to watch a YouTube video to hear her talk. Christ, I would rather be ass raped than hear a dancer talk like that.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Why the contempt for strippers?
    “Why the contempt for strippers?“ A couple of visits to Stripperweb will do that
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Hey Everyone
    If this is your first assignment in your Marketing 101 class, you fail. Spinnergirl. Zero points for originality Should have posted a photo. Zero points
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Lost My Copy of Black’s Law Dictionary
    IICE, I think you might have nailed it. As soon as Michigan legalized medical marijuana he opened a dispensary. Sounds like it might not have been so legal