Post your perfect 10s.

avatar for NinaBambina
I was inspired by another thread in which an objectively attractive girl's pics were posted and got a variety of ratings from members here and some were extremely low. So you are very picky lol, but obviously beauty is in the eye of the beholder and you all have a variety of girls who are your perfect 10(s). Let's see them.


In general I dont believe in perfect 10s. A perfect ten implies no flaws and everyone is flawed. That said, for instagram models, etc my favorite ig model that would be a 9.5 for me is ana cheri. I will try a link.…
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
Give and ye shall receive. What famous guys give you a lady boner? Show us your favorite beefcake pics.
avatar for wallanon
3 years ago
I've only met a few, and I don't have the IG for any of them. I'll think about a celebrity that's in my 9 category and put up a link if I come up with any. I'm sure there's one, but strippers have skewed my perception of hotness.
avatar for Muddy
3 years ago
Yeah sure…


I’ll try to think of others off the top of my head…

Intelligent women are hot. Just hope there are no tats under the suit
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
Sorry to threadjack, but all kinds of connoisseur stuff always makes me feel like that boy in the crowd who can only see a naked emperor. Whether it's about sexy models, beer, wine, cars, food, etc. I always suspect it's basically just posing, an effort to seem sophisticated. Generally a healthy woman who has little or no signs of aging is a joy to behold. I don't get the idea of thinking so much about better-worse comparisons of how to be a good-looking woman. It's kinda nice that good-looking women are good-looking in many different ways. On the other hand, assuming the rest of you looks as good as your avatar, I could be marooned alone on a tropical island with you, and not feel deprived of eye candy. I can walk down the street and see multiple women who look flawless or close to it to me, even though they may have very little resemblance to each other. It would be hard for me to rate them relative to each other, and I can't see a reason to, even just for fun.
Nina you just need to look in the mirror for my period 10
avatar for wallanon
3 years ago
Jackslash got one. When she's in photoshoot shape that's a 10.
avatar for Muddy
3 years ago
Elisabetta Canalis. With all due respect to Stacey Keibler, definitely George Clooney's hottest X. And way way hotter than Amal btw.………

Now that's the kind of girl an A list celebrity needs to be bringing in.

10 is a moving target, but I think this woman is pretty hot.…
I have such a massive crush on Kay Adams, it's not even funny (NFL Network's Good Morning Football).…
As I age I like women close to my age, and Jennifer Love Hewitt is my fav. She's way past her prime now but here's some photos that are a few years old and all I can say is wow!

Or Addison Tomlin 10-ish years ago from Californication and Odd Thomas... Giggity!……
Closest thing to a 10 for me was Brooke Burke in her prime.

But it's amazing how a 6.5 can go to an 8 when you're in the VIP, her mouth is full, and she is looking up at you with those little doe eyes....
I know my interests in women is far from mainstream.

I find Doja Cat to be a beauty.…
Also... Salma Hayek.
"Intelligent women are hot. Just hope there are no tats under the suit"
Pretty sure there is a tat under there.
"Also... Salma Hayek."

Yes to this. From Dusk Till Dawn is a prime example.
I like this babe too. Fake ? Yes. But red hot…
Stealing this from Joker44.…

I do like women of a lot of different body types and colors. But it’s hard to beat this redhead.
In my humble opinion Marilyn Monroe, at 22 years old, is, and forever will be, the gold standard for class, sex appeal, and feminine beauty.
^^ What FishHawk said.
Fish posted a pic that I love. Only pic so far on this thread where I would feel safe in calling the woman a 9/10.
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
No such thing as a 10, but I agree Kay Adams is very watchable.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
3 years ago
Bomi from Girl Crush is my version of a perfect 10
Amen on Salma Hayek... And she has aged really well. In The Hitman's Bodyguard and The Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard, when she starts swearing in Spanish, I dunno why but GIGGITY.

Also back about 15 or 20 years ago...

Elisha Cuthbert and Emmanuel Chiriqui……

avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
Lots of nice pictures, but most seem hot like women you're likely to see everyday. It's a mystery to me how women can become professional pinup models if they don't have unusually large boobs/butt (while still having a healthy weight/body tone).
avatar for SanchoRG
3 years ago
She's in the ballpark for sure. One of my favs

avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
@Sancho I wonder if this guy got to prep her too:…
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
@nicespice if there is a Hell you will burn there for desecration of those the most holiest of boobs.
Here is what I would call a 10:…

Skip to 2/3 of the way to get to the nudity.

And I'll throw another one in as well for good measure:…
avatar for yahtzee74
3 years ago
agree on Emmanuel Chriqui
^ Tinashe and Doja Cat both have very beautiful faces imo!
^^Tinashe has me convinced.
This is the closest to a 10 for which I can easily find a pic:…
avatar for RandomMember
3 years ago
I always thought I had mainstream taste in women until coming to TUSCL. I'm into slender, athletic:

She's some Russian moel.
This is probably my top 3 right now. And no I don't care if they have fake parts. We're all fake to some extent.………
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