
Do you actually enjoy stripper shi.t and related conversation with dancers?

Saturday, December 8, 2007 5:56 AM
To me the stripper [view link] is part of the fun, part of the VIBE of the club. I don't drink alcohol in clubs, but fun in strip clubs goes way beyond just looking at naked girls or engaging in private dances, its the entire experience including the conversation, no matter how absurd it can be at times, and sometimes even stripper shi.t cleverly couched or presented as non-stripper shi.t Poster "GenWar" (Blue-site of Stripperweb) on Nov 11 articulated this extremely well, in a thread actually discussing the "wingman" issue but very accurately reflecting how some patrons look at strip clubs and stripper shi.t in general. BEGIN QUOTE ...3) The Purpose - Why are you there? To get big boobies rubbed in your face? A worthy goal and certainly one that is considerably less awkward when alone. However, it is NOT my goal (though an enjoyable sideline activity). My goal is company. My goal is conversation. And, most especially, Stripper Shit. All of these things are often more enjoyable when shared with a friend. A three or four sided conversation is typically more engaging than a two sided one, in my opinion. Especially when one side is as dumb as a mentally retarded box of rocks. I don't stereotype...I have known MANY extremely intelligent dancers...and I have known many that just plain weren't. It is what it is. 4) The Experience - I consider myself a hobbiest. A Connoisseur, if you will. And I mean that in the least stuffy and pretentious way possible. But I LOVE Strip Clubs. I love all types, sizes and varieties. I love the music. I love the parties. I love the drinking. And, of course, I love the women. But, it isn't JUST the women, it is the whole deal. And, like all hobbys and things of which one may be a connoisseur, the experience can be improved by sharing it with like minded individuals of whom one is generally fond. END QUOTE


  • BobbyI
    17 years ago
    I think us veterans get pretty immune to SS after a while and then it is just joke. Beyond this mild ammusement I won't says all that enjoyable. But at the same time doesn't really annoy me either. I just want to fuck some young hot girls.
  • JC2003
    17 years ago
    No, I don't enjoy stripper shit. "Just shut up and dance" is my attitude.
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    "I just want to fuck some young hot girls." If strip clubs are just about screwing young girls, its perplexing to me how strip clubs could be superior to escorts or (the often breathtaking beautiful asian women of) AMPs The question one must ask is: what can strip clubs offer that escorts or (except for maybe ATF-reg arrangements) or AMPs cannot offer? The answer is the strip club the VIBE, the music, the stage action, the conversation, the stripper shi.t, the constant game or pretense of supposedly not playing the game, the fun, the randomness of just dropping in at any time, the sometime stripper-patron comaradie of sorts - or now and then when a stripper and patron actually do hit it off as friends, soul mates, or maybe in very very rare cases some higher order of emotion or X factor.
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    The stripper shi.t can be so amusing sometimes, that it can make me laugh even weeks after hearing it. Here's an example: there is this dancer in Club A (the club just referred in another threat by me) and she's not one of the 2 dancers I referred to in that post, I would rank her about #3 in the club, she in her late 20's, never married, rarely dates, finds 19 things wrong with every guy she meets in the real world (a true 9.0 to 9.5 with Playboy level looks) and also she's a huge germaphobic, afraid of catching something and she's obsessed with finding a guy who won't cheat on her -lest he bring home some dreaded STD. I had many conversations with her about (instead of her claimed "nice guy", why she always seems to actually desire a cheating guy (which she now admits is true), and her latest plan explained to me a few months back is to find a married guy to have steady sex with who will only cheat on one person (his wife) so he will supposedly be faithful to her. So she wants a faithful CHEATER, whose cheating on his wife will be enough to satisfy his cheating gene -and thus will also be STD safe and clean for her to have her fun with. Meanwhile she continues to use her vibrator in her car everyday to keep her satisfied until she finds Mr Right/Cheating-man. In the past she actually did have a multi-year relationship with a married guy - so one has to take her at least half seriously. I've actually spent about 1800 dollars on this girl late last summer for several extended dances and VIPs (forget about kissing her), so she knows I spend, but I actually don't have any interest in her per se (my ATF at that club is way better) -however she's been selling this idea to me for months now, mostly to hook me into an ATF arrangement. Ok, its classic stripper shi..t but is very very entertaining to me, and this kind of banter and conversation and kidding etc, this of fun is not likely with an escort or AMP, its an intangible fun factor I actually enjoy and its somewhat unique to strip clubs, because in the real world/ corporate world such conversations can sometimes get you in huge trouble or get you sued for sexual harassment.
  • minnow
    17 years ago
    I may go for the steak and, um, dessert, but I can also enjoy the drink(s)and appetizer(s).
  • BobbyI
    17 years ago
    "The question one must ask is: what can strip clubs offer that escorts or (except for maybe ATF-reg arrangements) or AMPs cannot offer? " I am sure that strippers who do ITC sex are fucking even more customers than escorts or AMP workers. Just because of the convenience factor. However, some strippers who do OTC sex are fucking much fewer guys than escorts or AMP workers are. So you get greater "selectivity" with the biggest implication being lower STD risk. Now, for me, AMP has always seemed much too "clinical" to be fun. I don't have a great of experience with escorts (only hired one once) but I get the feeling that it to likely to be more "clinical" than with strippers. My "dates" with strippers usually involve drugs and alcohol and other "risks" as well *wink* *wink*. It might be the same with top notch escorts (I think the higher up the pay scale you go the less clinical it become). Who knows? Haven't tried enough escorts to find out for sure. One thing for sure is that with strippers you can take your time getting to know them before you commit the big money, and, even more importantly time, before fucking them. I can't see that happening with escorts. In summary, I think once you know the game strippers are more cost effect per "ultimate GFE" than escorts, or AMP workers.
  • BobbyI
    17 years ago
    Weird but when I first read the topic I thought it said" "Do you actually enjoy stripper shi.t and ***>retarded<*** conversation with dancers?"
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Agree with Bobbyl, as veterans get used to the SS. Something 'newbies' should watch out for and adjust to it over a period time. I'm used to it, enjoy hearing some of it, as long as it's not layed on too thick!! Cute minnow (s)(s).... you are always so imaginative! Lick a stripper!?!? I don't care for the preplanned escort thing. Gotta' be timed, paid up front, etc, etc, etc. I enjoy the challenge that the girls/clubs offer, sort of like impromptu playfulness. If it weren't for the "challenge", I probably wouldn't have become the SC freak that I am!!!
    17 years ago
    There are different kinds of SS, it isn't all alike, and some of it is fun and some of it is annoying. The fun kind is where the girl is telling you stories to entertain you, it's kind of a game to see how much she can BS you and how much you can figure out, and some girls are very good at it. It's a form of playfulness and flirtation if done right and it can be very enjoyable. The annoying kind is when it's just an obvious attempt to get more money out of you, or where she's complaining about all her troubles most of which are her own dumb fault, like having a total loser for a BF.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I like flirting to "get to know" a girl before actually taking her for a private. I don't feel very turned-on by the idea of just getting a stranger to start grinding right away. Then again, I'm not particularly deep into conversation before I "get to know" her; and I'm usually not very impressed with her when I DO "get to know" her. Sometimes the term "stripper shit" is meant to indicate, MISLEADING or false conversation, or at least conversation that's totally part of the fantasy that the guy is "desirable" to the stripper. "Omigoood that lighter is so cool. You are so sexy. I am so impressed with how gentlemanly you treat me (please grope my tits more, it feels good)." If it's part of the general supposedly desired fantasy and is performed poorly, I'm not any happier with experiencing stripper shit than anyone else is. If, on the other hand, she comes across as a decent person, and someone who is unlikely to mislead me or to offer too little contact for the money which I give her, then I'm actually using this initial phase of conversation for something more legitimate, which is, to try to "click" on a trust level. No, I wouldn't give her the keys to my car after five minutes talk. But yeah, I'm going to let her grind all over me while I fondle her titties. At then there are the girls who fail on both counts. They think they're being "genuine" and honest, but they turn out to just impress with their stupidity and lack of education. I found a real spinner at a local club here a few weekends ago. I was excited because she had the body-type I'm usually interested in, and she was a "normal" girl, in that she didn't seem to have the jaded, overly professional attitude most strippers develop all too quickly. She didn't dive in with, "Wanna dance? No? OK, NEXT!" So I took her for a private. And she wouldn't shut the fuck up. She talked about her dog (how brilliant it is) and her kid (how brilliant it is) and her boyfriend (how brilliant it is) and her SUV (how amazing and expensive it is) and her house (how big and fancy it is) and her earning potential (how much money she takes from us guys) and her own brilliance (how brilliant she is). With consistently poor grammar, "hick" inflection, backwoods common mistakes, misperceptions about basic educational levels. (She thought, for example, having a "doctorate" in medieval literature meant you could practice medicine, because you were a "doctor." "Doctor," get it? Duh.) I'm sorry she was so insecure she felt she had to yammer yammer throughout the whole private in order to impress; and I'm sorry she was so inexperienced and uneducated that her whole act of attempted impressment actually dis-impressed further. I was sympathetic, and basically would have been happy if she'd been less over-the-top and more interested in just being herself. But since SHE chose not to shut the fuck up, I guess in the long run I was disappointed by the whole experience rather than enjoying it. That, my friends, is stripper shit gone wrong.
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    "Now, for me, AMP has always seemed much too "clinical" to be fun." Yes, that is true. I've sometimes entertained the idea of dropping a relatively large sum of money (lets say 2k a month) to be focused on one single AMP provider - just to see if they had a secret room somewhere which was an actual bedroom of sorts, or the asian equivalent of a bedroom, however I suspect you will still be on that message table and most of that cash just ends up being shipped to Korea anyways.
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    "One thing for sure is that with strippers you can take your time getting to know them before you commit the big money, and, even more importantly time, before fucking them. I can't see that happening with escorts." Yes, those are some good points, and I'm hardly any expert on the escort issue per se, however I guess my question "how strip clubs could be superior to escorts" probably would not be relevant to a strip club patron that's turned stripper/otc/screwing into sort of an art form, or is a connoisseur of sorts in this regards, and might be better directed at the more typical (often mindless) strip club customer always pushing for either ITC or OTC FS w/o any carefully conceived plan, and who is more interested in the one time event The girl I am familiar with, a young (9 level long legged beauty,american but latin orgin) stripper that has been selling me her OTC plan, I can understand the attraction -an ongoing deal, no cover option, her apartment, very very sexy girl, a little bit ditzy but not crazy, no boyfriend (she also likes girls) - if it wasn't for major moral issues (I mean this goes too far, and w/b very close to having an affair) I can understand sex with her could be quite amazing because we know each to some degree, amd we actually connect on some wavelength, and have for many months I was probably talking more about the general rule, however I guess in special cases I can understand why stripper OTC sex would probably outdo escort sex in terms of a type of cost/benefit
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    "If it weren't for the "challenge", I probably wouldn't have become the SC freak that I am!!!" Yes, and that group enjoying the "challenge" is even a subset of strip club junkies in general, and that "challenge" can be different things for different customers. In any case, it makes strip clubs very very interesting for certain of us
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I always thought of stripper shit as all the crap or stories you don't want to hear about. I thought of the little white lies they tell to make customers feel better as flattery and not exactly the same thing but I guess some do not see it that way. Therefore my opinion was I do not like stripper shit at all. However I don't mind comments that make me feel better if she seems to say it in a believable way. I stopped by a nude club last night and was asked by the dancer why I was there. She answered for me and said I was supposed to say "to see all the pussy you can". I thought she wasn't too far off. I didn't stop by to talk to the dancers.
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    I actually enjoy the big "lies", the often times intricate fabrications, with reality and fantasy so intertwined that even the dancer doesn't what is or is not the truth. For those that pride ourselves on the ability to judge veracity ( typical of many lawyer types - but hardly unique) - the sorting out process is part of the fun. Ok some guys just want the grind or whatever, for others all the SS makes it even better
    17 years ago
    I had a very close friend in high school who told the most outrageous lies on a regular basis. And when he got caught at one, he could never understand why others were so upset. I eventually came to realize that he thought everyone told false stories and he didn't see anything wrong with it. I'm not sure he even knew the difference between telling the truth and lying, I think he believed his own lies. Given their backgrounds, I'm guessing that a lot of strippers are like that. They've probably been lied to all their lives and think that's the way everyone is. Lying becomes automatic.
  • chipitin
    17 years ago
    I don't get involved in or even think about SS anymore, I never find it to be an issue. I find strippers use it mostly on inexperienced customers, similar to how used car salesmen use their lines on inexperienced car shoppers. The women I do business with know within 5 minutes of conversation that I am not interested in cheap talk stripper lines, and they better come up with something interesting, original and truthful if they want a chance for my entertainment dollars. Some woman can't have this type of conversation and they quickly move on to easier prey. But for the majority of customers I suppose these lines are a necessary evil to survive in this business. I know a few people in life, like my wife, that have a very difficult time telling a lie or stretching the truth. These people would find it difficult to survive in this business.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Chipitin brings up a good point. When I listen to dancers, I don't try to distinguish SS from truth, I'm not in the club for that reason. Does SS get old? Sure! But, it comes with the territory. When clubbing, most often than not, you're going to hear SS. Would you rather hear a dancer say, "Gawd Almight, you're FAT!" "Geez, you are really a tight wad Bub!"
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Bullshit is as necessary an element to the atmosphere in strip clubs as oxygen. Without flirting and leading each other on with sweet lies, just pawing each other's bodies would get boring. Of course I enjoy that kind of stripper shit, and I enjoy serving it up myself. It's so fun, sometimes we both lose track of what's bullshit and what's real. It's a main reason why I go to clubs.
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    I'v been called FAT and cheap. Didn't bother me because the dancers were old and ugly and young and ugly and were my buddies who I really liked. Hmmm . . . no, they didn't call me FAT. Just cheap and crude. It was some other dancers more recently that said I was FAT. Apparently it isn't allowed to like slim and in shape if one needs to lose the extra pounds. Does it bother? Depends on the circumstances. If the dancer isn't pissed off, then it makes no difference.
  • BobbyI
    17 years ago
    Really depends on how you define strippers shit. If both parties understand it is flirting sure it can be fun. But there is definitely a line that can be crossed.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    I have some great times talking with my stripper friends. Most recently I was talking to 2 that have baby's less than a year old. They wee talking about mile stones in development. Walking etc. I said that the biggest mile stone was when they starting sleeping the whole night. They both agreed. Some things never change.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    On a tangent, for me there's a totally different answer to how patronizing a strip club can be better than patronizing an escort. (Whether or not you actually get to fuck the stripper.) I like strip clubs because you can examine the merchandise before you buy it. Simple, really.
  • chipitin
    17 years ago
    Book, I think I agree, but in my experience (and in my location) you will pay a stripper about $1000-$3000 over 2-4 months to get the chance for an OTC, or, you can spend about the same $'s screening escorts. For example, for $2000 you can hire 4 escorts at 1 hour each, just as a 'meet and greet" session and hopefully you will find one you like.
    17 years ago
    I sometimes think that "stripper shit" is misnamed. Probably because I once got a ton of it from a young woman who wasn't a stripper and never had been. Maybe we should call it "young woman shit" instead. Strippers aren't the only ones who can give you a line of BS in hopes of getting money or something else of value in return. There are lots of non-strippers out there doing that.
  • Roxy18
    17 years ago
    Lol. As a former dancer, I myself do know what you are talking about. But what you fail to realize is "stripper shit" as you refer to it as is quite comical. Because on the other side of the table the strippers refer to some patrons as stripper shit. Lol meaning the daily life in the fast lane yes and i mean fast lane. They too on a routine basis enjoy the stripping and related conversation with you men. Yes there are some dancers who are mainly concerned with just the money aspect of the night. But when I spent my night at the clubs I will tell you I loved the whole conversation part of it. well most of the time. You have no idea but you men as well as the dancers are all playing a role for the night. Regardless what the role may be. Its all the fantasy of the game thats intriguing.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    >But what you fail to realize is "stripper shit" as you refer to it as is quite comical.< No shit? I did not know that.
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    "You have no idea but you men as well as the dancers are all playing a role for the night." an interesting way to look at it really
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Roxy displays traditional monolithic thinking -- I'm worried that points will be missed and flames will be started. I think "we men" DO have an idea, that we're playing a role for the night. In fact, I'm not too happy that I've been classified as a member of a group that missed a certain central detail; this classification implies negligence or even stupidity on my part. I'm not as much of a gull as most strippers would like to think I am; and I'm willing to bet most men who post here at the TUSCL boards are just as "hep" to what's going on as I think I am.
    17 years ago
    Didn't we address the whole subject of our role playing in another thread not long ago? As I recall we all agreed that we did that and enjoyed it. (Except me, of course, who kept insisting that it's all fantasy, that we're all role playing all the time. But sometimes I'm like that.)
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    "You have no idea but you men as well as the dancers are all playing a role for the night." Yup, the big starring role is usually that of a PL
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