
Comments by ThisOldManPlayed1 (page 9)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Whats the nastiest thing you have ever done with a stripper?
    LOL@CT - Watch it buddy or I'll lead you to the RIBs!!! LOL See ya' tomorrow afternoon!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Whats the nastiest thing you have ever done with a stripper?
    I'll see if I can come up with a more appropriate answer to this topic after visiting Bugsy's in Elyria, OH tomorrow!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "however in very very rare cases one meets a dancer that turns out to have very unexpected qualities, and it can be a wonderful experience between dancer and customer" - I see you already met 'evilcyn'!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Whats the nastiest thing you have ever done with a stripper?
    I don't think it was nasty, but an old ATF and I did "69" in her club, and it wasn't done in the VIP either. Lasted about a full minute. Other than that, I can't think of "nasty" things, just "beautiful" things.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Gift Giving Time Again
    Good point FONDL. However, as you know me, being a SC junkie, I'd soon be having "Strip Club Fits"! I'm just going to tell dancers, if they ask me for a gift, that they have been getting my gifts all year long in the form of CASH!!! (except evilcyn) If they don't like it, tough!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you actually enjoy stripper shi.t and related conversation with dancers?
    Chipitin brings up a good point. When I listen to dancers, I don't try to distinguish SS from truth, I'm not in the club for that reason. Does SS get old? Sure! But, it comes with the territory. When clubbing, most often than not, you're going to hear SS. Would you rather hear a dancer say, "Gawd Almight, you're FAT!" "Geez, you are really a tight wad Bub!"
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    I beg to differ with arbeeguy. Romanticism is for everyone who enjoys the soft, quiet pleasures of a lover. You don't have to be having SEX to romanticize. But, if you do, the experience can be heavenly! Romanticism is for ALL ages, not just the middle aged or late aged like me. It doesn't surprise me that FONDL is in to romanticism and I would wager a HUGE amount of money that DougS is into it also. Now, I am not saying out right pure raw SEX isn't fun, because it is, but it has it's times and places, like a club maybe??? I like evilcyn's getting naked in a national forest idea. Outdoor sex 'with or without the chance of getting caught' is very exhilerating and fun!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Anyone ever had a hot dancer moving around on you so fast that you wondered...
    Here again, it is not at all uncommon for a dancer to "get into the LD" herself. The dancer, usually has to be relaxed and enjoy her customer. I may sound like I'm boasting on this example, but I'm not really doing that. My current FAV dancer at The Exotic Pearl gets "her nut", so to speak, just about everytime we go back to the VIP booth. I constantly have white colored stains in the front of my pants, and she's dripping down her leg by the time we're finished, requiring her to change to a different and clean outfit. Of course, you have to keep in mind that we're not staying within the realm of the club rules either! When a guy can get major clitoral stimulation with a dancer, then in most cases she is enjoying the LD also. I realize when we pay for LDs, we are paying for OUR enjoyment, but it doesn't hurt the ego to know "she" is also enjoying the experience with you. The screaming or moaning of a dancer in her LD is sometimes faked, but proof is in the pudding (or rather pudding is on your trousers)! :-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Great lines strippers use
    (without ever being in the club before - - Hey Baby! Good to see you back!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Anyone ever had a hot dancer moving around on you so fast that you wondered...
    My guess is that she was receiving pretty good clitoral action from rubbing on you. I have had occasions where dancers were getting good friction on their clits while "rocking the cock" so to speak (back & forth). If you're wearing dark colored trousers, you might want to check for 'stains' around that area of the trousers, as I have had whitish colored stains in the crotch area after good friction dances. The stains are more apparent if the dancer has pulled her thongs to the side.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Gift Giving Time Again
    Why is the word BONus so closely resembled to BONer?? Just kiddin' sweets! You know my sense of humor. A BONER/BONUS is in the "bag", or rather "sack", ummm errr, hell! you'll find it!!! Licks
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    A Bones Wedding? Hmmmm.
    "mentioning how he is close to going over the deep end for the 42-year old spinner from Columbus" - close to her, yes, can't get any closer, but deep end???? I seriously doubt that would ever occur! There's still too much strange out there I've haven't tasted yet!!! Kid in a candy store environment..... like the M&Ms, Milk Duds, Hershey---NO, forget that one! No Hershey Highway for me! Still got many flavors to choose from!! shadowcat - You WOULD be my best man, but ain't thinkin' 'bout breaking THE code, if ever! So, better keep sharing those HOTTIES, just better have them cleaned up if you go first!!!! That 'fish' smell along with my Curve cologne does not mix well together!! I know CT is just having fun with this topic. Here would be my wedding preferences: 1) Ushers & best men would be complimented with packs of Viagra! (thanks greg) great idea. 2) Brides maids would be complimented with hygiene sprays and a dildo. 3) Brides maids would wear bikinis or be topless (thanks CT) 4) "Scarlet & Gray" (Grey Goose & Red Bull) would be served by that name in honor of the OSU Buckeyes! (thanks again CT) 5) Open bar for the guys; Cash bar for our gals, drink prices ranging from $10 shots all the way up to $500 bottles of champaigne! 6) Garter would be stuffed with dollar bills (thanks FONDL) 7) Bouncers for security would be present, but BLINDFOLDED! 8) A DJ would be present with a gagball in his mouth! 9) During the reception dance, inflated condoms would fall from the ceiling. 10) After the topless and thonged dance of the newlyweds, all others would be invited to join the dance floor in any desired fashion (clothing optional) 11) Wedding guests would be invited to view the honeymoon evening, with the bride & groom being on a round rotating bed, and the guests permitted in lockable peep boothes with an open window surrounding the bed, to view and throw tips! Booth entry cost=$20-----Tips=$20----Watching the newly married couple frolick on the wedding bed?-----UNTHINKABLE!! P.S. All bothes must be cleaned up by occupants!!!! This short lived topic was fun & enjoyable, although like Larry the Cable Man would state, "GIT 'ER DONE!", but like Dr Laura says, Now, go do the right thing. Uncle Bones Quote of the Day: Enjoy & live life daily to its fullest! Tomorrow, you may wake up and find you are not able to attain anymore HARD-ONS!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you actually enjoy stripper shi.t and related conversation with dancers?
    Agree with Bobbyl, as veterans get used to the SS. Something 'newbies' should watch out for and adjust to it over a period time. I'm used to it, enjoy hearing some of it, as long as it's not layed on too thick!! Cute minnow (s)(s).... you are always so imaginative! Lick a stripper!?!? I don't care for the preplanned escort thing. Gotta' be timed, paid up front, etc, etc, etc. I enjoy the challenge that the girls/clubs offer, sort of like impromptu playfulness. If it weren't for the "challenge", I probably wouldn't have become the SC freak that I am!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Emailing fellow TUSCLers?
    BRAVO Housemom! I totally agree with your thoughts about emailing friends. Most know that I have a lot of free time on my hands, currently, so I'm guilty for filling up their mailboxes. But, I've never been asked to quit. Probably 70% of the TUSCL members that I've personally met, was a direct result of emailing them first. I have a BLAST telling of my escapades and enjoy hearing theirs! It's all F.U.N. We don't get jealous, maybe envious, so there is no harm done. It's usually BOYS will be BOYS talk. I just wished more members would display a Yahoo or Hotmail address, but I also understand their right of anonymity and respect that.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    All I want for Christmas is a "STRIPPER"????
    Good idea pop. Housemom, get her a ticket, make sure she can't cash it in to buy her drugs! Oooops! LOL I'll make arrangements to fly into ATL after first of the year. Instead of using Continental and having to go to IAH or EWR, then ATL, send me a B pass so I can come in direct. I had been to a couple of the ATL clubs while in the service, but that was back in the mid 80s. I'm sure they've changed. After the holidays, let's set up a date.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Have You Ever Considered............ Marrying A Dancer ?
    Shadowcat - I'm beginning to have regrets about not getting involved in that invitation go a gangbang. I know my family members don't surf the porn net, so if film or pics got out, chances are 'family' members wouldn't know. What would worry me would be all you horny fuck-site surfers from TUSCL! No doubt emails would be flying around with the subject MEET BONES! LOL If I get the invitation again, I'm going for it, fuck what happens!!! I wouldn't mind being in lotsoffun201's position (not with his wife of course)! I can hand the nail and hair thing, as I would be right with her getting mine done too. As far as the money nagging, I haven't met a woman that didn't! I could care less about her friend's real names, just BRING THEM HOME TO ME BABY!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Gift Giving Time Again
    Myself, I haven't decided what if anything to give to any particular dancer, except maybe evilcyn. I wouldn't have any idea what to get her if she doesn't read this topic and thread. :-) Licks
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customers With Sexual Problems?
    As far as the topic question - I am not sure if I have sexual problems, because I'm not aware of a problem with sex. Nor am I aware of anything non-sexual, therefore, I certainly may have sexual problems. One fact I know for sure! The head on my shoulders is beginning to resemble the head on my dick! Nuff said!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    All I want for Christmas is a "STRIPPER"????
    Shadowcat - No problem. Just wanted to offer my company in case you needed some...... other than and hopefull 'spinner' company. When I first heard you may be spending Chrismas Day alone, I said NO WAY! NO WAY was my brother going to be alone on Christmas Day!! I'll go ahead and make plans with my daughter Christmas eve and Christmas day. But, if you change your mind, don't hesitate to let me know. My old computer is about to go out and not sure if I can get to use my yahoo mail system, this is why the thread is so lengthy. (sorry to my fellow readers). New Dell being ordered now by my stepson. Should have it within a week.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Have You Ever Considered............ Marrying A Dancer ?
    I like minnow's analogy! Very sharp!!! No prob MisterGuy. Bad bad daddy is ALWAYS wanting mo pussy!! LOL CT - Was never worried about making evilcyn (my Cleveland ATF) jealous. She knows me very well..... and I mean in the MIND and THINKING process also. Of the few ladies I've been hanging with over the past 3 years, evilcyn probably knows the (inside of me) the best. She not only is a very sensual dancer and person, but also makes a very good therapist for me. evilcyn - Funny you mentioned about me being around Cleveland soon enough, because I had been thinking about making a meet with ClevelandTom and going to Elyria this coming week! What can I say, two minds think a like? CT-I'll be in contact with you to see which day/eve is best. Cyn - My usual warning..... be ready hon! Email me for a recommended day next week to cum.... oh, I mean come! Licks For all my other brothers and sisters, Uncle Bones hasn't gone off the deep end. LOL At least, not yet! I would probably never marry a YOUNGER dancer, with only one exception.... that would be my girl in Elyria. But, I know she's happy and very content and I am very happy for her! Qestion of the Day: Could you just imagine marrying a bi-sexual dancer who would be bringing her dancer friends home with her???? W--O--W !!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    My "aura" and attracting dancers
    Yes, I've had those days myself. I don't think it's our 'aura' or any foul odors we might emit. My guess is that the dancers either are entertaining their regulars (whether or not they are tipping or buying), or if I am in an unfamiliar club, I get the feeling of "untrust", like maybe he's a narc? or vice? I know for a fact that if a club has been hit by the vice squad and is still open, they calm things down inside for a couple of weeks, then usually go back to normal activities.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    I fully understand that discrimination works both ways. I visited this same club dark.innocence is talking about in 2006, during one of my road trips. It's just a regular SC, upstairs/downstairs set up. It's in plain old OK City. I just can't see how an owner of a regular old SC can institute his own rules without regard for both genders. I can live with the women only gyms and women or men only private clubs, etc, but this JOINT isn't anywhere near those classifications. I've calmed down quite a bit, but you could tell I was really PISSED when I read that review. I just wish this world could get along with absolutely NO DISCRIMINATION of any TYPE! Amen! :-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Listing Special and half off days
    That's a great idea treetopsman. Other than that, I always try to remember in my club reviews to list them. For example, my current FAV club, The Exotic Pearl in Columbus, Ohio, has 2fers all day all night on Tuesdays. Unfortunately, you have to read the reviews to discover this.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Customers With Sexual Problems?
    Chandler has a very very very VALID point with the "too much aimless free time" thing. He just described me to a "T"! However, that is being worked on, as I am in the candidacy process of being accepted as a part time employee, which thankfully, will take up some of that "aimless" free time of mine.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    All I want for Christmas is a "STRIPPER"????
    trojangreg - You bet I'm in! Been years since I've been to an Atlanta club! You know Santa has to be hiding in one of those hot clubs on Christmas evening! My Ohio family might be a bit shocked of my sudden departure, but The Cat has become part of "my" family now. Hell, just this past Thanksgiving, I opted to spend it with a former high school sweetheart in Texas! We didn't "click", but it was more my choice about the "clicking". LOL TimboAtl - No promises on my part, but if I'm 'there' on Christmas day, I'll make it a point to be 'there' for at least another day or two, if the Cat puts me up.