Anyone in favoring of nuking the left coast?

avatar for motorhead
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life

Robert Kennedy's assassin Sirhan Sirhan granted parole by California board


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avatar for san_jose_guy
3 yrs ago

Two Kennedy sons recommended that Sirhan Sirhan be paroled.


avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 yrs ago

I assume your point is that anyone who commits first degree murder should get life without parole if not the death penalty. I'm dubious about the death penalty because innocent people do get convicted.

I'm guessing in his case, they feel like mental illness was a factor in his crime, and that he's better now. That seems like it could be reasonable. Also seems like it enhances the safety of prison guards, to have fewer inmates with zero hope of getting out. Jumping to bad conclusions about what people in government are saying/doing leads to what we saw on January 6th.

Also possible he's getting more lucid, able to communicate things that powerful people don't want known. Would not be surprised to hear in the news that, sadly, his release resulted in his death by accident/suicide/latter day Jack Ruby.

avatar for gammanu95
3 yrs ago

I don't know enough to comment, and don't care enough to learn enough to comment.

Fuck the Kennedys. They were all pinkos and crooks. Good riddance.

avatar for motorhead
3 yrs ago

“Fuck the Kennedys. They were all pinkos and crooks.”

As an adult, I might agree with that. But as I kid I didn’t know better.

One really needs to consider how RFK’s murder continues to affect us today. There’s a good chance he would have been elected President in 1968. That would have meant no Nixon. Without Nixon there never would have been Watergate. Without Watergate, Jimmy Carter would never have been elected. And Carter’s weakness dealing with Iran contributed to where we are today in the Middle East.

avatar for drewcareypnw
3 yrs ago

Lemmy lived in California.

avatar for shailynn
3 yrs ago

That means we would lose San Jose Guy and 2Icee, but then we’d also lose Subraman. Ah he could take one for the team! Lol

avatar for MackTruck
3 yrs ago

Let's build a wall around California

avatar for MackTruck
3 yrs ago

And deport all da Californians back der

avatar for MackTruck
3 yrs ago

Den I dump a tanker load over da wall

avatar for boomer79
3 yrs ago

Honestly it will probably save the state money. The guy is in his 80s and may require care. He’s not going to do anything and he might can get that more cheaply without the security environment of a prison.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 yrs ago

Nixon probably would have beat Kennedy. People forget he was the Obama of that forever war. Promised he had a "secret plan" to get out, then welched. We might have flown air missions and kept a thousands of soldiers in South Vietnam for all of the 70s if Kennedy had won. The Democrat Congress cut off ARVN because they were doing it to a Republican president (Ford).

avatar for ATACdawg
3 yrs ago

Go for the nukes, but first give us time to buy some new Nevada beachfront property!!!

avatar for SanchoRG
3 yrs ago

Bro I've read 11/22/63 by Stephen King. Sirhan was a god damn hero, alternate timeline JFK was worse than Hitler.

avatar for SanchoRG
3 yrs ago

Oh nm Robert Kennedy...who the fuck cares. Just another rich asshole and his assassin, neither of which affect me

avatar for yahtzee74
3 yrs ago

That's not as bad as NY where Cuomo is letting Chesa Boudin's terrorist father out of jail.

avatar for jaybud999
3 yrs ago

Fuck all you clowns smashing on California. I like it here. YOU mother fuckers just stay the fuck out. But I love you all.

avatar for wallanon
3 yrs ago

I'm going to vote no on nuking California.

avatar for Jascoi
3 yrs ago

i wanna club with sirhan. i’ll bet he’s an all right fellow. fuck killing somebody. it had to be a mistake. right?

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 yrs ago

I really enjoyed LA when I lived there, so I'm a solid 'no' vote.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 yrs ago

Is it relevant here that we took California from Mexico, and it wasn't Christmas, and they didn't leave it under the tree? It's one thing to swipe stuff, but if you don't want it anymore, seems mean-spirited to nuke it rather than give it back.

avatar for motorhead
3 yrs ago

One can’t look at past events in a vacuum. One of the reasons Nixon won in ‘68 was because RFK was murdered. That was the third major figure to be killed in 5 years. And then came the demonstrations at the 68 Democratic convention in Chicago. Nixon ran a campaign to restore law and order to the country.

I’m certainly not a fan of the liberal Kennedy clan either but there aren’t many days in your life that you can point to and say “the events of today changed history”.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 yrs ago

When JFK was murdered, the country rallied around his VP, electing him in a landslide. He took advantage of the support in a good way, to pass civil rights legislation, start the food stamps program, follow through on the Moon landing program, and in a bad way, to charge into the Vietnam fiasco. The law and order support for Nixon was more due to the rioting caused by the despair that resulted from the killing of MLK. Eisenhower passed on the French phase of the Vietnam war, the Suez Canal war and other wars to maintain colonial control in Africa. JFK was started the bullshit Missle Gap hysteria. We see Nixon now through the lens of the brutal, stepped up bombing in Vietnam, and widening the war to Cambodia. But in 68, as Eisenhower's VP, he was a credible peace candidate. My dad told me he voted for him because he had more trust in him to end the war than in any establishment Democrat.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 yrs ago

Sirhan Sirhan is not the first and won't be the last - with the leftist-turn the Dem-party is taking, in many cities those in-charge are being more pro-criminal than pro law-and-order - many socialist type DAs funded by Soros are not prosecuting a lot of crimes, and are letting a lot of people out of prison early (and thus the big-spikes in crime in many of those cities).

Obama did the same-shit at the end of his term of pardoning leftists including a lady that was part of the weather underground - as soon as she got out she went straight back to her leftist-ways (no surprise there) and is part of a leftists organization similar to the former weather-underground called Weather something (can't remember the actual name) - anyway this current Weather org is the one responsible/behind BLM (they trained and funded BLM); and who knows what other socialist/communist shit they are up to.

I assume there will be a lot more of these pardons from Dems given their current pro-criminal anti law-and-order stance - in many progressive cities like Portland Antifa rioters are considered "protesters" and rarely prosecuted or proactively gone-after and the few that are prosecuted often just get a slap on the wrist.

avatar for Jascoi
3 yrs ago

krazy times.

avatar for yahtzee74
3 yrs ago

"Is it relevant here that we took California from Mexico, and it wasn't Christmas, and they didn't leave it under the tree? "

Uh, don't you mean give it back to the indians who had it stolen by Spain? duh

Do you think think the millions of Mexicans and Mexican descendants who live in California today prefer to live in the USA or Mexico?

avatar for skibum609
3 yrs ago

Burn it.

avatar for motorhead
3 yrs ago

I wouldn’t be opposed to dropping a few more and getting rid of Oregon and Washington too.

Other than scenic beauty they offer little. Portland has a lot of clubs but it seems they aren’t very good.

And I don’t like apples

avatar for motorhead
3 yrs ago

How times have changed in a little over 50 years

In 1968 Nixon carried California, Vermont, Oregon, Illinois while Humphrey won Texas. Those states have flipped

avatar for 48-Cowboy
3 yrs ago

@ skibum, we don't need to burn California, the smoke will be unbearable.

I agree with motorhead on nuking California and Portland and Seattle. We need to save the berries and the apples. While we are at it, why done we get a few more blue states turned third world countries. I say we nuke Illinois and Michigan.

Make America Texas! 🇨🇱

avatar for skibum609
3 yrs ago

Yeah Sirhan only did it in front of people, but its better to read a lie by a filthy rat progressive. The guy should have been fried and buried in a pig farm with mohammed.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 yrs ago

You understand things better if you think in terms of urban vs. rural. Big chunks of Eastern Oregon and Washington want to jump ship to Idaho. Northern California has long felt like:

avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 yrs ago

Let's see how the Cali recall-election will go - I haven't been following it but the little I've heard Newsom was slightly under-water and supposedly a Republican (Larry Elder) was leading in the polls as to who would replace Newsom if he did get recalled - I doubt the Dems will allow Cali to fall to a Republican governor; i.e. we may see another "odd" (read rigged) election by the Dem political-machine.

avatar for mike710
3 yrs ago

The vote is all by mail. You can vote in person but the powers that be are making it hard. This is the first time I've voted by mail in my life. The fix is in the works?

avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 yrs ago

@mike look into how the list of eligible voters is created, and how the outer envelope is verified to come from someone on the list. Make sure it's on video when the inner envelopes with the ballots are removed from the outer envelopes, and the ballots are put into locked containers. Make sure it's on recorded video whenever the locked containers are opened.

In person voting is not immune from cheating either. If someone trying to feed you some stupid, simple bullshit, like in person, fair, by mail, fraud, they are not honestly interested in fair elections. The are trying to discredit democracy, so it can be replaced by something else.

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