Why the contempt for strippers?
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
This thread was inspired by angry whack job comments posted by ChesterCheetah, but equally applies to others who have shown similar disdain/contempt for strippers over time.
Why? I just don't get it. Yes they are there to hustle and some are definite gamers. Yes many of them are from broken homes and have a variety of issues as adults. Yes some of them behave badly when dealing with customers or choosing not to, as the case may be.
But so what? You visit a place where the sole job of half naked girls is to coax money out of you. What do you expect? All she has is her tits, ass and wits (such as they are) to work with. You OTOH are likely far older, more affluent and more worldly than she is. Most important though is that you are in control of your own wallet.
I'm tired of seeing whiny pussies blame the dancers when they lose their self control and spend more than they should. She is doing what she's supposed to be doing. The problem is with the guy who goes into a place like a strip club and cannot manage this.
Why? I just don't get it. Yes they are there to hustle and some are definite gamers. Yes many of them are from broken homes and have a variety of issues as adults. Yes some of them behave badly when dealing with customers or choosing not to, as the case may be.
But so what? You visit a place where the sole job of half naked girls is to coax money out of you. What do you expect? All she has is her tits, ass and wits (such as they are) to work with. You OTOH are likely far older, more affluent and more worldly than she is. Most important though is that you are in control of your own wallet.
I'm tired of seeing whiny pussies blame the dancers when they lose their self control and spend more than they should. She is doing what she's supposed to be doing. The problem is with the guy who goes into a place like a strip club and cannot manage this.
Going back to the comment you made on another thread, those of us who understand basic human nature tend to be successful in our career and able to afford paying strippers for entertainment, and therefore can keep our emotions in check and not be bothered by such petty contemptuous details. Those who don’t have the emotional fortitude need to separate themselves of this hobby.
Chester aka geordie is obsessed with a stripper calling her vile names then still wanting her. Saying it almost cost him his wife now saying she supports his affair
Yeah there are misogynistic sick fucks here
I respect them, I just don't want to deal with their drama outside the club.
I'm not Elizabeth. But aging hoes are your thing.
I asked about you and none of the relevant girls remember you.
You're a ril who found out she has a bf so you regretted spending money and now you're restraining order material.
And your weird ass rants are lies.
How is your wife's book ? 😭
Job here is icee /Elizabeth
You paid an old hooker and wanted to leave your family for her but she didn't want anything to do with you.
She didn't con you. She was straightforward with how much she wanted you to pay her and you paid.
And I’m still not GB
Now I’m convinced Icee=dancer
That really narrows it down!
A couple of visits to Stripperweb will do that
Why be mad at a worker because she wants to play on a leveled field. I think a nut would feel better knowing that at least both parties are leaving satisfied.
But this is the case with all things in life, we all like to feel entitled to something even though most times it comes at someone else expense
Or, at least you shouldn't...
There’s a difference b/w “hustling” and outright ripping-off custies – IMO the majority of dancers try to earn their $$$ honestly by getting custies to spend by showing them a good-time; but no doubt there are often a # of dancers whose “business model” is trying to rip off custies any chance they get whether its over-counting dances, overcharging for dances, or doing a VIP bait-and-switch on custies – and no one (dancers, custies, the club) likes being ripped-off – and of course every coin has 2-sides and there are def douche-custies that try to take advantage of dancers – at the end of the day most dancers/custies/clubs try to the right thing but there’s a lot of douchery to go around in establishments like these and of course some clubs are worse than others.
My wife is fine with that as long as I tell her what I do.
Our relationships great now and the details are none of your damn business
Would you care to divulge your relationship details on a site for guys that frequent strippers huh
Also...wow. This place is like the AARP version of a 5th grade recess fight.
Personally I find sex with someone you love much hotter and better than any stripper ho. Loving , respecting , and being faithful to your wife as the vows demanded ain’t being a pussy.
Even if that were true ICEE, you are making my point for me. Guys are only on the losing side of the power dynamic if they don't have the fortitude or willpower to manage the financial aspects of the interaction. This is why I have so much trouble understanding some guys behave like angry victims.
Rick... I don't get how you can brag about having to coerce hookers. That doesn't say anything positive about you ...or others on here in the same boat. It's crazy
Of course, he undermines his moral high ground by going into full flame war mode with the other douche bags. Said flame war motivates a space genius theory: RickiBoi ain’t being sensitive to strippers because he’s just shitposting.
I’ll add that I’ve been told in PMs that Mr. Dugan has anti-Semitic aliases. Now I’m not saying that the statement “RickiBoi has an anti-Semitic sock puppet” is a Phil Phact(tm). I’m just saying that I’ve been told stories of RickyBoi having sock puppets that hate Jews.
I’m also asking a question: has Mr. Cheetah said any anti-Semitic shit? If so, I smell RickiBoi’
Time to get the popcorn 🍿 🍿 🍿
My bet is also that Chester geordie is autistic judging by his rants
Arent we all though? The only difference is who can get their dick wet often enough to control it vs those who can't.
Now normally one might then ask: Then why go to the strip club at all? The answer of course is that deep down he still finds them very fuckable, even as he hates himself for feeling that way, which leads him to overcompensate with the contempt nonsense. At some point maybe he'll find the balls to own what he actually is and become comfortable with it...but somehow I doubt it.
But don’t you dehumanize strippers with your constant nickel and dimming, Mr. Dugan?
I’m not justifying Mr. Chester (who I believe to be you anyway) because he seems pretty douchebaggy. I’m just saying that you don’t have the moral high ground due to your general douchiness.
Everybody discuss 🍿🍿🍿
And if you try to tell me it's 'fun', then our definitions of fun are so distant that they might as well be alien to each other.
The problem is that a lot of you need to chat up better strippers, and ignore the rest.
In the non-strip-club world, "hustling" is often associated with some form of deception at games or gambling. I knew a guy in Los Angeles who had a lucrative side gig as a pool hustler (or "pool shark"), which was fascinating as long as I wasn't at the sharp end of his hustle. Because he not only had to convince other players invest more into a wager than they intended, but he also needed to get out alive after he took their money. It was ethically questionable, but amazing in its own way.
Anyway, I see some dancers use the term "hustle" to simply describe working hard to make money (sans deception), while others clearly are referring to different scams that they run on customers. I respect the first usage, but the second usage ... not so much.
Like I said, as a term it's a bit complex.
As long as we’re on a tangent, the nickname was originally derogatory. From Wikipedia:
“During another spring training game against the New York Yankees, Whitey Ford gave him the derisive nickname "Charlie Hustle" after Rose sprinted to first base after drawing a walk.”
I agree he later wore the nickname as an honor but like the story.
All Happy customers resemble one another, but each Pathetic Loser is unhappy in his own way.’
It doesn't have to do with anything illicit.
You guys overthink the smallest shit
What is TUSCL if not brief discussions regarding the best kind of shorts to jizz in at the climax of a lap dance punctuated by long threads focused on getting folks to stay stupid shit.
Now, personally, I think multiple characters is a bit lazy. There are folks on here that really overreact pretty easily. Mr. Skibum for example. You can say “The sky is blue” an he’ll respond with a post about how “the damn demorats(sic) are putting honest hard working ‘muricans out of der(sic) jobs with their environmental regulations”.
And Mr. OSU convinced himself that I’m some character named rummydummy (likely Mr. Radommember, but possibly a figment of his imagination). I don’t have to do multiple characters when he’s creating new characters for me!
But Mr. Dugan is the best. He posts all sorts of dehumanizing shit then turns around and posts a thread like this. I don’t know if he’s oblivious to the irony, though I suspect he is given that he’s a 🤡, but he’s definitely doing it to stir the pot!
Because many people need to be able to look down on others in order to feel better about themselves. Strippers are an easy target, because only depraved perverts who want to fuck them would actually defend a stripper. 😕