
The eviction moratorium ended yesterday!

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
I'm surprised that nobody else has commented on this already. If there were two factors likely keeping some of our favorite girls (as well as many other service workers) out of the clubs and on their couches, it has been enhanced unemployment and the eviction moratorium, which has allowed millions to live in their places rent-free for the past year.

Florida ended enhanced unemployment a couple of months ago, but with the eviction ban still in place, too many people were still able to slide by with minimal work because they didn't have to pay for housing, which for most of us is our single biggest expense.

I expect conditions to improve dramatically in the coming days and weeks as many become highly motivated to earn, whether it's restaurants or strip clubs. Shit my phone has already been peppered today by strippers, including one who is eager for another OTC outing and one who has thus far resisted my enticements. Maybe now is the time that I make a new friend of one of a couple of gals who have been on the fence to date. 😉


  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    No talk of extending it I assume.

    What we need is Universal Basic Income and a strong Public Housing Offering. The money wasted on Paycheck Protection Acts and Stimulus, would have been enough to have these.

    Totally irresponsible to expect the public treasury to make up for lost cash flows to try and prop up the real estate market.

  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ===> "No talk of extending it I assume."

    It ended because the Supreme Court unequivocally ruled it Unconstitutional. The only way it can be reinstated is if Congress adopts a law to reinstate it, which looks highly unlikely at this point.
  • Strupviffle
    3 years ago
    Rick, are you rooting for people to be so desperate for basic necessities that they are forced onto your dick?

    That's pretty big of you.
  • DoctorPhil.
    3 years ago
    Mr. Dugan, you’re making baby Jesus cry by posting political bullshit in the Front Room.

    The rest of the board AND baby Jesus would like you stop posting politics in the Front Room. Thank you.

    To everybody else: you’re welcome.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    Phil, you somehow still sound like a retard even when you are trying to seem serious. This was not a political post. I will leave it to others to argue the pros vs cons of continuing the policy. This is about the economic consequences of a specific event upon our target demographic.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    The cdc moratorium is still in place.

    It's implementation is being hindered by conservative judges though. People need to attent County commission meetings and call these judges out. Invite court media groups to film their hearings. File judicial complaints and appeals if evicted.
  • RandomMember
    3 years ago
    Three dissents on the SC ruling -- but I think I'm with the conservatives on this one. The CDC doesn't have the authority and it should be up to Congress.
  • motorhead
    3 years ago
    “What we need is Universal Basic Income and a strong Public Housing Offering.“

    The government can manage to do some things well. Providing public housing is not one of them. Perhaps you’re living a sheltered existence in California. Did you ever witness the failed housing projects in the Midwest? Cabrini-Green, Pruitt-Igoe, The Robert Taylor Homes? If you’ve seen them, even from a distance as I have - you would be singing a different tune.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    "The cdc moratorium is still in place."

    It is no longer valid or enforceable per the U.S. Supreme Court. Eviction filings can now be processed by local courts.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    RickDugan said "I'm surprised that nobody else has commented on this already."

    That's because we all knew that you would.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Local protections still apply

    People need to be as obstructionist as possible. The scotus made a huge mistake on this
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    There is time and potential for action. But congress needs to act
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Public Housing and Universal Basic Income, not more relief money and eviction moratoriums. That stuff just perpetuates a broken economic system.

  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    I guess if that’s the Ricky hustle then don’t forget to try to find out about vaccination status. Apparently low vaccinations and higher eviction neighborhoods are correlated. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    His friend, the Governor has been on a loosing streak lately Florida Supreme Court said he doesn’t have the authority to ban mask bans and a few weeks back they ruled that the cruise lines could require proof of vaccination before boarding passengers I’m sure DiSantis isn’t doing anything for political purposes though
  • DoctorPhil.
    3 years ago
    Seems like this thread went political pretty quickly. Who could have seen that coming?

    It’s almost like Mr. Dugan wanted to stir the pot by posting about politics in the Front Room. But surely that paragon of morality Mr. RickiBoi Dugan wouldn’t do that. Surely Mr. RickiBoi wouldn’t want to make baby Jesus cry...would he?
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Okay they let's get back on topic and talk about rick coercing financially desperate women into fucking him for money coz that's the only way he can fuck. Unless it's with his wife.
  • docsavage
    3 years ago
    I normally try not to comment on purely political posts but wouldn't consider this purely political since it affects strip clubs. I wouldn't consider it cruel to cut off free housing. I work a job I don't particularly like and pay my apartment rent every month so I'm only expecting from others what I do myself. Society can only function if most people are out working. You can't have everyone sitting in the cart and no one pulling the cart. Having the government print up money is not the same thing as creating wealth.

    Us strip club customers shouldn't have any illusions that most strippers are there at the club because they love our company. Probably the majority of them are there because they would rather have some good looking bad boy loser type as a boyfriend than some boring average or below average looking guy who works hard and has a good income. It's fine if they do that but they need to absorb any costs involved with their decision instead of receiving the benefits and shifting the costs to others. That means they can't stiff their landlord on the rent and can't have the guys they won't have as boyfriends or husbands pay taxes to fund unemployment benefits for them. Forcing someone to support you while giving them nothing in return is slavery and that is exploitation.

    I've always liked the girls who are actually working in the clubs. They are there making an effort to be self-supporting and I appreciate them. I had a regular tell me last Sunday she always has a feeling of relief when she sees me walk in because she knows I'm not going to cause any trouble for her. I've been clubbing for years and know what is a reasonable demand and what is an unreasonable demand and stick to the reasonable demands.
  • NJBalla
    3 years ago
    Im not inclined to go after women who ghosted me in the past now that times have changed. They showed thier true colors. If anything I use it as a lesson to never pay over market value in clubbing.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ===> "Okay they let's get back on topic and talk about rick coercing financially desperate women into fucking him for money coz that's the only way he can fuck."

    Well it's the only way I can fuck side pussy without a lot of complications. Civvie pussy is far more expensive than stripper pussy when it's all tallied up. The nice thing about strippers is that they only want money.

    But in any event, why should I feel sorry for women who chose not to pay for their homes for months even though clubs were open the whole time (here in FL) and employers have been desperate for workers? They made their own choices and decided to blow who know how many thousand in stimulus money, club earnings and perhaps even enhanced unemployment on other things - for months. Now the chickens are coming home to roost.
  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    "The nice thing about strippers is that they only want money."

    If you're lucky. Even if you screen like Sherlock with the best system around, all it takes is one crazy to torch that shit like Lamplighter.
  • goodyman
    3 years ago
    I used to help run a real estate meetup in a major us city and I know for a fact that 2 semi-regular attendees were strippers. I've met a few that were wise enough to become landlords, either that or they swindles some poor sap to help them with a downpayment.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Rick. We may not agree but I genuinely respect your honesty on here.
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