Being divorced I have to share my kids with my ex wife. This year I get them on xmas eve and she gets them on xmas day. That will make me virtually alone on Christmas Day. How to correct this? I intend to invite a favorite stripper to come and visit me. My kids won't object. They will go along with whatever makes me happy. Will she accept? I think that there is a good chance. We have known each other for 2 years. She has no family or close friends nearby. We have been intimate. She has jokingly told other dancers that I was going to be her next husband. I think that we have a mutual trust thing going. The big IF will be weather she has solved her transportation problem. CAR. She told me that she should have one by the next time I see her. That will be the 17th.
Hummm. Spend Christmas alone, jerking off to porn or lying naked with my favorite spinner in front of an open fire? Which to choose?
Greg: I got your email and one from brother Bones as well. He is willing to fly down here to keep me company. I thank you for your offer to provide transportation. Wouldn't it be a hoot if the 3 of us could get 3 strippers to spend Christmas with us. "Dear Santa"!!! Yes, You know who she is.
Unless you are actually developing a personal relationship or friendship with the stripper in question, I would advise not inviting her to be around your children. For just some alone time, though, go for it!
RandomDancer; Relax. My stripper friend is 31. My daughter is 31 and my son is 30. Hardly kids anymore. Oh and I'll be 66 next month and will be still just be looking to have fun.
Oops. I guess because you called them "kids" I assumed they were just that... kids/minors. But then, my mom says anyone under 50 is a kid! In that case, if everyone is cool with it, have all the fun you want under the mistletoe!
If our spinner friend can make it to my brother's house for Christmas, then I, myself, got what I wanted for Christmas, and that was to see him extremely happy! Other than that, if all fails, I'll keep him company if he so desires. (not like our spinner friend though, hehehe)
I'll be out of town from Dec 22 - 26th. Actually, landing back in ATL on the evening of the 26th, so I guess that night would work for me. Plus, I'd be down by the airport with you South Siders.
trojangreg - You bet I'm in! Been years since I've been to an Atlanta club! You know Santa has to be hiding in one of those hot clubs on Christmas evening! My Ohio family might be a bit shocked of my sudden departure, but The Cat has become part of "my" family now. Hell, just this past Thanksgiving, I opted to spend it with a former high school sweetheart in Texas! We didn't "click", but it was more my choice about the "clicking". LOL
TimboAtl - No promises on my part, but if I'm 'there' on Christmas day, I'll make it a point to be 'there' for at least another day or two, if the Cat puts me up.
I'm getting together with my ATF sometime between Christmas and New Year's Day - she's coming home to visit. We'll probably do some shopping so I can get her something, followed by lunch or dinner and off to the airport. It's won't be quite like getting naked in front of a fire, but it will be fun.
I'm getting together with my ATF sometime between Christmas and New Year's Day - she's coming home to visit. We'll probably do some shopping so I can get her something, followed by lunch or dinner and off to the airport. It's won't be quite like getting naked in front of a fire, but it will be fun.
Bones: I will put you up anytime. I have 3 unused bedrooms. Xmas eve will be a blast. My kids will be there and there is going to be a block party. A contained bon fire and lots of booze and food. I will be making my famous chili. We will lite up the whole block with luminaries. A southern tradition. Xmas day is another story. My kids will be with my EX and if I don't convince my spinner friend to come over, it will be lonely. But No time for you to visit. This town will shut down as will Atlanta. I do appreciate the offer and those by Greg and Timbo. Looking foreward to the spring convention in Columbia
Shadowcat - No problem. Just wanted to offer my company in case you needed some...... other than and hopefull 'spinner' company. When I first heard you may be spending Chrismas Day alone, I said NO WAY! NO WAY was my brother going to be alone on Christmas Day!! I'll go ahead and make plans with my daughter Christmas eve and Christmas day. But, if you change your mind, don't hesitate to let me know. My old computer is about to go out and not sure if I can get to use my yahoo mail system, this is why the thread is so lengthy. (sorry to my fellow readers). New Dell being ordered now by my stepson. Should have it within a week.
Bones: of all the hundreds of strip club reviews you have done, I have never seen one for Atlanta. Maybe after the holidays are over you can come down. I will put you up. Maybe Greg and Timbo and Strip Shopper and a couple of others can show you Atlanta's worst and make you appreciate why we drive so far to Columbia. IT's time for the spinner to shit or get off the pot. I'll be drunk but I will be fine.
Good idea pop. Housemom, get her a ticket, make sure she can't cash it in to buy her drugs! Oooops! LOL
I'll make arrangements to fly into ATL after first of the year. Instead of using Continental and having to go to IAH or EWR, then ATL, send me a B pass so I can come in direct. I had been to a couple of the ATL clubs while in the service, but that was back in the mid 80s. I'm sure they've changed. After the holidays, let's set up a date.
Bones: You know that I can afford the $26 round trip air fare for her and it would probably be about the same for you but you also must know that because it is all electronic now, she would have to give me a lot of personal information. Not sure that she would be willing to do that.
Superdude: It's approx 240 miles from where she lives to where I live. A limo is out of the question. I have printed Map Quest directions. Just in case. I will find out in the next couple of days.
last commentIn that case, if everyone is cool with it, have all the fun you want under the mistletoe!
TimboAtl - No promises on my part, but if I'm 'there' on Christmas day, I'll make it a point to be 'there' for at least another day or two, if the Cat puts me up.
I'll make arrangements to fly into ATL after first of the year. Instead of using Continental and having to go to IAH or EWR, then ATL, send me a B pass so I can come in direct. I had been to a couple of the ATL clubs while in the service, but that was back in the mid 80s. I'm sure they've changed. After the holidays, let's set up a date.
Superdude: It's approx 240 miles from where she lives to where I live. A limo is out of the question. I have printed Map Quest directions. Just in case. I will find out in the next couple of days.
OK, the grown children were nestled all snug in their beds ... Did Shadowcat get a chance to warm his yule log ?