
Comments by ThisOldManPlayed1 (page 8)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Whats the nastiest thing you have ever done with a stripper?
    casualguy - I think so. I mean, the "lips" are still part of the Y I believe. How do you look at it <evilcyn>?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    War between the Dancers - has begun
    I'd SELL while economic situation is as is. Or turn it into a "secret" brothel until I got busted!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    "R.O.B. Screening"
    Another ROB scheme (happened at PP in Columbia, by a dancer named "DALLAS"! I let her wear my "I Support Single Moms" black T-shirt for the day. When I was leaving, I asked for it back. She said it was hers. I asked her if she was coming in tomorrow, she replied yes. I told her she could bring my T-shirt back then. She never showed up the next two days. Now, the T-shirt only cost me $18.00, but how she got around to 'stealing' it was "precious"? Anyway, the word is out on her with all my TUSCL buddies who frequent Columbis PP. I wouldn't leave a dollar-bill on the table with her alone, or it will be gone! Why doesn't someone start a ROB discussion listing actual 'stage names', real names if known', and clubs they work at, and circumstances around the rip off? This will serve them bitches notice not to screw with TUSCL members. LOL
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How many of you out there would actually "wife" a dancer?
    Didn't we just have this "discussion" recently? I probably wouldn't end up 'wifing' a dancer, however, I wouldn't totally rule it out either. Some of the qualification for a dancer to become my 'third' wife would be: 1) must be bi-sexual 2) must be able to support me 3) must bring dancer frineds home for her and I both 4) must not perform 'unsafe' sex with customers 5) must not smoke pot or do illegal drugs 6) must report ALL income to me I don't think that's too unreasonable......... for a PIMP!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do some female customers think they can dance for other male customers?
    I don't even think the club would let them just 'tip out' for the privilege of using their LD or VIP area. It wouldn't be fair for the club dancers. If anything, it was either teasing, being drunk, or a prose to a posssible 'rip off' scheme.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Some dancers seem to take rejection a bit too hard
    I've been there. Doesn't bother me a bit. This past year, I've been tipping two bucks to stage dancers, rather than the customary dollar. Talk about "rejection" - - - Friday night I was kind of "rejected" by a dancer on a 2fer1 special at my usual club. I had gotten several 2fer1s from her weeks ago, and got some decent mileage, by my guidance. I say by my guidance, as she had only 3 months experience as a dancer. I informed her while she was dancing on stage that I had paid for a 2fer for us. She said ok. Well, she took a smoke break, came out, and sat down with some younger customers. Several songs went by, the bouncer (a friend of mine) reminded her twice. Finally, I went to the bouncer, got my money back, and left the club. I'll never approach, nor tip this dancer again. So, rejection can work both ways.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Stripper fees and the idiot premium
    To me, stripper jobs are no different than any other "public service" jobs, except it's in the sex industry. Pretty simple.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    "R.O.B. Screening"
    What I can't tolerate is the two-team tag by two ROBs! You know, the two (usually beautiful) babes that come up to you and want to take you back to the VIP for a threesome? Then one dances for you while the other girls works on the other dancer.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Gift Giving Time Again
    Hiding out and lying low is an option.... only if you are NOT alone! Noone should be alone on Christmas day or NYE. Just not right! If hiding out and lying low is to avoid gift giving.... then that is something else. LOL
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Emailing fellow TUSCLers?
    LOL@FONDL.... Last Saturday I drove her up to Cleveland to give my son a one hour message (no happy ending of course). That was his Christmas gift from me. We went out to eat at a local BW3s, then she & I left for the 2 1/2 hour drive back. No monkey business in the car, but provided good company for each other. My next appointment is at 11:00AM this morning for a 4 handed massage by her and her cousin. Will email you the results. *wink*
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Years Eve at a Strip Club
    Come to think of it, I just may travel to Elyria for NYE and get a motel/hotel room within walking distance of Bugsy's. I will be getting drunk on that evening. I may be getting layed on that evening. Whatever the consequences, I will enjoy that evening!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Someone did, "Slow or fast?", now, Hard or soft?
    Very well put sweets!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    I'm kind of disappointed. I emailed the clubber who wrote that review on XXXTasy Ranch and advised her of this topic I started. I was hoping she could have filled us in on more details of that fateful evening. Evidently, she hasn't checked her email or doesn't want to partake. Oh well....
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Gift Giving Time Again
    I didn't buy no FOX coat for that CUNT!! I'm not going to AVOID clubs during the jolly season and let my 3" dick shrivel up!!! No way!! If they want something special.... they'll just have to fuck me 4 times for the entire 12"!!!!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Emailing fellow TUSCLers?
    Am I on the ATF list yet FONDL???? :-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Great lines strippers use
    Let me have you number and I'll call you. - and never calls
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Whats the nastiest thing you have ever done with a stripper?
    chandler - I wouldn't call in bragging, but you have every right to sir! I don't know about it being NASTY, it seems more like a feat! You da' man!! About the stall fucking...... too bad you couldn't have gotten both at the same time, in the same stall. Put that on your TO DO list. She takes it in the ASS because she doesn't want to "cheat on her man"! ROFLMFAO!! What a dizzy broad! And, I suppose blowjobs are not SEX in some way too! LOL Oh, sorry Mr. President!! lotsoffun201 - LOL. I believe it too!! I hope "she" didn't go to 'squirters heaven'! I could imagine the next dancer & customer sitting in that same booth! :-( Dain - DATY with 10 girls during the same visit? Now, THAT sounds like the Bones! You my man! I'm gonna' have to keep that "cumming in the spotlight" in mind. Thanks. Book Guy - Shame on you, learn to clean up your own messes!!! :-) Well, as far as Bugsy's, sad news, no nasties completed! Had the owner plus 2 to 3 managers on board all day! Not only I was disappointed, but two dancers in particular were also disappointed! One knows who she is too! *wink*
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Years Eve at a Strip Club
    The reason I want to try a SC this NYE is because, for 13 years I was usually stuck in a casino, either dealing cards, or sitting in a surveillane room watching monitors! I did spend one NYE as a guest in a casino (with a stripper, believe it or not). It was fun, not all that expensive because I had won some money at blackjack. I'll probably end up at The Exotic Pearl, my FAV club this NYE. I know most the dancers, know their limits & boundries, and will get complimented with drinks from the bartender and security. I can control the money aspect (I hope!)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Someone did, "Slow or fast?", now, Hard or soft?
    Shadowcat - Yes, I know exactly who you're talking about. In fact, I believe I had to tell her the same thing you did when I was at the TUSCL convention. I actually think some dancers think they're doing the right thing by bouncing, and don't know any better. If I had a DILDO between my legs, I could care less, but our Mr Happys are made of 'boneless' flesh and blood, and can bruise easily. Funny how this topic came up suddenly, because <evilcyn> and I were just talking about this very subject yesterday in the champaigne room. Advice from Uncle Bones: OK. For you newbie dancers, try and think of being with your S.O. when lap dancing for a customer.... EXCEPT don't stick IT in!!! LOL
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    FONDL - Goo topic, I don't ever recall seeing this topic before. I believe this "cycle" is not uncommon, not only with ATFs, but dancers in general. I'll even go as far as saying that "cycles" work the other way also. I've always been used to one particular dancer, a fave, as they are called. But, eventually, over a period of time, new talent is hired and the 'ole fave', well.... how can I put this.... becomes old stuff, doing the same things with me, etc. You can't change up 'rascally play' all that much in a VIP or booth, like you can at home. The new talent always catches my eye and I start thinking..... hmmm, a new challenge.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Someone did, "Slow or fast?", now, Hard or soft?
    SEE??? I told you <evilcyn> slithers like a snake! That's a good thing though. Just yesterday, she was slithering up me from the floor and boy oh boy did I enjoy it! We've danced so much together, she knows exactly my speed preference and timing! *licks* What I do hate (usually comes from newbie dancers) is a dancer bouncing up and down on me as if I was a poko-stick! That "frigging" hurts girl!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Gift Giving Time Again
    Speaking of gift giving, I just picked up a pair of grey & pink Nike Shocks and Sean Jean cologne & lip gloss for my massage technician. I couldn't go the Journey diamond necklace and ring!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    A Bones Wedding? Hmmmm.
    LOL@<evilcyn>. You had me 'pegged' a long time ago sweets! Come to think of it.... I did wake up with another hard-on this morning, probably because when I went to sleep, I was thinking about my UPcoming visit! *lick* I'm going to bring a printout of this topic with me for laughs.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Emailing fellow TUSCLers?
    If I hadn't made my email address available on this board, I wouldn't have met a WHOLE bunch of TUSCL friends! And, I would have missed ALL those TUSCL meetings and conventions we have in Columbia. MOST of all, I wouldn't have located my TWIN brother at our favorite club in Columbia!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Great lines strippers use
    "I've never gone this far with a customer, you're the first!"